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Upon Leaving the Organization


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Again with these narratives... The Watchtower was never a member of the United Nations whatsoever because no charter of registration EVER existed at all (such information is unfounded because it never

On a "daily basis" I am concerned about the people in the Wt. Thank you for your warning, but I'll be okay with whatever you're talking about. But your opinion is, among many opinions expressed

Correct, the only case they would have is if the JWs went the ECOSOC route, since EXJWs use ECOSOC notions and swapped it with the DPI one, in addition to that they would 100% have a charter registrat

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3 hours ago, AnnaNana said:

The Bible does not say that "women are covenants." Why do followers of Pearl teach that "Women are Covenants?"

No one said that each woman is a covenant.

“These things are being taken figuratively: The women represent two covenants.”  Sarah represent Jerusalem Above, the new covenant/promise of life. 

Those under this covenant are “children of the promise” – Abraham’s seed.  Gal 4:26; Rom 9:8

This “woman” is giving birth in Revelation 12:2, cared for in the wilderness in Rev 12:6,14

All those faithful anointed under her, the new covenant, experience what the covenant experiences as a whole.  The attack by the dragon, persecution, “birth pangs” (Matt 24:8)  and subsequent protection and care “in the wilderness”. 

This is God’s covenant with “daughter Jerusalem”, “Virgin Israel”– the Bride of Christ.  Jer 31:4

Once this covenant is fulfilled, more “children” are “born” from the union of the father of these future children – Jesus Christ (Isa 9:6) and their “mother”, the Bride.  (Isa 66:7-13)


Babylon the Great is signified by a woman as well.  Her “harlot daughters” wear her identifying mark.

“The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries. The name written on her forehead was a mystery:




Any who enter this covenant, will receive not the promise of eternal life from Jerusalem above, but the promise of death.   Isa 28:14-19

If lies are the refuge of God’s fallen anointed ones, false teachers/false prophets that have “deceived the elect” in the last days (Matt 24:24,25) they have entered this covenant.  Their father is the father of the lie, Satan; and their “mother” is Babylon the Great. 







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@Moise Racette, I do not doubt that Russell and Rutherford were sincere Christians who loved God and others. But they are brothers, not some titled "Faithful And Discreet Slave". Just because people want to call them by a title doesn't mean that Jehovah bestowed that title. When the people said of Herod, "a god's voice and not a man's!" Herod was struck with worms and died. Jehovah does not approve of men being idolized.


That being said, I love Russell and Rutherford and have no doubt that they are brothers.


Here are some of my favorite poems that are published in Russell's "Studies in the Scriptures" series (he did not write all of the poems in the books, there are many sprinkled throughout the series, these are just a few of my favorites...)


"Whene'er the storms come down on thee,

And days of peace all seem to flee;

This thought thy peace again shall bring,

Why should I fear? - the Lord is King.


E'en when the tempest rages high,

And darkest clouds are drawing nigh,

With hands of faith to this, O! cling,-

Why should I fear? - the Lord is King.


Amid the stormy waves of life,

Above the tumult and the strife,

The chimes of hope still sweetly ring, -

Be not afraid - the Lord is King."


"There are great truths that pitch their shining tents

Outside our walls, and though but dimly seen

In the gray dawn, they will be manifest

When the light widens into perfect day."


"O thou of little faith, who dost thou fear?

The tempest hath no power when I am near;

Will not the angry waves be still at My command?

Step out, I'll hold thy hand,

Then, wherefore dost thou fear?"


Here are some of my favorite of Rutherford's words regarding hypocrisy in religion:


"When the people are told the facts about a crowd that is operating under a religious cloak to steal their rights, the Hierarchy howls and says: ‘Lies! Put a gag in the mouths of those and do not permit them to speak.’” Then he asked: “Is it wrong to publish the truth concerning a bunch of hijackers that are robbing the people? No! . . . Shall honest men be gagged and compelled to remain silent while this bunch of hijackers destroy the liberties of the people? Above all, shall the people be denied their God-given privileges of peaceable assembly and freedom of worship of Almighty God, and freedom of speech concerning his kingdom and those who oppose it?”


Here are some excerpts of a letter from J. F. Rutherford written from prison:



“Dearly Beloved in Christ:—

“Prison life seems strange; and yet every experience is attended with joy, since we look at all such from the heavenly viewpoint. Truly now we can sing:

‘Fade, fade, each earthly joy,

Jesus is mine!’

“In fact, there are now no earthly joys; but we are looking with joyful anticipation to our gathering home. . . . We often feel in a strait betwixt two —whether we would prefer to depart or to come and serve you a season before we go home. His will be done! I feel sure that all these experiences are ripening the church preparatory

to the final ingathering. The letters from the dear ones elsewhere show how sweetly they are yielding to the fire that is consuming the sacrifice. . . .

