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EXJWs Are Going to the U.S. Capitol


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9 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

I was willing to accept the possibility that you were smarter than me, boiled, but then I remembered a fellow I used to know named George, who had a doctorate in architectural engineering. The last I saw him he was having a conversation, lamenting his lot in life to a sandwich vending machine.


Poor George! Sounds like he got some things Upside Down (like some people do regarding God's love...🤪🙃) I guess we all get some things upside down sometimes.🙂🫶



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To start, harassment, then malice, defamation, etc.  Ignorance of the law and stupidty(inteptitude) is no defense.

How about you go first, it seems you live in a van down by the river...which river would that be?

@Moise Racette Indeed, as for the Constitution, the only entities that have their eyes on it is the ACLU and the United Nations. No doubt some people in government also, but those are the only two tha

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2 minutes ago, boyle said:

a mirror


"For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, this one is like a man looking at his own face in a mirror.  For he looks at himself, and he goes away and immediately forgets what sort of person he is. But the one who peers into the perfect law that belongs to freedom and continues in it has become, not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work; and he will be happy in what he does."

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15 minutes ago, boyle said:

a mirror


A mirror today is basically made of glass right?


"But wisdom—where can it be found, 

And where is the source of understanding?  

No man recognizes its value, 

And it cannot be found in the land of the living.  

The deep waters say, ‘It is not in me!’ 

And the sea says, ‘It is not with me!’ 

It cannot be bought with pure gold; 

Nor can silver be weighed out in exchange for it.  

It cannot be bought with gold of Oʹphir 

Nor with rare onyx and sapphire.  

Gold and glass cannot be compared to it; 

Nor can a vessel of fine gold be exchanged for it.

Coral and crystal are not worthy of mention, 

For a bagful of wisdom is worth more than one full of pearls.  

The topaz of Cush cannot be compared to it;

It cannot be purchased even with pure gold.  

But from where does wisdom come, 

And where is the source of understanding? 

It has been hidden from the eyes of every living thing 

And concealed from the birds of the heavens.  

Destruction and death say, 

‘Our ears have heard only a report of it.’  

God understands the way to find it; 

He alone knows where it resides, 

For he looks to the ends of the earth, 

And he sees everything under the heavens.  

When he set the force of the wind 

And measured out the waters, 

When he made a regulation for the rain 

And a path for the thunderous storm cloud, 

Then he saw wisdom and explained it; 

He established and tested it. 

And he said to man: 

‘Look! The fear of Jehovah—that is wisdom, 

And to turn away from bad is understanding.’”


"a good heart"


(Better to have a heart of wisdom than a heart of glass...)



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27 minutes ago, boyle said:

What about the reflection?


None of us can see perfectly.


"Now to me it is of very little importance to be examined by you or by a human tribunal. In fact, I do not even examine myself.  For I am not conscious of anything against myself. But by this I am not proved righteous; the one who examines me is Jehovah.  Therefore, do not judge anything before the due time, until the Lord comes. He will bring the secret things of darkness to light and make known the intentions of the hearts, and then each one will receive his praise from God."


We do our best to understand the illusions we see, the vision that comes back to our eyes and brain and gets interpreted as "reality" based on the knowledge we already have...but Jehovah sees the true hearts. It's only by means of His Word that we can "see" anything at all in truth. He has perfect vision. Though we are flying blind, His Word helps us fly with an accurate instrument reading. (Otherwise we wouldn't know anything at all.)



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4 minutes ago, boyle said:

Funny you should mention this since the GB and Elders have no interest in being judged by apostates and the disfellowshipped. I guess it's a draw.


Jehovah is not an apostate or disfellowshipped. Jesus is not an apostate or disfellowshipped. They are the ones doing the judging. 


"However, brothers, concerning the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we ask you not to be quickly shaken from your reason nor to be alarmed either by an inspired statement or by a spoken message or by a letter appearing to be from us, to the effect that the day of Jehovah is here." (Like saying: "1914! The kingdom is here!")


