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GB Helper R. Luccioni - Guard Yourself Respecting a Treacherous Spirit (Mal. 2:15)


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The use of the word, “treachery” in the Bible is defined as an untruth, a sham; “lying words spoken by a lying witness” (Deut 19:18), “to prophesy false things” (Jer 5:31; 29:9).    Treachery is “whatever deceives”, whatever is a fraud. (Ps 33:17)


Whoever deliberately deceives by calling a lie, the “truth”, is a traitor to truth.  Jesus was basically telling the Pharisees that they were traitors, having come under the rule of their father the liar, who is the ultimate creator of treachery.  (Gen 3:2-4; John 8:44; Eph 6:11; Isa 33:1) They taught the doctrine of men and rebelled against truth in Jesus Christ. (Mark 7:7; Matt 16:6; John 7:16-18; Eph 4:14) 

At three or four years old, my youngest once told me that he wanted to climb into the television and become part of the animated film he was watching.  In his little mind, he was wishing for the make-believe to become his reality, if only for a short while.  Satan’s artwork can appear pleasantly inviting, using ideas that adults are familiar with, such as the modern concept of organization to lead them into his appealing, illustrated works of deceit. (Deut 13:1-5; Col 2:8; Job 5:12; Eph 6:11; 1 Tim 4:1; 2 Tim 4:3-4)  

In the Wt. religion, he will twist the word of God to subjugate God’s chosen genuine witnesses and priests of God (Isa 43:10,21; 1 Pet 2:5,9,10; 1 Cor 3:16; Eph 2:20-22)

to become traitors of Truth. (Isa 59:2,13; Hos 4:6; Matt 24:4-5,24-25;2 Cor 11:3-4,13-15; 1 John 4:1)

He will depict his inspiration as upright and full of wisdom, as if blessed by Heaven itself.  (Rom 16:17-18; Gal 1:8-9; 2 Tim 3:4-5; Rev 13:1-2,4,11, 14-15,10,19:20)

His most famous work of treachery in the last days, may be generally unnoticed by the world of humankind, but it is a hidden deception enacted against God, against His Son, and those who are chosen to carry God’s word in their hearts, the anointed priesthood of “Israel”.  (2 Pet 2:1-3; Rom 2:5-8)  (Rom 2:28,29; Col 2:11; 2 Cor 3:3; Heb 8:10)   

Satan knows his time to abort the kingdom of God, is brief (Rev 12:12; 20:3). 
He is using every machination he has, against the "remaining ones of the woman's seed" (Rev 12:17,9,15; 16:13-16; 20:7-8; 9:11; 13:1,4).
For good reason, Christ warned us to "Keep Awake!" (Luke 21:36).

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When we willingly fill our heart with the teachings of demons spoken by Satan’s ministers, we also become traitors against God and His Son. (Ps 5:6; 12:2; Jer 9:2; Prov 14:25; Matt 12:34; 1 Tim 4:1; 2 Thess 2:9-10; 2 Cor 4:3) Unless you have awakened to the act of treachery you took part in, the deep intertwined roots of bitterness running under the surface of the organization, will go unnoticed and appear as an innocent religion doing its utmost to preach “the good news”.   (Deut 29:17-19; 32:32; Eph 4:17-18; Heb 3:12-13; 12:15; Prov 4:23; Rev 8:10-11; 2:20)

In a recent “Morning Worship” video, a GB Helper Robert Luccioni delved into the acts of treachery by using Mal 2:15. This scripture is speaking directly to God’s priests who were profaning the covenant God made with their ancestor Levi. 

What were these priests doing? They had profaned the sanctuary where they ministered to the Lord by not upholding His pure teachings. (Mal 2:7) They were breaking their covenant of marriage with those “of their youth”, seeking a divorce to marry foreign women “of a foreign god”. As a result, all of Israel was suffering from their detestable practices committed by the priesthood.  (Mal 2:13-14,11,8,5-7)

Mal 2:16 – “He that rejects her, sending her away, said the LORD God of Israel, covers the violence with his garment, said the LORD of the hosts; therefore take heed in your spirit, and do not be treacherous.” (JUB)

