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She is at peace, relieved that she is no longer held captive to "empty philosophy".  (Col 2:8; Rev 13:10).  "...if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed" John 8:36 She doesn't plan

Did Jesus tell his disciples to remain in Jerusalem?  He told them that their “house is left to you desolate”; meaning God’s spirit no longer blessed them. (Matt 23:38) He warned his dis

It's okay, I'm pretty sure God will overlook it.  🙂

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Matt. 23:23 ¶ “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint and dill and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: Justice and mercy and faithfulness. These you ought to have done, without neglecting the others.

Rom. 3:3 What if some were unfaithful? Does their faithlessness nullify the faithfulness of God?

Gal. 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness.

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For @Witness' Friend Who Wrote the Letter...


Don't give up hope! Jehovah Hears Your Cries for Help and He Knows All the Tears of Your Heart, He is the God of Justice, and He Will Make Things Right - He Will Act for the Sake of His Holy Name, His Love, He Is The Father of All His Little Children, He is Jehovah -


"My trust is in God’s loyal love, forever and ever.  

I will praise you forever because you have taken action; 

In the presence of your loyal ones, 

I will hope in your name, for it is good."


"Why am I in despair? 

Why is this turmoil within me? 

Wait for God, 

For I will yet praise him as my Grand Savior and my God."


"Who is like Jehovah our God, 

The one who dwells on high?  

He stoops down to look on heaven and earth, 

Raising the lowly from the dust."


"God is a righteous Judge, 

And God proclaims his judgments every day.  

If anyone will not repent, 

He sharpens his sword; 

He bends his bow and makes it ready.  

He prepares his deadly weapons; 

He makes ready his flaming arrows.  

Look at the one who is pregnant with wickedness; 

He conceives trouble and gives birth to lies.  

He excavates a pit and digs it deep, 

But he falls into the very hole he made.  

The trouble he causes will return on his own head; 

His violence will fall on the crown of his head.  

I will praise Jehovah for his justice; 

I will sing praises to the name of Jehovah the Most High."


"Praise Jehovah, all you nations; 

Glorify him, all you peoples.  

For his loyal love toward us is great; 

The faithfulness of Jehovah endures forever.  

Praise Jah!"

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22 hours ago, Witness said:
"We do not dedicate ourselves to a religion, nor to a man, nor to an organization. No, we dedicate ourselves to the Supreme Sovereign of the Universe, our Creator, Jehovah God himself. This makes dedication a very personal relationship between us and Jehovah." Wt 1966/10/1 pp.603-604
"Have you dedicated your life to Jehovah and symbolized your dedication by water baptism? If so, that is wonderful! Recall that on your baptism day, before eyewitnesses, you were asked whether you had dedicated yourself to Jehovah and understood that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in association with God’s spirit-directed organization.”  Wt 2017/4 pp. 3-8

There isn't a contradiction, mainly if you read for context instead of quoting without a thought in the world.

The first part mentions from a 1966 article that the dedication and or declaration is with God, all organized Christians are indeed with God should they go down that route. The 2017 article mentions the symbolism of baptism as a declaration of God, the only added notion if God's organized Christian followers with the same goal in mind, not to mention, what transpires on the day of one's baptism in that faith. Both instances, a person who is baptism, they do these things in their faith community, they do everything and anything to be right with YHWH totally, example, the notion of the Commission, which, I am sure they are doing, right now. Something you should be doing but refuse to do so, despite Christ commanded the Commission.

The irony is where you quoted this from, JWFacts, they lean towards support for the Creed/Traditional version of Baptism that was NOT practiced by the Christians, such as, the Baptism in the Trinity Doctrine. Especially concerning Matthew 28:19, which is often used as a weapon against any Anti-Trinitarian. It also goes on to take shots at immersion, mocking where one should be Baptized, disregarding the fact the Mikveh that predates it speaks volume.

