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Does the governing body wish for artificial intelligence?


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I am from Africa (born, lived and worked there for 45 years) but now live in Albania..... which is not part of EU. I worked in many countries - Africa, England, America and lived in several other

The subject was not "imperfection" but the manner at looking at a subject - that it can be interpreted in 16 different ways = which is not possible when one assumes that there is a best way of doing s

Well, I have heard it said that these days the difference between conspiracy theories and reality is 6 months.

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Sometimes, you look at a problem so closely that you cannot see the answer unless you already know. This happens in every aspect of human life. The best way to get experience is to use bad judgment, and it beats you about the head.




What the first picture portrayed was the existence of a very small combination padlock, between two gates.

The padlock shows up best in the center of the 1st (enlarged) picture, above.

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1 hour ago, Pudgy said:

Sometimes, you look at a problem so closely

Most people look at a problem too closely (micro) and do not see the outcome which may be  in the future.   I unfortunately look ahead into the "macro" or global - which stands me in good stead but it has other limitations. 

But overall:- to understand Jehovah's plans and to follow the outworking of his purpose, we need to look into the future to understand the bigger picture and then we look back into the micro events - to see how the past has fitted in exactly with the outworking of his purpose.

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There seems to be a poster that thinks EU people are better than Americans. What a sad and ignorant way of thinking. Especially coming from a professed witness. What a disdain on the Org to have such proud people among them.

Now, when it comes to d'fd people that posters like and go against bible principles, that pride is misplaced. This ideology should be kept in the JW closed club where sinners can continue to sin.


Prov. 11:2     When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom.

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15 minutes ago, Moise Racette said:

seems to be a poster that thinks EU people are better than Americans

I am from Africa (born, lived and worked there for 45 years) but now live in Albania..... which is not part of EU.

I worked in many countries - Africa, England, America and lived in several others.  But I found only in USA the idea that people have 16 ways to look at a "truth" or an individual way of doing everything - which is a deceit.   Best practices was hard to implement.  It was a cultural thing which I presume was taught in schools - just like tra.ns....g.en.de.r.is.m is now taught in schools - even pre-school. By the next generation it will be part of the culture

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That makes the posters argument even worse, since the ENTIRE human race is imperfect. That just proves, this poster thinks this poster is above others and beyond reproach. What a bunch of nonsense. Those that agree with that kind of human condition are also creating a sense of false pride. 

I'm just glad God can see the hypocrisy among the brethern.  That kind of nonsense should stay in the JW closed club, where d'fd people are also defended, and d'fd people can defend outlandish meaningless opinions.

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3 hours ago, Moise Racette said:

since the ENTIRE human race is imperfect.

The subject was not "imperfection" but the manner at looking at a subject - that it can be interpreted in 16 different ways = which is not possible when one assumes that there is a best way of doing something or the matter of "truth".  Truth is reality, unadulterated, unblemished, uncorrupted, and so on and on. Truth is not ten or 16 different opinions with all of them acceptable.

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Actually, the subject has nothing to do with the nonsense the poster has posted. 


Just wants to make noise and doesn't accept. Good luck to those critical thinkers going nowhere. 😅

I come home in the morning light My mother says, "When you gonna live your life right?" Oh, mother dear we're not the fortunate ones And girls, they wanna have fun Oh girls just want to have fun

Who let the dogs out? Who, who, who, who, who? Who let the dogs out?

To viewers, there are no real witnesses here, and posters here are heretics.

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1 hour ago, Arauna said:

Truth is reality, unadulterated, unblemished, uncorrupted, and so on and on. Truth is not ten or 16 different opinions with all of them acceptable.

Excellent, and that should apply across the board, right? Especially concerning truth that would come from the Father and the Son.  We should all try to apply what you said.

Shouldn't your good words apply to the teachings of your organization? Consider these three samples, where all teachings were accepted as truth in their day, but they all turned out to be just opinions - adulterated, blemished, corrupted opinions by men who claim to to be sent from God.  (Matt 24:4,5,23-25; Acts 20:29-31; 1 Tim 4:1)

(Provided by JWfacts)

Watchtower incorrectly promoted teachings on the following dates that they no longer accept:

539 A.D.



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Oh! Yes, from ignorance to more ignorance. Now the morally bankrupt come out to play. Yet, fake anointed continue to mistake the bible student era just like people here do with the Watchtower under the direction of Witnesses. However, NOT one apostate has proven otherwise, about 1914, because they CAN'T. More nonsensical noise. 😅

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