Nehemiah’s account of this profanity committed by the priests is in chapter 13, verses 23-30.  He severely reprimanded them, driving out their pagan wives, even children, and sending them back to their nations for this reason:

“Didn’t King Solomon of Israel sin in matters like this? There was not a king like him among many nations. He was loved by his God and God made him king over all Israel, yet foreign women drew him into sin. 27 Why then should we hear about you doing all this terrible evil and acting unfaithfully against our God by marrying foreign women?” Neh 13:26,27

As Malachi had said, Nehemiah stated that they had defiled the ministry of the Levitical priesthood and had broken their covenant with God by not practicing and upholding His statues. (Ezek 22:26)

He followed up with the discipline by saying,– “I purified the people from everything foreign; I prepared regulations for the priests and the Levites so that all of them would know their duties.”    Neh 13:30

The JW elder used Mal 2:15 to reflect on treachery that can happen between a husband and wife, two friends, and of course he would mention assumed treachery committed against the organization, as well as “Jehovah”.  His scriptural examples were valid, yet the acts of treachery that has been in operation for over a hundred years has affected all JWs and is especially directed toward all God’s anointed priests down to today.  His point made in Mal 2:15 can aptly apply to them; “guard yourselves respecting your spirit”. They have let their spiritual guard down, resulting in breaking their covenant with Jesus by following the edicts of adulterous governing leaders, who brought them into an idolatrous affair with the “woman” covenant, “Babylon the Great”.  ( 2 Chron 24:20; Luke 4:5-7; Matt 24:24; Prov 5:3-4; 1 Cor 6:15-16,19-20; 2 Cor 11:2-4; Eph 5:23; Col 2:19; Rev 2:20; Rev 17:1-2,5; Isa 28:15,18)

These men who rule over Israel, can be likened to Absalom who was briefly mentioned by the speaker, and who committed treason against his own father’s reign, King David. (2 Samuel 15:10,13) Today, an “evil slave” with its massive army of “Gentiles” has committed treason by successfully robbing God’s High Priest Jesus Christ, of his headship, his kingship, over his body of anointed priests/kings.

Any priest who stands up against this blasphemous hierarchy to defend their King and his truth, is disfellowshipped. (John 16:2; Rev 11:1-3,7; 13:1,2,7,11,12,15; Rev 12:7)

The organization’s composite leadership can also be likened to the idolatrous, vengeful Haman, who wished to kill every Jew including Mordecai who refused to bow down to him.  This traitor convinced King Ahasuerus to pass an unbreakable decree, stating all Jews were to be annihilated.  Brave Queen Esther stood up for her people in front of the King and exposed Haman’s act of treachery.  He received his divine retribution.  (Esther 3:2-6,8; 7:3-6,10)

The replacement of God’s priesthood with “Gentile” elders has been gradual; an act of treachery so deceitfully smooth that the anointed have blindly accepted this arrangement as “food at the proper time”. Will these “living stones” of God’s spiritual Temple, follow Queen Esther’s example and challenge the abomination that now “stands in the holy place” – the Temple of God, even if it means losing the “life” they know while in the organization? (Jer 2:8,13; Dan 11:36,31-32; Ezek 44:6-9; Matt 24:15-16; Mark 13:14; 2 Thess 2:3-4; 1 Cor 3:16-17; Rev 13:7; Rev 9:1-4; 13:4,15; John 16:2; Mark 8:34-36; Rev 11:1-3,7,11-12;12:10-11; Rev 15:2; 3:21;1 Cor 15:54-55). 

The event in the book of Esther took place when the Jews were released from captivity of Babylon. Ezra, Nehemiah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi and Zerubbabel, all had a part in the restoration of Jerusalem’s Temple and wall in the presence of resistance; either from foreigners and their treachery, or from the Jews themselves, when facing the constant bombardment from the opposition’s ploys.  

