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Upon Leaving the Organization


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44 minutes ago, Witness said:

On a "daily basis" I am concerned about the people in the Wt.

Which you have a right to do so, as do most. But concerns should not be twisted with narratives deemed untrue. Like I said, this is something you really need to work on. Even when it is recommended to see the Scriptures to deal with this, you refuse. The verses we both quoted before is very clear.

45 minutes ago, Witness said:

Thank you for your warning, but I'll be okay with whatever you're talking about.

But Witness, you conclude like this many times, but you STILL continue to do this, over and over again. Do you not ever stop to actually suggest researching? Because often times, when falsehoods get out of hand, it leads to big problems, even physical ones for some indirectly, and there has been a lot of that.

47 minutes ago, Witness said:

But your opinion is, among many opinions expressed  on the days that you are here

You sure about that? Name one besides this one. I rarely do give opinions and if I am not mistaken, I informed you what facts vs opinions are before. The rare instance of an opinion, which is this one because ironically I believe you can change, but refuse to do so, and I realize that from the Spiritual House discussion we had. I am also unbias.

49 minutes ago, Witness said:

I think we can all do better, even you SM. 

I have been doing better, the 300 days out I have been following the commission, battling falsehoods, and teaching younger folks who I am familiar with, as is comfort someone who has lost a son. Another I took part in aiding someone who I know personally and a group effort, and now this child, won her biggest battle. 


So I have been doing better and I was busy. I am actually doing something, as I have always claim to have been doing all while keeping a watchful eye on real enemies.

But despite that, we have to call out the obvious here. For instance, we can take into example CSA, which is often brought up here. Not once you, Srecko or who coin it bring up something beneficial to help someone deal with the issues, even JWs, in fact, no EXJW has ever gave grounded information to help the cause itself, you mention the IICSA, but never even apply example. The only exception was the Bible Student, who got death threats from notable EXJW figure heads.

Other than that, the solutions provided was biblical, moral based, and apparently some people did find it. I was suppose to update it but I wanted to find the information form the Ex Bible Student, who when I messaged him, he assumed I was an EXJW threatening him, but after an explanation, he said he is too afraid to repost that information and was surprised some people remembered it.

I had found, some EXJWs who broke from the paradigm you get your information from, and is actually doing something that does not involved being bias and one sided.

1 hour ago, Witness said:

As long as I keep listening to Christ, I hope to do better. 🙂

Yes, but remember, Jesus Christ, and his God, wants us to be truthful. Like I said, we should not rely on lies and press it as a truth, if that is the case, we are doing the opposite as Christians, effectively dwelling on hypocrisy.

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Again with these narratives... The Watchtower was never a member of the United Nations whatsoever because no charter of registration EVER existed at all (such information is unfounded because it never

On a "daily basis" I am concerned about the people in the Wt. Thank you for your warning, but I'll be okay with whatever you're talking about. But your opinion is, among many opinions expressed

Correct, the only case they would have is if the JWs went the ECOSOC route, since EXJWs use ECOSOC notions and swapped it with the DPI one, in addition to that they would 100% have a charter registrat

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1 hour ago, Moise Racette said:

Perhaps that's a world view. The only agenda for the Watchtower as a DPI was initially to gain access to the UN library, nothing more. The fact the Watchtower had to register under UN law as an NGO has no political implication. That is a more opinion-driven agenda. I agree, there are misguided witnesses here that think along the same line, but their opinions don't matter, much less the opinions of former members.

Correct, the only case they would have is if the JWs went the ECOSOC route, since EXJWs use ECOSOC notions and swapped it with the DPI one, in addition to that they would 100% have a charter registration, which would make JWs hypocrites. That is an alternate reality EXJWs wanted, so they had to rely on a Left-Wing hit piece to push an idea. Opinions have their place, but the facts that push truth, 100% of the time, such truths destroy falsehoods.

What I do not understand is why they continue to use this when most people who can tell the difference between a DPI and ECOSOC. Wherever @Witness got that letter, she, or anyone else could have easily explained this.

1 hour ago, Moise Racette said:

This has scriptural backing minus the political view. I agree on being alert to the conditions of the world, just not the politics of the world. We can add such things as earthquakes, famine, drought, disease, the deterioration of humanity, etc. These are the signs scripture speaks of, and what a true Christian should be vigilant over, not what goes on with politics.

Indeed, but I still do not wish for people to end up like those who listened to Ohio officials or the Syrian Christians, especially in the realm of faith.

That being said, this letter however, if no one explains anything to the creator of said letter, that tells you something. That is the dark and tricky thing with people who have agendas as well.

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The Bible does not say that "women are covenants." Why do followers of Pearl teach that "Women are Covenants?"


Jesus gave an illustration about "sheep and goats". In his illustration, goats meant disobedient people. But in another part of the Bible, goats are acceptable sacrifices for the Passover. In another passage, "goat" stands for the king of Greece. The context is necessary to figure out what "goat" means in a passage.


