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EXJWs Are Going to the U.S. Capitol


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1 hour ago, Mankeptforunnaturalporpoises said:

elderly     lonely     angry     needy 

I don't see that there is anything wrong with any of those things.


Jesus was older than anybody else, so you could say that when he walked the earth he was elderly though not aging.


Jesus felt lonely sometimes. "About the ninth hour, Jesus called out with a loud voice, saying: “Eʹli, Eʹli, laʹma sa·bach·thaʹni?” that is, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”"


There is a lot to be angry about in the world. "Be agitated, but do not sin. Have your say in your heart, upon your bed, and keep silent." The Bible doesn't say that we'll never feel angry - it says to "be slow to anger."  Jesus was angry with those robbers in the temple who were taking advantage of God's sheep in order to make a buck.


We're all needy. Anyone who says they're not needy isn't being truthful. Jehovah designed us to need each other. That's why we're a family.


I'm glad you're here. I hope you live forever.💖

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To start, harassment, then malice, defamation, etc.  Ignorance of the law and stupidty(inteptitude) is no defense.

How about you go first, it seems you live in a van down by the river...which river would that be?

@Moise Racette Indeed, as for the Constitution, the only entities that have their eyes on it is the ACLU and the United Nations. No doubt some people in government also, but those are the only two tha

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"...their eyes were weighed down, so they did not know what to answer him..."


@boyle I'm not sure who you are talking about. I am rather dull right now because I am sleepy. I am glad you hate evil and pride and arrogance. Me too. I also hate being overtired, so I have to go to sleep now...


I hope you have a nice rest of your evening🌿😌

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On 5/11/2023 at 6:17 PM, AudreyAnnaNana said:

The signage requirement said: "CSA/Shunning/FreedomReligion" stuff only, and I personally do not know how they are going to monitor that, but it is what the website says.

That may be the case, but it is a repeat of 2017. Evidence to that is because not only they mention their mission, but they threw in other things that had nothing to do with the protest itself. So the outcome of 2023's protest will be exact like 2017. The only difference the silenced, cannot counter them, mainly the child abuse survivor, who stopped part of the protest, since it is in his family's state this time around.

If you do not see what is behind this, you do not see the present threat.

that being said, the same people they want to be heard from as Expelled people themselves just recently (even shunning them, i.e. Santos), as is some making the attempt, via using law in some instances:

  • Florida Republican moves to expel Schiff from Congress
  • McCarthy says House ethics should move ‘rapidly’ on Santos as Democrats push for expulsion
  • Marjorie Taylor Greene announces impeachment articles against President Biden

Concerning Santos:


Representative George Santos of New York has been shunned by some of his fellow Republicans...

Another added factor, title 42 expired, so stuff like this will play a role, as I said months ago here, even years back.

@boyle There is already a counter narrative from some folks, even former JWs who do not align themselves with disgruntled EXJWs. As mentioned, disgruntled JWs are working hard to silence anyone who is against them as they did before. As for your other point, 2022, things opening back up, like schools, allow threats to enter into the space, with 2023 amplifying on that 3 times over, it will indeed be an interesting year, speaking of interesting, Chinese trained military migrants entered the US via boats [Chinese migrants were dropped off by a boat and came to shore, ... reported more than 23 thousand migrant encounters in South Florida], and terrorists have entered after title 42 expired. So there will be threats that enter the US, as is some in the US who would pose a threat to anyone who enters, specifically children.

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So what they're planning is essentially a repeat of what transpired several years ago? Seeing that my Hall was among the ones hit, what they plan to do in, of all places, Washington DC, it will probably have issues. If I am not mistaken, there is some SERIOUS consequences for disruption of any religious services in the state. In the Borough, not only did they disrupt religious services, but it angered people in the vicinity, and actually got a former Bible student involved as well as someone's boyfriend who was very VERY mad. From the website it says why they are doing this, which they have a freedom to do, but you have the other parts which seems like a Trojan horse type of thing.

Washington DC is also on high alert of all types of protesters after the January 6th day. Someone mentioned some factors involved, one thing I do see is that this is very close to the presidential run. Speaking of Washington, some of the stuff that the would be protesters have an issue with, some people, even those at the Captiol do this themselves, i.e. to Expel someone. The child abuse stuff, as the Bible student said, you have to deal with the politicians, laws, state, for that and so on, at the same time these same people they want to be heard from are releasing vile people back into the streets after committing crimes, and they end up doing the same thing, I mean, these same criminals also end up living  nearby schools and other public places anyway but the officials won't tell you that. 🤷‍♂️

Hypothetically, this can also affect other faiths in the area if it goes too far and resultin other problems. 

