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EXJWs Are Going to the U.S. Capitol


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1 hour ago, Matthew9969 said:

And you have chosen to worship satan, I have chosen to worship God. I just hope you don't bathe in the blood of young chilrdren to pacify your satanic father. If I may ask, what led you down the road to you worshiping satan the devil, hating God/Jehovah and being a serial killer?

I don't worship the same deity as apostates. Perhaps the hate the poster uses fails on the claim of worshiping God. But, apostates and fake Christians can make a believer of themselves. That doesn't mean they should. 

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To start, harassment, then malice, defamation, etc.  Ignorance of the law and stupidty(inteptitude) is no defense.

How about you go first, it seems you live in a van down by the river...which river would that be?

@Moise Racette Indeed, as for the Constitution, the only entities that have their eyes on it is the ACLU and the United Nations. No doubt some people in government also, but those are the only two tha

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And ultimately, that shall result in the same situation as the 2017 (aka The year the Watchtower would fall or be destroyed) debacle did, and even during that time, before the Apostates took action in the NY and at Bethel, what was said actually did happen. The Situation will be far worse for a multitude of reasons because of the political spectrum in the United states, especially with the recent resurgence of an opposition group who marched out of the forest into Atlanta.

That being said, even after 300 days, and still you did not apply the lesson you should have adhered to. And surprisingly, your concern sheds no light on some of your kin in a grave situation in an EU country.

Do not count on 2023 to be your year, but then again, you are still as unaware as you always were. You can continue to Dexus Ex'd the people, but when some begin to do the research, they realize that some things said, did not match up with the recipients.

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57 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

I would still be surprised if more than 45 people showed up with this “massive demonstration”.

It would not do much because the reaction will also come from those who support religious freedom and in their minds, "if so and so is using political power to go against a religion, I might be next" despite knowing some faiths do have trouble with some issues, and they know there are solutions out there to minimize said issues, a few who do promote it.

Now, I mentioned this a long time ago, if one truly wants to, as the EXJWs, destroy the watchtower 100%, they have to dismantle or break levels of the First Amendment.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


Note: Their argument is shunning, which is practiced by JWs, but what they do not see is religious freedom allows them, and other faiths to even adapt this; mainly if that notion is form the bible. vs the JW's standpoint on Excommunication - disfellowshipping or shunning incorrigible sinners is a clear and explicit teaching in the Bible. (1 Corinthians 5) ironically even outside of religion, this is somewhat of a practice by some. The second notion is child abuse, for some reason, they think the world does not know CSA exist in churches, unfortunately, but the claim is JWs are covering up abuse.

So something of which is highly regarded by many because of The Freedom of Speech and a list of other things, if successful, then they can effectively take out any faith group of their choosing, but it would cause a cataclysmic situation whereas now other faiths will also be targeted and eradicated, so much so the persecution of some will be darker and more vile than a simple Bible toss or a door slam, perhaps throwing burning crosses at religious people might be a thing. The added problem is Freedom of Speech will be reduced to a feeble state, and eventually the government will get the idea they can regulate and control by forming their version of Speech, which brings us to 1984 levels of craziness. Just a fictional scenario of course.

That is just an idea, but the US capitol won't do much besides earning themselves a vote, after all, they do not mind allowing criminals to be released back into the streets to commit more crimes against men, women and children in blue states.

Now back to reality, First, they'll probably get small Mainstream affiliates to cover them such as the AP (who shouldn't be trusted), some things will be said, some stories will be brought up and a few political figures that will make promises that they do not uphold. Second, majority of EXJWs do not know a lot about Laws, be it general and or In-state, at least when it came to former members of the Mormon Church (LDS) in Utah, they were aware of bipartisan notions, and Third, all these EXJWs are coming from different states, whereas each state have some laws that differ from each other.

It'll end up like 2017, a build up for years, and not so much comes from it, likewise with what it is they are planning now, this time around, there are political people who knows most faith communities, even JWs, so they will say something that will not be in favor of those planning to go to the Capitol. It will also be problematic to a degree because of opposition groups who are prone to violence, EXJWs were nearly linked with ANTIFA because they virtually had events taking place on the same day, and this time around, ANTIFA is packing some heat for the bakery.

It isn't going to go their way, as it was so in the past, and for years, never any of them seek a better solutions or even not question their own misinformation at times, and anyone that did is, the opposite, ironically, disfellowshipped by EXJWs, the disgruntled ones.

That being said, was not wrong about it before, won't be wrong about it now, granted, a lot of things elsewhere that was correct did take place.


