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Upon Leaving the Organization


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45 minutes ago, Moise Racette said:

That's right. The Watchtower has been consistent against child abuse and child maltreatment for decades. They have published such things.  It's only people like you that condemn one institution and not others after seeing the PROOF of facts before you, makes you the hypocrite, not the Watchtower.

You are no better than the ARC.


That's exactly what the Watchtower is, merely an institution just like all the others.  You have just proven that God has not put His name on the Watchtower organization.  His Spirit is not in this organization, an institution just like all the others.

By the way, the Watchtower has been consistent in hiding child abuse cases for many years.

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Again with these narratives... The Watchtower was never a member of the United Nations whatsoever because no charter of registration EVER existed at all (such information is unfounded because it never

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4 minutes ago, Witness said:

That's exactly what the Watchtower is, merely an institution just like all the others.  You have just proven that God has not put His name on the Watchtower organization.  His Spirit is not in this organization, an institution just like all the others.

Show where the gospel is being preached in government facilities, according to Christ's instruction, and commands or where false religion like Pearl Doxsey has given the true gospel of Christ? Don't use wordplay with me. You should know better. 

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John 17:14-16 I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world. My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it.

Now many Christian institutions obey Christ? How many worldly institutions even care about what scripture says?

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Regarding the letter: "Upon Leaving the Organization"


Noah didn't get "baptized" into an ark, but he went into the ark because Jehovah told him to. Noah didn't get out of the ark until Jehovah told him to.


You say you didn't get "baptized" into an organization. Of course you didn't. Neither did any of us.


The ark wasn't perfect. But it was sufficient for the job.


The organization isn't perfect. But it is sufficient for the job.


"To keep me from becoming overly exalted, I was given a thorn in the flesh, an angel of Satan, to keep slapping me, so that I might not be overly exalted.  Three times I begged the Lord about this, that it would depart from me.  But he said to me: “My undeserved kindness is sufficient for you, for my power is being made perfect in weakness.” Most gladly, then, I will boast about my weaknesses, in order that the power of the Christ may remain over me like a tent.  So I take pleasure in weaknesses, in insults, in times of need, in persecutions and difficulties, for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am powerful."


Jehovah's undeserved kindness is enough to cover the difference. Jehovah makes up the difference for us. His power helps us when we are weak because of the sins of the organization. He is glorified in this. 


Jesus didn't say the congregation arrangement would be perfect. He said it would be very, very, very imperfect. In fact, he said there would be wolves, and Jezebels, and Balaams, and all kinds of bad things.


Jesus never said to leave the organization. 


Here are the verses your letter "Upon Leaving the Organization" mentioned:


John 14:23 - Jesus answered him, “If anyone loves me, he will KEEP MY WORD, And my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.”


Romans 6:16 – “Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of OBEDIENCE, which leads to righteousness?”


John 14:21 – “Whoever accepts my commandments and OBEYS THEM is the one who loves me.  My Father will love whoever loves me; I too will love him and reveal myself to him.” 


Jesus word was to WAIT until he gets here. He puts the sheep in a sheepfold for a reason. We must slave for Jehovah, which means obeying the one He sent, namely, the Christ, who uses an organization with Jehovah's name on it. We obey his commands by WAITING where he said to wait, even if we get persecuted for it by fake wolves hanging out in the sheepfold.


Jesus was also "torn by wolves" when he was waiting in the Jewish organization arrangement. He did not leave. He waited on Jehovah. We must follow Jesus' example, even when it is difficult. (He said it would be difficult.) 


The writer of the letter "Upon Leaving the Organization" said: "I have never, ever been so spiritually well fed before!  The absolute abundance of spiritual food that I have had access to recently is really quite unbelievable."


Not every "gift" is from Jehovah. Only the good gifts are from Him. If somebody goes and celebrates Christmas in opposition to Jehovah, they will get many "gifts". But the "gifts" are not from Jehovah.


The "food" you are sharing is poison. There is no love in what you share, only hate. There is a disregard for Jesus' authority and a lack of faith in the ransom blood, blood that is enough to redeem even those you hate in the organization. Jesus is their judge.


When the organization is attacked, will you rejoice, like the Edomites of old? Will you join in the melee? Yes, the organization has sinned, but that is not a reason to hate. It is a reason to weep for them. Here is what Jehovah said to those who hate their brothers:


"In that day,” declares Jehovah, 

“Will I not destroy the wise ones out of Eʹdom 

And discernment out of the mountainous region of Eʹsau?  

