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A friend of mine wrote this to the members of her congregation upon leaving the organization:

To my brothers and sisters,

 I’m sure you’ve realised by now that something isn’t quite right with me as I haven’t been around in months. The truth is I have been going through a crisis and the last few months have been the hardest time of my life. I couldn’t speak to anyone until I had told my mom which I finally got around to doing a few days ago and now it’s only fair that I tell you and I hope you will take the time to read my letter so I can explain.  Before you do though, I entreat you to pray to God to open up your heart and mind and prayerfully examine the scriptures.

For the first time in my life, I started reading the Bible on its own, especially the Christian Greek Scriptures.  After a while, I started noticing differences between the scriptures and what we are taught, especially about Jesus.  We think we are honouring Jesus, but if we truly examine the Bible, are we really?  We urge people of other religions to examine if what they are taught is true or not, so does that not also apply to us?  If we were to find out that what we are taught is not according to scripture, would that not require investigation?

 ·        In Matthew 28:19,20 Jesus commanded us to get baptised in the name of ‘The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit.’  Have you ever wondered why Jehovah’s Witnesses are baptised into an organisation?  Is this following Jesus’ command or are we actually committing an act of idolatry? 


 ·        As witnesses, we are told that our only chance of salvation is to belong to an organisation.  Can you actually find one scripture that backs that up?   Acts 4:12 says in reference to Jesus “… there is no salvation in anyone else, for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must get saved.”   Do you truly feel we are being taught to obey and trust only in Jesus for our salvation or is it dependent on our belonging to this organisation?

 ·        Revelation 18:4 says with regard to Babylon the Great “get out of her MY people”.  This is Jesus’ command AFTER the destruction of Babylon the Great, which we know is in the future.  Jehovah’s Witnesses have been separate from all other religions for over 100 years, so why are we told that Babylon the Great represents false religion when Jesus is specifically telling HIS people to flee after her destruction? If the harlot is not false religion, who is she? Isn’t our life dependant on knowing the answer to this question?


 ·        2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 prophesies that there would be a great apostasy.  This is not referring to the early Christian congregation or to those who have left the organisation, this is an apostasy that will occur during Christ’s presence and in God’s temple.  Is it not important for us to discern what this apostasy is so that we do not succumb to it?


 ·        In Matthew 24:15 Jesus warned about the “disgusting thing standing in a holy place”.  According to the 15 July 2013 Watchtower the initial fulfillment was when the Roman army attacked Jerusalem and its temple and the future fulfillment is the United Nations destroying Christendom.  So here Jerusalem prefigures Christendom.   However, in the Pure Worship book that we recently studied, in Teaching Box 16A, it shows that Christendom can never be the antitypical Jerusalem because she has never had God’s favour. So which one is true?  Does the holy place refer to Christendom or doesn’t it?  If it doesn’t as this new understanding suggests, then what holy place is Jesus referring to in Matthew 24:15, how are we to discern the “disgusting thing” standing there and when must we flee?


 ·        Why has the New World Translation altered so many scriptures from the original text which totally change the meaning?  One example is Revelation 5:10 – please compare the verse to the Kingdom Interlinear as well as other translations. Why are we not taught this?  Some other changes are in 2 Corinthians 5:20; Matthew 24:39; John 3:16-18; Romans 10:9,10; Ephesians 4:8; Matthew 3:3.  Why was John 7:53-8:11 removed from the latest version of the NWT? https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Rev+5%3A10%3B+2+Cor+5%3A20%3B+Matt+24%3A39%3B+John+3%3A16-18%3B+Rom10%3A9%2C10%3B+Eph+4%3A8%3B+Matt+3%3A3%3B+John+7%3A53%3B+8%3A1-11&version=CSB

 ·        Matthew 24:45-51 speaks about a slave that would feed God’s sheep – but it also says that when Jesus returns the slave would either be declared faithful or evil. The governing body tell us that they were declared faithful when Jesus inspected the organisation in 1919.  On what basis? That they were teaching the truth - but if you examine what they taught at that time it is virtually the opposite of what we are taught today. They say the “light gets brighter and brighter,” but surely any new light should only clarify details not previously understood, not the opposite.  Can truth ever change? Why did Jesus give the slave incorrect information to confuse his sheep back then?  Were “expired truths” ever true? So did Jesus really appoint them in 1919 or is it in the future? If it is in the future, then they cannot claim to be faithful until Jesus renders judgement.