It should also be noted they choose Washington DC of all places. It is noted anything protest related, ever since January 6th, which was utter nonsense, those partaking will be marked, for the fact people are MAGS-scared nowadays, potential Extremism Tracking is a real thing. So any of them better than think of interrupting a JW church, otherwise it'll backfire on them big time and possibly permanently in that state.

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On 1/18/2023 at 8:39 PM, Peter Carroll said:

that group along with the poster witness embrace stupudity and wrap themselves in it ,,they all should end up there ,as they are as smart as your polictical members ,its like walking of a cliff and being ignorant of the theory of gravity,bring it on

There was on Ex-Bible Student, a man who dealt with abuse as a child who brought forth a legitimate solution to minimize abuse in schools and churches, but sadly, EXJWs made sure to send him death threats, make fun of his appearance (because of his skin color, white, and the fact the man was very large). He did rally some EXJWs to defend and side with him, even some current JWs, but unfortunately, the disgruntled ones not only flagged his videos on YouTube to permanently erase a very good idea he had, but to silence him. After this, a lot of attacks went towards the Watchtower because it was taught they were the ones who ended the protest at the park, but really, it was the former bible student. Because of this, any EXJW who attacked the man, erased their comments and videos to cover their tracks. If you are lucky you'll find bread crumbles of the ordeal about this.

That being said, people who do not stick to legitimate solution for the betterment of children, are often the ones doing a big disservice. This is why I side with those who actually do, and likewise some side with me on this because I attest by it and I live it. To safeguard a child, you teach them, to safeguard a community you teach it's people, in turn, they hold up a better shield against abusers, be it potential, and or know exactly what to do should red flags pop up.

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It's hard to say how many people will be at this gathering.  My main reason for posting it is to show up the  hypocrisy of the organization.  It is not a hidden fact that the the growth in publishers worldwide is dwindling.  And the growth numbers of those who have left, or have been disfellowshipped, are increasing.    When I became a JW in 1981, I was thrilled to believe that this organization was growing, and that it would continue to grow by leaps and bounds over the years, as  I was told, over and over.  This was a fulfillment of prophecy, of Isaiah chapter 2, where God's "house"/Watchtower would be the destination for all nations to stream to!

 But the governing leaders can't make that claim anymore. Who knows what spin they have put on their dwindling numbers.  Their focus now, is to protect what they have built, protect their investments, protect their false image through advertising which has as its goal, to crush the apostates.  

This is not an earthly "Zion" that people will stream to much longer.  

Isaiah chapter 2 mentions that the law should go out of Zion which is the location of the living temple of God. (Eph 2:20-22; 1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16; 2 Cor 6:16-18)  Zion is not an organization that tells lies and makes false promises... and expects exclusive devotion. (Isa 2:7-11; Rom 1:22-25; Rev 13:1,2,4)





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Personally, I'm glad @Witness posted that nonsense. When subpoenas start being issued, this site, along with every other site, will have to disclose the poster's origin. Personal data. There will be no hiding the truth. Even if the post gets removed, it's too late. It's been forwarded. Unless that useless group has the kind of money trump has, I doubt they will stop any investigation that probably already started. 😏

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I love the constitution of fake anointed, here  Ephesians 5:11


Matt. 18:20 For where two or three are gathered in my name, "there am I among them.”

Acts 4:31 And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness.

John 12:26 If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.


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@Witness Unfortunately it will end up as the infamous 2017 event, and the attempt in 2018. In both instances, it equated to problems issues and opportunists to show up among the crowd and community disruption, the majority do not even know basic law, hence what is practiced within realm of religious freedom. No one is knocking the victims, but some see the writing on the wall with the last fiasco as is trying to spin the Ukraine situation and propaganda with JWs, it makes people who actually combat issues and problems look crazy. Then there is the specific place they had chosen is the very same place a few people including myself predicted what would happen in a large scale event on January 6th. That being said people who think otherwise, and there are examples of this (despite some try to erased such history).

Abuse or other notions can be fought without the need of being on a warpath, as is knowing laws, especially in what constitutes within religious freedom, practice and speech.

Ultimately when it does end up as 2017, it'll be a further breakdown of disgruntled EXJWs, and finally the non disgruntled ones could actually breath for once after being silenced by the same community.

Perhaps if they had played their cards properly and came to the middle without being one sided, they'd have a chance, but sadly, this never happened, and it is evident because even for the longest time such was never addressed here despite it being coined among the normal collective.

That being said, after many days away, found out that even some among your own community aren't so clean either, be it regarding women, as is with children, mainly in a time where the children are the prime targets.