And your warriors will become terrified, O Teʹman, 

Because each one in the mountainous region of Eʹsau will be destroyed in the slaughter.  

Because of the violence done to your brother Jacob, 

Shame will cover you, 

And you will perish forever.  

On the day when you stood off to the side, 

On the day when strangers took his army into captivity, 

When foreigners entered his gate and cast lots over Jerusalem, 

You acted like one of them.  

You should not gloat over your brother’s day on the day of his misfortune, 

You should not rejoice over the people of Judah on the day of their perishing, 

And you should not speak so arrogantly on the day of their distress.  

You should not come into the gate of my people in the day of their disaster, 

You should not gloat over his calamity in the day of his disaster, 

And you should not lay your hands on his wealth in the day of his disaster.  

You should not stand at the crossroads to slaughter his escapees, 

And you should not hand over his survivors in the day of distress.  

For the day of Jehovah against all the nations is near. 

As you have done, so it will be done to you. 

The way you treated others will come back on your own head."


The book of Lamentations was written by Jeremiah, who preached and preached to his brothers and knew what was coming upon them. He did not leave them. He waited on Jehovah.


The spirit of the deceiver is leading you the wrong way. You cannot see because you are choosing the way of hate. 


Remember the wisdom of Solomon?


"Cut the baby in two!"


Who was the real mother? The one who said, "Yes, cut it in two!" or the one who said, "No, give it to her that it may live!"


@Witness, You claim to be part of the "bride". Jesus came to save the children. You want to throw the children in the fire. You are not what you claim to be.


Jesus blood is enough for them. Let Jesus do the judging. He is the Head. We must show submission to him.


Praise Jah.

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45 minutes ago, AnnaNana said:

Noah didn't get "baptized" into an ark, but he went into the ark because Jehovah told him to.

Interesting choice of words. Can you explain "Noah didn't get baptized into the ark" for those that don't speak klingon?

Is the poster referring to the commission given to Noah by God? Or are you referring to Noah being a "Herald" to the people? I believe in 2 Peter, Noah was referred to as a preacher of righteousness.

Or is this poster's thought completely different?

Hypathetical: If Noah was outside the ark making final preparations, and finalizing the entrance of the animals, and it started to rain (Water from Heaven), before God closed the Ark's door, what would people call that?

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"Maintain a good conscience, so that in whatever way you are spoken against, those who speak against you may be put to shame because of your good conduct as followers of Christ.  For it is better to suffer because you are doing good, if it is God’s will to allow it, than because you are doing evil.  For Christ died once for all time for sins, a righteous person for unrighteous ones, in order to lead you to God. He was put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit.  And in this state he went and preached to the spirits in prison,  who had formerly been disobedient when God was patiently waiting in Noah’s day, while the ark was being constructed, in which a few people, that is, eight souls, were carried safely through the water. Baptism, which corresponds to this, is also now saving you (not by the removing of the filth of the flesh, but by the request to God for a good conscience), through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  He is at God’s right hand, for he went to heaven, and angels and authorities and powers were made subject to him."


Peter used Noah in the ark as an illustration of obedience.


Noah was not baptized "in the name of the ark". His being in the ark and under the rain and in the water was illustrative of being obedient in a similar way to being obedient to Jesus' direction regarding baptism.


Noah was obedient to God's direction, even though it meant being uncomfortable and cramped his style and there was a lot of dung around.


We can be obedient too. We are not baptized "in the name of an organization". But we go into the organization and submit to being uncomfortable and cramped and around a lot of dungy doctrines. Why? Because we are obedient.


We also recognize that being in the organization, like being in the ark, is a temporary arrangement. When the kingdom comes, the current dungy doctrines will be removed. The wicked wolves will be removed. 


Jesus knows what it's like to submit to an uncomfortable situation. He was obedient to his Father. He came down here after being a mighty spirit creature and submitted to living in this system of things, even among those who taught false doctrines about his Father and who claimed to represent God while at the same time persecuting God's Son. Jesus knows what it is like to be uncomfortable.


He didn't "get out" of the situation. He endured. His faithful endurance under difficult conditions showed that the angels who left their former positions could have endured their easier situation.


"And in this state he went and preached to the spirits in prison,  who had formerly been disobedient when God was patiently waiting in Noah’s day, while the ark was being constructed, in which a few people, that is, eight souls, were carried safely through the water."


