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I have not read the Book of James for over 50 years, so this is a good opportunity for you to “show me up”, with actual proof, instead of diversionary innuendo and slander, ad hominem attacks and obfuscation.

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Understandable. I can see why the poster has become uneducated in scripture, especially when scripture means nothing to the poster.

But since the poster has failed to understand the words of Apostle James and those indicated in 1 Corinthians, then James is referring to, at war with God by not just those Anti-Christians that you refer to as worldly people but also those within the establishment by which are being condemned, by the lack of obedience or don't follow God's commands. The shift was meant to be metaphor for those in conflict by continuing to be part of this world.

A good reason for James to revert to the thought written in Exodus 20:5. What are the consequences and sins of the ancestors?

It appears everyone that has entered this forum lacks bible understanding, which is a shame. But it's never too late to learn. 

Now about the ad hominem attacks, check your own poster, then I will check mine!

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Pretty sad …. You can’t even quote a scripture and the context.

Here’s how:

”  <——- begin with quotation marks,

………….  <——— insert 1/2 page context,

………….  <——— insert scripture,

………….   <——- insert the 1/2 page context,

”  <——- end with quotation marks.

It’s really not that hard, Moise.

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5 hours ago, Pudgy said:

Ok, I will let you supply the answer, as I am too lazy to look it up. The scripture, in context with the general subject of what was being discussed before and after the scripture you quoted …. Was James talking to worldly people, or about strife inside the Congregation?

That is the Elephant in the room you refuse to address ….. and it’s YOUR ELEPHANT!

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18 minutes ago, Moise Racette said:

Then the dog is blind. Perhaps, the dog should learn to read!! 😅

Fitch the stick boy, Fitch!! 😅

Diversion number 8.

….and perhaps Moise boy should learn to spell FETCH!



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31 minutes ago, Moise Racette said:

Then the dog is blind. Perhaps, the dog should learn to read!! 😅

Fitch the stick boy, Fitch!! 😅

Diversion number 8.

….and perhaps Moise boy should learn to spell FETCH!


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So … You just admitted trying to obfuscate the issue 8 times …

Now it’s nine times! 

37 minutes ago, Moise Racette said:

My 8 to your 144. You are the one that needs to prove God wrong about killing, and murder. 

I present for your consideration the following:

1.) NINE TIMES you tried to divert from having to post the scripture YOU PROVIDED in context, to refute my viewpoint, and,

2.) The Brother who was not allowed to marry at a Kingdom Hall who committed suicide had his funeral at a Kingdom Hall, and if he had murdered anyone, as Snowflakes extrapolate, his funeral at the KH WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN PERMITTED if he had, and, 

3.) The TWO Biblical examples of those did kill themselves were never disparaged in any way by God or Jew for doing so, and, 

4.) It was common practice for Jews about to be captured by cruel enemies to suicide …. Ever read about the Roman siege of the mountain top Jewish fortress of Masada? About 900 Jews in one night suicided rather than be captured, and finally,

5.) NOWHERE IN THE BIBLE is suicide forbidden or even disparaged.

….. go fitch!

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Yes! I proved you can't commit to an educated bible discussion without reverting to your nonsense as usual. Make it 10 to your 244. Learn scripture, or at least defend why you think man's laws are better than God's laws. That's your obtuse stance, prove it!!

While you continue in your unrepentant ways here that, the Org know about; the good thing, you'll never be reinstated.

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