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EXJWs Are Going to the U.S. Capitol


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To start, harassment, then malice, defamation, etc.  Ignorance of the law and stupidty(inteptitude) is no defense.

How about you go first, it seems you live in a van down by the river...which river would that be?

@Moise Racette Indeed, as for the Constitution, the only entities that have their eyes on it is the ACLU and the United Nations. No doubt some people in government also, but those are the only two tha

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31 minutes ago, boyle said:

Until you can show me how Judas became a favorite of Jehovah? I'm sorry, but your ideology lacks substance. 🤭

Blasphemer! Jehovah will never send a bunch of losers to the capitol. That's a disgraceful comment. 😮


Judas was anointed by holy spirit to be one of the 144,000. When he blasphemed that anointing holy spirit, there was no longer anything left to redeem him.


When non-anointed ones are disfellowshipped, it's not possible for them to blaspheme the spirit in that specific way, because they never had the holy spirit anointing them in that way to begin with. It is not possible for a human tribunal to judge if someone blasphemed the holy spirit.


Jehovah's Word makes it clear to us today that Judas blasphemed the spirit, because Jesus called Judas the son of destruction and the apostle John talked about what that meant. 


When the governing body or any elder body or publication today claims a person is not redeemable by the ransom and therefore "disfellowshippable", that governing body or elder body or publication is putting themselves in the place of Jesus and Jehovah and God's Word the Bible.

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18 minutes ago, boyle said:

Please do not associate me with those who do not conform to respectable moral and ethical standards. I am on a mission that is blessed by Jehovah. Your mission and those that defend apostates are sanctioned by the devil. 😉


The Devil doesn't like my association. I am associated with Jehovah. 


If you want to "disfellowship" me from your association, @boyle, you can join the club. But I'd miss you, just like I miss the other ones who disfellowshipped me. Hopefully they'll wake up eventually and realize how foolish it is to walk around ignoring people who are Jehovah's friends. Hopefully they'll wake up and stop denying the power of the ransom blood.


"This was in the sight of God, in whom he had faith, who makes the dead alive and calls the things that are not as though they are."


(Romans 4:17)

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31 minutes ago, boyle said:

You forget how David's heart was transformed and by objective, repented. So, your theory has holes in it.


My heart doesn't have holes in it.


David didn't need to repent about being Jehovah's friend. Saul hated David because David was Jehovah's friend. King Saul tried to kill David because David was Jehovah's friend. Anointed King Saul disfellowshipped David because David was Jehovah's friend. It's the same reason the GB and some of the elder bodies disfellowship some of Jehovah's friends today.


When King Saul died, David was no longer "disfellowshipped". When the nations remove the GB from power, there will no longer be "disfellowshipping" in the congregations. Jesus will allow the nations to work along with the angels to remove the weeds from the congregation, including the weedlike doctrines that don't belong.

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39 minutes ago, boyle said:
47 minutes ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

The disfellowshipping doctrine is bunk. If the worldly governments make it illegal to disfellowship, I will celebrate, just as the Jews celebrated Purim back in ancient times.

Spoken like a true apostate! 😜


Thank you.🥰


(I will never condone the God-dishonoring doctrines of the GB. If obeying God as ruler is considered "apostasy", then Amen!)

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1 hour ago, boyle said:

Those who defend the disfellowshipped are considered losers in the eyes of God.



You've got it backwards, sweetie.


Those who defend the disfellowshipped are considered losers in the eyes of the GB.


Here is what Jehovah says about defending the lowly ones:


"The one showing favor to the lowly is lending to Jehovah, 

And He will repay him for what he does."


"Happy is anyone who shows consideration to the lowly one; 

Jehovah will rescue him in the day of calamity.  

Jehovah will guard him and keep him alive. 

He will be pronounced happy in the earth; 

You will never turn him over to the will of his enemies."



May he plead the cause of your people with righteousness, 

And of your lowly ones with justice.  

May the mountains bring peace to the people, 

And may the hills bring righteousness.  

Let him defend the lowly among the people, 

Let him save the sons of the poor, 

And let him crush the defrauder."


"Defend the lowly and the fatherless. 

Render justice to the helpless and destitute. 

Rescue the lowly and the poor; 

Save them out of the hand of the wicked."


"Speak up in behalf of the speechless; 

Defend the rights of all who are perishing.  

Speak up and judge righteously; 

Defend the rights of the lowly and the poor."


(Proverbs 19:17; Psalm 41:1,2; Psalm 72:1-4; Psalm 82:3,4; Proverbs 31:8,9)


1 hour ago, boyle said:

Please do not associate me with those who do not conform to respectable moral and ethical standards. I am on a mission that is blessed by Jehovah.


I know. 😉

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55 minutes ago, boyle said:

sympathy from me


Oh, but you've comforted me so much already, Jehovah knows!☺️


55 minutes ago, boyle said:

What is the moral of the story and the experience that needs to be shared?

46 minutes ago, boyle said:


55 minutes ago, boyle said:

your endeavor! 🤗

46 minutes ago, boyle said:


55 minutes ago, boyle said:


55 minutes ago, boyle said:

Having an erroneous attitude can be detrimental to your success. It's important to avoid having a negative mindset and to approach situations with an open mind and positive outlook.

55 minutes ago, boyle said:

One day you will learn the ways of God.


Thank you for your confidence, @boyle! I am confident too that everything Jehovah has promised will come true.


"But the one who guarantees that you and we belong to Christ and the one who anointed us is God.  He has also put his seal on us and has given us the token of what is to come, that is, the spirit, in our hearts...we are fellow workers for your joy, for it is by your faith that you are standing."


(2 Corinthians 1:22-24)


I hope you have a good rest of the afternoon!💝 Catch up with you later, Jehovah willing🥰🌷

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In the movie “Dr. Strangelove”, an Alaskan Air Force General named Bat Guano decided to start World War III, because his “bodily essences” were being contaminated by the Russkies with fluoridated water, and sent B-52 Bombers to nuke Soviet Union Strategic Targets.

Even when talking about the Western gunfighter Bat Masterson, I never knew what the name “Bat” was a contraction for, if anything … I will ask ChatGBT.

I dunno, it’s just when boyle says “Remember Audrey! I drink the purest waters for my mortal soul.”, I remember Allen Smith bragging about his .50 cal. Sniper rifle….. and it reminds me of General Bat Guano.

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...I didn't see that one, but I remember seeing the Davy Crockett movie and the line "Remember the Alamo!"


Although I think it wasn't Davy Crockett who said that line, but some general.

Davy Crockett supposedly said: "You may all go to hell and I'll go to Texas."

That's not a very nice thing to say, but that's what the man said.

I've been to Texas. But I've never been to Spain.




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