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If you would like to see the James Bond actor Daniel Craig completely Ace a role with a heavy “ Ah shucks” southern drawl in the murder mystery “Glass Onion”,  one show worth the cost of a monthly Netflix subscription, I really enjoyed it. It was touted as a spoof on Elon Musk, but I did not see that strong a connection.


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2 hours ago, xero said:

My 1st instinct is to paste whatever they say here:

If it's too long then I know there's no point in trying to parse the letters into words.

Did I ever tell you about the app Tom Brexit downloaded to keep track of how many times Tom Irregardless said the I-word in his public talks?

Seriously, I do find that the 240 character limit of Twitter a good discipline for pruning unnecessarily long remarks. But here on the World News Media Forum there is no such discipline and the sky's the limit.

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Sorry to inform the poster "witness" the YouTube video is meaningless as it is hearsay. When an immoral person starts a conversation with, "it leads me to believe," that person shouldn't be believed, just like the one who posted the video. 

These people want to be a YouTube sensation. Famous ignorant posters.

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On 1/2/2023 at 4:18 PM, Pudgy said:

If you would like to see the James Bond actor Daniel Craig completely Ace a role with a heavy “ Ah shucks” southern drawl in the murder mystery “Glass Onion”,  one show worth the cost of a monthly Netflix subscription, I really enjoyed it. It was touted as a spoof on Elon Musk, but I did not see that strong a connection.

Sunday night, I started to watch this at about 2:30 am, while my wife was sleeping next to me. But the TV Soundbar speaker needs a high setting for regular TV and a low setting for Netflix. So when I switched between HDMI's to get to Netflix I forgot to turn down the volume, and got that 100-decibel GONG that introduces Netflix. She woke up and told me to turn the TV off, which I did.

And then I saw your recommendation on Monday. So I watched it. Yes, it was an overused setup for that kind of detective movie, but quite entertaining. And somehow they worked in a James Bond style ending that we might associate with Daniel Craig. And the most unexpected ending with Ed Norton in blackface, and the Mona Lisa in blackface, twice (-- if you know what I mean).

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18 hours ago, Moise Racette said:

When an immoral person starts a conversation with, "it leads me to believe," that person shouldn't be believed, just like the one who posted the video.

I have no idea about his morality, Moise, but he mumbled something that almost sounded like ‘Wallkill Bethelite’ at the beginning, then proceeded to speak as if he had no inside idea of:

1) what disfellowshipping is; carries on as if it is a permanent state with no way out

2) Repeatedly refers to JW’s as a cult

3) Signs off with an audible “Ex-Wallkill Bethelite“

4) Repeatedly: speaks negatively about JWs and proposes legal or community action against JW’s because of their religious beliefs and practices.

To save anyone from wasting their time listening to this, this man is an Apostate. 

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58 minutes ago, Amidstheroses said:

I have no idea about his morality


59 minutes ago, Amidstheroses said:

to this, this man is an Apostate

By definition, an apostate is an immoral person. It goes toward the character of a person.

Adjective immoral - /ɪmˈɔɹəl/

1 Deliberately violating accepted principles of right and wrong

2 Not adhering to ethical or moral principles

Cheating is immoral

The investigation found immoral practices in handling public funds

They considered communism immoral

Thesaurus Synonym base Antonym moral Attribute morality Derived immorality Similar debauched degenerate degraded disgraceful dissipated dissolute fast libertine profligate riotous scandalous scrofulous shameful shocking wrong See also amoral evil non-moral unchaste unrighteous wicked

Something else that hasn't been discussed in the news is, were these two individuals actually baptized publishers or unbaptized publishers (associates). News media don't make that kind of distinction. They just assume, just because a person attends a church, they are dedicated church members.

The point is, it's a tragedy regardless of what their motives might have been.

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8 hours ago, Amidstheroses said:

I have no idea about his morality, Moise, but he mumbled something that almost sounded like ‘Wallkill Bethelite’ at the beginning, then proceeded to speak as if he had no inside idea of:

1) what disfellowshipping is; carries on as if it is a permanent state with no way out

2) Repeatedly refers to JW’s as a cult

3) Signs off with an audible “Ex-Wallkill Bethelite“

4) Repeatedly: speaks negatively about JWs and proposes legal or community action against JW’s because of their religious beliefs and practices.

To save anyone from wasting their time listening to this, this man is an Apostate. 

He has many videos explaining his time in Bethel.  And he is fully aware of what disfellowshipping involves.

Anyone who continues to obey men and their doctrine that fails consistently, and which cannot be proven by the teachings of Jesus Christ or blessed by Jesus, is in a spiritual cult. He told us we would know false prophets/teachers by their "fruits"/teachings.  If we avoid his council, then we are listening to men. ( Matt 7:15-20)  We don't choose the doctrine of men over the doctrine of Christ, but isn't that what JWs do? If the GB decided to change their foundation date to another date, doesn't that prove they have been lying all of these years?  But what will JWs do if this was to happen?  Most, will remain in the grip of lies, for fear of losing status, family and friends.  (Isa 2:22; Matt 15:9)  They will will believe, as all JWs have believed for decades, that Jesus and the Father are providing them with "new light" - and the "old light" which was truly a lie,  was called "truth" at the proper time.  This is such blasphemy against the Father and the Son, who is  unchanging truth, and never would he lie or mislead his true disciples.  Only the father of the lie would practice such deceit. 

So, who is the apostate?



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7 hours ago, Moise Racette said:

By definition, an apostate is an immoral person

Apostasy according to the Bible is defection from the truth of Christ.  It is the love of fabrications, which is a spiritual immorality.  (Eph 4:14; 2 Tim 4:3; 1 Tim 4:1;  Rev 2:20-21; 18:4-8)

Biblical apostasy -

1 Tim 6:3 – the teachings of false doctrines.  Where do we start listing the false/failed doctrines of the governing leaders?  You have a list at your disposal that includes most, but not all changed/false/failed doctrines.

1 Tim 1:3 – your leaders demanding attention to the false doctrine.

2 Tim 4:4 – the teaching of “myths” – “this generation”, which is only ONE of many.

Luke 21:8 – following men who are false prophets.  Matt 24:24,25  Should I list the failed dates for Armageddon?

Rom 16:17 – creating divisions – do we serve men and the organization, or do we give God exclusive devotion?  Rev 13:1,2,4  Instead of exalting an earthly organization, shouldn't we exalt the Father and the Son?  

1 John 2:6 – those who claim that they are following Jesus Christ, yet collect wealth, power, dominance over their own brothers and sisters in Christ.  Matt 24:48-51  I cannot imagine those 8 arrogant men, who demand obedience to the DOCTRINE OF MEN over the doctrine of Jesus Christ, ever following in the footsteps of Jesus.  Arrogant men would never consider lowering themselves to such humility that Christ suffered. 

“Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take up my yoke and learn from me, because I am lowly and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  Matt 11:28

The “apostates” according to the Bible are in your organization.  The proof is in the “fruit” it has produced.  Matt 7:15-20

The “apostates” labeled as such outside the organization are according to the doctrine of men. Rev 13:11,12,15

The greatest apostasy that this organization has committed?  The replacing of God’s priesthood with the massive army of elders who "represent the royal priesthood.   For that, they will answer to Jesus, at his coming. 

Ezek 44:6-9,23; 1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22; Matt 24:15,16;Mark 13:14; 2 Thess 2:3,4,7-12; Rev 11:1,2; Rev 13:1,2,5-7; 9:1-5; 14:9-12

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