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Audrey has special privileges here

Moise Racette

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I think it's time to lock this post since @Moise will not stop with the ad hominem attacks and ridiculous threats. If you would like to do more ad hominem attacks, @Moise, then perhaps you can start a new "Rebuttal" thread.

You just answered the question on why the site owner is allowing you to post nonsense and make threats against the Watchtower. 

Ad hominem attacks that you Audrey are using against the Watchtower and its members and much moreStupidity knows no bounds, yet you use words like @Pudgy



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(...oh, and one more thing @Moise/Allen/Dmitar/whoever-you-are-today...we all saw how you invented that "JTRMcNasty" handle last night, so if you plan on coming on here and pretending to be Pudgy aka

@Moise Racette/@EsADmf...Having googled your handle "esadmf" it is clear to anyone with eyes in their head that you are not the God-loving person who you claim to be. Your conduct makes clear to other

(It appears Moise/AllenSmith/etc got zapped again, lol!)

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Since Jehovah is @Pudgy's Father that makes @Pudgy my brother. Yes, we are related. ☺️


No one in my immediate family has two daughters.


But I have heard of someone that does:


"There is a generation that is pure in its own eyes 

But has not been cleansed from its filth.  

There is a generation whose eyes are so haughty 

And whose eyes look so arrogantly!  

There is a generation whose teeth are swords 

And whose jaws are slaughtering knives; 

They devour the lowly ones of the earth 

And the poor from among mankind.  

The leeches have two daughters that cry, “Give! Give!” 

There are three things that do not get satisfied, 

Four that never say, “Enough!”  

—The Grave and a barren womb, 

A land that is deprived of water, 

And fire that never says, “Enough!”  

The eye that mocks a father and despises obedience to a mother 

—The ravens of the valley will peck it out, 

And the young eagles will eat it up."


Please don't talk bad about the site administrators. They have been very kind to you.


As far as me having "Special privileges"? You yourself are saying it. Reminds me of the Haman situation:


"So Haʹman took the attire and the horse, and he clothed Morʹde·cai and made him ride in the public square of the city and called out before him: “This is what is done for the man whom the king wishes to honor!”"


Jehovah has a way of turning a curse into a blessing. You like to curse, @Moise, but Jehovah is really big. Balaam's curses were turned around, too, because he also tried to curse Israel.


"But Jehovah your God refused to listen to Baʹlaam. Rather, Jehovah your God changed the curse into a blessing for you, because Jehovah your God loved you."


You would be wise to repent, @Moise, that you may have a blessing. You are barking up the wrong tree. Jesus is my Lord, and you are making him mad with all your meanness. There was a guy once who wouldn't stop bugging Abner:


"Asʹa·hel chased after Abʹner, and he would not veer to the right or to the left in his pursuit of Abʹner.  When Abʹner looked behind, he asked, “Is that you, Asʹa·hel?” to which he replied, “Yes, it is.”  Then Abʹner said to him: “Veer to your right or to your left and capture one of the young men, and take whatever you strip off him for yourself.” But Asʹa·hel did not want to stop chasing him.  So Abʹner said to Asʹa·hel once again: “Stop chasing me. Why should I strike you down? How could I look your brother Joʹab in the face?”  But he kept refusing to stop, so Abʹner struck him in the abdomen with the butt end of the spear, and the spear came out from his back; and he fell there and died on the spot. Everyone who came to the place where Asʹa·hel fell and died would stop and pause there."


Jesus is bigger than Abner. I don't think he takes too kindly to you harassing a member of his bride, or any of his sheep on this forum. They are His Family.


"So under the present circumstances, I say to you, do not meddle with these men, but let them alone. For if this scheme or this work is from men, it will be overthrown;  but if it is from God, you will not be able to overthrow them. Otherwise, you may even be found fighters against God himself."


Remember how Jehovah felt about the Assyrian's taunts:


"This is the word that Jehovah has spoken against him: “The virgin daughter of Zion despises you, she scoffs at you. The daughter of Jerusalem shakes her head at you. Whom have you taunted and blasphemed? Against whom have you raised your voice And lifted your arrogant eyes?  It is against the Holy One of Israel!"


