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Anointed, Faithful, yet Disfellowshipped?


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Jesus was too.


Jesus never broke even one tiny part of the Mosaic Law, or the Roman Law, or the Kingly Law of Love, and yet he was hated, despised, mocked, ridiculed, shunned, judged negatively, tortured, and finally, killed, by the peoples and authorities of his day.


Talk about the ultimate disfellowshipping!


Are you anointed, faithful, and yet disfellowshipped? Praise Jehovah! Thank Jehovah for his undeserved kindness, that He saw in you the same faith as the prophets of old, faithful ones who were willing to give their all for the One True God. Your reward is great, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets of old.


1 Thessalonians shows us where we are in the stream of time. The governing body says there is a "spiritual paradise" in the congregations, and yet they disfellowship those who cling to the true teachings in the Bible. That is not a spiritual paradise! They are like the Gestapo, seeking to remove any they see as a threat to their sovereignty. God's Kingdom is a threat to their sovereignty, which is why they are attempting to remove the heirs of the kingdom. They said Jesus already came in Kingdom power in 1914 so that they can rule as kings now. It is as Jesus foretold, they are lawless ones, seeds of the Devil, planted among the wheat, soon to be removed. They are right now saying "peace and security" in the congregations. They are lying, because they are "thieves", attempting to steal worship of Jehovah for themselves. That is why they are asleep and the day will come upon them as a thief. They are drunk and belong to the darkness. 


You, though, are not sons of darkness. The day will not come upon you as thieves. Praise Jehovah! He is coming to clean His Name People. You have already suffered so much. Your suffering is not in vain. You have learned many lessons. You will be able to help the brothers during the coming tribulation. Jehovah has molded you for this hour. Thank you for enduring!


The attack on false religion will start at God's house, with the fakers in the house. The horn in Daniel's vision that is an extension of the terrible beast, the horn eventually becomes the UN. After Jesus takes the throne, the Devil is cast out of heaven. That is when he moves the UN to destroy religion. The part in Matthew about the disgusting thing standing in the holy place is when the UN is standing in Bethel. (The ancient Israelites were called "the holy ones" in Daniel even though many times they were sinning against Jehovah.) 


Once Jesus comes, he is going to clean up his organization. Keep holding what you have until he comes! We do not defile ourselves with the idols and false teachings in the organization, but we also will not join the nations when they attack Jehovah's house! We must be ready to help with the "clean up" work, namely, working with the angels to share the truth, comforting those from the organization who are shocked by the attack, continuing in the preaching work so that those whose religious institutions were destroyed may join us in worship of the true God, Jehovah, whose desire is that none may be destroyed.


Brothers, the reason the lawless one is revealed is because we of the bride are all sealed now. There will be blessings for all mankind through this arrangement. God is not partial. He is healing the whole family. Rejoice! Though the tribulation will be momentary and light, it works out for us a joy that is surpassing and everlasting!


Praise Jah!

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I don't know anything about Pearl, and I've never chatted with anyone on here yet, but...


Jesus is definitely NOT an apostate. We are not followers of men, we are followers of the Christ. Christ follows Jehovah.


You are a follower of your father. 


"Why do you not understand what I am saying? Because you cannot listen to my word.  You are from your father the Devil, and you wish to do the desires of your father. That one was a murderer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of the lie.  Because I, on the other hand, tell you the truth, you do not believe me."


"Do not be surprised, brothers, that the world hates you.  We know that we have passed over from death to life, because we love the brothers. The one who does not love remains in death.  Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has everlasting life remaining in him.  By this we have come to know love, because that one surrendered his life for us, and we are under obligation to surrender our lives for our brothers."


"“Teacher, what do I need to do to inherit everlasting life?”  He said to him: “What is written in the Law? How do you read?” In answer he said: “‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole strength and with your whole mind’ and ‘your neighbor as yourself.’”"


"Who really is my neighbor?"


Even those you label "apostates" and "disfellowshipped" are your neighbor.


Jesus does not approve of labelling people in order to get out of showing love for them. Jesus showed love for lepers and scoundrels who were despised by others and prostitutes and lowly ones. Who is more lowly than one you label as worthy of death, "disfellowshipped" or "apostate"? Was not even the Christ labeled "seditionist" and "blasphemers" and "demonized"?