Although the definition is a general one, this is what it noted by them - Baptism refers to a person’s being submerged in water and coming up out of it. a That explains why Jesus was baptized in a sizable river. (Matthew 3:13, 16) Likewise, an Ethiopian man asked to be baptized when coming to “a body of water.”—Acts 8:36-40. This is according to Jehovah's Witnesses, however in this sense, this is general to Christianity who do not fall Creeds or mainstream traditions. What is not mentioned by some is that Baptism is also a Death unto Life (root)type of deal, in which when one chooses this path, they are intertwined with God's Will and Purpose just as Jesus was when he was on earth.

So anyone who is of God and is baptized does join his community of organized Christians vs that of man's version of it, which was ultimately refuted by the notions of the Bible and the Didache combined, especially towards the Anti-Pauline type of people.

Also regarding those 2 articles, as said before, if anyone reads either of them to the full, it counteracts the claims you make instantly. Again, it is wise to read before mentioning claims and in this, to make an assumption.

You really need to be very careful of claims of Atheists and legitimate apostates, especially the ones who lean towards the Triune concept of Baptism.

22 hours ago, Witness said:
1 - "Have you recognized yourself as a sinner needing salvation from Jehovah God and have you acknowledged that this salvation proceeds from Him and through His Ransomer Christ Jesus?
2 - On the basis of this faith in God and in his  provision for redemption, have you consecrated yourself unreservedly to do the will of God henceforth as that will is revealed to you through Christ Jesus and through God's Word as His holy spirit makes it plain?"  Wt 1945/2/1 p. 44

Baptism has always been a public declaration of a sinner's faith, and those who seek it are those who seek salvation from God and Christ. Such persons dedicates his or her life to serving the Most High, adhering to the teachings and taking the Commission very seriously. Especially those who come to take in such knowledge prior to Baptism, learning of who God and Christ is; something of which the Lord himself prayed with one of the few final moments he had with his disciples about prior to hie crucifixion - John 17.

Baptism is serious and should not be taken lightly, let alone shouldn't be contradicted, mainly for the symbolism and roots to it, as it is connection to what predates it.

22 hours ago, Witness said:
1 - On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will?
2 - Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit-directed organization? Having answered yes to these questions, candidates are in a right heart condition to undergo Christian baptism." Wt. 1985/6/1 p. 30

You have to prove that those baptized have their faith in man rather than God, hence we already know God technically has a organization, the Christian faith that was established in Pentecost 33 A.D. Baptism 100% makes such persons a member of the Christian faith, obviously before the Creeds and Traditions came forth. Otherwise, simply reading the article would most likely counteract you again.

22 hours ago, Witness said:
1 - “Have you repented of your sins, dedicated yourself to Jehovah, and accepted his way of salvation through Jesus Christ?”
2 -  “Do you understand that your baptism identifies you as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in association with Jehovah’s organization?””  Wt. 2020/3/9  pp. 8-13

Granted the Christian faith was not made by a man, don't see the problem. Again, if you are going to make claims, you have to back it up.

That being said, some EXJWs follow the creeds and traditions, that is a claim that is true, which I brought up before. You never address such things, and even in @Moise Racette and @Audrey Kennedy-Tripp who are in this discussion, I am 100% sure neither of them, myself included, do not favor traditions and creeds to be associated with what a Baptism entails, hence what is noted on JWFacts, in both definition meaning and practice. Example, Baptism of infants/children concerning the Book of Acts, I had this debate a long time ago with a Trinitarian on this forum, and you sided with Srecko who agreed with him, so at least stuff like that had to be address if you want to attest to contractions concerning baptism. Twisting is unwise if other people can read for context quite easily.

At the end of the day, God's people, Christians are an organized bunch, does not matter what race they are, their sex, background, etc. They seek to attest to God's purpose and will, as is follow the teachings of the Christ. If they seek baptism, they work towards it, and make the effort to do so. When they reach it, they make a declaration among the community that they will dedicate their lives in service of God and be of his organized body of Christians that is ordained by God and not of man, as it was written. As it was in Jesus' day, as is in Paul's day and later, we stick to this, as is evade any Creeds or Traditions that ARE mad made that has been followed by Mainstream Christendom.

Do not twist things as the Trinitarians do. Christians are suppose to discern things and know context, why are you avoiding to do so as a Christian? And that is simply baptism alone, same case for Verses. Passages in the Bible that are authentic and non authentic.

