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EXJWs Are Going to the U.S. Capitol


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2 hours ago, boyle said:

This is true. That's why former Jehovah's witnesses and some present Jehovah's witnesses can't be trusted to tell the truth. They rather subvert the information by manipulating it.


There you go again, @boyle, throwing in an honest statement! "This is true." Thank you for being forthright about your situation. Yes, I can see how you can't be trusted to tell the truth - and, yes, I can see that you rather subvert the information by manipulating it. Amen!


Enjoy your afternoon, sweetie!😄😘💖

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To start, harassment, then malice, defamation, etc.  Ignorance of the law and stupidty(inteptitude) is no defense.

How about you go first, it seems you live in a van down by the river...which river would that be?

@Moise Racette Indeed, as for the Constitution, the only entities that have their eyes on it is the ACLU and the United Nations. No doubt some people in government also, but those are the only two tha

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18 hours ago, boyle said:
18 hours ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

if I stopped going to all so-called "apostate sites" then I would have to stop going to the jw.org website too. 

As a disfellowshipped person, that's your right to entangle yourself with false prophets.


I appreciate that you acknowledge there are some false prophets who publish things on the jw.org website. I agree with your statement on that. 


Visiting so-called "apostate sites" is a lot like going to the grocery store. You can get milk and bananas and a loaf of bread without buying a lotto ticket or a pack of cigarettes. You can go to jw.org and listen to a nice Bible-based song or watch a good drama on Daniel or read an article on faith without believing the 1914 false doctrine or the false "Faithful and Discreet Slave" thing or the other false teachings.


Jesus said there would be weeds and wheat in the congregation. He is coming to remove the weeds. (The weeds haven't been removed yet - that's not until after Jesus takes the throne.) In the meantime, we are wise to do our best to show respect for the wheat-like aspects of the congregation arrangement without getting tripped up on the weeds. Everybody's situation is different. Some people endure being PIMO. Others get their "privilege" of attending the Kingdom Hall "revoked". How refreshing it will be when Jesus comes and takes all the rotten fruit out of the congregations!


In the meantime, Jesus helps us navigate by means of what is written in Jehovah's Word.


"May mercy and peace and love be increased to you. 


"Beloved ones, although I was making every effort to write you about the salvation we hold in common, I found it necessary to write you to urge you to put up a hard fight for the faith that was once for all time delivered to the holy ones.  


"My reason is that certain men have slipped in among you who were long ago appointed to this judgment by the Scriptures; they are ungodly men who turn the undeserved kindness of our God into an excuse for brazen conduct and who prove false to our only owner and Lord, Jesus Christ. 


"Although you are fully aware of all of this, I want to remind you that Jehovah, having saved a people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those not showing faith.  And the angels who did not keep their original position but forsook their own proper dwelling place, he has reserved with eternal bonds in dense darkness for the judgment of the great day.  In the same manner, Sodʹom and Go·morʹrah and the cities around them also gave themselves over to gross sexual immorality and pursued unnatural fleshly desires; they are placed before us as a warning example by undergoing the judicial punishment of everlasting fire....


"Despite this, these men too are indulging in dreams, defiling the flesh, despising authority, and speaking abusively of glorious ones. But when Miʹcha·el the archangel had a difference with the Devil and was disputing about Moses’ body, he did not dare to bring a judgment against him in abusive terms, but said: “May Jehovah rebuke you.”  But these men are speaking abusively about all the things they really do not understand. And in all the things that they do understand by instinct like unreasoning animals, they go on corrupting themselves...


"As for you, beloved ones, call to mind the sayings that have been previously spoken by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ, how they used to say to you: “In the last time there will be ridiculers, following their own desires for ungodly things.”  These are the ones who cause divisions, animalistic men, not having spirituality.  


"But you, beloved ones, build yourselves up on your most holy faith, and pray with holy spirit, in order to keep yourselves in God’s love, while you await the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ with everlasting life in view.  Also, continue showing mercy to some who have doubts; save them by snatching them out of the fire. But continue showing mercy to others, doing so with fear, while you hate even the garment that has been stained by the flesh.