According to the way followers of Pearl roll, The king of Greece will be sacrificed for the Passover and is also to be judged when Jesus comes. 


When Paul says that Hagar and Sarah are illustrative of the difference between the physical nation of Israel and the spiritual nation, Paul wasn't saying that "women are covenants" and then to apply "women are covenants" to every other time a woman is described in the Bible.


By that reasoning of followers of Pearl, not only would "Babylon the Great" be a covenant, but so would Patmos, Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea, because they are also "women" in that cities are often considered "feminine" in scripture in the original language. 


When there is a covenant, the scriptures explain that it is a covenant. There is not some special clergy class or vision-lady who gets to know the special-mystery meaning of a word as a secret covenant. The Bible shows that all the anointed 144,000 are able to learn because the holy spirit is teaching them, not because they go to one person to learn the truth some mystery-covenant thing.


When an anointed person explains the scriptures, it should make sense so anybody with faith can understand, even a kid. It shouldn't be more complicated. The truth isn't complicated.


God is Love. Jehovah God is Our Father. Our Father invented family. Families are organized. He doesn't want to destroy His Family. Family's bear the name of their Father. Even if the family does bad things, the Father doesn't throw out the whole family. He throws out the bad guys.


It's not complicated. Satan is the one who wants everybody to think bad things about Jehovah. Pearl is teaching things from Satan. It's gross.


@Witness, I don't think Pearl is meaning to teach such things, but she fell into a trap. "Having visions" makes somebody think they are special. The Bible is clear. Jehovah doesn't do "visions" today. Just like when Russell thought he had "special knowledge" trying to figure out the time of Jesus' enthronement by means of number-stuff. Russell was being disobedient, and he fell victim to the wicked one. Pearl has too. 


Russell was not a "wicked" man. He was imperfect. Imperfect people do dumb things sometimes. Imperfect people can repent and change. Jehovah used Jehu and David and Moses and a lot of other imperfect people. Jehovah doesn't just throw people away because they make mistakes. He sent Jesus to gain a world. He wants them all - they all have the potential to be His Kids.


"God is Love"

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@Witness, regarding the difference between "Jezebel" and "Babylon"...yes, they both become spiritual adulterers, but there is a difference in how the scriptures say figurative Jezebel and figurative Babylon will be treated.


In ancient Israel, spiritism (a form of Babylonish religion) was illegal.


"When you have entered into the land that Jehovah your God is giving you, you must not learn to imitate the detestable practices of those nations.  There should not be found in you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, anyone who employs divination, anyone practicing magic, anyone who looks for omens, a sorcerer,  anyone binding others with a spell, anyone who consults a spirit medium or a fortune-teller, or anyone who inquires of the dead.  For whoever does these things is detestable to Jehovah, and on account of these detestable practices Jehovah your God is driving them away from before you.  You should prove yourself blameless before Jehovah your God. For these nations that you are dispossessing used to listen to those practicing magic and divination, but Jehovah your God has not allowed you to do anything like this."


And yet, many times individual Israelites got involved in spiritism. King Saul, later the Baal worshippers in the nation of Israel and others like Manasseh, even "wise" king Solomon got involved in Babylonish religion. "Getting out of Babylon" in a figurative way would not have meant getting out of Israel. It would not mean leaving the organization Jehovah put His name on. It would have meant discontinuing false worship while claiming to be a true worshipper. It would not mean disassociating from the Jewish religion. It would mean cleaning and refining one's worship.


Similarly today, "getting out of Babylon" for a member of Jehovah's Witnesses doesn't mean getting out of the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, where Jehovah has put His Name. It means stopping any spiritistic practices or other Babylonish doctrines that may be practiced alongside the what is commanded for true worship. 


The Bible is clear. Jehovah Knows Where He Has Allowed His Name To Reside. 


Jehovah will cleanse His Name People.


"Hear the word of Jehovah, you who tremble at his word: 

“Your brothers who hate you and exclude you because of my name said, ‘May Jehovah be glorified!’ 

But He will appear and bring you joy, 

And they are the ones who will be put to shame.”


Jehovah Will Sanctify His Holy Name. Praise Jehovah.

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32 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

That is an alternate reality EXJWs wanted, so they had to rely on a Left-Wing hit piece to push an idea. Opinions have their place, but the facts that push truth, 100% of the time, such truths destroy falsehoods.

What I do not understand is why they continue to use this when most people who can tell the difference between a DPI and ECOSOC. Wherever @Witness got that letter, she, or anyone else could have easily explained this.

Because they have a leg to stand on to begin with. However, the Watchtower did answer the critics as stated. When the UN updated its charter requirements, the Watchtower withdrew.


Now, the Watchtower doesn't need access to the UN library in order to get news across the world that they might use for the Awake! articles, which was the original intent. We have the entire internet.

