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A Message to @AnnaNana


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Hello AnnaNana, 

I can't seem to send you a private message,  so I'll place it here:


Hello AnnaNana, again I appreciate the scriptures that point to God's people as recipients of His discipline.  But I just wanted to share with you a few things about my exodus from the organization. 

The first thing that I was looking for, was the body, more anointed ones.  I knew in my heart that they carried truth if they stayed close to Jesus Christ. The primary message of the New Testament is to these anointed ones, (Matt 10:23; Mal 3:1-4), training them in the words of Jesus, to be found favorable in the sight of God at the day Jesus returns.  There is much warning given to them, about false prophets/teachers, and falling into the teachings of demons. (Matt 24:24,25; 1 Tim 4:1) These were all warning signs in advance on how to guard ourselves from the wicked one. Jesus said, "see I'm telling you beforehand".  Jesus knew that in the last days the remnant of anointed ones would be tested severely under the hand of the adversary. ( Luke 22:31; Rev 13:1,2,5-7,10)  This happens right before the kingdom arrives.
God wants a refined priesthood to serve Him, Jesus Christ, and the children of God in the Kingdom.  We are refined by the fire of His word, and whatever works we accomplish during our time on the earth, will judge our acceptance or rejection before Christ. (Jer 23:29;1 Pet 1:7; 1 Cor 3:9-15; 2 Pet 3:10)
The apostle John said in 1 John 2:27, that the anointing teaches all things, that we don't need anyone to teach us.  Okay, he was speaking to more than one anointed one. He was talking in general to all the anointed ones who were to remain in Christ. We can't learn truth as a single anointed one, just as an arm of a physical body is unable to function as an arm, unless it is attached to a working body.
  In chapter 12 of 1st Corinthians, Paul describes the members of the body, that spiritual body built on Jesus. (John 2:19-21) There is to be no schism between its members. (1 Cor 12:25)  Even though each one has been given his or her own gift in the spirit, each one is valuable for the building up at the body, and our Head, Jesus Christ, directs the body to work in unison. (Eph 4:12; 2:20-22) And it is the same spirit, so we respect that spirit by respecting all members of Christ's body. (1 Cor 12:15-24)
The wicked slave in the GB has created a schism between themselves and the rest of the anointed.  They have exalted themselves over Christ's bodily members.  (Matt 24:48-51)  This has caused the covenant with Christ to be broken.  (Dan 11:32)
 While in there, we were listening to false prophets. We were living in darkness, from the light of Jesus, who is the light of Truth.  (John 14:6; 8:12).  So the words of 1st Peter 2:5,9; Eph 5:6-11,  describe this chosen people as coming out of darkness and into the light of Christ.  We were not a unified people in the organization because that is not allowed.  It is imperative that the anointed recognize each member of the body of Christ, so that truth in spirit is fed to each anointed one. Jesus is described also as the vine, 
"Remain in me, as I also remain in you.  No branch can bear fruit by itself, it must remain in the vine neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me".  John 15:4
I have noticed many anointed leave the organization and go about proclaiming their individual message on their own. They have no desire to bond together under Christ.  Their actions go against scripture, yet they are to be one body, under one spirit, and to cherish each member under their Head.  (Eph 4:4, 25). Do you think Jesus Christ would bless a rogue anointed one with full truth if they fail to recognize his other bodily members and their gifts in spirit, or would he bless those who have no respect for the other branches that are attached to the Vine? 
This is how the arrangement of the spiritual Temple is set up. The Bride of Christ has many members, but they are all one under Jesus, their husband.  I hope you can see what I'm talking about.  Our teachings should all be in harmony.  It is the fruit that Jesus pointed out in Matthew chapter 7:15-19. If we think we have a message to God's holy ones who have been under captivity of lies, (Col 2:8) then they are the primary individuals who should receive the message, ( Matt 10:23; Rev 18:4-8), and we compare it with the message Jesus has given to all of his members, simply because they are members of his body.  JWs not anointed, should listen as well, but they are not God's chosen people. (Isa 43:10; Mal 2:7) God and Jesus individually chooses His people through the outpouring of Holy Spirit, not through a 100 question format that leads to baptism into an organization.
The anointed priests are "Jews", those not anointed are "Gentiles". (Rom 9:6-8, 25-26; 1Pet 2:9-10)  These priests are to be the teachers of Truth, not the "Gentiles".  This is why the organization is blasphemy. It has set up foreigners to rule over those whom God has chosen to teach truth. (Eph 44:6-9; Mal 2:7; Matt 24:15,16)  The covenant God made with His priesthood is perpetual, everlasting, no matter if it is a literal priesthood from the days of ancient Israel, or the spiritual priesthood in the anointed today that replaces the physical.  (Lev 7:35-36; 1 Cor 15:46) The apostles taught as priests, they were the messengers of truth, and we are to follow in their footsteps.
So,Jesus was teaching his 12 apostles to be servants of each other, no matter what position in the body they hold.  We can't assume we know everything about the opening of the meaning of Revelation, when Jesus may have given that understanding to another member of the body. Whomever Jesus chooses, the ring of truth in the words of that prophet, or that teacher, will be according to his words.   The apostle Paul said if there's a prophet among us, we are to hear and weigh what this prophet says. (1 Thess 5:19-22; 2 Pet 1:20,21; 1 Cor 12:28; Rom 12:6; Acts 2:17,18)
I knew nothing when I came out of the organization, but I did know I wanted to understand truth,  and even though I was anointed, I knew that the source of that truth would be through the anointed body of Christ.
We cannot assume we know everything, Anna.  We cannot assume that Jesus is neglecting the rest of the members of his body, so we test the spirits and make sure that the fruit produced by an anointed one is in harmony with the word of God.
Pearl Doxsey has had visions pertaining to the opening of the scrolls of  Revelation, and what its message holds for Gods people under covenant in the last days.  Rachel Pruden Roman, anointed, also bears the message to God's anointed ones, as well as myself.  I learned the importance of the body of Christ from Pearl.  I support these 2 women wholeheartedly and in harmony with the message of truth.  
I do hope you will consider our message.  






