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EXJWs Are Going to the U.S. Capitol


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On 1/24/2023 at 8:42 PM, Moise Racette said:

Personally, I'm glad @Witness posted that nonsense. When subpoenas start being issued, this site, along with every other site, will have to disclose the poster's origin. Personal data. There will be no hiding the truth. Even if the post gets removed, it's too late. It's been forwarded. Unless that useless group has the kind of money trump has, I doubt they will stop any investigation that probably already started. 😏

How about you go first, it seems you live in a van down by the river...which river would that be?

I live in a van - DOWN BY THE RIVER. Hahahahahahaha my favorite SNL ...

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To start, harassment, then malice, defamation, etc.  Ignorance of the law and stupidty(inteptitude) is no defense.

How about you go first, it seems you live in a van down by the river...which river would that be?

@Moise Racette Indeed, as for the Constitution, the only entities that have their eyes on it is the ACLU and the United Nations. No doubt some people in government also, but those are the only two tha

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13 minutes ago, Matthew9969 said:

How about you go first, it seems you live in a van down by the river...which river would that be?

Ironically enough, this is something people will opt for instead of giving in to the WEF and those in connection. You'd be surprised why Hollywood mocks such folks when in reality, they seek survival from a legitimate threat. I'm sure as we speak, The British folks who do not want to be subjected are trying to fend off said affiliates. A shared fate in the US sadly.

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4 hours ago, Moise Racette said:

You must be thinking of French people. I don't hang around where apostates breathe.

To be fair it has nothing to do with apostates or the French. The term is often used a mockery term for those who prepare for any bad situation, an SHTF moment type. Likewise with a grey man or woman; something that @Matthew9969 asked in question on past with an unaware question.

The irony is, although these people are mocked, they are the very ones to at most survive the most harsh situation and or better protect a majority of their belongings. So even in reality, some apostates who complain about today's situations, for example Ukraine (notice they never mention any of their own in that regard) or the height of egg prices, etc. those who prepare are not as worried, even those with basic preps.


That being said, with the situation that just took place in the United Kingdom liken to other EU countries, I can assure you the down by the river types are normally the ones to outlive most; mainly when a situation rises, example below: Both have above average, perhaps expertise in this regard is more so advanced and both aid those who listen, only the one on the right is ex-military with that experience under his belt.



There will be some tribulations some will endure and some will not endure. Makes me wonder of the man from UK who always posts here after I warned him since 2018 what will happen in his country, ignoring the meaning behind Proverbs 22:3.

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And so it begins.... As of recent news...

Trans Lives Matter occupies Oklahoma capitol to protest bill criminalizing genital mutilation of minors

Transgender rights activists occupied the Oklahoma state Capitol’s rotunda on Monday to protest a push by Republicans to limit so-called gender-affirming care in the state. About 150 people, many holding signs and banners, chanted “Trans lives matter” ahead of a new legislative session in which GOP lawmakers had pre-filed bills aimed at curtailing treatments like hormone replacement therapy...

That being said, the alluding often times come early. These build ups as mentioned will render later actions useless, especially when there is a presidential run coming up soon. There will be many meant with unfortunate ordeals in these states, especially if someone is trying to convey something to leaders of a blue state, far more danger is often present than a red state. Especially now since this is AFTER January 6th events which many of us knew something would happen, but not at the magnitude that it did.

That ball of snow is rolling down the hill.

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All of the above having been said … I would still be surprised if more than 45 ex-JW ACTIVISTS show up in Washington DC for any “Anti-Watchtower” demonstrations … and positively stunned if even one legislator gives a damn.

JWs don’t vote, and they know it …. Even if they cared … which they don’t.

The Democrat Party has gone completely insane in the past few years, and they ALL STAY completely busy ignoring it.

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17 hours ago, Pudgy said:

All of the above having been said … I would still be surprised if more than 45 ex-JW ACTIVISTS show up in Washington DC for any “Anti-Watchtower” demonstrations … and positively stunned if even one legislator gives a damn.

JWs don’t vote, and they know it …. Even if they cared … which they don’t.

The Democrat Party has gone completely insane in the past few years, and they ALL STAY completely busy ignoring it.