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"And immediately after Jesus got out of the boat, a man under the power of an unclean spirit met him from among the tombs.  His haunt was among the tombs, and up to that time, absolutely no one was able to bind him securely, even with a chain.  He had often been bound with fetters and chains, but he snapped the chains apart and smashed the fetters; and nobody had the strength to subdue him."


There are people today who act irate and insane and hateful towards other humans.


"At the sight of Jesus, he cried out and fell down before him, and with a loud voice, he said: “What have I to do with you, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg you, do not torment me.”  (For Jesus had been ordering the unclean spirit to come out of the man. It had seized him on many occasions, and he was repeatedly bound with chains and fetters and kept under guard, but he would break the bonds and be driven by the demon into the isolated places.)  Jesus asked him: “What is your name?” He said: “Legion,” for many demons had entered into him."


Jesus is not healing people of physical ailments today. He is not healing diabetes or restoring physical blindness or replacing missing limbs at this time. Jesus is not getting rid of demons at this time either. 


"Then people went out to see what had happened. They came to Jesus and found the man from whom the demons had come out, clothed and in his right mind, sitting at the feet of Jesus, and they grew fearful.  Those who had seen it reported to them how the demon-possessed man had been made well."


The man who had the legion of demons was really mean and hateful. But once the demons were gone, he was nice.


"However, the man from whom the demons had gone out kept begging to continue with him, but he sent the man away, saying:  “Go back home, and keep on relating what God did for you.” So he went away, proclaiming throughout the whole city what Jesus had done for him."


The Bible shows it is possible for really mean demonized people to change. We cannot read hearts.


"This man went away and started to proclaim in the De·capʹo·lis all the things Jesus had done for him, and all the people were amazed."


In the Paradise, there may be many people there who we did not expect to be there.


It is wise to show love to all people, even hateful people. We need to be cautious as serpents and innocent as doves, but we also need to keep in mind we cannot read hearts. That man with the legion was abusive toward others. But he also had been horribly abused by Jehovah's enemies. We cannot read hearts and we do not approve of abuse. When Jehovah says not to repay evil with evil, He is helping us not to imitate the abuse of the wicked one. Jesus told us to repay curse with a blessing and let Jehovah take care of vengeance. Jehovah allows the sun and the rain on both the good and the wicked, but He will destroy the unrepentant wicked at His appointed time.


People may do hateful things. We need to protect ourselves from such people. We do not approve of those hateful things, and it is not wise to keep close association with those who do what is bad. But some of those people may change. We hate the bad actions, not the people.


Even the lawless ones in the organization, some of them may change. Korah will be resurrected. Manasseh changed. Judas will not be resurrected. Neither will Adam. We do not have to do the judging for who is worthy of everlasting life. We just have to be obedient and stay where Jesus assigned us. We are all brothers. Jehovah is the Father.


Jehovah is God's Name. Jehovah's Witnesses is where Jehovah has left His Name. We do not hate the people. Satan hates the people. We love people, they are made in God's image. Jesus' blood is enough for any who choose to repent. We have faith in this. We will wait for Jehovah.


"Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born from God, and everyone who loves the one who caused to be born loves him who has been born from that one.  By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and carry out his commandments.  For this is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome,  because everyone who has been born from God conquers the world. And this is the conquest that has conquered the world, our faith."


"God is love, and the one who remains in love remains in union with God and God remains in union with him.  In this way love has been made perfect in us, so that we may have freeness of speech in the day of judgment, because just as that one is, so are we ourselves in this world.  There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts fear out, because fear restrains us. Indeed, the one who is fearful has not been made perfect in love.  We love, because he first loved us. If anyone says, “I love God,” and yet is hating his brother, he is a liar. For the one who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen.  And we have this commandment from him, that whoever loves God must also love his brother."


(To @Moise:🌷🌻🌿💖)


"And if a friend of peace is there, your peace will rest upon him. But if there is not, it will return to you."


May all lovers of peace continue to dwell in Jehovah's peace. The ransom is enough for us. The undeserved kindness of Jehovah through Christ Jesus will be with the beloved ones. Praise Jah!