"He said to them: “Isaiah aptly prophesied about you hypocrites, as it is written, ‘This people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far removed from me.  It is in vain that they keep worshipping me, for they teach commands of men as doctrines.’  You let go of the commandment of God and cling to the tradition of men.” Further, he said to them: “You skillfully disregard the commandment of God in order to keep your tradition.  For example, Moses said, ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ and, ‘Let the one who speaks abusively of his father or mother be put to death.’  But you say, ‘If a man says to his father or his mother: “Whatever I have that could benefit you is corban (that is, a gift dedicated to God),”’  you no longer let him do a single thing for his father or his mother.  Thus you make the word of God invalid by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like this.”"


Anyone who teaches or adheres to doctrine that is against what Christ taught is against Christ, anti-christ. Christ taught that God is Love. 


"The children of God and the children of the Devil are evident by this fact: Whoever does not practice righteousness does not originate with God, nor does the one who does not love his brother.  For this is the message that you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another..."


"See what sort of love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are. That is why the world does not know us, because it has not come to know him."


"By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and carry out his commandments."


There are many anti-christs now, that is how we know it is the last hour.


Let everything you do be done with love. Praise Jehovah!

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On 1/13/2023 at 2:59 AM, AnnaNana said:

I don't know anything about Pearl, and I've never chatted with anyone on here yet, but...


Jesus is definitely NOT an apostate. We are not followers of men, we are followers of the Christ. Christ follows Jehovah.

This is interesting since the poster has similar ideologies as the aforementioned. However, the poster is correct, Jesus was not an apostate but some in the Theological school of Jews laws, they thought he was. No one should be followers of men. Scripture does indicate, true Christians should follow in the pattern of men that have taken that responsibility. That was the reason for not just the apostles, but the elders and overseers over the church. So, neglecting such instructions, that person denies scripture and thus is NOT a follower of Christ and dishonors God.

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Jesus always obeyed his Father. The elders killed him, not because he was a sinner, but because they were jealous of him and didn't want to lose their position of being "worshipped" by men. Those wicked Pharisees and elders misused their authority in order to abuse others and lord it over the flock.


It's the same today. We respect authority, but it's Jehovah's authority that is superior. If any elders, even the governing body, teach doctrines that dishonor God, we are under obligation to follow the Christ and point out those inconsistencies. 


If the governing body or their representatives label a person "apostate" or "deserving of death" (aka "disfellowshipped") that does not mean their label holds up in heaven. Jesus was labeled an apostate by the governing authorities in his day. They disfellowshipped him too. And what of the man next to him on the torture stake, the sinner who repented?


Jesus said to him, "Truly I tell you...you will be with me in Paradise."


Jesus wasn't talking about some distant, "I'll hang out with you figuratively by watching out for you from heaven." Jesus meant what he said. He's going to hang out with the man in Paradise.


Jesus is a righteous judge. He isn't backing the governing body's disfellowshipping doctrine. That teaching is about to be taken away. Jesus' authority is superior. 


The governing body also teaches that the other sheep are a lower class that won't see and hang out with Jesus. That teaching is bogus. Jesus said it clearly: "You will be with me in Paradise."


All things are possible with God. The governing body is guilty of the same thing as the Pharisees who killed Jesus. They disfellowship anointed ones sent by Jehovah to tell the truth. Then they try to prevent the little sheep from being close to their Father.


""That is why the wisdom of God also said: ‘I will send prophets and apostles to them, and they will kill and persecute some of them,  so that the blood of all the prophets spilled from the founding of the world may be charged against this generation,  from the blood of Abel down to the blood of Zech·a·riʹah, who was killed between the altar and the house.’ Yes, I tell you, it will be charged against this generation. 


“Woe to you who are versed in the Law, because you took away the key of knowledge. You yourselves did not go in, and you hinder those going in!”"


Things are about to change, just like in the "rich man and Lazarus" illustration. Those who are viewed as low will be close to Jehovah. Those who exalt themselves on high will be humbled. The family will be healed, and all the little sheep gathered in. Jehovah is Our Father, not just of one perceived "class" of people.


Praise Jehovah!

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