Our example in faithfully enduring the difficult situations brought about by the apostasy in the organization also provide an example to the angels. If we can endure and stay faithful to God under these conditions in an imperfect situation, how much more so those angels could have stayed faithful to God's perfect heavenly arrangement?


Organization is a basic part of family life. God's family is organized. Joseph was thrown out by his own brothers, but in time they all repented. Joseph was blessed. Joseph did not throw out his family relationships just because his brothers were bad. That would have been like throwing out his father. 


We will not throw out the family relationship, the organization, just because some of our brothers are bad. It was Joseph's oldest brothers who took the lead in tossing him out, but the younger brothers didn't do anything to stop it. It's the elders in the organization that take the lead in much of the trouble, and others go along with it, but when they see what God has in mind, many of them will repent. We don't know which ones yet. Have patience and faith. Jehovah is Our Father.


Jesus will fix the organization.


"He is at God’s right hand, for he went to heaven, and angels and authorities and powers were made subject to him."


We obey God as ruler rather than men, but we still show respect for superior authorities. We point out the inconsistencies and hypocrisies of false doctrines, but we still recognize Jehovah has allowed individuals to have certain authority at present, just like he allowed Nero and Pilate and the Sanhedrin and Hitler. 


"For the Lord’s sake subject yourselves to every human creation, whether to a king as being superior or to governors as sent by him to punish wrongdoers but to praise those who do good.  For it is the will of God that by doing good you may silence the ignorant talk of unreasonable men.  Be as free people, using your freedom, not as a cover for doing wrong, but as slaves of God.  Honor men of all sorts, have love for the whole association of brothers, be in fear of God, honor the king."


The men taking the lead in the organization are not "kings". But they have been permitted to exercise authority at present. They will be held accountable for how they use or misuse it. Jesus will fix it. 


Praise Jehovah.

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1 hour ago, AnnaNana said:

Noah was not baptized "in the name of the ark". His being in the ark and under the rain and in the water was illustrative of being obedient in a similar way to being obedient to Jesus' direction regarding baptism.

Okay! Klingon it is! 

Just for your own personal reference then. Since God can do anything, God wouldn't have had a problem baptizing Noah if he wished. God doesn't need a ritual in order to baptize.

Therefore, no one is ever baptized in the name of a physical object. I have no idea where the poster got such nonsense from.

Now, explain to yourself why Jesus was baptized?

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4 hours ago, AnnaNana said:

We point out the inconsistencies and hypocrisies of false doctrines

Whose, we Pocahontas? Apostates, disgruntled witnesses, witnesses that have no bible knowledge, etc.?

The Watchtower foundation is based on bible principles. What false doctrines are you referring to other than those misrepresented by you and all other apostates?

1Cor. 5:11 But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler—not even to eat with such a one.
1Cor. 5:12 For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge?

Verb revile - /ɹɪvˈaɪl/ 1 To openly belittle malign or spread negative information about someone The first point to be here observed is the complacency with which she supposes me to make a certain charge, and then she reviles me for her own absurd supposition.

Now disprove scripture, Audey, and tell people how God is wrong. Start taking responsibility for your nonsense.

Noun swindler - /swˈɪndələɹ/ 1 A person who swindles you by means of deception or fraud.

ThesaurusSynonym: chiseler chiseller defrauder gouger grifter scammer

Hypernym: beguiler cheat cheater deceiver slicker trickster

What else can be added?

Titus 3:10 As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him,
Titus 3:11 knowing that such a person is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.

Rom. 16:17 ¶ I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them.
Rom. 16:18 For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.

There is much, much, much, more apostate, which you are part of. DISPROVE ALL OF IT! Tell God how his laws are NO GOOD! They don't meet your modern day standards, and morals as a female, as females tend to cloud their judgement with emotions. The very reason, God made man the headship of his own household and Christ the head of the congregation, so the Adam and Eve scenario wouldn't be repeated.

You don't need to worry about consequences anymore. You have sinned the greatest sin of all.

Mark 3:29 but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin”—
Mark 3:30 for they were saying, “He has an unclean spirit.”

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Prov. 17:10 A single rebuke does more for a person of understanding than a hundred lashes on the back of a fool.

Prov. 17:15 Acquitting the guilty (apostates) and condemning the innocent(Watchtower)— - both are detestable to the Lord.

Prov. 17:15  He who justifies the wicked (Audrey-James) and he who condemns the righteous (Christian Congregation)
        are both alike an abomination to the LORD.