It may be somewhat equal in number to the 2017 protest at Warwick, minus a survivor/ex bible student being present. Permits can also be limited to a number of people. That was also the same timeframe of all the ANTIFA, BLM, nonsense that was going on. Since this will be taking place in Washington DC, there is no chance of anyone intervening, especially because of the groups that are out of hibernation, so to speak. The added factor is since the EXJWS want to challenge the constitution in this regard, and among things, the issue of religious liberty, this will get Conservatives involved and all hell will break loose if the ball falls in their court, for instance, most churches do practice excommunication and or have a form of the shunning command (which is not exclusive to religious people only), i.e. affiliates of Drag Queen will automatically be booted from Christian Right churches. It has been seen before how Conservatives react to EXJWs, especially with some folks noted here, such as Pearl Doxsey. Among all former members of faiths, EXJWs are probably more so of a threat because the warpath could get others involved and or indirectly affect them.

This is true, some of these politicians will have something to gain, should they do something, but Washington DC is a Blue State. Between both sides, although both crazy, The Democrats are very crazy.

That being said, anyone going to protest at the Capitol, in Washington DC, best believe their names, faces and other things will be recorded by officials. Federal law enforcement (The Feds) has used a wide variety of surveillance technologies and can use it against them, even though some will not pose a threat, but any activity that resembles protest, people will be tracked, EVEN if they have permits. It'll also pose a problem later down the road if any individual takes some sort of action. Mainly if they decided to raid a JW Church in the area, which there are several nearby. People in the NY/NJ Borough area did NOT take kindly to that, so with the FBI and the officials watching and that was done, there will be hell to pay. Washington does NOT mess around with church disruption (Chapter 13. Disturbances of the Public Peace - D.C. Law 18-375) so taking that route while being recorded/tracked is a permanent, just ask the MAGA crowd.

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7 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

It may be somewhat equal in number to the 2017 protest at Warwick, minus a survivor/ex bible student being present. Permits can also be limited to a number of people.

It seems this poster speaks as though as being an ex-bethelite. 

7 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

That was also the same timeframe of all the ANTIFA, BLM, nonsense that was going on.

Can a constitutional agenda be compared to a spiritual agenda? A recent Norwegian supreme court decision decided that a lower court could not interfere with a religion's bylaws. The question of "expulsion" was at the heart of that discussion.

Now, the preservation of human life is altogether different, unless a "liberal" is willing to accept that "expulsion" is somehow dangerous to human life. It would be a similar argument set forth by @Witness when that poster claimed spiritual suicide as a cloak to mean actual suicide by a former member that is expelled under religious grounds.

1 Corinthians 5:13 New International Version

13 God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked person from among you

That ideology by ex-witnesses of course is nonsense and should be challenged in court as defamatory rhetoric. Conservative people such as the makeup of the US Supreme Court might lean more to scripture than man's view of religious expulsion.

I would love to hear a liberal's argument against what is written in 1 Corinthians to somehow mean, a persons mental state WILL change to an extent of committing suicide for being removed by a religious sect for continuing to be immoral with no repentance and that person should be allowed to infect the rest of that religious church.

Other religious actions will undoubtedly be presented. However, allowing a gay priest to shepherd the sheep can be challenged as unscriptural.

ExJW's mental state should be at the forefront of that argument.

7 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

This is true, some of these politicians will have something to gain, should they do something, but Washington DC is a Blue State. Between both sides, although both crazy, The Democrats are very crazy.

While it might be true, this observation is political in origin and has nothing to do with the Watchtower, or its true members. It has an ideologue here but not in scripture.

7 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

People in the NY/NJ Borough area did NOT take kindly to that, so with the FBI and the officials watching and that was done, there will be hell to pay. Washington does NOT mess around with church disruption

There is a difference between protest and crime. Something ExJWs don't seem to understand with their activism. 

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On 1/30/2023 at 5:49 PM, Moise Racette said:

You must be thinking of French people. I don't hang around where apostates breathe. 