Ezra faced the traitorous attempts from enemies who tried desperately to thwart the restoration of the temple and true worship, claiming that Jerusalem was a political and financial threat and demanded an end to the rebuilding work. (Ezra chapter 4)  

Haggai reports that the opposition caused Israel to shrink back in fear from working on the temple. As a result, God’s people declared that the time had not come to “rebuild the house of the Lord”. (Haggai 1:2-9; Ezra 4:24)

 Both Haggai and Zechariah were instrumental in motivating repentance and the turning back to God, as well as giving the promise of the Messiah and his eternal Kingdom to come. (Zech 3:1-10; Haggai 1:12-13)

Zerubbabel the governor, led God’s people back to Jerusalem from Babylon, and initiating the building process of the altar and foundation of the temple, seeing the project through to its finish.  (Ezra 5:1-2; Haggai 1:14; Zech 4:6,9-10)

In many aspects the accounts of these men sent by God, can be applied to the temple restoration work today, which results in the genuine restoration of pure worship outside of the organization. (Isa 30:19-21; Dan 11:32-35;12:1-3; 2 Cor 6:14-18; Eph 5:8-14)

The cleansing of the anointed priesthood of their idolatry and sins while in “Babylon”, is happening now. God has not abandoned His Temple dwelling of “living stones” to destruction.  For those who heed the warning to leave “Babylon”, He has sent His messenger, guiding them in “restoring all things” in Christ, through the direction of Holy Spirit. (Mal 3:1-4; Luke 1:17; Matt 17:1-3,10-11; 2 Cor 13:11; Rev 3:8,18-20; 18:4-5; Zech 4:6-10)

But for the priesthood within the organization, all active sacrifices of praise in truth required by God’s priests of His Temple, have been banned. These royal “kings of the earth” (Rev 1:5-6; 5:9-10), have let their spiritual guard down to the point of allowing themselves to be silenced.  (Mal 2:7; 1 Pet 2:5; 1 Cor 3:16; Heb 13:15; Dan 8:11-13; Isa 29:4)

There is no gathering as a body under their Head, Jesus Christ. An army of “Gentiles” – a superior “body of elders”/”man of lawlessness” keeps them well caged in a prison of deception.  (Ezek 38:10-11,15; Joel 2:1-2,4,17; Rev 9:7-10,6; Luke 19:43-44; 21:6,24; Rev 16:13-16; 20:7-9)

The authority of this “man of lawlessness”, an arrogant, treacherous “Beast”, must not be challenged. (Ps 52:2-4; 2 Thess 2:3-4,9-10; Rev 9:11; 13:1-2,5-7) God’s priests have been deceived into believing that the time has not come to be an active Temple priesthood, while alive on earth.  (1 Cor 7:23; 2 Cor 11:4,20; Gal 1:10)

The acts of modern treachery against God’s holy people, are through the backing of Satan, who desires to kill all “kings of the earth” belonging to Jesus Christ, to preserve and defend his failing kingdom. (1 Pet 5:8; Eph 6:12-13; Rev 12:15;20:7-10)  

The traitor Judas, mentioned by the elder speaker, was his instrument who led Jesus to his death sentence; and the “man of lawlessness”/elder body is his instrument today.  Please consider this article, which explains how Judas’ role as the betrayer of Christ, is reflected in the role of the elder body of the organization.  The article also clears up the speaker’s false teachings about Judas. 

He brought up Heb 12:15, mentioning how vital it is to pull out the poisonous root of bitterness, and stop it from growing within one’s heart. In Rev 8:10-11, a bright star (Matt 5:14; Phil 2:15), well seen by all who are captivated by its marvelous works, is Wormwood, the bitter root that rose up among the “elect” to deceive and lead many into destruction. (Matt 24:24-25; Acts 20:29-31; 2 Pet 2:1-2; Rev 13:11-13)

This composite “false prophet” pollutes any living water of Christ’s truth that an individual’s heart may have held.  (John 7:38)  Satan has accomplished his greatest act of treachery– his artistry of deceptive wicked falsehoods, with the assistance of Wormwood. (Zech 5:5-11; Prov 5:5;7:27; Rev 9:1; Rev 13:11-12; 17:3-4,18)

Only by leaving the organization can we pull out the effect of bitterness, of treachery and treason against Jesus Christ and truth, that we’ve experienced under the rulership of the two Beasts of Revelation. (Isa 57:18-21; Heb 12:7,10-11;2 Tim 2:25-26; 1 Pet 5:10)

