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Does the governing body wish for artificial intelligence?


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1 hour ago, Moise Racette said:

… Who let the dogs out? Who, who, who, who, who? Who let the dogs out?

To viewers, there are no real witnesses here, and posters here are heretics.

If this was all you had posted, the poster would have earned an upvote he so craves, as when I post, currently, I post as a poster who posts as a 2 dimensional generic cartoon self declared heretic posting dog just looking for a post to pee on … even though cute, cuddly 2D cartoon dogs never pee at all, and only dump when confronted with a Wally McNasty.


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I don't need to be acknowledged by a pedo!!!😅

1 hour ago, Pudgy said:

even though cute, cuddly 2D cartoon dogs never pee at all, and only dump when confronted with a Wally McNasty.

Just remember admin, this crackpot (d'fd) started it!!!

 Who let the dogs out? Who, who, who, who, who?😛

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1 hour ago, Moise Racette said:

I don't need to be acknowledged by a pedo!!!😅

Just remember admin, this crackpot (d'fd) started it!!!

 Who let the dogs out? Who, who, who, who, who?😛

That only applies if you are in fact Wally McNasty, who by whatever screen name he avoids the many bans by,  always eventually trips himself up by being Nasty, including ad hominem attacks, as you just proved once again.



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On 1/23/2023 at 10:31 AM, Arauna said:

Depends on whether the person understands the full impact of AI - which most people do not. 

It is the dream of the world leaders (those running the world right now) to have all humans gradually turned into hybrids which can carry digital information and become part of the " Internet of Bodies". There is much more to this that meets the eye.


Read under transhumanism, body hacking etc.

Isn't this situation the same as before the flood?  When angels came down and mixed foreign DNA with human DNA and Jehovah had to step in and bring the flood? Did you know that the Nephilim hybrid offspring would not have been able to spawn children because there is a natural barrier created by Jehovah when different kinds mix?

Jehovah removed all foreign DNA from earth during the flood.  There are now new groups on internet that are worshipping these hybrids that existed long ago. It has different names but I will not go into that.

Did you know that hybrid babies that survive these new synthetic DNA technologies will not be able to reproduce. It seems that Satan wants to destroy Jehovah's plans for the earth once again.  But we are sure that Jehovah is going to step in at the right time. And it is getting closer with each new step these hubris science leaders are taking.

I believe you’re maybe misinformed about hybrids. Some can indeed reproduce without any problems. Some have limitations such as Ligers and Tigons where only the female is fertile. 

There’s no biblical evidence the wicked angels imposed those limitations on the dna code they used? We simply don’t have enough data to draw a conclusion.  

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13 minutes ago, BMars said:

misinformed about hybrids.

I knew someone would fall into the trap of quoting Ligers etc.   Ligers are still cat species ....and they struggle to reproduce....  and they are the same "kind"..

I am talking of two different species creating a hybrid.  Once the species are different there are problems in keeping the pregnancy or the offspring is infertile.  Evolutionists believe that hybrids can produce offspring because it fits their religion of science.

Jehovah built in barriers.  Within a species there can be many changes.  But species cannot change into a different species only adapt to new environmental factors.

Have you seen the high percentage of babies which now die at birth and even after birth?  That little drop of synthetic material is causing havoc.

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I remember Bill Cosby‘s dissertation on crossing a hippopotamus  with a giraffe, and most of it was a giraffe, but it had a hippopotamus head which was so heavy that it dragged on the ground, and the hipporaffe could  only see where it had been.

Only the female hipporaffs were fertile, so the male hipporaffes could not continue the line, and normal hippos did not have ladders, so normal male giraffes had the height advantage.

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On 1/24/2023 at 4:19 PM, Moise Racette said:

As people have stipulated here, the poster can post whatever the poster wishes, just don't make in the name of the Org or as a witness. However, the topic is about AL and the role of the governing body. What does the book of Apocalypse have to do with AL?

Let's not confuse politics with prophecy. There's enough of that dysfunction about that here. A better place for that is JW closed club where every discussion about man relevant or not can be discussed unchallenged.

oh my gosh, I just realized your calling the governing body Jehovah.

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