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EXJWs Are Going to the U.S. Capitol


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1 hour ago, boyle said:

rather than accept nonsense from apostate sites


@boyle, if I stopped going to all so-called "apostate sites" then I would have to stop going to the jw.org website too. 


Speaking of the jw.org website, here is some information on Maria and Charles right from the wol.jw.org website...


How about this evidence from the Watchtower...Russell condemns himself with his own words, and the Watchtower publishers join him in his slander of his wife and disobedience to the Lord as regards the words of Matthew 18 and proper behavior for a Christian husband.




He states:


(1) When Maria followed what is written in Matthew 18:15, the brothers did not obey Jesus by supporting her in trying to speak with her husband.


(2) Maria then obeyed the next direction of the Lord from Matthew 18:17, to tell the congregation. When she told the congregation, rather than fess up, Russell said there weren't two witnesses. (Sound familiar?)


(3) Russell proceeded to slander Maria with the very thing he was guilty of. It's the oldest trick in the book.


Maria did not abandon Jehovah. She continued to study with those she could study with, doing her best to gather with other true Christians, even though Russell made it extremely hard for her. Rather than being "ambitious", she was probably trying to adhere to a more accurate understanding of scripture and knew her husband was promoting false doctrine in the pages of the Watchtower.


Jehovah will set the matter straight in time. He always does.








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To start, harassment, then malice, defamation, etc.  Ignorance of the law and stupidty(inteptitude) is no defense.

How about you go first, it seems you live in a van down by the river...which river would that be?

@Moise Racette Indeed, as for the Constitution, the only entities that have their eyes on it is the ACLU and the United Nations. No doubt some people in government also, but those are the only two tha

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16 minutes ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

How about this evidence from the Watchtower...Russell condemns himself with his own words, and the Watchtower publishers join him in his slander of his wife and disobedience to the Lord as regards the words of Matthew 18 and proper behavior for a Christian husband.


There's your "two witnesses" I guess...Russell himself and the Watchtower.


It's the same thing they do today when anybody says anything against an elder that they don't want to get rid of or even a non-elder who they don't want to "disfellowship" for adultery or abuse. It's the same thing that happened in my congregation. It's the same exact thing. Say the woman is crazy. Say "we can't help you". Shun her. Say she's being ambitious, a "Jezebel", reviling, causing divisions. It's the same thing, it hasn't changed.


That's why those people are going to the Capitol. It's in harmony with what Jesus said about bearing witness regarding the wrong. It's right in Matthew chapter 18 and other scriptures. Go tell the congregation. Go tell the authorities sitting in the city gate.


I understand it. I'm not going to the Capitol. I'm not in a situation where I can go. But I totally understand it. Jehovah can use it if He chooses to, to shed light on what goes on. He will expose everything. The US/UK will act to move the UN to destroy all false religion. The weeds in the organization will be removed, Thank God. Jehovah is the God of Justice. He will see that all the little ones get justice. Praise Jehovah.

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19 minutes ago, boyle said:

 not proven, regardless if it's accepted or not by people that are not educated in man's law.


How about God's Law?


"So that they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has yoked together, let no man put apart."


Here is what Russell said: 


"...and when she desired to come back I totally refused..."


Here is what the Watchtower said:


"But Scripturally he could not abandon his position as head to bring about a reconciliation."


The Watchtower and Russell clearly broke God's Law.


It's a pattern they have. Jehovah knows. Jehovah used them to get a work done, but Jehovah doesn't approve of their brazen disregard for God's Law, and they will reap what they sow. Everyone will know, just like we all know about Solomon's shenanigans. Jehovah used Solomon to do a work, but when Solomon chose to disregard Jehovah's standards, Jehovah made it known. It's not a sin to tell the truth. Jehovah tells the truth. His witnesses must tell the truth too. It's not "reproaching Jehovah's name" to tell the truth. It's reproaching Jehovah's name to conceal the truth. 

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from The Watchtower, 1972, 6/15, page 384


"...and when she desired to come back I totally refused, except upon a promise that she should make reasonable acknowledgement of the wrong course she had been pursuing for a year, and give some assurance of being a friend and not an enemy."


