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Jehovah's Witnesses Accept Money From Norwegian Gambling Authority


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From 10:25. AM statement regarding not allowing "secular authorities" to dictate what JWs will believe. JWs believe and stop believing the doctrines that the GB and religious authority within the

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From 10:25. AM statement regarding not allowing "secular authorities" to dictate what JWs will believe.

JWs believe and stop believing the doctrines that the GB and religious authority within the WT company determines. Countless beliefs have changed within the JW faith. AM is a manager and he has to claim that his company is right and everyone else is wrong.

I suspect that the religious changes in the WT happened due to various reasons and influences. The changes that occurred in the doctrines and subtleties of the doctrines have nothing to do with the "light from above", but with the mundane changes in the corporation itself and the global events of the society in which we live (or in which people lived before us or, more precisely for this issue, since the existence of WTBTS).

The WTJWorg's claim to be heirs to the true faith (true worship) going back to or from Abel is an unnecessary, useless actually, comparison. Because history confirms (the one recorded in the Bible and in other historical records), how doctrinally and formally, this form of (true) worship has been changed throughout all these centuries.

GB leaders have "no choice". They will change some doctrine one way or another. Sooner or later.

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The poster errors in many ways. The GB doesn't change doctrine, but will adjust to the prevailing laws placed upon them. They obey the authorities as indicated in scripture.

As for doctrine, God provides guidance, not the GB for any revision that is necessary to impact a new generation. 

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20 hours ago, Moise Racette said:

The GB doesn't change doctrine, but will adjust to the prevailing laws placed upon them. They obey the authorities as indicated in scripture.

AM clearly said they will not obey Norwegian Government or any other government in the world. His quote from video: ...,they may pressure us to change our scriptural beliefs but we are certainly not going to do that...,".  

When speaking about: ...,GB ... will adjust to the prevailing laws placed upon them. They obey the authorities as indicated in scripture.  This (your claim, hope, assurance) is opposed to the clearly stated claim of the GB member.

And most important. The Norwegian government does not prohibit JWorg from implementing this doctrine. The Norwegian government is not ordering JWorg to change this doctrine.
But, the Norwegian government decided not to give money to JWorg because it believes that this doctrine is contrary to the civilized, social and legal level of Norwegian society.
AM turns this situation around where it portrays JWorg as the victim. And that as a victim of "religious persecution". AM replaces the thesis and interprets the decision of the Norwegian government in a wrong way. This is about money. Only about money.

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41 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

AM clearly said they will not obey Norwegian Government or any other government in the world.

The Watchtower will make adjustments when a government entity demands it, within reason. This poster's assertion that "they will not obey" is a false equivalency.

44 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

When speaking about: ...,GB ... will adjust to the prevailing laws placed upon them. They obey the authorities as indicated in scripture.  This (your claim, hope, assurance) is opposed to the clearly stated claim of the GB member.

This would be the poster's own opinion on the matter, which I disagree with.

46 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

But, the Norwegian government decided not to give money to JWorg because it believes that this doctrine is contrary to the civilized, social and legal level of Norwegian society.
AM turns this situation around where it portrays JWorg as the victim.

Again, an erred assumption since the Norwegian Supreme Court cited, with the Watchtower in its bylaws as early as last year. The fact that the Norweigian government is playing devil's advocate and using double standards for the Watchtower is not surprising.

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On 1/28/2023 at 2:05 PM, Moise Racette said:

Yes! It's all the rage on apostate sites!! SHOW proof, poster? I have also filed a lawsuit against that obtuse person on Reddit that can't even spell authority correctly. Pass it on to that apostate.

For how much?:

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