"Let no one lead you astray in any way, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction.  He stands in opposition and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he sits down in the temple of God, publicly showing himself to be a god." (The governing body says they are gods, sitting in "Bethel" which means "The House of God".)


"Do you not remember that when I was still with you, I used to tell you these things? And now you know what is acting as a restraint, so that he will be revealed in his own due time." (The angels have been acting as a restraint against the destruction of false religion, but not for much longer.)


"True, the mystery of this lawlessness is already at work, but only until the one who is right now acting as a restraint is out of the way." (The angels will let go of the restraint - then the UN will attack. The nations are already hungry for it. They've been held back until now.)


"Then, indeed, the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will do away with by the spirit of his mouth and bring to nothing by the manifestation of his presence.  But the lawless one’s presence is by the operation of Satan with every powerful work and lying signs and wonders  and every unrighteous deception for those who are perishing, as a retribution because they did not accept the love of the truth in order that they might be saved." (Lying signs and wonders, as if they have God's backing for the things they do that are against the scriptures, like building manors for clergy who don't work secularly.)


"That is why God lets a deceptive influence mislead them so that they may come to believe the lie, in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness." (They believe the lie that they will not be attacked when false religion is attacked. They are saying about themselves "we have peace and security" just like the rest of Babylon the Great who says "I sit a queen, I will never see mourning.")


"Now as for the times and the seasons, brothers, you need nothing to be written to you. For you yourselves know very well that Jehovah’s day is coming exactly as a thief in the night. Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape.  But you, brothers, you are not in darkness, so that the day should overtake you as it would thieves,  for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We belong neither to night nor to darkness."


"Jehovah said to him: “Go through the city, through Jerusalem, and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who are sighing and groaning over all the detestable things that are being done in the city.” And to the others he said in my hearing: “Go through the city after him and strike. Do not let your eye feel sorry, and do not feel any compassion.  Old man, young man, virgin, little child, and women you should kill off completely. But do not go near to any man on whom there is the mark. You should start from my sanctuary.” So they started with the elders who were in front of the house.  Then he said to them: “Defile the house and fill the courtyards with the slain. Go!” So they went out and struck down people in the city. While they were striking them down, I alone was left, and I fell facedown and cried out: “Alas, O Sovereign Lord Jehovah! Are you going to destroy all the remaining ones of Israel while you pour out your rage on Jerusalem?” So he said to me: “The error of the house of Israel and Judah is very, very great. The land is filled with bloodshed, and the city is full of corruption. For they say, ‘Jehovah has left the land, and Jehovah is not seeing.’  But as for me, my eye will not feel sorry; nor will I show compassion. The consequences of their way I will bring down on their own head.” Then I saw the man clothed in linen with the inkhorn at his waist bringing back word, saying: “I have done just as you have commanded me.”


Jehovah has not changed. Who are the "elders in front of the house" today? Where is the "sanctuary"? You are the one who knows.


"Bethel means the House of God." 


It's not my word. It's Jehovah's Word. 


13 minutes ago, boyle said:

Those that practice illusions are faking themselves. Therefore, if you personally see something that really isn't there, it's still considered an illusion.


Jehovah is the One who tells us what is Real and what is an Unreality. He is the only one who can give a truly accurate assessment. What does He say about those who put worship of men ahead of worship of God?


"Look! All of them are a delusion.

Their works are nothing.

Their metal images are wind and unreality."


"The people who make them will become just like them,

As will all those who trust in them."


It's not my word, it's Jehovah's Word.

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18 hours ago, Pudgy said:

Well, I will say one thing about you, you are certainly consistent. 

somebody here once asked me if I wanted you banned, and I replied “No … I believe in free speech … eventually they will self destruct …”


34 minutes ago, boyle said:

Just in case someone doesn't understand. Why God, permit's evil? Is God signaling a person to murder? Does he whisper in someone's ear to say, commit adultery, or fornicate? Does he go around telling people, it's okay to be gay? 