"Now to the one who is able to guard you from stumbling and to make you stand unblemished in the sight of his glory with great joy, to the only God our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, might, and authority for all past eternity and now and into all eternity. Amen.


The "ex jw's" may go to the Capitol, but in the end it will be Jehovah who executes judgment on the animalistic men in the organization who have turned the undeserved kindness of God into an excuse for brazen conduct, men who by means of their false doctrines and God-dishonoring lies have spoken abusively of the truly glorious ones Jehovah and Jesus. Hopefully some of those animalistic ones hiding in the organization repent before that day comes. "Repent! The Kingdom of the Heavens is Drawing Near!"


Praise Jehovah, the God of Justice.💖

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On 4/17/2023 at 4:15 PM, AudreyAnnaNana said:

Here is the website to more information on this topic: 


I do not know the organizer and I am not part of any organized protest movements, but I do know that just like some people go door-to-door to talk about religion while others go door-to-door to sell vacuums or to take a census...so similarly, not all who go to the Capitol go for the same reasons or the have the same motivations.

The website bares the exact notions of the other group who caused problems for the people of the Borough on the East Coast, the group is referred to as TVAA, which, after a build up, failed in whatever it is they are doing, therefore, this website, proclaimed the very same thing they did, and it would be a repeated process, only this time, there is a political element involved. There will be bad actors, as usual, and you already have people angry at not JWs, but former JWs who caused various issues in the past, the irony is, any disgruntled EXJW will not tell you this.

For instance, this build up to the 2017 event, planned in advance - https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/188275/since-some-were-asking-about-vast-apostate-army

On 4/17/2023 at 4:15 PM, AudreyAnnaNana said:

The "signage" section on the "be free" website appears to be all slogans that just bear witness to the truth about sketchy stuff going on in the organization. Jehovah's witnesses are commanded by Jesus to bear witness to the truth, even to those in high stations. While it seems many who consider themselves to be "ex-jw" will attend, in essence the messages (according to that website) to be shared could easily be shared by those who still have faith in Jehovah God and obey what is written in the Bible.

The thing is, this stuff isn't unknown to anyone. People are aware that in every institution and or group, be it religious or educational, even business/corporate, there are some who do bad things, abuse their power, all while in a position of authority, this goes with the issue of abuse, even pedophila.

During a one-year period in the U.S., 16% of youth ages 14 to 17 had been sexually victimized; and over the course of their lifetime, 28% of U.S. youth ages 14 to 17 had been sexually victimized (https://victimsofcrime.org/child-sexual-abuse-statistics/)

Even told @ApostaBabe Linda James that once everything opens up, things will be worse, and you have articles like this appearing - https://www.justice-firm.com/blog/the-prevalence-of-child-sexual-abuse-in-schools/

Despite this, there are people within such communities and institutions who do speak truth and is against the bad, although some, are not equipped to deal with some situations and use whatever in their ability, what is known, to deal with it vs those who adhere to solutions in order to prevent abuse or suspects of abuse. This is why the majority, even those on the Conservative side, specifically seek to target the people who do bad, in a sense, pulling weeds out of the grass, so to speak.

It will not be only EXJWs who will appear there unfortunately, there will be opportunist (as with all rallies and protests because there is something to gain and or commit - an agenda). EXJWs have influenced people who is neither JW or EXJW to join them, i.e. EXJWs claim all JWs are Anti-Gay, sparking some folks in the LGBTQ community to rally with them, when in reality, JWs and most Christians do not dislike the person because of homosexuality, it is the conduct itself that is detested, in addition to that, Christians would often times be prompted to speak of the Bible with such people (hence Commission), however, EXJWs preach that this should not be done at all. They even have the irreligious among them, which is worse.

That said, seems the disgruntled EXJWs will not have much to stand on for some practices if there is a biblical connection, granted, for example, Expelling, otherwise known as Excommunication is not only within the core of Christianity, but also, practiced outside of religion, just recently we seen the MSM, all the way to members of congress, even practiced Expelling, therefore, this is something that disgruntled EXJWs will not really be able to beat, as it has failed back in 2017, it would fail here.