Does not have much to do with the French, as for the joke that @Matthew9969 brought up, it is a notion targeted by Survivalists type of folks, even the militant ones. The actual remark is a concerning those who tend to survive in bad situations far more longer and or better than the regular folks. For instance, should a battle or some war ends up in either your vicinity and of that of @Matthew9969's, perhaps a terror attack, the down by the river types would be more likely to survive. Something that is legitimate is the gride blackouts, which is a thing and plants blowing to sunder, such an impact, would mostly effect the common folk vs the latter. Likewise with medical needs and the like. This is something Christians would have to be accustomed to when Babylon and the Beast actually make the major moves to attack true believers, especially in Tribulation End Times when they come.

18 hours ago, Moise Racette said:

It seems this poster speaks as though as being an ex-bethelite. 

Among Ex members of other faiths, as mentioned EXJWs seem to be by far the worse of them all, the only ones who actually wants to shut down a faith community as a whole, which is why even among them, some are against them for going too far. a lot of Ex witnesses, even like @Witness, disregard the fact that some of their own make threats against people, angered some people in the community and a list of other things, such as transpired during that Warwick protest, while at the same time the ANTIFA stuff was going on. There were videos of them also trying to equate JWs to George Soros, which is extremely ridiculous, especially to Truthers who knows Soros very well.

The Ex-bible Student however, knew the disgruntled JWs were a threat and called authorities to deal with them, perhaps more so due to some of the EXJWs making jokes about harming and or not trying to kill leaders of the JW faith. At first, the head of the group, the Vast Apostate Army blamed JWs for this and this caused EXJWs to go and harass JWs online and in person, but when it was revealed it was an Ex-Bible Student, who was indeed a sex abuse survivor, they threatened him, fat shamed him, and a list of other things. Some of the people @Witness mentions on here, also threaten this man. Even when the man later clarified himself about seeking better ways to fight child abuse, he was attacked again. Disgruntled ones did everything they could to flag this guy forcing an actual grounded solution for JWs and EXJWs to be wiped away from YouTube. After this, some disgruntled EXJWs tried to cover their tracks, the leader of the protest, who is actually a Paganist (a Wiccan) erased specific videos from that protest to conceal himself. As for random folks who witnessed the raiding of JW churches by these people, they deemed them what EXJWs did as Extremist activity. So it was that bad and this piece of history you would not see any former member of the faith on here ever mention it.

18 hours ago, Moise Racette said:

 It would be a similar argument set forth by @Witness when that poster claimed spiritual suicide as a cloak to mean actual suicide by a former member that is expelled under religious grounds.

Some fail to see that Excommunication has always been an ability the church has. The problem with some folks is they believe it is old school and should not be in use, yet when someone use it, it is a problem. This goes for shunning/ostracized, the church connection is disconnected after that but it has no affect on family ties. Disgruntled EXJWs tend to forget although there is some who are excommunicated, they still speak with and commune with their families. the irony is if anyone says this among them, they are immediately attacked and or cast out. Outside of religion, people do the same via disowning from a group and or company, and we do not see an uproar for that.

18 hours ago, Moise Racette said:

That ideology by ex-witnesses of course is nonsense and should be challenged in court as defamatory rhetoric. Conservative people such as the makeup of the US Supreme Court might lean more to scripture than man's view of religious expulsion.

And that is where they will be meant with problems concerning Excommunication via what the Bible says. Likewise with anything affiliated with law and due process. Although the justice system is somewhat broken and imperfect, in some instances, justice is served. This is also in regards to other stuff.

So in regards to them, an attempt in this situation would evidently get the other side feeling as if they are being threatened, for they were threatened already with what happened in Washington DC already. then you have the exchanges between these party paradigms, i.e. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez vs Lauren Boebert.

18 hours ago, Moise Racette said:

I would love to hear a liberal's argument against what is written in 1 Corinthians to somehow mean, a persons mental state WILL change to an extent of committing suicide for being removed by a religious sect for continuing to be immoral with no repentance and that person should be allowed to infect the rest of that religious church.

They have no argument against it. I have ran into religious folks to debate the Trinity, often times I run into political folks too. As for suicide it is a critical discussion, but some will try to use such an event to weaponize it against someone or something, even when in most cases, it is vastly different, for example, should a man leave the church to live an immoral life and is wronged by a woman, he commits suicide, ignoring aid from the church prior. Some will see the the history that lead him there, others would say it was the churches fault for not helping. Speaking of suicide, what is very sad today is the governments have affiliates that will now assist one's death to end them, so much so even in Canada, they had ads for such things, which is disgusting.