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There is a saying in the newspaper business about what makes news, and what gets reported as news. Expression is “if it bleeds it leads“. The News that gets reported on the front page is of people bleeding, and page 47 columns six down at the bottom for other stuff.

The problem they’re going to have to deal with is, how much does a general  Public care about Jehovah’s Witnesses before all this takes place.

If I was a gambling man, and I am, I would look at the cards and see that I have drawn aces and eights.

That may on the surface look to be like good cards, but it’s called “the dead man’s hand.”.

Merely a guess, no more.

“ If someone told you that you were holding "aces and eights" while working on a project, they might be referring to the Dead Man's Hand. The Dead Man's Hand is a poker hand consisting of two pairs: a pair of aces and a pair of eights. The hand gained its name from an infamous legend associated with the American Old West, specifically the death of Wild West folk hero, James "Wild Bill" Hickok. Reportedly, he was holding this hand when he was shot in the back during a poker game in 1876. As a result, the term "aces and eights" has become synonymous with bad luck or an omen of impending disaster. So if someone mentioned it in the context of your project, they might be suggesting that there could be challenges or difficulties ahead.”  —- ChatGBT.

People are already expecting vandalism and extortion on October 31.

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@Pudgy That is true, some of the groups I mentioned a while back are sharpening their blades, so to speak. The people in Washington, the aware seem more worried about the FEDs now occupying the state and it's counties, and they will be there into 2024, early and mid. So outside of the protest as I told @Witness, and the others, there will be factors at play, as of recent there was a deranged person who people assume to be associated with the FEDs drove a truck into the White House perimeter. You have officials, higher powers getting satellite phones because something is on the horizon and the most damning of them all, is the disappearance of a 30-ton shipment between Cali and Wyoming, which, should something happens, something dangerous, the fault is 100% on the FEDs, the FBI, etc.

That being said, something rare, especially in my case, never ever have I seen the Truther Community this high on edge to even bring up information like this, especially the missing 30-ton shipment.

EDIT: Now Mexico is dealing with a problem that will probably turn into something big - Popocatépetl.


@Equivocation Yes, it will be a repeat of what happened in New York (100% and I put my hand on the Bible for that), but this time in Washington DC, which, as stated, isn't a place to be fooling around, in fact, it is the bane of why protesting and riot groups even exist, i.e. BLM (Black Live Matters), and it spawns and influences characters like Milo Yiannopoulos who is now noted as an agent of chaos by some, despite even his rivals being far more destructive.

I believe @AudreyAnnaNana mentioned Robert King, some of his followers follow specific folks in such paradigms, and if you remembered the listed groups I had from a while back, expect to start seeing them return in mass, it is also the very reason why some of these people are trying to connect your and a few other faiths to Soros, on top of that, the new group that just entered Washington DC.

But as per the question, the protest against your faith own do much, it'll put a light on disgruntled EXJWs for sometime, but granted pervious events and many mistruths spoken, like NYC, the public will either not care and or challenge even correct misconceptions, there will be people who will be against it because any action would effect their own faiths, beliefs, values and what they stand for, granted, the same people in the Capitol are the same ones having men parading around half naked in front of children in schools and churches, as is other Godless notions. Excommunication along with what is attached to it will not really be hit either, granted, nearly everyone form religious, to non religious, even the political, practices Expel, and, ironically to the protesters, shunning, hence Santos.

Then you have the child abuse issue, which, even if you remove whatever guidelines from the faith, it won't stop child abuse whatsoever, hence, why people need to educate people and kids, this is what some people are doing. They won't really be able to knock them on blood either, granted, it is one of several procedures, and it is hypocritical because, even the disgruntled EXJW would refuse a medical treatment for their young (COVID-19 vaccines and the like), but would bash anyone, in this case, JWs, from doing the same thing, even in terms of alternatives, in addition, the whole abortion issue, which, also ironically, some disgruntled EXJWs were in support of, granted, JWs and other minorities are neither for or against.


That being said, that is what happens when people ignore solutions and do not seek to compromise in a middle ground.

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On 5/23/2023 at 2:03 PM, Space Merchant said:

@Equivocation Yes, it will be a repeat of what happened in New York (100% and I put my hand on the Bible for that), but this time in Washington DC, which, as stated, isn't a place to be fooling around, in fact, it is the bane of why protesting and riot groups even exist, i.e. BLM (Black Live Matters), and it spawns and influences characters like Milo Yiannopoulos who is now noted as an agent of chaos by some, despite even his rivals being far more destructive.