On 4/17/2023 at 4:15 PM, AudreyAnnaNana said:

Generally speaking, going to a beast to lobby for change doesn't work well. However, there have been instances recorded in the Bible where Jehovah used random people going to the king to make something happen. Haman, though a pagan, was in the courtyard when the king of Medo-Persia had a dream. Jehovah used Haman's words to reward Mordecai. Esther's requests to the king worked well. Exiled Daniel was around when the king of Babylon had a dream, and Jehovah used him to help the king understand a situation. Paul spoke to governmental authorities frequently. 

This is a different case compared to the situation in the Bible, they are about to deal with not only the political paradigm, but the majority of folks, like Leftist, who advocate for something a watered down Christianity, which is what the Beast supports, and pedophile being normalized in today's society, not to mention people who actually harm children, of which the police will not tell you, is that there are such people who live close to schools and churches, as is releasing such people out into the general publication who can do anything and go anywhere, even fool religious people, such as JWs, in order to enter said community.

A child abuse survivor out of one of the Bible Student community, who was attacked by EXJWs back in 2017, stated, the real fight should be against those in that paradigm who work with the beast, otherwise, the problems will continue to on. Sadly, he was attacked and forced to make another video to retract what he said, and later, he was forced to delete his videos because of the Apostates who came out of the JW community. It was bad to the point both JWs and non disgruntled EXJWs had to come to this man's defense, even the former EXJW himself, now turned Red Light District Adventurer, Llyod Evans.

I was trying to find the videos for those who wanted critical information, but they are nowhere to be found.


I said this to @Equivocation because among the JW churches disrupted, his one was of them


On 2/21/2022 at 8:09 PM, Space Merchant said:

the Schism of EXJWs, you are free to look here, granted the focus of attack was not on JWs, per-say, but among other EXJWs - https://m.facebook.com/nt/screen/?params={"note_id"%3A757461374812405}&path=%2Fnotes%2Fnote%2F&refsrc=deprecated&_rdr

Also note that: Peter had something very vital to say about the whole child sex abuse issue, however, like the 1975 video I mentioned, EXJW ran it and burned this information to the ground with shaming, and death threats after the failed lie regarding the park situation. Moreover, he provided a solution that would benefit everyone, even current JWs because it made sense. Those who heard from both videos disassociated themselves from the EXJW community, and onlookers were reinforced to deem those who took action on that day as a legitimate threat to the County.

There was also a cover up related to that event whereas some videos by disgruntled EXJWs, they wiped and or deleted after it was revealed of who stopped the park protest.

On 4/17/2023 at 4:15 PM, AudreyAnnaNana said:

Even if only a handful of 45 people show up, what of it? Numbers don't matter with Jehovah, if He decides to use it for something. The Bible shows that the US/UK breathes life into the UN for the attack on Babylon the Great to start at the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses. It isn't wrong to bear witness to the authorities regarding the sins of the organization. We're going to have to keep bearing witness to the truth during the entire tribulation anyway.

Like I said, it will be like 2017 but a bit more concerning, problematic and complex.

The US and the UK are under the UN banner, but they are not the core, it's head, which makes no sense because their opponents, such as China, and Russia, are under the UN too. Several of us, like @Arauna, @Kosonen, etc. and myself, spoke extensively about this, in my case and @Kosonen, we tend to track whatever the Beast and Babylon is doing, as of recently, the Beast has plans for children that will only embolden abusers and will not be favorable for anyone with or cares for children, in my case, Truthers are very knowing of protest and what the core of such lays on, some with foundations, some that has nothing, but thrive primarily on emotion.

Babylon's attack will not start with JWs outright though (this goes for the Russia situation prior to the proxy war), as everyone knows, they, as do others, know that the Firstfruits still roam, the greatest of her attacks will come in full force soon, and during that time, it will be revealed who is for the Most High and who is not in relation to everyone who claims to be of God and his Christ. 2016 and other events reflects this, but it will be grander when that time comes where everyone will be involved.