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Hello AnnaNana,  I can't seem to send you a private message,  so I'll place it here:   Hello AnnaNana, again I appreciate the scriptures that point to God's people as recipients of His

AnnaNana/Audrey said - "The context shows which temple the writer was talking about. Since we are a spiritual nation, it's not possible for a man or group of men to physically "sit" in us." Since

Audrey - "Interpretations belong to God. Jehovah doesn't give "visions" today. The Bible is complete. The Bible is its own interpreter." In the Temple body of Christ, we find prophets listed in t

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13 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

Refresh and click then message, or hover over the profile, the other option was you could have easily used the status message system on @AnnaNana's profile to send a status message if this was meant to be private.

Hopefully concerning private matters if could be continued in this matter otherwise, this is public now.

Thanks, SM.  I'm primarily working off my phone since I don't have my computer right now which makes it a little more difficult.  I do have a small iPad but that also is more difficult for me to maneuver 

It's okay that it is public.

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Hi, Witness! 


Thank you for wanting to share with me. I am appreciative of your zeal and agree with you as regards the existence of many God-dishonoring practices going on in the organization. Jehovah's name is being reproached. And I am deeply sorry for any pain that the organization caused you or anyone else. I know they do not generally apologize at present for all the damage, but if they repent someday, then they will apologize.  And I do agree with you that many of the doctrines being taught and practiced by the organization are not in harmony with scripture.

However, I must make clear to you that I did not and will not leave Jehovah's organization. (Jesus did not "leave" the Jewish religion. He was killed by them and called unfaithful, but he did not "leave". He remained faithful to the death. I have never done anything to be disfellowshipped from Jehovah's organization. I was falsely accused and condemned as "reviling and causing divisions" when I reported abuse by the elders and warned the rest of the flock. I was "disfellowshipped" for keeping my integrity.)