The speaker asked a question that can apply to the demise of Wormwood, the adulterous leaders of “Israel”.  He said, “how do we go about digging up a poisonous root?”  Wormwood will be plucked out in disgrace, by the organization itself.  God will put it in their hearts to carry out His will.  (Jer 4:30; 13:25-26; Ezek 16:15-16,33,37; Rev 17:12-13,16) 

At the coming of the Kingdom of God, Wormwood will face condemnation by fire. (Prov 2:22; Matt 15:13; Rev 19:20; Jer 23:29)

What the elder Helper offers for advice is “empty philosophy”, since he has played a major part himself as a counterfeit priest representing the organizational idol, and standing where he doesn’t belong; that is, ruling over the royal priesthood and Temple of God. (Col 2:8; Mark 13:14; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 9:7-11; 13:1,2,4-7)

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3 hours ago, Witness said:

Please consider this article, which explains how Judas’ role as the betrayer of Christ, is reflected in the role of the elder body of the organization.  The article also clears up the speaker’s false teachings about Judas. 


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The poster needs to understand word definition better.

The idea is simple. Use the thought about, betrayal of, and testifies against. Then the poster will find there is a fine line between “false” and “falsely.”

Then the word treachery can be applied to the word FALSELY (treachery), not FALSE (Deception).

Especially when it comes to man's definition and that of God's intent.


Noun treachery - /tɹˈɛʧəɹi/

 1 An act of deliberate betrayal

 2 Betrayal of a trust


Synonym betrayal perniciousness perfidy treason

Hypernym dishonesty disloyalty knavery

Hyponym double cross double-cross double-crossing insidiousness sellout

Derived treacheries treacherous

Etymology From Middle English trechorie tricheriʒe trecchri from Old French trecerie tricherie trecherie from verb tricher trichier from Latin trīcārī present active infinitive of trīcor from trīcae from Proto-Indo-European terkʷ-Attested early 13th century


) שֶׁקֶר109 ×(: שָֽׁקֶר; pl. שְׁקָרִים, sf. שִׁקְרֵיהֶם: — 1. lie, falsehood, deception (in words): d®bar-šeqer Ex 237, ±¢d šeqer Ex 2016; nibb¹° baššeqer Je 531, nišba± laššeqer Lv 524; rû­µ šeqer lying spirit 1K 2222; leµem šeqer bread gained by deception Pr 2017; — 2. lie, falsehood, deception (in act): ±¹´â šeqer b® treat s.one falsely 2S 813 = p¹±al šeqer Ho 71; h¹lak baššeqer Je 2314; — 3. more genl., what is wrong, false, pretended, unreal: teach s.thg false Is 914, idols are false Je 1014; baššeqer in pretense (opp. sincerely) Je 310; — 4. laššeqer in vain 1S 2521; šeqer a lie! = you are evading the qn. 2K 912; šeqer without reason Ps 3519; — 5. ‰¹fal šeqer « ?pl. (pg 383)


NAS  Deuteronomy 19:18 "And the judges shall investigate thoroughly; and if the witness is a false witness and he has accused his brother falsely, (Deut. 19:18 NAS)


<08267> ) שֶׁקֶרsheqer) (1055b(

Meaning: deception, disappointment, falsehood

Origin: from an unused word

Usage: deceit(2), deceitful(3), deceiving(4), deception(3), deceptive(3), false(17), false hope(1), falsehood(19), falsehoods(1), falsely(19), hope(1), lie(14), lies(5), lying(12), lying visions(1), perjury*(1), slander*(1), treacherously(1), useless(m)(1), vain(1), wrongfully(3).


1 Lit., testified against

a Deu 25:1


 [Fri] ἄδικος, ον generally characterized by violation of divine law; (1) as doing contrary to what is right, unrighteous, wrong (MT 5.45), opposite δίκαιος (righteous, just); (2) as characterized by disregard for God ungodly, unjust (2P 2.9), opposite εὐσεβής (devout, godly); (3) as characterized by lack of integrity dishonest, untrustworthy (LU 16.10), opposite πιστός (trustworthy, faithful); (4) of things obtained by wrong means unjust, dishonest (LU 16.11); (5) substantivally, of a person not a member of a Christian community unbeliever (1C 6.1)

Then the poster will release, it is the poster bearing false witness to any accounts, the poster has NOT, personally experienced.

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