 Although we are told that we are not to question anything we are taught, is that what the scriptures say?  Should we just follow what people say? In Acts 17:11 the Beroeans were commended because they “carefully examined the scriptures daily to see whether these things were so, and in 1 John 4:1-3 it says “Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired statement but test the inspired statements to see whether they originate with God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.”

 Up until recently, I truly believed with all my heart that I had the truth but after really examining the Bible, I no longer believe it is the true religion. Just admitting those words to myself was so traumatic, I can’t even begin to explain how I felt. It was honestly the worst day of my life and I cried for days.  I have given my life to “the truth” believing I was serving God but I have come to see that God’s spirit is not with the governing body. They have convinced over 8 million people that they are the anointed spokesmen of God, but their actions behind the scenes proves that God is not backing them - including their 100% failure rate in several end-of-world predictions and failed calculations using “this generation” which has to be constantly changed. Deuteronomy 18:20-22 says “If any prophet presumptuously speaks a word in my name… and the word is not fulfilled or does not come true, then Jehovah did not speak that word. The prophet spoke it presumptuously.  You should not fear him.”  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deut+18%3A20-22&version=CSB

 Although there are elements of truth taught to us, if there are lies mixed within, can it really be called the Truth? Even if it was mostly true, wouldn’t one falsehood make it false?  Just like 1 drop of poison in a glass of water contaminates the entire glass, would you drink it? Would “life giving water” ever be tainted with lies? Jesus knew this would happen and warned us over and over again not to be misled by “false prophets” who would arise – these ones would distort truth but would be difficult to identify because of their smooth sounding words. This deception would be so powerful that even the chosen ones would be misled if they were not awake (Matthew 7:15-20; Matthew 24:4-5,11,24; Luke 21:8; Romans 16:17,18)  


 With their terrible track record of predicting the future, I am so afraid of what trap they will lead you into when they say you need to follow them “even if it doesn’t make sense from a human standpoint”.  I hope and pray that you will come to understand that because they do not have God’s spirit, they cannot understand and unravel Bible prophecy so none of their predictions for the near future will come true.  Jesus is not coming to rescue you as long as you are following the governing body and remain part of this organisation. Please trust in God and his precious Son and not in these men for your salvation.

 If only witnesses would recognise that when they have doubts, it is not Satan, but it is in fact our Creator trying to wake them up and open their eyes to the truth.  Our minds and hearts have been captured and only with God’s help can the veil be lifted from our eyes so the truth can shine through (2 Corinthians 4:3,4). Please pray for this help, stop reading their publications and start reading the Bible on its own. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Cor+4%3A3-4&version=CSB

 This does not mean I would ever join another religion, if any religion was true, it would have been this one – but now I know that I do not need to be part of a religion to be a follower of Jesus (Matthew 18:20).  But the question we ask is, if this isn’t the truth – where do we go?  The real question we should ask is found in John 6:68 where Peter asked “whom shall we go away to?” The answer is, we go to Jesus. The “Truth” is not a religion - Jesus Christ IS the Truth. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6) 


 Of course, it is up to you whether you choose to look into what the Bible really teaches or not, but I could not keep quiet as I care about you, no matter the consequences to myself.  What saddens me is that every single witness is being deceived – they are not on the narrow road to life but are on the broad road to destruction (Matthew 7:13-23).  In fact, the organisation is slowly and subtly leading each witness further and further away from Jesus and the salvation he promises. God’s original purpose to make the earth a paradise is real, the path to it is not what we were led to believe.  I have come to see that the only way to salvation is to imitate, obey and love Jesus and not to trust or show loyalty to any man or organisation.  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matt+7%3A13-23&version=CSB

 Thank you for reading my letter and I really hope you will take the time to examine what you are being taught, always using the scriptures as your foundation. I will always treasure your friendship and the wonderful memories we shared.  I also forgive you for what I know you have to do to me, thinking it is the way you show loyalty to God (John 16:2,3). I am not afraid though, I have full confidence that Jesus and his Father will take care of me, not only now but for eternity.