Should we go around and steal and say, God told me to because he allows evil? It's okay to be a drunk or a drug addict because God allows evil?

It's the human mind that needs the adjustment, not God's thinking.


@boyle, is this what it's like in your mind sometimes?...



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17 minutes ago, boyle said:

The challenge for him was to find a way that he could speak and be accepted without his past getting in the way.

That same formula needs to be adapted by the human mind. Especially those that came to know the truth and now curse it. Nothing changes, the human mind still needs that adjustment. The difference this time, by what angle.

Human behavior is a very complicated thing.


Some people think there is no map and a compass wouldn't help at all, but they're wrong.


Even though human behavior seems to have no logic, everything falls into place when we put Jehovah first.


(That means talking to Him First. About everything. Not just relying on what others say. He can give us the Right Angle, even when we feel frustrated and lost. He has a better viewpoint, and perfect navigation.)


"Search for Jehovah while he may be found. 

Call to him while he is near. 

Let the wicked man leave his way 

And the evil man his thoughts; 

Let him return to Jehovah, who will have mercy on him, 

To our God, for he will forgive in a large way."


Sometimes when we've done really bad things, we think Jehovah could never forgive us. We feel really low. But Jehovah's thoughts are higher in love. His ways are higher in love than what we can imagine.


“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, 

And your ways are not my ways,” declares Jehovah.  

“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, 

So my ways are higher than your ways 

And my thoughts than your thoughts."


Humans may seem illogical at times because of imperfection, the world may seem random and illogical at present, but Jehovah is never illogical. 



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2 hours ago, boyle said:

Those that practice illusions are faking themselves. Therefore, if you personally see something that really isn't there, it's still considered an illusion.


19 minutes ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

Jehovah is never illogical.


The GB has taught an illusion regarding Jehovah. They have taught that God only wants to hang out with part of His family and to abandon the other part. The GB has created divisions by saying "only the anointed get to be with God." They are telling illogical lies. God wants to be with all His kids. He is not partial.


Here is what God's Word says:


"Man also lies down and does not get up. 

Until heaven is no more, they will not wake up, 

Nor will they be aroused from their sleep.  

O that in the Grave you would conceal me, 

That you would hide me until your anger passes by, 

That you would set a time limit for me and remember me!  

If a man dies, can he live again? 

I will wait all the days of my compulsory service 

Until my relief comes.  

You will call, and I will answer you. 

You will long for the work of your hands."


It doesn't say "I will wake up and know that from a distance God is watching me." It says "You will call" meaning Jehovah God. And it says "I will answer you" meaning Job, and every human on earth alive then, will be able to talk with Jehovah face-to-face, just like Adam and Eve did in the garden (remember they hid "from the face of Jehovah".)


It says that Jehovah will long for the work of "His hands". He wasn't far away from them in the garden.


When Jesus woke Lazarus up, he said "Lazarus, come out!" Lazarus heard his voice. Then they hung out together.


Here is what God's Word says:


"For I well know that my redeemer is alive; 

He will come later and rise up over the earth.  

After my skin has thus been destroyed, 

While yet in my flesh, I will see God, 

Whom I will see for myself, 

Whom my own eyes will see, not someone else’s."


Job was not "anointed to go to heaven in the kingdom government." He talked about being resurrected as a flesh-and-bone human here on earth. 


He said "while yet in my flesh, I will see God," and "whom I will see for myself," and "whom my own eyes will see, not someone else's."


How much more clear can it get?


(It's not an illusion. God's Word is rock solid. Praise Jehovah.)

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10 minutes ago, boyle said:

We get out of life what we invested in it emotionally to some, but faith and obedience to others. That's the road Jesus talked about. No need for a compass or map, we just need a level head and walk straight.


Well, @boyle, if you've got it all figured out, then why are you still so sad and angry all the time? 😕😔



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