They have the right to protest, but is MUST be for the right reasons, as the abuse survivor mentioned.

Abuse of power for nefarious means is NOT unknown to anyone in the general public.

On 4/17/2023 at 4:15 PM, AudreyAnnaNana said:

Will others show up who will not adhere to what is outlined on that website? Quite likely. In the Kingdom Halls, many also show up who do not follow what is written in God's Word. If any true Christians participated in such an event as what is described on the "be free" website, they would have to be extremely careful to obey the command of the Christ by not taking part in violence: "If anyone has an ear, let him hear.  If anyone is meant for captivity, he will go into captivity. If anyone will kill with the sword, he must be killed with the sword. This is where it calls for endurance and faith on the part of the holy ones."

True Christians will not show up to this event (as is any event that is similar, i.e. Washington DC 2016), mainly if you factor in of

[A] who they want to speak to and -

[B] who supports them, i.e. no True Christian who stand side by side of advocates of the LGBTQ community to take down a faith of whom they agree/disagree with on some things.

For example, Soldier of God, when he was alive, he knew about the upcoming protest in the Borough (TVAA showing up at JW churches, Warwick and a Public Park) and advised everyone some Christians faiths are like another tribe, and such tribe have their enemies, do not mingle with the enemies of other tribes are you'll become not only an enemy to their enemy, but to everyone else. Mind you, someone who is said to be chosen, now deceased, has stated this outside of bringing up awareness to anyone who listens. Moreover, EXJW have stated they want to burn down the Watchtower and shut down the JW faith entirely, which is very extreme, although it was said in 2017, it is said now, and the difference here is that they do not joke about harming or killing religious leaders in the faith, hence, which is probably why the abuse survivior stopped them.

That being said, protests have two paths, legitimate change and there is the warpath aspect of it, I say this from experience because of the people I dealt with for several years now.

This one will be just like Nov. 2017 without question, it is absolute certainty. There will be not only JWs against them, but former JWs that do not follow the disgruntled apostasy mindset of those with a warpath ideology in mind, as is any regular civilian who is a rational thinker, who, as of we recall form last time, compared disgruntled EXJWs to Extremist for not only the protest, but disrupting religious service, which they are known for. Example of a regular rational person vs a disgruntled EXJW in the screen below,



The ironic thing about them weaponizing ARC is they will not tell you a key element in Case Study 29 (which the general public can read vs what is said online or by the MSM - https://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/case-studies/case-study-29-jehovahs-witnesses).

This seems to be the case with the website you linked, nor will they tell you the truth about the ARC investigation, for disgruntled EXJWs will tell you that the reported number of perpetrators is 1,006 who did the crimes related to child abuse and it had been hidden by the JW church as the claim goes, however, the reality is, the ARC investigation recorded that around 380+ of these have been reported to the police around the time abuse or suspect of abuse had occurred, and because of this, a percentage of the 380+ resulted in convictions of those who committed the crime. Therefore, the notion that this was hidden information, or that JWs did not cooperated and such cases were kept form justice, with lawful authority; all regarded as false.

This is something @Srecko Sostar, @Witness and Butler did not understand at the time, and even today, the same case.

As for other events, with what has been going on recently with both Babylon and the Beast, this protest will not do well. @Kosonen and I are correct when it comes to various protests, be it this, or political ones and or other, this goes for Truthers, who also deal with and often times are victims of so called Activists.

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23 minutes ago, boyle said:

By the way, you haven't proven anything, but a lot of talk and no action. How's that working out for you?


I've taken action. I've already written (via email) to both the United Nations and the White House to tell them what their role is in Bible prophecy.


"And he kept staring at him to the point of embarrassment. Then the man of the true God gave way to weeping.  Hazʹa·el asked: “Why is my lord weeping?” He replied: “Because I know what harm you will do to the people of Israel. Their fortified places you will set on fire, their choice men you will kill with the sword, their children you will dash to pieces, and their pregnant women you will rip open.”  Hazʹa·el said: “How could your servant, who is a mere dog, do such a deed?” But E·liʹsha said: “Jehovah has shown me that you will be king over Syria.”"