Russell wanted Maria to lie. He wanted her to lie. He wouldn't let her come home unless she lied and said "oh, Charles didn't do anything wrong!" Her conscience wouldn't let her lie. She loved Jehovah. 


So Russell banished her. He slandered her. Cut her off. It's the same thing that happens today. It's what happened in my congregation too. It happens in a lot of congregations. They will only reinstate someone who will lie and bow down to the elders. I can't get reinstated unless I lie and say "oh, the elders didn't allow adultery, drunkenness, spiritism, abuse, etc...oh, it was so wrong of me to tell the other congregation members in harmony with Jesus' command to go to the congregation...oh, it was wrong to warn my brothers and sisters so they could protect themselves...oh, it was bad to obey Jehovah and keep integrity!" Fat chance of that! I worship Jehovah, not the elders. That's why these guys want to keep the disfellowshipping doctrine the way they do. It's not to keep the congregation clean. It's to protect their interests. It's for their own sovereignty. Their sovereignty is about to come to an end. They are supposed to be serving as brothers, not kings. 


Jehovah will get 'em. Lol. He always does in the end.


Remember when Absalom got caught by his hair in the tree? He used to love that hair of his. Remember when Haman got stuck on the pole? He built it for Mordecai. Remember when Korah got zapped? He didn't see it coming. The current FDS/GB doesn't see it coming either. Yikes. 


There are good elders who act like Mordecai and Moses and David. And there are bad elders who act like Absalom and Haman and Korah. When faithful witnesses tell on the bad ones, they are working in harmony with Christ, and they will get their reward. "Look! I am coming quickly, and the reward I give is with me, to repay each one according to his work."

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2 hours ago, boyle said:

She did not abandon Jehovah; her greed did. 


Maria was not the greedy one.


From "Some Facts and More Facts About the Self-Styled "Pastor" Charles T. Russell"


pg 4


"In 1879, he married Miss Marie F. Ackley, who divorced him a few years ago on the ground of cruelty and of having wrong relations with other women. In court, she proved improprieties between her husband and one Rose Ball."


pg. 16


"According to the law of the State of Pennsylvania, a few years ago, she divorced her husband, obtaining alimony, which he did not pay, but his friends made payment to save him; he fought the case for five years, appealing it twice. On the third trial not only did he lose, but the alimony was increased and all the costs levied upon him. All who know Mrs. Russell, speak in the highest terms of her."


pg. 20


"We now come to Russell's domestic life. It was such as to make life intolerable to his wife, and to justify her in leaving him and afterwards suing for a limited divorce, which one court granted and a higher one, on appeal, confirmed, and at the same time most severely censuring "Pastor" Russell for his conduct, which the court described as "insulting," "domineering" and "overbearing" to a degree which made life intolerable to a sensitive Christian woman."


pgs. 22-23


"The divorce was given, and the alimony granted to Mrs. Russell. Russell had a considerable property in his own name. He tried to practise fraud upon his wife by transferring his property to corporations and societies over which he himself had absolute and complete control. Referring to this fact, the court said, "The purpose of this whole transaction was to deprive his wife of her dower interest and was a fraud upon her." Mrs. Russell was compelled to petition the court to compel her husband to pay alimony, and an attachment was ordered."


pg. 24


"When Russell saw that he had failed in this he attempted another course of fraud. He sought to evade payment fixed by the court by fleeing from one state to another, making it necessary for his wife to get an extradition order, which she did, and which led to the condemnation of the cunning "Pastor" by a third court, and the increase of the alimony. Commenting on Russell's defense and conduct on this occasion, Judge Delady said: "There is not one syllable in the testimony to justify his repeated aspersions on her character and her mental condition, nor does he intimate in any way that there was any difference between them other than that she did not agree with him in his views of life and methods of conducting their business.""


pgs. 24-25


"It came out in the evidence first that his "conceit," "egotism" and "domination" were such as to make life intolerable to any sensitive woman. Second, that his conduct in relation to other women was "improper." Third, that on one occasion that he was silent to his wife for four weeks, and only communicated with her by letters of a reproachful character. Fourth, that he sought by most despicable means to isolate his wife from society, and designed to get her pronounced insane in order to put her away."