@Moise, Jehovah will rebuke you.


Jehovah will be Praised. Praise Jehovah.

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(I don't have any special privileges on this forum. But I do have the right to remain silent, which I will now exercise on this thread. Good night, @Moise.)🥰

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Note sure about privileges, but the fact that this is an open forum, anything goes. This place was Controversial Posts after all. Plus, this is the only area where there is more traffic. There are indeed some rulings of which if crossed, some users, on any forum, might run into problems, this excludes disgruntled mods or admins who would outright take someone out out of personally feeling, which isn't the case here.

Admin himself allows the forums to be open to anyone. The only time I saw him take issue with someone was when John Butler went a little too far when debating a teenager, and immediately started to cry about it when Admin actually stepped in. Other than that, he has no affiliation, not sure what his faith is, and he hangs out in the home portion of the forums.

Meanwhile, the Jehovah's Witnesses have a club of their own because it does get hectic on this side of the forums, essentially, while they are indoors, they see people outside, this club/forum, fighting in the streets. then there is @Pudgy for comical relief, but not sure why he is the focus here when you are dealing with @AnnaNana.

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Space Merchant:

To directly answer your question.

I am 76 years old (in “people years”) and have a great deal of experience dealing with, and enduring “superfine mensatype theocratic bullies”. Moise is, and always has been a bully, and he cannot STAND it that I know …. as he also has enough experience and insight to know that I know.

…., viewed through the “Leave it to Beaver” Eddie Haskell lens … I find his ad homonym attacks, from whatever hydra head by whatever name he pops up from the whack-a-mole hole to insult, bully, and attempt to libel and demean others to be consistently and pathetically funny.… and he knows this.

That is why I am the prime target of his ire.

But hey …. That’s Entertainment!

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You mean bullies like @Pudgy and @AnnaNana that bully the Watchtower and it's members here and elsewhere with lies, deceit, and misrepresentation. Yeah! I don't have a problem calling them out as obtuse.

I also don't have a problem showing the public here how uneducated they are not only with history but with the bible.

So, James, and Audrey, since you're related, please continue with your comedy; that's the only thing you can show the public. Why did you bring Audrey Onbaord, so you could show people how you being D'fd is unjust? Your action proves it, and that's why the Org will never reinstate you, and bringing a fool to make that argument just makes it worse.

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

Note sure about privileges, but the fact that this is an open forum, anything goes. This place was Controversial Posts after all.

Unfortunately, this is not the reason I posted the comment. I asked the admin to close a topic, and was ignored. Audrey told the admin to close the topic and the admin did just that. That brings up a question about privileges in my book.

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27 minutes ago, Moise Racette said:

Unfortunately, this is not the reason I posted the comment. I asked the admin to close a topic, and was ignored. Audrey told the admin to close the topic and the admin did just that. That brings up a question about privileges in my book.

If it gets to the level Butler got it to as seen before (wiping out numerous threads at once), probably Admin would respond. But it is unlikely he'll see @AnnaNana as a problem, mainly due to the fact most of the JWs are in a different part of the forums now rather than here and not a whole lot of debate is taking place here. Anna, the other one, did mention there are various conversations going about not mentioned here. The other admin, The Librarian, I assume is female, is more prone to giving warning, which in one situation she gave warning to both Srecko and Witness, who were literally twisting things (a norm for them) and using threads as launching pads, the warning was direct.

One thing I do recall is through Butler's crying, Admin himself did say that it is one of those reasons he does not like getting involved and when he does, the outcome of what Butler did was no more. This is why when he came on here as 4Jah2me and his other alias, I remind him to chill in that regard. But what he said to someone far younger than him was totally uncalled for. I do not see @AnnaNana doing something like that.

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I wonder if I use the word hippopotamus in a sentence, Moise  will repeat it back to me “hippopotamus, eh …. you’re a hippopotamus too … and that other person is a hippopotamus too …… Yeah, that’s the ticket, you’re all hippopotamuses!”


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