Love to you,


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8 hours ago, Witness said:

In Matthew 28:19,20 Jesus commanded us to get baptised in the name of ‘The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit.’  Have you ever wondered why Jehovah’s Witnesses are baptised into an organisation?  Is this following Jesus’ command or are we actually committing an act of idolatry? 

This should have taught the letter writer that that person truly doesn't understand scripture since the letter writer sadly believes that person was baptized other than in the name of the spirit intended in Matthew. The same ignorance portrayed on the rest of the letter, if indeed an actual person wrote it and not just an apostate rendering of general thoughts of heresy.

It's a shame, this posting is nothing more than hearsay and the poster is conveying to the public the poster's believability should supersede above all other consciousness when this poster has NO credibility with scripture.

However, I would urge the letter writer to rethink the errors made in thinking of why the writer got caught up in apostasy to begin with. Perhaps as this poster indicates, hanging around apostates might be the influence as a root cause to a friend for those erred mistakes and troubles.

2Cor. 6:14 ¶ Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?
2Cor. 6:15 What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever?

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“At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.  Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold.  Matt 24:10-12

For there will arise false christs, (“anointed”) and false prophets, and they will show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the chosen ones.  (Isa 43:10; 1 Pet 2:9)

 “Behold, I have told you beforehand”. Matt 24:24-25

“I am amazed that you are so quickly turning away from him who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— not that there is another gospel, but there are some who are troubling you and want to distort the gospel of ChristBut even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, a curse be on him! As we have said before, I now say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, a curse be on him!”  Gal 1:6-9






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@Witness There isn't much of an altering concerning Westcott & Hort itself, in regards to roots, Strong's, etc. We've been through this time and time again. This is why it is a problem to rely on your own understanding vs the Bible itself. This goes for some verses alluded to that indicates who Jesus is. So you really can't challenge the NWT on altered verses unless you can prove any changes in Concordances; granted this is the case, even other Christians who know of this Bible also challenge people, specifically Trinitarians, in this regard, i.e. like Acts 7:59.

Concerning Baptism, and Matthew 28:18-19, Baptism symbolizes one's dedication to God and to do his will. From what i had seen, no one in the JW faith is baptized to do the will of the faith community, rather, to put forth dedication to what is noted Scripturally, mainly in regards to that passage is in Matthew 28 is about the Commission, a command given by Christ, something most Christians today do not do. It symbolizes dying to one’s former way of life and becoming alive to do God’s will. It should be noted as to why Christians who are organized adhere to the commission, your 1895 article states it. Although there are some who are lone wolves, so to speak, they even acknowledge that majority, a great deal of people, will easily succumb to that of Mainstream Christendom if they tread a path that is not proper.

That being said, young ones like this person in the picture knows God well, as is his Christ, and he understands what the Commission entails regarding those who partake, and his case was very similar to mind despite the background differences. If he knows, the latter should be knowing of this too. Never rely on your own understanding.


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"If you see any oppression of the poor and a violation of justice and righteousness in your district, do not be surprised about the matter. For that high official is being watched by one who is higher than he is, and there are others who are still higher than they are."


The organization is not immune to oppression and violation of justice mentioned in this principle. In fact, because the organization bears Jehovah's name, it has become more of a target for the wicked one than any other organization. It was the same in ancient Israel. 


The existence of wicked ones in the true organization being used by God should not surprise us. Jesus told us ahead of time the apostasy would happen. He also told us it would end. Jesus showed there would be organization, congregations with elders. He did not tell us to abandon it. He told us to "hold fast what you have until I come."


Jehovah left His name on the organization for a reason. He will act for the sake of His name.


In the days Jesus walked the earth as a human, the disciples were still under the Mosaic Law. The leaders in that religion were corrupt. Jesus didn't say to abandon that organization at that point. He said to not imitate the leaven, or hypocrisy. He said to not believe the things that were not in harmony with God's Word. Eventually he put in place the Christian congregation.