18 hours ago, Moise Racette said:

Other religious actions will undoubtedly be presented. However, allowing a gay priest to shepherd the sheep can be challenged as unscriptural.

That is what I tried to point out to John Butler a while back, to give such people an inch, they'll take a mile instead. The fact the LGBTQ community is now entering the churches as they did schools is problematic, one of the reasons why these narratives and other ideas is a problem for a Christian families and children concerning the Higher Education system. As is with same sex marriage or relationships. The Bible is very clear on why this is not good. Although you are to respect your neighbors, but there conduct should be called out, mainly in this regard. EXJWs are affiliated with those of the LGBTQ crowd in order to fight against JWs, not realizing that the majority of pedophiles are in such a crowd vs the ones that sadly are in the general public. One of their heroes, Leah Remini, is a huge advocate and supporter of such community. In addition to that former Christians and EXJWs had made videos of Christians out of context to cause other supporters of the LGBTQ community to go after them, saying they are anti-gay for not supporting, not realizing where some stand in regards to respecting a neighbor vs conduct.

what truly takes the cake is the Pink Bible some of them use to try and challenge Christians. Although I debated some of these people, never have I seen such a Bible, but it was talked about by some in the past.

As of recent, now they want to make God gender neutral and Jesus non-binary. Concerning YHWH and his Christ, for them to attest such to God and his Son, is the highest level of insanity I have not seen in a while.

18 hours ago, Moise Racette said:

ExJW's mental state should be at the forefront of that argument.

The more they do what they do, it actually proves mental depravity. Luckily some EXJWs do not end up like their disgruntled counterparts. The fact some of them are realizing this is a sign and know going too far is an issue. For instance, concerning Russia, not everyone was a fan of what Russia did, but the disgruntled ones glorified it. So much so even today they still do, such as the Ex-Bethlite that @Witness mentioned before. and from there they spun the Ukraine and JW situation, resulting in more EXJWs turning their back on the community.

That said, it is one thing to deal with problems in a faith community, but it is another thing trying to literally wipe out a faith community entirely in a warpath like fashion. the mantra "Destroy The Watchtower for good" is crazy to even say vocally to people in public, and I do not see how one can say that with absolute certainty and conviction.

18 hours ago, Moise Racette said:

While it might be true, this observation is political in origin and has nothing to do with the Watchtower, or its true members. It has an ideologue here but not in scripture.

True, but their actions can cause an affect. We all need to be watchful if there is a threat nearby, or what I told John Butler, a Lion, or a Tiger in the field, granted with what was given to him as a warning concerning the UK, it is likely he may be dealing with indirect things as of late although in the past he tried to play it off, a normalcy bias mindset. To be aware of things, we take action. For example, if politicians continue to release criminals such as murderers, violent personnel, druggies, child abusers on to the streets, and you knowing this, you'd take persecutions, and or take action to protect yourself vs that of someone who is unaware, which is akin to the van by the river notion. even for JWs, if they know an area is dangerous, they would not go near it, as is with anyone else, but an unaware, gullible person, who go into the area and will be met with consequence, should a shootout occur, he or she could be caught in the crossfire.

That is why Proverbs 22:3 is an example. Some of us however, have a very high situational awareness level though. Another example is like that of the Siege of Jerusalem, whereas some Christians listened and survived to spread the teachings across the Roman Empire whereas those that stayed behind, fell victim to what came to them.

It should also be noted that the fact the schools and churches have issues with such people, the police, will not tell them that there are criminals nearby these institutions. So people who take persecution should make note of such things.

19 hours ago, Moise Racette said:

There is a difference between protest and crime. Something ExJWs don't seem to understand with their activism. 

Indeed, there are lines if crossed results in being a problem. It will also cause some people to be very very upset and angry at the same time. Activism can result in various things, in there case being in pawn on a warpath. If they actually listened to some people, even the Ex-bible Student, there would have been more grounded discussion on certain issues, but that door had since shut, and they refuse to listen. It also does not help if they direct actual threats to schools and churches, more so due to the fact even in their community, there are EXJWs who are abusers themselves and or defend abusers; their space, reddit, is known to have abusers all over the place who can login, so speaking of children will often draw such people in. One of the reasons why I deem protection of children online as vital, even from a Biblical standpoint.