The Memorial instituted by Christ was a simple meal. Any poor, uneducated person could manage to take part. Jesus didn't make it complicated.


It's the same today. Jehovah didn't make it difficult to identify the organization he is using. He allows His Name to reside there.


Just like the ancient organization had flaws, so today. There was apostasy then. There is today. Just like the ancient organization was disciplined by the nations per Jehovah's permission, so today it will happen again.


Korah Dathan and Abiram were wicked lawless ones who were executed by Jehovah. And yet they are said to be in "Sheol". 


The lawless ones today on the governing body belong to Jesus. He purchased them with his blood, just like he purchased the rest of us. All things belong to Jesus. He will be the one to choose whether or not to resurrect somebody to heaven or earth.


We are not priests yet. We are under obligation to follow the Christ. He allowed himself to be reproached, misrepresented, beat up, and killed by the superior authorities in the religion of his time authorized by God. Jesus isn't asking us to do anything beyond that.


Jesus had to wait to be resurrected. We have to wait to be "un-disfellowshipped". Jesus had to wait to fix things in the congregation. (He hasn't fixed things yet, but he will when it is the appointed time.) We have to wait to act as priests. He is the head. We follow where he leads. He is waiting. We need to wait too.


Jesus said there would be issues. It is proper to tell the truth about these issues. We are called witnesses for a reason. Revelation 2 and 3 say some of the congregations are like the synagogue of Satan. What did Jesus command us to do? "Keep holding fast what you have until I come."


I appreciate your zeal and love and compassion. But we cannot be followers of any man or woman, not Paul, not Apollos, not Cephas, not Pearl, not Rachel, not anyone else. We must be patient until it is God's time. God's name is on Jehovah's Witnesses. We need to be "here" when the bridegroom comes. (Even if we're just outside the city gate because they threw us out. They threw out Jesus too.) Jehovah knows those who belong to him.


Jehovah is God's Name. God's Name Will Be Sanctified. Jehovah Will Be Praised.

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On 1/29/2023 at 1:17 PM, AnnaNana said:

But we cannot be followers of any man or woman, not Paul, not Apollos, not Cephas, not Pearl, not Rachel, not anyone else.

Why did Paul say that?  Divisions were occurring among the body and in the congregation. He was stressing to them how important TRUTH was, to unify them.  He asked, "is Christ divided?"   Like I brought out in scriptures, the anointed ARE to be united under their Head, looking to him as their Master, as all of them SPEAK the same Truth in Christ

You are telling me that you are a messenger from Jesus, which makes me assume you are anointed, but I really don't know if you are.  Why? Because you have no concern about the other members of the body of Christ.  Or it doesn't appear that way. 
 Truth withstands scrutiny.  If you feel you have a message to God's holy people, then wherever you meet an anointed one, you would share that message, whether it is rejected or not.  Is that not right?  Why is it, that going to a website where an anointed one has spoken a message from Christ, that you translate that as following "men" or in this case, a woman?  All the while, you have a message as well, and all that you have written here could be compiled into a website, where people could reach your message easily.  I doubt that you feel if people follow what you write, that they are following a woman.  Didn't individuals learn the truth of Christ from the apostles by hearing and following what they taught? 
A good leader in truth, leads the person not to themself, but to Jesus Christ.
On 1/29/2023 at 1:17 PM, AnnaNana said:

However, I must make clear to you that I did not and will not leave Jehovah's organization

It seems that what you desire, is the arrangement of the organization; which by the way, has a massive website.  You fully choose the elder body arrangement of " Gentiles" over the anointed body in Christ.  Jesus has something to say about that arrangement.  Keep the governing body in mind as "the great ones" and the  "Gentiles" as those not anointed, when you read this scripture.  The sons of Zebedee wanted to sit at either side of Jesus in the Kingdom.  They wanted him to grant that request. Jesus gives them this scenario: 
But Jesus called them to Himself and said to them, “You know that those who are considered rulers (elders) over the Gentiles (JWs not anointed) lord it over them, and their great ones (GB) exercise authority over them (over the elder rulers) Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant. And whoever of you desires to be first shall be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”. Mark 10:42-45
That arrangement is the organizational arrangement that you say God has put His name on, but Jesus is condemning. Do you see this?
On 1/29/2023 at 1:17 PM, AnnaNana said:

We are not priests yet

A true Messenger of Christ, is also an active priest of Christ. The apostle Paul shows us what that means:

"Nevertheless, I have written to remind you more boldly on some points because of the grace given me by God to be a minister of Christ Jesus to the gentiles, serving as a priest of the Gospel of God. God's purpose is that the Gentiles may be an acceptable offering, sanctified by the holy spirit. Therefore I have reason to boast in Christ Jesus regarding what pertains to God." Rom 15:15-17

Jesus expects all of his priests to be ministers of the truth, the gospel that is set down in the scriptures. Remember, he said in Matthew 28:20 - "teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you."

Paul tells us he was serving as a priest, and active priest, teaching the words of Jesus Christ to others as Jesus commanded. That's what Jesus expects of us, besides dying for Truth, leaving everything behind that is corruption and falsehood.  That, is following in the footsteps of Christ, and is exactly what his disciples did.  They did not return to an arrangement that God condemns.  

Malachi 2:7- for the lips of a priest should preserve knowledge, and people should seek instruction from his mouth, because he's the messenger of the Lord of the Heavenly Armies."

Anna, Jesus told us to put on a new wineskin, to hold the new wine, which is his teachings. ( Matt 9:17) I see you holding on to doctrine that you haven't tested, primarily the doctrine of organization.  That is a stumbling block that prevents you from seeing the spiritual Temple built on the body of Christ.  (1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22)

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On 1/29/2023 at 1:17 PM, AnnaNana said:

Korah Dathan and Abiram were wicked lawless ones who were executed by Jehovah.

Why did that account occur? Korah wanted to secure the priesthood.  He didn't accept the arrangement that God had put in place through Moses.  Can you relate that to what you think that God has approved of today, the elder body serving as priests in the organization?  Through the account of Korah you should be able to conceptualize how severe this abomination is, that is happening in the organization. Mark 13:14; Rev 11:1,2 The elder body is the man of lawlessness, not the governing body.  Always, when there is an abomination that happens in the temple of God, it has to do with foreigners, or Gentiles defiling the temple. Ezek 44:6-9

  2 Thess 2:3,4 - "Don't let anyone deceive you in any way for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's Temple proclaiming himself to be God."

"Representing the royal priesthood are appointed elders, who serve in positions of responsibility in congregations of Jehovah's people around the world."

Rather than challenge their authority, we truly appreciate our hard-working elders!" 2002/8/1 Wt. 

Rev 13:1,2,5-7  - The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had 10 horns and seven heads, with 10 crowns on its horns and on each head a blasphemous name. The beast I saw resembled a leopard but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for 42 months. It opens its mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander His name and his swelling place and those who live in heaven. It was given power to wage war against God's holy people and to conquer them. It was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation."

This symbolic beast challenges the authority of God's holy people, the saints, the priesthood.  And this beast has over it a false prophet, the GB.  Rev 13:11,12; 19:20







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Hosea was told to marry an adulterous wife. Why?


He served as an illustration for Jehovah.


Jehovah took back ancient Israel when she prostituted herself to the nations. Eventually she passed the point of no return, but a faithful remnant became part of the new arrangement, the Christian congregation.


Today, the Christian congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses has been unfaithful as an organization. But Jehovah doesn't just thrown her away. He sees the faithful individuals in the organization.


If Jehovah can heal the blind and the deaf and the lame, don't you think He can heal the organization?


If Jehovah can raise the dead, don't you think He can bring the organization back to life spiritually?


Nothing is impossible for Jehovah.