It is the same today. It is possible to embrace the parts of the organization that harmonize with Bible teaching. It is also possible to reject the parts that are hypocritical. Some friends may be disfellowshipped for obeying Jesus, but he foretold that too in Revelation 2 and 3. We must endure and take courage, knowing that our relief will come in time. Jesus will cleanse the organization. He promised he would, and he always follows through. Eventually he will put in place the Kingdom arrangement. We must be patient.


In the meantime, we can see that many of those taking the lead in the organization at present are fulfilling what was spoken about them. Their lawlessness appears to be taken from the same playbook as many of the elite Jesuits who misused their power to lord it over others as described in this article:




The ruler of this world has no new tricks. He keeps using the same-ole-same-old. Our spiritual suit of armor and close communication with Jehovah helps us endure and come off victorious.


The false shepherds will be removed, and the little sheep will be regathered and comforted. Ezekiel 34. Jehovah's Word always comes true. 


Jehovah's Name Will Be Sanctified. 

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@Audrey Kennedy-Tripp I often say no one is immune to the imperfections of the world, as is some people. To be immune is a fantasy, but the reality is, no one is, even for Christians, including JWs. This is why a community need to learn how to safeguard itself. Yes, to think an area is safe, but at the same time at least hold on to hand on solutions to prevent issues down the road. Some listen and apply, others do not, but at the end of the day, it is up to the people to apply these things. Any institutions can issue something or say something, but the people are the ones to apply. At the same time, such solutions should be something to bridge a common action, but to rule it out totally will only result in more problems. It has been say many many times here, some who coin issue, do not apply it, even joke about it, such as what Srecko did.

The good thing, is that those who do listen actually are better protected than some within their own community.

At the end of the day, the world's imperfections can only be cleansed by God and his Christ, the only thing man can do is try it's best to prevent some instances and or figure out a way to deal with the aftermath, as for man, cannot eradicate imperfections.

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35 minutes ago, Audrey Kennedy-Tripp said:

The existence of wicked ones in the true organization being used by God should not surprise us. Jesus told us ahead of time the apostasy would happen. He also told us it would end. Jesus showed there would be organization, congregations with elders. He did not tell us to abandon it. He told us to "hold fast what you have until I come."

This is true. The poster is a good example of what true members have to deal with in their daily lives.

Luke 20:20 So they watched him and sent spies, who pretended to be sincere, that they might catch him in something he said, so as to deliver him up to the authority and jurisdiction of the governor.

Gal. 2:4 Yet because of false brothers secretly brought in—who slipped in to spy out sour freedom that we have in Christ Jesus, so that they might bring us into slavery—

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

From what i had seen, no one in the JW faith is baptized to do the will of the faith community, rather, to put forth dedication to what is noted Scripturally, mainly in regards to that passage is in Matthew 28 is about the Commission, a command given by Christ, something most Christians today do not do. 

"We do not dedicate ourselves to a religion, nor to a man, nor to an organization. No, we dedicate ourselves to the Supreme Sovereign of the Universe, our Creator, Jehovah God himself. This makes dedication a very personal relationship between us and Jehovah." Wt 1966/10/1 pp.603-604
"Have you dedicated your life to Jehovah and symbolized your dedication by water baptism? If so, that is wonderful! Recall that on your baptism day, before eyewitnesses, you were asked whether you had dedicated yourself to Jehovah and understood that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in association with God’s spirit-directed organization.”  Wt 2017/4 pp. 3-8
1 - "Have you recognized yourself as a sinner needing salvation from Jehovah God and have you acknowledged that this salvation proceeds from Him and through His Ransomer Christ Jesus?
2 - On the basis of this faith in God and in his  provision for redemption, have you consecrated yourself unreservedly to do the will of God henceforth as that will is revealed to you through Christ Jesus and through God's Word as His holy spirit makes it plain?"  Wt 1945/2/1 p. 44
1 - On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will?
2 - Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit-directed organization? Having answered yes to these questions, candidates are in a right heart condition to undergo Christian baptism." Wt. 1985/6/1 p. 30
1 - “Have you repented of your sins, dedicated yourself to Jehovah, and accepted his way of salvation through Jesus Christ?”
2 -  “Do you understand that your baptism identifies you as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in association with Jehovah’s organization?””  Wt. 2020/3/9  pp. 8-13
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The "one drop of poison in the glass of water" illustration is not a valid illustration for the organization, just like it's not a valid illustration for avoiding so-called "apostate" websites.