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53 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

This is something Christians would have to be accustomed to when Babylon and the Beast actually make the major moves to attack true believers, especially in Tribulation End Times when they come.

True, since scripture indicates the deterioration of society toward the end. The same type of signs we can find within society today. This is also true when societies collapse for different reasons that we might have personal experience with. World troubles are not inclusive.

58 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

Disgruntled EXJWs tend to forget although there is some who are excommunicated, they still speak with and commune with their families. the irony is if anyone says this among them, they are immediately attacked and or cast out.

Unfortunately, this is an apostate assumption of shunning. It appears, people have not learned the word definition of "DIS" and "FELLOWSHIP." The same conclusion with "expel" and "excommunicate" along with such words as disassociate. 

For instance, a witness family might reject a member NOT for being disfellowshipped, but for being a drug addict. There is plenty of worldly evidence, society does the same. What is the excuse that an apostate can make? Under societal conditions of human behavior, there is none. Yet, that's the propaganda being offered by people like @Witness here. No substance to the actual truth.

Now a person that voluntarily left the Org, whose to know other than close friends and relatives, if that person decided to leave his/her area. I could be speaking to an apostate in daily life and be unaware of it. That goes for a D'fd person. So, that ridiculous notion of shunning is nonsense. 

If family members don't want to associate with a family member that is a "drunkard", "drug addict", "homosexual", etc. That's on each individual to decide. Therefore, NO apostate activist can force ANYONE from accepting such behavior that is part of human condition.

Now, what if a family member doesn't want to associate with a former member that committed adultery? In some cases, a person marries another that had the affair with. Can apostates obligate others from having to speak with someone that used to be a family member by marriage? GET REAL!!!!

The only true nature apostates bring to the table is nonsense and stupidity. They overreach and never hit the mark when it comes to making a true argument.

1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

And that is where they will be meant with problems concerning Excommunication via what the Bible says. Likewise with anything affiliated with law and due process. Although the justice system is somewhat broken and imperfect, in some instances, justice is served. This is also in regards to other stuff.

As I stated in my previous post. I would love to hear the argument against 1 Corinthians 5:13.

1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

They have no argument against it. I have ran into religious folks to debate the Trinity, often times I run into political folks too. As for suicide it is a critical discussion, but some will try to use such an event to weaponize it against someone or something, even when in most cases, it is vastly different, for example, should a man leave the church to live an immoral life and is wronged by a woman, he commits suicide

I've heard this argument from the bench. It has become politically incorrect not to side with the masses. In this case, they are referring to homosexuality. A liberal intent to criminalize the bible. However, this shouldn't be a surprise when Christianity is being attacked on various fronts. However, the POPE making some concessions doesn't help true Chrisitans.

The true question should be, does a person feel suicidal because that person's family refuses to support that person's addiction, or because they won't speak to that person because they know only too well, that person doesn't care about anyone but that person's needs of addiction. Then it becomes a personal helplessness that compels the person instead of hopefulness if that person changed their ways.

Many witnesses have had that experience. If society doesn't support their addictions, why should a witness family? It then becomes an argument not of choice, but DEMAND by apostates. They want to "obligate" people that not even outsiders are willing to do. 

That is why, I cautioned. @Witness against such rhetoric. Rhetoric that can be challenged in a court of law, even if that person is not in the US.

1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

True, but their actions can cause an affect. We all need to be watchful if there is a threat nearby, or what I told John Butler, a Lion, or a Tiger in the field, granted with what was given to him as a warning concerning the UK, it is likely he may be dealing with indirect things as of late although in the past he tried to play it off, a normalcy bias mindset

When it comes to here, then Yes! It has an effect on apostates that are vocal. However, the Org has cautioned true believers to stay away from apostate sites or sites that promote apostasy.

1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

Indeed, there are lines if crossed results in being a problem. It will also cause some people to be very very upset and angry at the same time.