But as I said before, if you actually adhere to solutions, you would be doing more for children, even in the face of some. I will not disclose where or whom, but there is indeed a community where there are EXJWs as well as JWs, in conjunction with others who do speak on the matter on a grounded level, and it is not one sided, you'd be surprised of what some EXJWs would say there vs here or reddit.

@Moise Racette Granted this is Invision, that is highly unlikely, compared to places like Twitter, Reddit, 4chan, Parler, Truth Social, etc. Anything Invision based is way below the food chain. All and all, there is another attempt to take a swing at the 1st Amendment however, as pervious attempts were made by the UN, and other affiliates. Outside of women and children, 2023 will be a tough year in regards to speak your peace, and in some cases, overtaken by falsehood and stories, forcing people to speak truth.

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On 1/25/2023 at 11:03 AM, Space Merchant said:

Granted this is Invision, that is highly unlikely, compared to places like Twitter, Reddit, 4chan, Parler, Truth Social, etc. Anything Invision based is way below the food chain. All and all, there is another attempt to take a swing at the 1st Amendment however, as pervious attempts were made by the UN, and other affiliates. Outside of women and children, 2023 will be a tough year in regards to speak your peace, and in some cases, overtaken by falsehood and stories, forcing people to speak truth.

This is true. People just need to remember bible times to see the same events happening over and over. Just like the Israelites wanted to kill the prophets for speaking the word of God and his commands, and then the Jews that actually killed the son of God. There has always been a messenger the devil doesn't like. So, that meaningless group is just part of Satan's plan, nothing more. 

What they fail to understand is God's Kingdom will Stand, and its messengers will be gloried just as Jesus mentioned. They have become a curse to their own souls, and they will be judged by God.

There is NOTHING those people will be able to do, to prevent the good news from being preached, and they can't prevent the faithful from glorifying God and his son.

It's a meaningless endeavor they have in every twisted way.

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@Moise Racette There are many eyes on the US Capitol in Washington DC. More so now with what is taking place in Atlanta, as well as the situation in Memphis concerning the tragic death of Tyre Nichols.

It should be noted anyone who is protesting, will most likely be tracked by officials, even though the type of protest isn't political; for they did this with Trump supporters prior to the events of January 6th. But it will draw in some problems because the EXJWs will attempt to deal with something they do not know properly, such as the laws (depending on the state) as is The Constitution in regards to Freedom of Religion and practice of a legitimate faith.

Excommunication is a form of ecclesiastical censure (Bible based) by which a person is excluded from the communion of believers, the rites or sacraments of a church, and the rights of church membership but not necessarily from membership in the church as such. Some method of exclusion belongs to the administration of all Christian churches and denominations, indeed of all religious communities. It isn't unlawful for a church to practice something which id affiliated with the church and it is a disciplinary action that can be used if necessary.

Commentary notes -


Smith’s Bible Dictionary:

“Excommunication, as exercised by the Christian Church, is not merely founded on the natural right, possessed by all societies, nor merely on the example of the Jewish Church and nation. It was instituted by our Lord (Matt. xviii. 15, 18), and it was practised and commanded by St. Paul (1 Tim. i. 20; 1 Cor. v. 11; Tit. iii.10).”

Barnes’ Notes say:

“The meaning of this is, cease to have religious intercourse with him, …Regard him as obstinate, self-willed, and guilty…we should disown him as a Christian brother…This is the only way of kindness. This is the only way to preserve peace and purity in the church.”

It is known the Jehovah's Witnesses practice this, but calls it Disfellowshiping, although the notion is the same. The argument of the owner of the video is that such a practice is isolated to JWs and alluded that it is an old world practice that is not suppose to be practiced at all.

My concern is the Opportunists, it has been a while since I dealt with political groups, primarily before the COVID-19 tomfoolery. But knowing such, there will be people going there either to drum up trouble, or what is common nowadays pertaining to large groups, there are some who seek brazen pleasures with unsuspecting persons or monetary gain.

That being said, the aftermath will further cause the decline of any disgruntled member and evidently be a crushing blow on themselves.

The more people do the research to find out that there are lies being spread, then they'll realize why the disdain for anyone deemed an Apostate, and or, as the Conservatives and Centrists had mentioned back in Kentucky, an enemy of Freedom, the last thing you want to do is try to fight them on the 1st amendment, something Pearl affiliates did, as did the UN.

Hypothetically speaking also, if they really want to destroy a faith or remove any rules of any sort, Babylon is calling.

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