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Does the governing body wish for artificial intelligence?


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I am from Africa (born, lived and worked there for 45 years) but now live in Albania..... which is not part of EU. I worked in many countries - Africa, England, America and lived in several other

The subject was not "imperfection" but the manner at looking at a subject - that it can be interpreted in 16 different ways = which is not possible when one assumes that there is a best way of doing s

Well, I have heard it said that these days the difference between conspiracy theories and reality is 6 months.

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On 1/24/2023 at 10:26 AM, Pudgy said:

the things you foresee cannot happen for at least 80 years.

As we speak they are planning and working towards these goals but I never said they would attain them. When they turn against religion things will start to fall apart....their death star, Babylon ... whatever name you call it.... it will fall apart and jehovah will step in before all flesh dies off (animals included) and food and forests are genetically destroyed. Jehovahs  purpose will prevail!!

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11 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

centuries of time ….. the “Good Guys” always  win

Lol- the ones who describe themselves as "good " always win. 

But as Jesus said- there is only One that is good. ... and in the  world of reality - thankfully Jehovah and his moral standards of what truly is good... that will prevail.

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4 minutes ago, Arauna said:

Lol- the ones who describe themselves as "good " always win. 

But as Jesus said- there is only One that is good. ... and in the  world of reality - thankfully Jehovah and his moral standards of what truly is good... that will prevail.

In the meantime … 100% of hard evidence suggests we are on our own to fend for ourselves, until then.…. And “Good Guys” is always used in comparison to the “Bad Guys”, otherwise it gets convoluted and cumbersome.


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30 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

evidence suggests we are on our own

Evidence is hard facts.  "Suggests" is not reality.  If we are in Jehovahs love,  He protects those He loves. But at times we may be tested like Job....but the outcome of Job is far better. He had more than he ever had before... ten more children, wealth... and in the resurrection ten more resurrected kids . .   We must not be like Job's friends and ascribe an uncaring attitude to Jehovah. Jehovah knows what loyal love is . . And He is always loyal.... we do not because we stumble and waver.   Jehovah even gave wicked kings victory in battle because of loyalty.... when they definitely did not deserve anything from Him.

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Sixteen people can look at the same identical fact and come up with sixteen different interpretations, some with complicated nuances, as you show above.

That is why there a good, fair, and poor detectives, and medical examiners ….. and all searchers for Truth.


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54 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

Sixteen people can look at the same identical fact and come up with sixteen different interpretations, some with complicated nuances, as you show above.

I have seen this argument so many times in American society  and expecially in the work place ; It is a form of indoctrination....... that each one sees things differently so there is 100 ways of doing a thing correctly .....that is why there are so many religions because everyone thinks their own way is the right way. 

People who speak like this have not sorted out in their own mind this question:- what is truth.  Jehovah is the truth and HIs standards are the only truth or reality.

This is why I could never fall for the American way of thinking ( I do not mean to hurt your feelings but many Americans think this way and it comes from the school indoctrination....... which is also closely related to the New Age way of thinking.  It is deeply rooted in secular thinking or materialistic thinking.

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