(Alexander the Great was told how he figured in Bible prophecy. So was Cyrus, and Nebuchadnezzar.)


Jehovah always tells the finale from the beginning. Praise Jehovah.






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3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Babylon is doing, as of recently, the Beast has plans for children that will only embolden abusers and will not be favorable for anyone with or cares for children,

Apologies for the swear word in headline but there are no other bad words in the body of the discussion....if I remember correctly.   This is an indication of where the world is going....... We have not seen half of what is coming! UN told governments to allow child sex!


The following link shows that they are doing a new Treaty for the UN - and the USA is bringing in the Restrict act.  This discussion below shows the kind of people who run the WHO  


Unfortunately, the changes to the WHO treaty of 2005 is receiving very little media attention and this is the one that has already been signed by all countries:- In May they will accept the changes to the old treaty.  The clauses for Human rights and human dignity has been taken out.

More about it on this link: unfortunately these are not my favorite people but they do talk about it in detail:


Together with this Restrict Act - we will go into a totalitarian system.  this guy understands what is coming! 


 rev 13: " And it was permitted to give breath* to the image of the wild beast, so that the image of the wild beast should both speak and cause to be killed all those who refuse to worship the image of the wild beast.16  It puts under compulsion all people—the small and the great, the rich and the poor, the free and the slaves—that these should be marked on their right hand or on their forehead,v 17  and that nobody can buy or sell except a person having the mark, the namew of the wild beast or the number of its name.x 18  This is where it calls for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man’s number,* and its number is 666.





I hope these videos show you how bible prophecy will be fulfilled and educated what is going on.


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@AudreyAnnaNana The Administration and elements of the Beast that roam within it, as is those connected will not be in anyone's favor, including the UN, especially with what the Beast is doing currently via children. There is already a censorship war raging on with prominent people already losing their jobs; understandable to leave a message, but including the website here, would, in some cases, paint a target on Admin's back (which did anger him once if I recall), something similar was done several times in the past here, one instance involved a website that can fool anyone via spoofing and possibly take real name and information from any unsuspecting persons, the other situation, is getting doxxed, thus putting him, and or anyone at risk. Although the message sent to you is automated, nothing is stopping them to go down that route, especially if you have certain types of people who, like me, Anti-agenda who do post here. The Administration and or any affiliates are not kind to Truthers. As for Russia, whether Putin is here or not, it is the powers itself that is the problem, the paradigm that would put Christians to the test is a collective, not the US and UK alone. Like I said, people like @Kosonen and @Arauna besides myself speak a lot of these things, it should be known to you as well.

@boyle The websites are identical in terms of what documents they hold for anyone to download, nothing changed, expect if anyone does something bad in the JW community, that is often times noted. For example, @Witness's website link, is now a dead website because of the truth spoken about concerning spoofing, that had the potential to steal people's information, in this case, any gullible JW who assumes the Login tab is real.


On 3/12/2022 at 5:09 PM, Witness said:

This is why after 2017, TVAA group's failed protest died off and they rely on memes and other absurdities to draw attention. What I did notice in the website Audrey linked is it mentions the whole tax and fund information as seen here,


Which @Witness used in the past on here, as is with Jason Zelda's information, which she used, and in the debate, and lost when an EXJW's [Legolas] information was used against her claim. The other problem is that anyone who is familiar with even the basics in stocks and finance, was also able to call out the lie Zelda preached, yet, although false, many EXJW websites still prompt these lies, which is no different form the UN's DPI vs ECOSOC ordeal.

This also goes hand in hand with people who had enough of the lies, even among EXJWs who refuted their own. Although there are people who disagree with JWs on some things, they will not be fooled by mistruths proclaimed by the disgruntled few who are one sided, after all, you already have some disgruntled people preaching, who are also going to that protest, that JWs literally see infants as spawns of the devil and are deserving of death, the fact they are preaching this to get people to rally against JWs is a clear sign of an agenda at play. After all, if none of them are speaking the truth about ARC, that is another clue.