32 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

Indeed, but I still do not wish for people to end up like those who listened to Ohio officials or the Syrian Christians, especially in the realm of faith.

When there is a concern within the Org, its members will be diligently notified. However, I do appreciate your thought of concern.

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25 minutes ago, AnnaNana said:

The Bible is clear. Jehovah Knows Where He Has Allowed His Name To Reside. 


Jehovah will cleanse His Name People.

When did the poster decide, God would appreciate his name being used by contentious people?

Noun scorn - /skɔɹn/ 1 Open disrespect for a person or thing2 Lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislikeVerb scorn - /skɔɹn/ 1 To reject with contempt2 To look down on with disdain.


Synonym: contemn, contempt despise despite disdain freeze off pooh-pooh reject spurn turn down

Hypernym: decline detest discourtesy dislike disrespect hate refuse

Adjective contentious - /kəntˈɛnʃɪs/ 1 Involving or likely to cause controversy central and contentious element of the book - Tim W Ferfuson2 Inclined or showing an inclination to dispute or disagree


Synonym: combative disputatious disputative litigious

At what point does this confused poster believe, God has hate in his heart that he should allow his name to be disgraced by his creation?

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55 minutes ago, AnnaNana said:

Just like when Russell thought he had "special knowledge" trying to figure out the time of Jesus' enthronement by means of number-stuff. Russell was being disobedient

If this silly poster is trying to say, Russell was led by God's Holy Spirit in order to better understand scripture outside of Christendom's false applications of it, then PROVE how Pastor Russell was disobedient to the words of God? There are speculations within the Bible Student Association, Bro. Russell acknowledged being the Wise Servant in private. Some ignorant witnesses harp on it. No article ever proved it. In public, the Pastor didn't want to be seen as the wise servant nor a special person, just a servant of God.

Or is this just more hot air? For the 11th time, prove, Jesus was not enthroned in 1914?

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It is interesting here to note that Jesus said, "Who then (at the time referred to) is that faithful and wise steward whom his Lord shall make ruler over His household, to give them their portion of meat in due season? Blessed is that servant whom his Lord when He cometh shall find so doing. Of a truth I say unto you, that He will make him ruler over all that He hath." (Luke 12:42-44; Matt. 24:45-47.)

Thousands of the readers of Pastor Russell's writings believe that he filled the office of "that faithful and wise servant," and that his great work was the giving to the Household of Faith the "meat in due season." His modesty and humility precluded him from claiming this title. For a more detailed account of his work, reference is made to "The Watch Tower."

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Idolatry and disregard for Jesus' clear commands. @Moise, your worship of Russell is a case in point. But that is old news.


The good news is that Jesus is getting rid of all such idol worship in the organization that bears God's Holy Name.


True worshippers do NOT need to leave Jehovah's organization. They need to patiently wait for Jesus to come and clean it out.


Illustrations about "keeping on the watch" are not "titles". Certain ones taking the lead in the organization have brought Babylonish doctrines and traditions into Jehovah's house. Jehovah's House will be cleaned out. The "Faithful And Discreet Slave" teaching will be one of the first to go.


So will the 1914 teaching. And disfellowshipping. And a lot of other bogus teachings, like that only the anointed kids will get to hang out with their Dad. Jehovah is Our God, Our Father. You will see Him clear His Name of Reproach. He's the Best Father. All those dungy false teachings will be gone. The time is near for the House to be Cleaned.


Praise Jehovah!

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1 hour ago, AnnaNana said:

@Moise, your worship of Russell is a case in point

That's not worship. It called, calling out a liar that doesn't know anything about the bible student era, yet wants to defame it. 

If Russell is old news, then why did you comment on it? How more obtuse can you get, lol! 🤣

1 hour ago, AnnaNana said:

True worshippers do NOT need to leave Jehovah's organization.

This is true. But who said you are a true worshiper of Christ, under the cloak of apostate? Posters can't be unclean, and think they are clean just because of delusions of grandeur. That's too much of an assumption.

Leave that type of nonsense in the JW Closed Club.

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3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

But despite that, we have to call out the obvious here. For instance, we can take into example CSA, which is often brought up here. Not once you, Srecko or who coin it bring up something beneficial to help someone deal with the issues, 

Did it ever occur to you than an individual who has suffered from CSA can help another person with CSA, on a personal level? It's not always necessary to join an organization to get something done. Presently, I have five friends who have come out of the Wt, and have suffered from CSA either as a result of being a JW or victimized as a child in other circumstances. That makes six of us who support one another without blowing our own horn.  You've made an opinion about myself and Srecko, without considering all aspects of "support". Matt 6:3

What I believe is "truth" concerning the fulfillment of the end, is far different than what you believe.  I know that the signs of tribulation and Armageddon pertain to God's holy anointed people.  Whatever Satan devises in the world of politics and religion is a diversion of the spiritual reality.  Luke 17:30-21

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