Let's hope no congregation raids again (for Peter's sake, since he was verbally attacked), there is already a phenomenon of raiding and disrupting gatherings taking place. Not to mention all the crazy stuff happening around it.

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  • 5 months later...
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Waited purposely just to say this.... I told you so. I only came back to say it because the small subnet of a group that went were not only confused for Pro-Palestine protesters, but were overshadowed by them when Antony Blinken was in town (despite how they want to portray their actions)


As it was done in 2017, it has been done the same with this one. More of the focus was around the very things mentioned when it came to things that will take place concerning events, which was true then, and now. What also put harm to this more is the fact that a few of the disgruntled ones have been exposed for harassing and attacking people because of their opposite stance concerning some faiths, as is, this includes Jehovah's Witnesses; the events with India, or the likes of a specific person in the late Jeffrey Epstein's circle of friends. The desperation gets real when some disgruntled folks are now trying to paint Jehovah's Witnesses as Zionist and or partakers in Zionism in order to put a spotlight on them in hopes that any fringe opposition to Israel who sees them, will view them as targets, which isn't too different from when disgruntled ones tried to pin them as a Democratic Left leaning religious group, while hypocritically seeking help from Democratic Left leaning folk to deal with them, which beats the asking the then US president to ban a single religion move made a few years back.

That being said, with the true colors being shown by those with an evident political view, seems like the very people the disgruntled EXJWs seek support from, don't mind the bloodshed and or harm of some people, be it young or old, not to mention the fact that the political view who are in the religious space in conjunction with Mainstream Christendom, were indeed using people of former faiths, this includes EXJWs for their own gain, and continue to do so.

As I said many times, you can seek and apply solutions to help and support, even teach all while being grounded for it benefits people in and outside of any community to minizine issues to the best of one's ability, you'd fair far better than going on a warpath that makes you look foolish.

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On 5/11/2023 at 10:11 AM, Pudgy said:

I had to check thread page 1 video.

The “up to a thousand protesters” permits are already in place. 

The protest is deliberately set for October 31, which of course is Satan’s birthday party, catered by Disneyland Dental.

It will be interesting to see News coverage of this event ….. hahaHAHA haha *coff* *coff*  …..

I suspect 45 or less people will show up, with zero legislative effect.

But then again, .001% of the population has sucked all the air out of the room, so who knows?

So, any idea how many EX-JW protesters showed up?

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  • 2 weeks later...
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On 11/14/2023 at 6:18 PM, Pudgy said:

So, any idea how many EX-JW protesters showed up?

A shy away from 100; within range, but in the eyes of those who watch and observe various protests, it is a miniscule number, essentially, a single white peddle that are hard to see in a large pond containing other rocks. The irony is they claim they had more than that, which is wrong because even their own attested otherwise. This is similar to a Pro-Israel group that was protesting sometime ago, who had around 88-100 people, but because of the few MSMs out there that supports Israel, they claim the number of protesters was in the thousands, when that is not true.

As I said, it is simply a repeat, as stated. Same case with the actions that took place (minus JW church raids), disgruntled EXJWs attacking not just JWs, but also former EXJWs that do not side with what JWs deem as apostasy. Not only that, they also attack onlookers who do not believe protesting against a religion is a sane idea, in fact, comments regarding that are very interesting. The protest also exposes that, which was speculated, but now known as true, that EXJWs, most have a political leaning, and there is only one side that is not too cool with Christian Values.




Meanwhile, Pro-Palestine Protesters have taken the United States of America by storm, mainly Washington DC, this is why disgruntled EXJWs were mistaken for Pro-Palestine Protesters.

As mentioned, some disgruntled ones felt that they did not make a big impact, hence why they are pressing the idea that Jehovah's Witnesses were somehow connected with Israel or affiliated with Zionism, some even take it a step further to say JWs are part of the NWO (despite them being in opposition with religions that seek to unify), they do this in hopes that anyone who supports Palestine, would target them. Elsewhere, some neighborhood watch commenter mentioned there was a car that kept passing around one of the JW Churches ion Jersey. For example, should something happen to any JW Church because of this, disgruntled ones will take the situation and blame it on JWs themselves (which is no surprised with what they brought up regarding the bombing in India). That alone should tell you something.

That being said, it is also discovered some disgruntled ones became apostates for some of the stupidest reasons. Apparently, someone who is subscribed to John Cedars was exposed for lying, he said he left the JW faith because of the teachings.... But in reality, he really left because some woman in the JW faith rejected his advances, therefore, he joins the rank of the disgruntled EXJWs. Another, who became disgruntled because all she wanted to do was partake in high levels of Spiritism induced media, and as you already know, such is backed by other disgruntled ones.

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