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Which Religion will be the first to embrace Bitcoin?

Mic Drop

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And since I know there are a lot of JW's on this site:... this is for y'all 😉

Interesting @Mic Drop....You did get me to thinking.... Bitcoin is the first international currency that isn't biased to any one government, head of state or nationality so "truly impartial".....

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Interesting @Mic Drop....You did get me to thinking....

Bitcoin is the first international currency that isn't biased to any one government, head of state or nationality so "truly impartial"..... but we have always had gold which does the same thing.

Interesting thought occurred to me that it would be a currency without a "false set of scales" since it is based on purely mathematical computations as you have shown previously.

I can't really see where the Bible or Jehovah God would have anything against using such a system... after all he made the very math it uses. Isn't the Fibonacci used sometimes even referred to as "God's fingerprint"? 

In the end .... it is just money.... so just beware of loving it. 

I guess it remains to be seen if we will have the "Internet" during the Great Tribulation or even into Paradise. It might be part of the "olive oil and the wine" of luxuries that will not disappear during the GT. 

Thanks for the thought experiment.

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@The Librarian - It's not just money as you say... it is also a "store of value" and even a "payment network". Some even refer to it a a new form of digital "energy" that can be captured and frozen.

You should also notice that Bitcoin holders don't rely on "interest" to make money as the modern fiat banking system is designed to run. Isn't interest against God's law? So it would be better for y'all. (or at least more ethical / moral. Right?


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Well... to be fair @Mic Drop JW's do not have a problem charging or collecting interest. You must be thinking of Islamic banking. 

We probably shouldn't charge our brothers interest ... but that rule is really based on the older Mosaic law (from which Islam copied) 

So no JW really has a problem with interest per se. To be honest JW.org makes millions on invested cash, stocks etc in traditional fiat banks around the world. 

But you never know... maybe Bitcoin is already getting a strong look as a "store of value" that is outside the purview of courts and governments to confiscate over frivolous lawsuits?

Now you have me thinking down a whole other path.... 

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As long as it isn't Universal basic income (UBI). Governments are trying to get their hands into Crypto after the FTX/SBF situation. Aside from Crypto, gold and silver are notable assets people are collecting as we speak. The US dollar is on the decline, but people have enough time to reap what they can get before it goes down further. So I do not see the reason for any faith group to go about it differently when it is still money to be used as a tool in whatever they are doing. It does not rule out the idea that some individuals may think different because they have little to no knowledge of Crypto.

Just be careful with your money, in whatever form it might be, with this woman:


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