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Does the governing body wish for artificial intelligence?


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20 hours ago, Moise Racette said:

Then this poster has a problem with understanding someone else's post. I would suggest a learning tool.

Well what you said did corelate with the saying, 'if you leave the governing body, you leave Jehovah...if you don't a gree with the governing body, you don't agree with Jehovah'. And I really love the watchtower's version of the trinity...Jehovah, Jesus and the governing body.

And what tool would you suggest..reading the watchtower and awake magazines for 4 years which is the equivalent to a bachelors degree?

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9 minutes ago, Matthew9969 said:

nd what tool would you suggest..reading the watchtower and awake magazines for 4 years which is the equivalent to a bachelors degree?

I do not think we should answer you any longer - your mocking is not worthy of an answer

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1 hour ago, Matthew9969 said:

Well what you said did corelate with the saying, 'if you leave the governing body, you leave Jehovah...if you don't a gree with the governing body, you don't agree with Jehovah'. And I really love the watchtower's version of the trinity...Jehovah, Jesus and the governing body.

Word salad coming from an uneducated person.

1 hour ago, Matthew9969 said:

And what tool would you suggest


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5 minutes ago, Matthew9969 said:

From the watchtower that writes it's articles for 10 year olds....I like a little more in-depth and stuff written for adults.

When I worked for the newspaper (in two languages) several years ago.  My editor said that good English for a 17 year old is what one must strive for.  Flowery words do not work.  It must be concise and clear for any age group to read.  I grew up as a ten year old reading newspapers. 

I also worked for years  in PR - for large government sectors and also a university. I always thought to myself: "why has the organization not opted for clearer and simpler writing - which is often used in publicity?"  And then they did. .....

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On 2/2/2023 at 2:27 PM, Arauna said:

I do not think we should answer you any longer - your mocking is not worthy of an answer

Well you're dealing with a Durbinite. A Durbinite are affiliates of the Apologia Church, the religious leader being a charismatic pastor/Elder by the name of Jeff Durbin whereas some members go down this route even if someone is being grounded with them and or neutral. The irony is the statement made was about writing material for 10 year old's, but the hypocrisy is that the latter who adheres to said pastor is known for doing similar, more so, pushing children to protest, disregarding the fact that such an action can pose some problems.

That being said, God's concern about those knowing about his Kingdom and his Christ, regardless of how the information is convey, be it simple, basic and or complex. Jesus attest to this too, sadly, some people forget. One of the many delusionary notions of Mainstream Christendom.

Some people do not realize that concerning the Bible and or Christianity, not everyone starts from the highest difficulty. Often times, some people do well to take in the basics of core teachings, be it child or adult, then work they're way up. Most Christians know this. For exampleSaul warring with against the Ammonites, Moabites, and Philistines, you'd have to go with the basics than move on to intermediate, than onward. Not sure why some people miss this entirely.

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Simply put, those that received the lord in their hearts, and then revert to their old ways, are worse than ever knowing Christ teachings or God's words.

It speaks volumes about discrediting themselves after being enlightened with spiritual maturity then returning into spiritual infants even if they call themselves Christians.

1Cor. 14:20 ¶ Brothers, do not be children in your thinking. Be infants in evil, but in your thinking be mature.

Heb. 6:1 ¶ Therefore let us leave the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God.

Phil. 3:20 But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ,
Phil. 3:21 who will transform four lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.


2Pet. 2:21 For it would have been better for them never to have known the way of righteousness than after knowing it to turn back from the holy commandment delivered to them.

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On 2/7/2023 at 9:02 AM, Space Merchant said:

Well you're dealing with a Durbinite. A Durbinite are affiliates of the Apologia Church, the religious leader being a charismatic pastor/Elder by the name of Jeff Durbin whereas some members go down this route even if someone is being grounded with them and or neutral. The irony is the statement made was about writing material for 10 year old's, but the hypocrisy is that the latter who adheres to said pastor is known for doing similar, more so, pushing children to protest, disregarding the fact that such an action can pose some problems.

That being said, God's concern about those knowing about his Kingdom and his Christ, regardless of how the information is convey, be it simple, basic and or complex. Jesus attest to this too, sadly, some people forget. One of the many delusionary notions of Mainstream Christendom.

Some people do not realize that concerning the Bible and or Christianity, not everyone starts from the highest difficulty. Often times, some people do well to take in the basics of core teachings, be it child or adult, then work they're way up. Most Christians know this. For exampleSaul warring with against the Ammonites, Moabites, and Philistines, you'd have to go with the basics than move on to intermediate, than onward. Not sure why some people miss this entirely.

I have no idea where you believe I am affiliated with Jeff Durbins church, I don't even live in the same state. Although I am impressed with his fight against abortion.

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18 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

I have no idea where you believe I am affiliated with Jeff Durbins church, I don't even live in the same state. Although I am impressed with his fight against abortion.

You acted as a subsidiary in regards to some of the things he has said. Concerning when John 17 was of discussion, Christmas, and regarding The celebration of one's birth, so much so as to even link his video, in that discussion, you showed yourself as an affiliated in regards to a practice all Christians should evade. Therefore a Durbinite is often called to those in this regard.

Majority of folks are against abortion, however, there are some conflictions that would make some of them shift, even for Durbin and any Durbinite. The whole abortion battle is also deeper than that and is complex, often times akin to other medical issues, some of us also have experienced dealing with such folks ourselves, i.e. having to talk to a teen a while back who was about to be aborted and the parents, in which the doctor insisted that it would result in consequence if a specific action was not taken. The challenge for even Jeff Durbin as is most is when the question of the threat of loss life and rape concerning an infant and or child is interjection in the abortion debate, he's never been addressed such ever in his discussion with anyone who supports abortion. In addition to that, his focus was more so on to planned parenthood instead of going for the head of the snake itself.

That being said, Durbinte was coined in that discussion and it will be used now, and often times they have the same M.O. which equates to what @Arauna has alluded to, and you continue to display that now as you did then, the lack of rationality and reasonableness as is the whole reading concerning children vs an adult vs what is said Scripturally of how Christian learn of the teachings (no one starts from lvl 100 at lvl 1). the very reason I explained what that is to her.


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