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Jesus himself said it. "No one knows the day or the hour." No one would be able to calculate when the kingdom started, because even Jesus didn't know the day or the hour. How could the governing body claim to know something our Lord said he didn't even know?


The governing body claims to be a god, sitting in the temple of God. They are the lawless one. They have been revealed by the spirit of Jesus' mouth, as he said would happen before the great and fear inspiring day of Jehovah.


"After that I will pour out my spirit on every sort of flesh, 

And your sons and your daughters will prophesy, 

Your old men will dream dreams, 

And your young men will see visions.  

And even on my male slaves and female slaves 

I will pour out my spirit in those days.  

And I will give wonders in the heavens and on the earth, 

Blood and fire and columns of smoke.  

The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood 

Before the coming of the great and awe-inspiring day of Jehovah.  

And everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved; 

For on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be those who escape, just as Jehovah has said, 

The survivors whom Jehovah calls.”


In the first century, the "lights" that went dark were the elders and leaders in the religion that Jesus had belonged to. The Sanhedrin, the high priest, the scribes, the Pharisees, the corrupt religious leaders of the Jewish religion were shown to be in the dark as regards God's purposes and bloodguilt. The "moon" light was bloodguilty. The "sun" light was dark. Those religious leaders had no clue regarding the destruction coming upon them by the nations. There were faithful individuals out of that religion who repented, followed Jesus, and were saved through the coming tribulation.


Today, Jesus, by the spirit of his mouth, is showing the religious leaders in the modern-day organization of Jehovah's Witnesses are also bloodguilty and in the dark. They have no clue regarding the destruction that is about hit them. There will be some faithful individuals out of the organization that will repent, following Jesus, and who will work in harmony with the refinements coming on the organization and will be saved.


Jehovah's Name Will Be Sanctified. Praise Jah!

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"I will be with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things." Jesus said this in the first century.


Jesus has been invisibly present with his true followers since the first century.


Jesus did not start being invisibly present with them in 1914. He was already invisibly present with his true followers.


Jesus is the Faithful Witness. When he said, "I will be with you ALL THE DAYS" he meant what he said.


When the disciples asked Jesus as recorded in Matthew 24, "What will be the sign of your presence and the conclusion of the system of things," Jesus was not talking about some invisible ceremonial confusing mysterious "presence" that only certain people would be able to see. Jesus gave them signs that would let them know when it was getting close to the time he would be enthroned as king in heaven. The Kingdom. Jesus gave them signs that they would know he would be getting his authority in the kingdom. "No one knows the day or the hour," he said. 


Jesus does not become king until after all the anointed are sealed. Revelation does not depict Jesus as receiving the crown until after the 24 elders are depicted in heaven with crowns, indicating the time that they are all sealed. Once the anointed are sealed, then Jesus becomes king. Once he becomes king, then he throws Satan out of heaven, as Revelation shows. Once Satan is thrown out of heaven, Satan doesn't need "false religion" anymore to try to mislead the anointed, because they've already conquered and proven faithful. 


When religion is being attacked, then you know that Jesus is ruling as King in the midst of his enemies. The great tribulation will have begun.


Let the Kingdom Come! Jehovah's Name Will Be Sanctified.

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I see the poster cannot answer the poster's absolute comment, thus nullifying the poster's intent to warn others of the false interpretation by the poster.

Yet, the poster confuses the meaning of 1914 with the hour and day Jesus mentioned, that no one knows. 1914 was NOT meant to be seen as judgment day, but an end to the gentile times, when the Jews would, once again, reconstruct themselves free from gentile tyranny. Unless this poster is willing to factually understand the meaning of 1914, the signs that have accompanied, 1914 after, is a good indicator of man's worsting? 

This poster continues in a path of deceit for the audience.

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