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The organization is a temporary arrangement just like a caterpillar is a temporary arrangement. The caterpillar eats and eats and poops and poops and then is still. At the appointed time it emerges as a butterfly. Some of the same cells are there, just rearranged and refined.


Jehovah made Adam from a bunch of dust. He changed the dust into a human.


Jesus made food for the multitudes out of the few fish and bread loaves that were on hand.


Jesus made the foundation of the Christian congregation out of the faithful remnant of the Jewish system of things.


Jehovah and Jesus use what is on hand. Rather than take everybody good out of the organization, they are going to take everybody bad out of the organization. They are going to refine it.


Anyone who left the organization (or who was thrown out by wicked shepherds) is going to find that within the next few years they will again be part of it if they truly love Jehovah.


The caterpillar turns into a butterfly. The "organization" will turn into "family". Jehovah is Our Father.


Ezekiel 34.


Praise Jah.

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16 hours ago, Witness said:

Like where?

Reddit. This was mentioned before. When we talked about Pearl. This is where the Smurf Girl assertions came from. As is with the Atheists, one of whom you did not realize was targeting not only JWs, but Christians in general via mocking God, you not only sourced the link from there, but brought it here, there are other examples.

16 hours ago, Witness said:

SM, I was talking about the person who wrote the letter I posted.  

You say this now, but your last response you did not bother to say that. Regardless, this information is for both, and everyone who still believes Betsy.

In the past, you believed that narrative when time and time again the truth was professed. Despite that after mention, you did bring forth what you believed to be true when it isn't, even recently on your last comment.

Betsy however, was the one who was overseeing the creation of that UN piece. You can do a level of justice by professing said truth, but your recent comment shows you are unaware of the difference between DPI and EOSOC, when the article numbers concerning the two are vastly different, whereas one is an actual UN connection.

You have to separate deception and truths, otherwise you'll believe one for the other.

Us Christians need be discerning. Remember, Bible wise, this is something we need apply.

Even, now, a charter registration for the UN claim has never been addressed.... It's 2023 now and the UN notion has no base anymore.

17 hours ago, Witness said:

These leaders have hidden child abuse records for years.

So, you believe they have records, but people like Srecko, and other EXJWs, believe those records have been destroyed. Abuse isn't so much hidden, if anything, some JWs are not well equipped to deal with CSA and often times. Holly who was involved with ARC stated that it is unlikely these cases were hidden, granted if that was the case, ARC would have taken early action in mass arrest of all abusers in all institutions.

There are mandatory reporting laws, that JWs and or anybody else have a duty to report allegations of abuse they become aware of to the secular authorities. It is known via abuse notions that they have these forms the use to report also, which does not have anything to do with reporting to secular authorities, granted both are separate. The two These forms are more so a internal church procedure, which isn't unlawful, in addition, to not being conflicting towards privacy laws.

When someone actually reads into such things, the so called database isn't so much as hidden, granted if you believe ARC, you'd realize this was coined, but most would not realize this because whenever ARC is talked about, commutators, mostly EXJWs, leave it out entirely.

That said, if there were hidden records, you'd think by now authorities and even ARC would have exposed it, which has never happened opposed to actual hidden databases that were recovered pertaining various notions.

That said, EXJWs would need to check their community too because apparently, they got abusers in it too. This was mentioned to Butler.

Regardless, people should be teaching solutions, perhaps you should do this yourself, but you refuse to do so with good intent, but bring stuff like this up.

17 hours ago, Witness said:

They are deceiving hypocrites, and hypocrites hide their devious works from those they are deceiving.

But you believed a Guardian Article, let alone the MSM, does that make you equal? You ignored what ARC and those in it said, does that make you the same?

To accept the thought of being fed comforting lies instead of an unpleasant truth, speaks volume.

17 hours ago, Witness said:

But that's okay, you have an agenda and it's your agenda.

Do not make such an accusation against someone who is against such things. Truthers do not have agendas, we fight against agendas. This is why I deem the UN, WEF, members of Davos, and affiliates as enemies. This is why I defend Journalist who are no longer alive who stood up to agendas, as is, with agendas that target people and ruin them, thus making them slaves to the system. This is why I teach to young ones not only the gospel, but how to protect themselves from various notions in the world, as is the MSM you dearly believe in.

Christians also should not have agendas because the only thing that concerns us is the Lord and the Kingdom.