When it comes to personal experience, I find that ex-witnesses have not found a good argument against the Watchtower bylaws. Simple reason: they are bible based.

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41 minutes ago, Moise Racette said:

For instance, a witness family might reject a member NOT for being disfellowshipped, but for being a drug addict. There is plenty of worldly evidence, society does the same. What is the excuse that an apostate can make? Under societal conditions of human behavior, there is none. Yet, that's the propaganda being offered by people like @Witness here. No substance to the actual truth.

Now a person that voluntarily left the Org, whose to know other than close friends and relatives, if that person decided to leave his/her area. I could be speaking to an apostate in daily life and be unaware of it. That goes for a D'fd person. So, that ridiculous notion of shunning is nonsense. 

If family members don't want to associate with a family member that is a "drunkard", "drug addict", "homosexual", etc. That's on each individual to decide. Therefore, NO apostate activist can force ANYONE from accepting such behavior that is part of human condition.

It may be due to what Mainstream Christendom has pushed out, the idea that Excommunication is old and unnecessary, and any opposition to that idea is ultimately ridiculed. even outside of faith, there are some things that could get someone disowned by someone or a group. But like what is said, some people ignore this totally, and often times exaggerated. It also undermines those who if excommunicated are often talked to members of the church to get them back on track on the road to repentance as is those who do communicate with their families still although outside of the faith community, but clearly if someone is actually deemed an apostate and is doing something that they should not, the family's reaction would be negative towards them.

41 minutes ago, Moise Racette said:

That is why, I cautioned. @Witness against such rhetoric. Rhetoric that can be challenged in a court of law, even if that person is not in the US.

Unless such persons avoid that this is an actual thing in the Bible and of the Christian faith. One can even go back in time and Excommunication is what it is. Simply looking it up, which I am sure most can do, will see the same thing, not to mention the fact this church action is not taken by a single person, but a body of persons, a collective to even reach a decision to expel someone, in addition to that, it is also intended for someone to change behavioral or attitude.

So going to the US Capitol to challenge that, will not only put an attempted spotlight on Jehovah's witnesses, but the practice itself in Christendom whereas you have those who are for it vs against it; cause conflict. So that alone could cause some big debate and issues in the Religious space and can easily spill over to Jews and Muslims, for if the Trinity Doctrine can spill over other communities, this this too concerning excommunication.

41 minutes ago, Moise Racette said:

When it comes to here, then Yes! It has an effect on apostates that are vocal. However, the Org has cautioned true believers to stay away from apostate sites or sites that promote apostasy.

True, but often times, such persons end up going to them. Just as Atheists or a Trinitarian can find a Christian in person or online, for EXJWs they'll always look for JWs wherever they might be. The irony is when debate sparks regarding the Bible alone, EXJWs even Trinitarians who show up to egg them on, do not do well against JWs who know their stuff as with any anti-Trinitarian present, when they lose, they will go for their talking points such as 1914, 1975, child abuse, and a list of other things, only to be corrected by others.

If one chooses to not be of a faith community so be it, after all, their choice. for some people agree on things and disagree on things. But to dedicate your life to all the wildness and the like, is insanity in of itself; hence the apostasy term and as to why some JWs take caution with some of the most disgruntled ones. Some of these people, sadly enough, took it to the grave.

Likewise with heeding warnings, something John should have paid attention to. When Christian give warning for things, and attacked for it, it is usually the people who mock who slowly begin to feel the effects.

41 minutes ago, Moise Racette said:

When it comes to personal experience, I find that ex-witnesses have not found a good argument against the Watchtower bylaws. Simple reason: they are bible based.

They haven't so far. And it looks bad when they meet and debate people who are knowledgeable, often times they tend to go for a novice and get them with a lot of gotcha questions and answers, example, on JW's using Jehovah, revised verses in the Bible, etc.

I had witnessed a debate take place concerning stuff like abuse, the person who won the debate was very knowledge of the laws of most states and he grilled the EXJW in the debate. As always, the EXJW will state that person is a JW when clearly the person is not. But it seems there biggest weapon is to use emotion to turn mix some truths with falsehood to draw people in. even in my case when I run into these people, they can easily be corrected. Even Muslims had to correct these people, which is very telling.

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