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30 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

And here goes another one, someone brought up this one in another community, another shooting, with Jehovah's Witnesses involved, as targets. the case in of itself is interesting because it seems like the shooter is a 15 year old teenager - Police identified the suspect as a 15-year-old boy, whose name was not released by police. The boy is not in custody, according to police. 

I’m sure they gave him a stern warning, though, not to do it again.

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17 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

Perhaps the victim did not press charges?

Perhaps, but it is wise to wait and see for a conclusion since they're still investigating, some people like to jump and abandon ship not realizing life boats are being prepared, so to speak. But of course, there will probably be some people, Marcus types, who will spin this shooting too disregarding the police report. There is already a lot of shootings taking place.

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The report is suggesting 2 separate incidents. An investigation will conclude if these 2 incidents are LINKED. Meanwhile, the county attorney has made its recommendation on the firearms. Those charges include an arrest for them. If they are out on bail, that's the law until they end up in court. If they do a plea bargain, and the county finds out the other incident is linked, the plea bargain will be voided, as a judge will not allow that plea bargain to stand.

If it is proven that that shot fired killed a person, then that charge will be added to the current charge. Police departments can't afford to speculate. The question for them now is, was it premeditated?

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On 2/17/2023 at 3:11 PM, Moise Racette said:

The report is suggesting 2 separate incidents. An investigation will conclude if these 2 incidents are LINKED. Meanwhile, the county attorney has made its recommendation on the firearms. Those charges include an arrest for them. If they are out on bail, that's the law until they end up in court. If they do a plea bargain, and the county finds out the other incident is linked, the plea bargain will be voided, as a judge will not allow that plea bargain to stand.

If it is proven that that shot fired killed a person, then that charge will be added to the current charge. Police departments can't afford to speculate. The question for them now is, was it premeditated?

There's also the whole mental breakdown factor. Mental Illness being on the rise has caused a lot of people to ultimately take some kind of action on others even groups before they target themselves. Either that or it is mixed in with some sort of online influence that's for sure. 

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1 hour ago, Equivocation said:

There's also the whole mental breakdown factor. Mental Illness being on the rise has caused a lot of people to ultimately take some kind of action on others even groups before they target themselves. Either that or it is mixed in with some sort of online influence that's for sure. 

Agreeable assessment. We'll see if those cases are linked. If they are, then attempted murder will be added to the gun charge, and if a person died, then murder will be added on the state level. If those people targeted a specific group, then federal charges can be sought, like solicitation to commit a crime, or better, a hate crime. 

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On 2/21/2023 at 4:58 PM, Equivocation said:

There's also the whole mental breakdown factor. Mental Illness being on the rise has caused a lot of people to ultimately take some kind of action on others even groups before they target themselves. Either that or it is mixed in with some sort of online influence that's for sure. 

Often times people ignore this. If one Christian has a mental break down and does something, commit to harm of self and or others, for example, The Michigan State University shooting, the man who took the lives of 3 was a lonely Christian man in some sources. Because of his actions, as with any case regarding people with faith, people will brand us as crazy because of the actions of one mental problematic person. Similar to this, you have a similar situation as well which was making the rounds concerning one of your leaders, Mark Stephen Lett, whose facial appearance reminds me of the Bounce by the Ounce guy, whereas he was blamed by EXJWs for the actions of a mental ill person in Ecuador who is of your faith community concerning a baby who lost it's life, they went as far as to connect the situation to said leader of your faith. The truth of the matter is that this was false, and the video was taken out of context, to push the idea that your faith community has little to no care for babies in or recently coming out of the womb. When the video isn't clip and the context is found, his notion was that people, even from birth, are born sinners. And of course, this isn't the first time things aid has been taken out of context; when people are agenda driven, they will twist truths and lies to trick people, in turn, it CAN cause people to even try to harm others in the worse possible way, such as the story in question about the murder suicide.

The mental ill are the disabled souls who have legitimate issues, some of which, will be in need of support, including when they do take actions outside of their own will, then you have those, be it among them or not, who willfully partake in ill action of their own accord, as is being influenced by ill intent, those are the mental depraved ones to be careful about. Even outside of mental illness, most among the unaware are depraved in today's society.

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9 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

The mental ill are the disabled souls who have legitimate issues, some of which, will be in need of support, including when they do take actions outside of their own will, then you have those, be it among them or not, who willfully partake in ill action of their own accord, as is being influenced by ill intent, those are the mental depraved ones to be careful about. Even outside of mental illness, most among the unaware are depraved in today's society.

While the statements are agreeable as I stated, we have to keep in mind they don't have 100% surety. Having personal experience helps aid in the assessment, when it comes to intend. The reason some people will plead insanity in a commission of a crime. Law enforcement is not only cynical but cautious.





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@Moise Racette Agreed, however, as you already know, it won't stop anyone who is in opposition to something or someone to make their own assumption and push it as a truth. The people similar to whom Witness brings up (like Ex-Bethel Marcus), as did Srecko (Grifter and Red District Adventurer Lloyd Evans), are blaming one of a JW leader, with the idea of enticing murder of infants by using clipped videos, and days after that a situation took place, and they tried to link that mental illness situation with the JW leader and push it as a truth, gain support for the Washington DC event they have planned, which will fail, as is throw anger and hatred towards the community, obviously stuff like this will influence people, and a single soul could take action, which is bad.

They already did this with the shooting in December, and they'll do the same with the shooting involving the underage boy.

So, in this sense, not only CSA is weaponized, Mental Illness, is also weaponized as well, which is sadistic in all sense.

That being said, just like CSA prevention, people with an axe to grind will not read things about mental illness, instead, they spark accusations and assume things.

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On 2/23/2023 at 10:44 AM, Space Merchant said:

as well which was making the rounds concerning one of your leaders, Mark Stephen Lett, whose facial appearance reminds me of the Bounce by the Ounce guy, whereas

I think the diplomatic way to put this is that ‘it can readily be seen that the organization does not use paid actors.’

On 2/23/2023 at 10:44 AM, Space Merchant said:

[his] video was taken out of context, to push the idea that your faith community has little to no care for babies in or recently coming out of the womb. 

Boy, oh boy, did the crazies ever go bonkers on that one! Still, for a people who carry on about choosing just the right word as the palate tastes caviare, it was sort of a clumsy statement, necessitating a reply:


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11 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

it was sort of a clumsy statement,

Do some children grow up to be murders? In what society do you personally think that doesn't happen? If science could take that gene out of a human, then maybe that wouldn't be a worry at birth. Personally, babies are susceptible to the environment they are brought up in. Not every child, but some. Others are subjected to an environment they think they can handle. When they can't, then they become mass murderers.

Even rich kids can be evil from the start. There are no written rules when it becomes a product of the environment or upbringing.

But then again, if scientists could take all the evil genes, they would be Gods.

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11 hours ago, Moise Racette said:

Do some children grow up to be murders? In what society do you personally think that doesn't happen? If science could take that gene out of a human, then maybe that wouldn't be a worry at birth. Personally, babies are susceptible to the environment they are brought up in. Not every child, but some. Others are subjected to an environment they think they can handle. When they can't, then they become mass murderers.

Come come, Moise. You miss the whole point of the talk. Of course what you say is true, but Lett wasn’t speaking at all of those things. He was just inartfully referring to how we are born as offspring of Adam, natural inheritors of sin, and thus automatically start off on the wrong foot from God’s point of view. 


11 hours ago, Moise Racette said:

But then again, if scientists could take all the evil genes, they would be Gods.

Some of them are working on it.

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