17 hours ago, Witness said:

I have mine as well.  🙂

You are a Christian, you should not even fathom the idea of having an agenda of ANY kind that does not revolve around what we are tasked to do as Christians. You said you are chosen, why the reason to even have an agenda as you claim? It makes no sense. This was said to you before when you believed Fearon and Smurf Girl.

17 hours ago, Moise Racette said:

Didn't say it was, just the mentality of the same drivel coming from apostates that leave the Org for submitting themselves to apostate views. Apostate views drawn from websites just like this one.

Ok. But the whole UN narrative is they are confusing DPIs with EOSOC to deem the faith community part of the UN. The fact that this is constantly pushed and to now, no one speaks truth about it, shows that the notion of lies being made a truth is to be pushed, that is agenda driven. Even outside of any faith community, this can cause an affect, forcing political folks to develop a specific view, mainly when some people who do not know the UN is the beast, but have hatred for it.

That said, I have my corrals with the UN for specific, religious and personal reasons, the personal ones, tend to be the ones that makes me totally against them, but at the same time not be fooled by falsehoods.

17 hours ago, Moise Racette said:

On the other hand I really don't care for man's politics. I will view the conditions of world events through the eyes of prophecy.

Neither do I, but as mentioned before, these politicians, their actions can still affect you. Look at Butler's situation. As of recent, look at East Palestine Ohio, for people do not care of these politicians, but they suffer because of them, so knowing how they operate, keeps one safe and or evade danger - Proverbs 22:3. Notice the people who got fooled by the MSM went back, and now they suffer, i.e. cannot breathe, drinking contaminated water, red/bleeding eyes. I mentioned to @Witness The Syrian Christians, who were not political, yet the US/UN backed ally essentially handed them off to their deaths and torment to a terror group.

Indeed, I do this too in regards to prophecy, but also I remind vigilant and ready. Some of these foolish politicians will fool people, as with the Beast and Babylon, even concerning them, I constantly am vigilant towards them.

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@AnnaNana This is true. All organizations are not perfect, this includes JWs. Not even us Unitarians are perfect, granted, one somehow, I do not know, moved on to Transhumanism. At the same time, because of these imperfections, people sadly will believe and preach falsehoods. I bring up the UN and ARC in this case because there are more lies taught as a truth concerning the two, and regarding the UN, a lot of people got fooled by the political paradigm. The person who made this article is a known Leftist to often bring stories to cater to her following who claims to defend a democracy.

These are the same political paradigm folks that will cause problems for Christians down the road also. When I refuted the idea of a Genderless God or a Non-Binary Jesus, I found out that these ideas came from them, likewise to Feminism like ideology which sadly Pearl has adopted.

That being said, I know not all JWs are on the forefront in combatting this, but this is something that need to be challenged, otherwise, there will be more who will fall to these ideas and notions, a legitimate agenda that is seeking to destroy people, and the youth. This is why the Education system is very concerning to people with children, not only these ideas are present, death is also something of concern.


That being said, if the MSM, such as outlets like The Guardian can fool people with deception, they can do it to anyone, even push warmongering. It does not stop with the UN only. Below is an example:


Is The Guardian a reliable news source? Why or why not?

No. As others said, it is left wing leaning.

They especially did something to me which was very wrong and I pray God punish them for this. I do not post on Quora but I made an account just for this.

I am a Youtuber who is Sudanese and an activist who is trying to get the word out on what is happening in Sudan. I make videos showing the brutality under the Omar Al Bashir regime and most currently the Sudancoup security forces led by General Burhan and Hemeti.

There was a video the Guardian did about MY country and MY people. It was called “The Spiderman of Sudan” or something like that. Mind you, the guardian used Twitter posts from people and other sources. In the video, there was a phone call from an activist’s friend warning him of he dangers of protesting because security forces will kill him. So what I did was take that clip and upload it to my page.

I got a copyright manual claim from The Guardia claiming it’s their property and how dare I use it. Even though their video is watermarked and I gave them credit. Even though before their video was uploaded, they had an article about this superman character.

Many people shared it! but I take a short tiny clip and they have an issue? despicable. I find it hilarious too since the Guardian had a very popular video showing the Will Smith slap. They didn’t get a “Copyright claim” from the network that aired it! that video of the slap was not their property! but they still uploaded it and took credit from it! not fair!

It’s especially evil since my channel is solely created to give voice to the voiceless. My channel helps the world see what is going on in Sudan and the torture that Sudanese citizens go through daily. The Guardian is unethical and corrupt.



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