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@Audrey Kennedy-Tripp But now you have a problem. One thing @Witness brought up is the notion of Bible verses/passages being missing and or omitted. The issue is it is more so having to do with the battle against bible tampering that took place for centuries rather than recently popping up for JWs. Among the Trinitarians there are KJV-Onlyist who swear by the translation, not realizing some errors made it into Scripture, so you have Strong's and Concordances to make the correction, it also results in people, even JWs, produce revised versions of the Bible to avoid non bible canons. That notion does not need to be in a letter because it is widely known of such an issue and quite elementary when one does research.

One thing can be said, a lot of people died in the most brutal fashion in the Bible tampering war to defend the only known truths of the Holy Book so people can read it today. If it were not for them, we might not even have a Bible today and even if we did, we'd be reading from Scripture that did not line up with what is true. Perhaps in JWFacts' case, we'd have a Trinitarian and or Creed orientated Baptism.

That being said, this is why lone Christians who are not as adept, should be very very VERY careful because Mainstream Christendom can easily take someone, and this has been the case for many years, a good chuck of EXJWs have been taken already.

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It is a blessing to live in a time when so many Bible translations are available! Thank you, @Space Merchant, for keeping in mind all the faithful ones of old who worked so diligently with our Father that we may have access to God's Word.☺️


"Happy are those hearing the word of God and keeping it!"

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@Audrey Kennedy-Tripp Anytime. This is why I always encourage people to do the research themselves as to always read for context. The more people that know the better and it also shuts down a lot of back and forth. As per the letter, if @Witness knows this person, it should be wise to direct the person to information about the history of the Bible itself, granted, that history exceeds far more than history of faith communities because of how we came to have the book that has become the cornerstone of faith and an insight to learning of the True God.

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19 hours ago, Audrey Kennedy-Tripp said:

Witness, you are misapplying that verse and saying it is illustrative of identifying the congregation or leaving the congregation because of apostasy. Was the context of the verse talking about leaving the congregation during a time of apostasy?

­­­­­­­­­­­­­It is speaking of waters being poisoned through false teachingswhich cause death.  You related the scripture to the organization, which is correct, but you are not seeing the total outcome of its effect.  If someone realizes that scriptures are pointing to the GB as “Wormwood”, and by Rev 8:10,11 realize also, that people can DIE – not have eternal life in Christ because they are drinking in lies– we are told in Rev 18:4-8, they must “get out of her”.  “Babylon the Great” is the woman/covenant - the promise of death.  Take one consecutive changed teaching of the organization –  the understanding of “this generation”.  It has caused confusion, which is the meaning of “Babylon”. 

Isa 28:15-19-  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah+28%3A15-19&version=CSB

“Wormwood”, a “bitter root” that leads God’s people astray, is under that covenant.  The GB are spiritual harlots/false prophets, (Matt 24:24,25; Rev 13:11,12;16:13; 19:20),  forsaking their covenant with Christ, WHO ONLY SPEAKS TRUTH.  They have entered a different covenant, where lies have misled “even the elect”, as depicted in just a few of the pictures I’ve posted here.  So, while you say God prefers to cleanse the organization of its lies and GB, Isaiah 28 says the opposite.  It declares Zion and its “precious chief cornerstone”, and “the one who believes will be unshakeable”, while the haven of lies, the fortress/organization, will be swept away. 

  So, if anyone has caught on to the deceit of the organization, they are to FLEE; not wait around to see if they lose the opportunity to receive eternal life!

19 hours ago, Audrey Kennedy-Tripp said:

What is the context of the verse, "you cannot drink the cup of Jehovah and the cup of demons"?

Can we swallow down lies, (cup of demons) and read the word of God declaring we BELIEVE what it says, and still feel we are found righteous in God’s sight?

“ No, but I do say that what they sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons and not to God. I do not want you to be participants with demons!”  1 Cor 10:20

Rev 2:20-23 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+2%3A20-23&version=CSB

How much praise/sacrifice is given to “Jehovah’s organization”? How much servitude is given to “Jehovah’s organization”, and submissiveness to the counterfeit priesthood/man of lawlessness that you claim we should be submissive to? (Matt 24:15,16; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1,2; 13:1,2,5-7)   As it has been said by a JW from the Public Information Department, “Our foremost concern is protecting Jehovah’s organization”.  