Jesus gave the true illustration: "weeds and wheat". 


It is possible to walk in a grocery store and buy healthy food without buying a pack of cigarettes.


It is possible to go to the Kingdom Hall and learn truths and reject falsehoods.


It is wise to avoid stores that only sell poisonous substances. A discerning person can tell based on the fruits.


Jehovah's organization at present teaches many truths regarding God's name and purposes. There are also false doctrines and practices that have crept in. What did Jesus say would should do? Abandon the congregation? No. Stand still and see the salvation of Jehovah. Stay in the field and wait for the Master.


Before the wheat and the weeds came to fruit, it was difficult to tell which was which, which one is poison, but once they are in fruit it is possible to tell.


Once we identify a teaching as false, then we can avoid it. Once we identify a person as a wolf in sheeps covering, then we can avoid him. "By their fruits you will recognize them."


The "field" in and of itself is not bad. It is the weeds that are bad. The wheat is growing in the same field. Do not throw out the field.


Jesus is coming to remove the weeds. His angels will remove them. The fact that we can see the weeds so clearly shows what time it is. It is practically the hour for him to remove them. If we consider ourselves to be among the "wheat" then we do not uproot ourselves and go somewhere else. We wait.


It is an illustration. The "poison water" illustration is not Jesus' illustration. He gave the wheat and weeds one.


Jesus' leaven one illustrates the same. You don't throw out the bread. The leaven is in the bread, and it permeated the whole loaf. But Jesus can do miracles. He will remove the leaven. He didn't say to throw out the bread.


The mustard seed one is the same too. The birds don't belong. Revelation says there would be every wicked bird hanging out, and they would be removed. Jesus planted the "mustard seed". He can remove the wicked birds. He didn't say to abandon the plant.


It is an illustration.


The congregation will be cleansed. We are not to abandon it. "Keep on the watch" "Keep waiting". To abandon it would be an act of disobedience.


"The name of Jehovah is a strong tower." It is the name of Jehovah that is our signal post. We must wait as close as we can, clinging to Jehovah's name. He will not abandon His loyal ones. Praise Jehovah.

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1 hour ago, Moise Racette said:

I see @Witness has submitted the same old thing. Nothing new. But, If apostate is what apostate does, then @Witness is a good candidate. 😁

Yes, Watchtower lies do get old.  Lies taught as coming from Jesus Christ; as if the Way of Truth and Life, would ever deceive his sheep, by teaching them a lie.  

Lies spoken by their leaders are so easily dismissed by JWs,  which means apathy and blindness exists; full darkness, not allowing the light of Christ, his true teachings to shine through.  2 Cor 4:1-6

Stop pretending that Jesus Christ directs this organization and its lies.  

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Don't be carried away by various and strange teachings, for it is good that the heart be established by grace, not by food, through which those who were so occupied were not benefited." Heb 13:7-9

There is no nourishing "food" of any benefit,  found in the lies and doctrine of the Watchtower, where teachings rot yearly.  

Matt 7:15-20





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13 minutes ago, Witness said:
"We do not dedicate ourselves to a religion, nor to a man, nor to an organization. No, we dedicate ourselves to the Supreme Sovereign of the Universe, our Creator, Jehovah God himself. This makes dedication a very personal relationship between us and Jehovah." Wt 1966/10/1 pp.603-604
"Have you dedicated your life to Jehovah and symbolized your dedication by water baptism? If so, that is wonderful! Recall that on your baptism day, before eyewitnesses, you were asked whether you had dedicated yourself to Jehovah and understood that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in association with God’s spirit-directed organization.”  Wt 2017/4 pp. 3-8

😁😆😅😂 Way to contradict yourself poster. Twisting the narrative doesn't prove your claim. What it does prove by your shady attempt is, the Watchtower members glorify God by identifying themselves by God's namesake. An organization that is led by the spirit of God they are being baptized into.

As I recall, the poster was baptized in the Org. Does this mean the poster has then been baptized elsewhere? Or did God visit the poster to baptize the poster? 

Before you answer, remember, even Jesus was baptized. So, which power compels this poster?

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