It should also be noted, the whole Newscorp thing @Witness, @Srecko Sostar and Butler supported, the odd story about JWs and the Cayman islands had vanished several months after the Redress scheme, as I told them, if they do not not how the Alt-Right plays their games, it is best to not see everything they say as a truth.

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I don't know about any of that stuff, @Space Merchant, I just know what the Bible says. The UN will attack all religious institutions. The US/UK will be involved in precipitating that event. Jehovah is the One who tells the finale from the beginning. He uses witnesses to tell what He's going to do. We have to bear witness to the truth, even to those in high stations. They will have to know that He Is Jehovah.


It's going to be really awful for the 3 1/2 years of the great tribulation, but God's Love and love for each other will get us through.

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@Arauna I'm familiar with Redacted, in fact, most of the Truther community supports them. But yeah, we saw this coming like the Desmond situation concerning children and the UN. The normalization of pedophila is a big problem, and at this point, to safeguard children, people need to teach them. As I told @ApostaBabe Linda James 2022 and onward will be worse for children when things open back up, be it indoctrination and or subjection to vile and brazen acts, such as a recent story I am looking into Luz Maida.

Outside of children, it should also be noted to have girls and women in your faith to keep their awareness up and be vigilant. Gang Stalkers are more out and about now. I say these because outside of all the violence and abuse, females are becoming more of a target nowadays, even in religious communities. There was a JW elsewhere who mentions an EXJW was not only trying to go to them to start debate for CSA or other stuff, but rather, take picture of any female JW who is preaching the gospel, even going as far as to take inappropriate pictures.

That being said, the world's agenda seems to target women and children. People need to keep their eyes open, and regarding the disgruntled folk from your community, it is a shame and a surprise to this day they haven't figured out what to do, although an abused person tells them what they should do, they crucify him.

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4 minutes ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

I don't know about any of that stuff, @Space Merchant, I just know what the Bible says. The UN will attack all religious institutions.

This is the case, but they have been rallying religious leaders since the early 2000s, have several events and movements that spawned from it, even using the Pope as a mouthpiece. Some of the pastors some EXJWs follow, are among this fold. Babylon is working and moving about but only when the time comes, the Beast will attack her.

5 minutes ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

The US/UK will be involved in precipitating that event.

They will be involved, however, they are under the UN banner, even side by side with their opponents. The only group who, switched teams, is Saudi Arabia as of recent.

Tribulation End Times will be brutal, but the Firstfruits still roam, and we should be doing what we can in concerning the gospel, and the truth itself. We should also be aware of who the real enemy is, otherwise, those who do not know will fall easily, if people can easily fall back in 2016 concerning the Pope, even in regards to the JW ban in Russia not realizing the timeline of it to Putin's re-election, they will continue to do so now.


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14 minutes ago, boyle said:

You forgot to include Satan in your letter writing, lol! He's the most important one for this world.

It starts something this. Dear Mr Putin. Lol! 😂


Now @boyle, you know very well that Putin isn't Satan (although he does work under his jurisdiction.)


Anyway, we already wrote to Putin a few years ago in 2017...no need to write to him again. Bible prophecy shows his time is short. "And he will plant his royal tents between the grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration; and he will come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him."



(Did also get to message the UK Parliament people too...)

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Well, using that same criteria, Boyle, a very good case could be made that no one should listen to you.

C. T. Russel would have disagreed with your basic premise, as in the very first issue of the Watchtower stated “If Satan were to tell you the truth, it would still be the truth.”.….. just as some of the things YOU say are true.

I disagree with your assertions that people that disagree with you are fools and basically unrepentant scum.

I also dislike Steve Bannon intensely, but there may be SOME truth in there somewhere …..

That’s why I have never asked for you to be censured, censored or banned, and would not do it if I had the ability, which I don’t.



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