When Jehovah said to Moses, "Let me destroy them and make you into a mighty nation," Jehovah was allowing Moses to show what was in his heart. How did Moses reply? "Yes! Bring it down, shatter them, kill them!" No way! Moses begged Jehovah to save what was salvageable from them. Jehovah did execute individual wrongdoers, but He did not throwaway His covenant with Israel.


Jehovah does not throw people away. That's what Satan does.


Jehovah is Loyal. There are many, many faithful sheep in the organization who are being mislead and Jehovah promises to fix things. Ezekiel 34 is clear. The bad shepherds will be removed. The scattered sheep will be gathered in and comforted. Jehovah will get glory for himself by means of saving His Name People.


The truth isn't complicated. Jesus said a child could understand. 


Jesus didn't come to save perfect priesthoods. He came to save sinners. "Of these I am foremost."


We don't follow any man or woman. We follow Christ, who comes in Jehovah's name. 


Praise Jehovah.

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1 hour ago, Witness said:

Why did Paul say that?  Divisions were occurring among the body and in the congregation. He was stressing to them how important TRUTH was, to unify them.  He asked, "is Christ divided?"   Like I brought out in scriptures, the anointed ARE to be united under their Head, looking to him as their Master, as all of them SPEAK the same Truth in Christ

Oh! Is this poster losing a friend from the so-called anointed class? It's ironic. @AnnaNana just stated, there should be NO labels, even though scripture USES labels. Must be a @Pudgy thing.

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Please don't misquote me, Moise.


Here is what I said regarding labels: "Having a title doesn't matter to Jehovah. Being labeled "governing body" or "elder" or "publisher" or "anointed" or "other sheep" or "worldly" or "priest" or "marked" or "king" or "Jehovah's Witness" doesn't make somebody beloved to Jehovah or faithful or obedient. He is not partial. It's our actions and our heart that matter to Jehovah."


You can call light "darkness" and darkness "light" until you're blue in the face, but at the end of the day, Jehovah will make it clear which is which.


"The day belongs to you, also the night. 

You made the light and the sun. 

You set up all the boundaries of the earth; 

You made summer and winter.  

Remember the enemy’s taunts, O Jehovah, 

How a foolish people treats your name with disrespect."


"Rise up, O God, and plead your legal case. 

Remember how the foolish taunt you all day long. 

Do not forget what your foes are saying. 

The uproar of those who defy you is ascending constantly."


"And Jehovah was listening."

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37 minutes ago, AnnaNana said:

Please don't misquote me, Moise.

No misquote. God has given people labels from the inception of time. The fact this poster has a problem with the Watchtower, its members, goes against the grain of scripture. I believe @Witness talked about adding or subtracting from scripture. 

Therefore, the posters false words stand as false!

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"It is good to give thanks to Jehovah 

And to sing praises to your name, O Most High, 

To declare your loyal love in the morning 

And your faithfulness during the nights, 

Accompanied by a ten-stringed instrument and a lute, 

By the melodious sound of a harp.  

For you have made me rejoice, 

O Jehovah, because of your deeds; 

Because of the works of your hands I shout joyfully.  

How great your works are, O Jehovah! 

How very deep your thoughts are! 

No unreasoning man can know them; 

And no foolish person can understand this:  

When the wicked sprout like weeds 

And all the wrongdoers flourish, 

It is that they may be annihilated forever.  

But you are exalted forever, O Jehovah.

Indeed, look in triumph on your enemies, O Jehovah, 

Look at how your enemies will perish; 

All the wrongdoers will be scattered.  

But you will exalt my strength like that of a wild bull; 

I will moisten my skin with fresh oil.  

My eyes will look in triumph on my foes; 

My ears will hear about the downfall of the evil men who attack me.  

But the righteous will flourish like a palm tree 

And grow big like a cedar in Lebʹa·non.  

They are planted in the house of Jehovah; 

They flourish in the courtyards of our God.  

Even in old age they will still be thriving; 

They will remain vigorous and fresh, 

Declaring that Jehovah is upright.  

He is my Rock, in whom there is no unrighteousness."

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