Shouldn’t this man’s foremost concern be protecting the word of God and exalting God and His Son alone?  Instead, they have built a monstrosity that they now MUST protect.  They are in panic mode to preserve all the investments, real estate and riches they have accumulated. 

“And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment.”  Mark 12:30,31

There is no deviation declared in this scripture for giving loyalty to, and dedicating oneself to, an earthly organization.  Do you see this?  YOU CANNOT SERVE GOD AND RICHES.  Matt 6:24 

Yet, Audrey, you are trying to do both, and teaching JWs to do the same.

“Or ‘are we inciting Jehovah to jealousy’? We are not stronger than he is, are we?” 1 Cor 10:22

Since you have made a decision based on nothing, that God has His name on the organization, are you stronger than He?

“To whom will you liken Me, and make Me equal
And compare Me, that we should be alike?
They lavish gold out of the bag,
And weigh silver on the scales;
They hire a goldsmith, and he makes it a god;
They prostrate themselves, yes, they worship.
They bear it on the shoulder, they carry it
And set it in its place, and it stands;
From its place it shall not move.
Though one cries out to it, yet it cannot answer
Nor save him out of his trouble.

“Remember this, and ]show yourselves men;
Recall to mind, O you transgressors.
Remember the former things of old,
For I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is none like Me,
Declaring the end from the beginning,
And from ancient times things that are not yet done,
Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand,
And I will do all My pleasure,’
11 Calling a bird of prey from the east,
The man who executes My counsel, from a far country.
Indeed I have spoken it;
I will also bring it to pass.
I have purposed it;
I will also do it.

12 “Listen to Me, you stubborn-hearted,
Who are far from righteousness:
13 I bring My righteousness near, it shall not be far off;
My salvation shall not linger.
And I will place salvation in Zion,
For Israel My glory.”  Isa 46:5-13

Did you notice where salvation lies?  It isn’t with an organization.

19 hours ago, Audrey Kennedy-Tripp said:

You idolize the false teachings of Pearl Doxsey and try to get others to follow her. You are guilty of doing what you claim to so utterly hate.

  If I followed your teachings, would I be an idolator?  Were the people who learned from the teachings of the apostles, idolators? How did the believers in their day, learn the truth of Christ if they didn’t pay attention to what the apostles had said, and “be like the Bereans”, testing what they heard?  (Acts 17:11)

 How many versions of “truth” do you believe there should be within an active anointed body under Jesus Christ?  Those who gather together under their Head, under one spirit, that of Christ, show love and concern for each member. Read 1 Corinthians chapter 12; Romans chapter 12.

Do you not pay attention to the members of your physical body?  It is the same when truth unites the anointed under Jesus Christ, and not under a human being.  Each one has a “gift”, and that gift is appreciated and respected by all members. All members care for one another.  The spirit of truth is fed from the vine of Christ, to all branches/members who remain in him.  Truth is harmonious within.  Idolatry does not enter this relationship when one focuses on Jesus Christ’s direction.  (John 15:1-8; 1 John 2:27)

But you are a loner.  You appear to have no interest in the anointed Body of Christ, but full interest in seeing the organization “restored”, a dichotomy to the “restoration” prophesied in Mal 3:1-3; Matt 17:11.

  If you believe that the GB have committed “apostasy”, then who really is the ”faithful and discreet slave” providing food at the proper time to all of Christ's servants?  You? 


19 hours ago, Audrey Kennedy-Tripp said:

A person can go to the Kingdom Hall without worshipping the governing body. A person can be a member of the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses without worshipping the governing body. Even a person who is disfellowshipped (which is a false doctrine) can be a witness of Jehovah with faith that Jesus will clean the organization, and they can maintain that faith without worshipping the governing body. 

Are not the governing body members, hypocrites? 

“I do not sit with deceitful men, nor keep company with hypocrites.”  Psalm 26:4


19 hours ago, Audrey Kennedy-Tripp said:

Jehovah's name is on His organization. He will clean it. His name is on it. Praise Jehovah

You have yet to prove that this is true by using the word of God. 


YHVH's Organization


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