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5 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Adam, natural inheritors of sin, and thus automatically start off on the wrong foot from God’s point of view. 

I think the operative word is predisposed.

5 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Some of them are working on it.

Do you honestly think they ever will? I don't recall when God gave man permission to alter his creation. I don't believe he is well pleased with the cloning going on with animals or hybrids.

I'm not saying there aren't mad or evil scientists that experiment. There is. Mengele comes to mind. There's a special place for them. Dante called it the 9 circles of hell. I think that's where mystics believe Judas resides in the center. In the upper quadrant, apostates. lol! 

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@TrueTomHarley Indeed, people who take things out of context and use their own narrative can be crazy, just as crazy as those who follow them. Recently debated guy who says he is Christian, this person is very quick to attack, disparage, and mock people, specifically women regardless of their age be it they are good or bad, and 100% brands them as harlots, equating them to women who do provocative immoral things online.

He he himself debated a woman prior my response to him, who he angered and recorded or posted her reaction, and he justified via using 1 Timothy 2:12 out of context twisting it in a way to attack the person in question, all while making vulgar statements the woman and her husband in question; all of them being mainstream Christians, therefore all practices things unclean, even recently he angered some Catholic woman who became very expletive and threatening herself, and he was later found out to, in a debate with someone, he outright went after the man's wife after finding her online, and making vulgar comments, angering this person.

He was corrected by me and several people, but his followers, which he dubs his zombie brigade and warband, attack the truth of Paul's words. With support from his followers, his statement was simply, "I don't give an F, and I bet if Jesus was here, he'd agree with and drink a few beers with me." and "ok, but women who are childless and support feminism are not Christian."

Long story short, many people like this guy are out there. the person in question has quite the rap sheet (from what I can learn of this person), such as - Was found out to be possibly watched by the FBI due to a concern co worker who reported him, which resulted in Paypal cutting ties with him, prompting him to make threats of executing the anonymous person who did it. Has made extremely sexualized and vulgar comments to women online, even underaged. Has got into a heated argument with many people, including a 16 year old girl who, when her brother, got involved, she was attacked and harassed by this person's followers. The girl challenged him on the bible vs his views. He is also very childish.

How I got roped into that debate, I unintentionally made a remark to someone, which in turn, brought me response into that debate itself.

So the example like what the EXJWs are doing, as with others, even this guy I mentioned here, people need to be careful of things (for young boys, they should avoid the example mentioned), whom they follow, whom they listen to, like I said in the past, social media is where a lot of bad folks hang out, even predators, who can influence, turn the victim toxic themselves and or lure them.


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2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

(for young boys, they should avoid the example mentioned), whom they follow, whom they listen to, like I said in the past, social media is where a lot of bad folks hang out, even predators, who can influence, turn the victim toxic themselves and or lure them.

I would say, the parents take the lead and should bear the responsibility to protect their children first. When others see the lack of responsibility coming from parents that lack interest in their own children, then outside education can help. Such education children receive from an educational institution or religion.

Parents or victims cannot simply shift the blame when their parents failed. A child warned in many ways by a religious institution or an institution of higher education and has dealt with society growing up cannot come back 30 years later to say I didn't understand. Where was that person when sex education was being taught in class? Where was that individual's interest when such things were being discussed by their parents?

  • But as early as 1912, the National Education Association called for teacher training programs in sexuality education. In 1940, the U.S. Public Health Service strongly advocated sexuality education in the schools, labeling it an “urgent need.” In 1953, the American School Health Association launched a nationwide program in family life education.

Does that excuse a child molester, a sexual deviant, or a porn freak? NO! That's why the wicked are punished, under Caesars and Gods laws.

Where does that leave the education institution? Can a school be punished because a child became a victim? In the past, thinking people didn't think so. People in today's society that are politically motivated are now shifting the blame that should have started with the parents and their household, to accountability with institutions and religion. Satan's design by manipulating man's laws.

Therefore, when people think and want to discuss such a problem, then it must be done in a fashion of solutions rather than blame. There is plenty of BLAME to go around to the ignorant. It begins with the parents.

I recall a case where a MOTHER encouraged her daughter to have sex with older men, so the mother could continue with her drug addiction. Later, a lawyer seeking a payout told her she could sue the city for failing to protect her. That person lost, and later that flaky lawyer was disbarred.

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I would say to interested people. First, and foremost, LEARN the laws of the land, before any discussion is made. Then understand God's Laws, so there won't be a conflict between them. Then keep it in JW Closed Club where anything goes with disgruntled people.

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