2 hours ago, boyle said:

There's a big difference when you don't understand the watchtower history.


The 1972 Watchtower, Questions From Readers said: "Is it proper for a married woman to leave her husband if they cannot get along well? Why did the wife of the first president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, C. T. Russell, leave him? —U.S.A."


Russell said, as quoted in the Watchtower: "when she desired to come back I totally refused..."


Watchtower said of Russell: "But Scripturally he could not abandon his position as head to bring about a reconciliation."


That is a lie. Scripturally, Jesus said only adultery merited divorce. Maria did not commit adultery. Maria got away from Russell for a little while because he tortured her. When she gained enough strength, she sought to obey God by going back to and staying with her husband, even though Russell was a tyrant and twisted scripture and acted improperly with other women. Russell didn't want her around because she loved truth and knew it was wrong what Russell was doing. Russell is a liar and so is Watchtower.


Watchtower history has repeated itself. The legal department is still defending abusers and cutting off the victims. Jehovah is so angry with them. When the UN attacks religion, they will be first. All the little abused sheep will be gathered together and they will rejoice because they will know Jehovah is Their Shepherd, and He heard all their cries the whole time. Jehovah knows each of those little ones, even those ones who go to that Capitol event. It doesn't matter if the government does or doesn't listen. Jehovah listens. When He acts, He will fix all of it.


"Happy are those who mourn, since they will be comforted."

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That's probably the first completely honest thing I've ever seen you post, @boyle! Congratulations! You are right, all of your above context has been manipulated by the lack of knowledge. I wasn't going to say anything, but since you brought it up now, I want to thank you for being so sincere and humble and acknowledging your mistakes!


I'm going to get some rest now. I hope you have a good night's rest too! 😄

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Wow, @boyle you are turning into a real gentleman!!! Yes, I know your comments went against my content and understanding, so it is very gracious of you to be apologizing! And thank you for wishing me a good night. I knew you had a good heart in there somewhere! I am so proud of you, my brother 🥰 "Love hopes all things..." See, we really can be "Jehovah's United Family", brothers and sisters united in peace and love. 🫶🌍🌈💝 "Jehovah Causes to Become" Praise Jehovah! 💖

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"Then the Pharisees went and conspired together in order to trap him in his speech."


"No weapon formed against you will have any success, 

And you will condemn any tongue that rises up against you in the judgment.  

This is the heritage of the servants of Jehovah, 

And their righteousness is from me,” declares Jehovah."


"If you afflict him at all, so that he cries out to me, I will unfailingly hear his outcry; and my anger will blaze"


"For their Defender is strong; 

He will take up their cause against you."


"For without cause they have hidden a net to trap me; 

Without cause they have dug a pit for me.  

May disaster come upon him by surprise; 

May the net that he hid catch him; 

May he fall into it and be destroyed.  

But I will rejoice in Jehovah; 

I will be joyful in his acts of salvation"


😄Praise Jehovah!💞

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55 minutes ago, boyle said:

make every attempt to subvert the truth as though they hold it. They don't, and it doesn't matter if they accept it or not.


To quote the Golden Age of February 2, 1921: 


"Or course these "lying spirits", as the Scriptures call them, cannot be trusted; and yet even a liar will sometimes tell the truth, so that he may have the greater influence when he does lie."


Lol! 😆 (Radium!) We should radiate the truth.


"The Lord is letting in the truth on all subjects at just the appropriate time."


"Let the light shine!"


Hope you have a sunshiney-day, @boyle! Jehovah lets the sun shine on the wicked and the good! Enjoy the wheat part of your Watchtower publications while you got 'em...the weeds are going to be smoked. I don't believe in using "weed" - I'll be glad when all the weeds are gone - only the wheat will remain. 


"The green grass dries up, 

The blossom withers, 

Because the breath of Jehovah blows upon it.  

Surely the people are but green grass. 

The green grass dries up, 

The blossom withers, 

But the word of our God endures forever."


Jesus is revealing all the fakers in the organization (and all the false doctrines) by the sword of his mouth, to clear the reproach from Jehovah's holy name. All the weeds will be thrown into the figurative oven. Praise Jehovah!




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