“ . . . Do all you can to encourage the dear sheep of the flock. Comfort them with the sweet promises of an early and glorious home-coming. Never have I loved you all so much as now. How sweet it will be to gather around our Father’s throne and rejoice with joy unspeakable forevermore!. . .

“I thank our dear Father for being so good as to send seven brethren with me, that we may have these privileges together. . . .

“Know of a certainty that we greatly love you all. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

“Your brother and servant by His grace,



Both Russell and Rutherford were not wicked men. They were imperfect men. Anointed people are not perfect people. They make mistakes.


Jehovah didn't have Jesus come to save perfect people. 


Just because these guys, Russell and Rutherford, and all the others who take the lead in the organization, just because they make mistakes with doctrine and tradition doesn't mean they weren't being used to get a job done. It doesn't mean that Jehovah is going to destroy the organization. Jehovah is going to refine it. 


Praise Jehovah.

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40 minutes ago, Witness said:

If lies are the refuge of God’s fallen anointed ones, false teachers/false prophets that have “deceived the elect” in the last days (Matt 24:24,25) they have entered this covenant.  Their father is the father of the lie, Satan; and their “mother” is Babylon the Great. 

Most disturbingly, the poster just self-described the poster intent along with Pearl Doxseys dark side. A good appeal for viewers not to follow such false prophets coming from, that organized followers of Pearl.

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@Nobody You Know

"“You are my witnesses,” declares Jehovah, 

“Yes, my servant whom I have chosen, 

So that you may know and have faith in me 

And understand that I am the same One.  

Before me no God was formed, 

And after me there has been none.""


A witness of Jehovah, what does that mean?


Jehovah is loving.

Jehovah does not use human committees to "disfellowship" anyone.

Jehovah does not cause divisions in families.

Jehovah does not approve of exalting men to be idolized.

Jehovah does not approve of blood fractions injected into the body.

Jehovah does not act like a Pharisee and demand counting time, counting placements, counting schools.

True worship of Jehovah is refreshing.

Jehovah sent Jesus to buy back what was lost, including those within the organization who have sinned and those outside the organization who have sinned.

Jehovah's name is important. Jehovah will clear the reproach from His name, including the reproach that the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses have heaped upon His Name.


I am a witness of Jehovah. There are many witnesses of Jehovah. How will you know if a witness is a true witness? I suppose time will tell.


Not all of the doctrines taught by the organization Jehovah's Witnesses are accurate according to what the Bible really teaches.


There are many "members" of the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses that don't know a thing about Jehovah.


There are many "members" of other religions that know more about Jehovah than Jehovah's Witnesses do.


Being a "witness of Jehovah" isn't a title. Saying "I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses" doesn't make someone a witness of Jehovah, just like someone saying "I'm the Faithful And Discreet Slave" doesn't make them faithful or discreet.


There is One who is both faithful and discreet, and who continues to slave for all of us. Jehovah has kept working until now. His Son is also working.


During the tribulation just ahead, Jesus is going to send his angels to remove those who don't belong in Jehovah's Witnesses and then Jesus is going to gather in those who do belong. Witnesses of Jehovah know that God is Love. And they Love those who are also made in God's Image.


"God is Love"


"Father, glorify your name.” 


Then a voice came out of heaven: “I have glorified it and will glorify it again."


Jehovah will be praised.

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30 minutes ago, AnnaNana said:

@Moise Racette, I do not doubt that Russell and Rutherford were sincere Christians who loved God and others. But they are brothers, not some titled "Faithful And Discreet Slave". Just because people want to call them by a title doesn't mean that Jehovah bestowed that title.

Hmm! So, when scripture, God's inspired word says:

ESV Matthew 24:45 "Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom his master has set over his household, to give them their food at the proper time? (Matt. 24:45 ESV)

ESV  Mark 13:34 It is like a man going on a journey, when he leaves home and puts his servants in charge, each with his work, and commands the doorkeeper to stay awake. (Mk. 13:34 ESV)

CSB  Luke 12:35 "Be ready for service and have your lamps lit. (Lk. 12:35 CSB)

What you are telling the readers here, God is lying to his creation. Therefore, your interpretation of scripture supersedes bible scholars and linguists. Bellevue 🤕

30 minutes ago, AnnaNana said:

Both Russell and Rutherford were not wicked men. They were imperfect men. Anointed people are not perfect people. They make mistakes.

Hmm! I guess the apostles were sinless according to you.

Who taught you scripture. I have the mind to rebuke that person.

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"Jesus said these things and went off and hid from them.  Although he had performed so many signs before them, they were not putting faith in him,  so that the word of Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, who said: “Jehovah, who has put faith in the thing heard from us? And as for the arm of Jehovah, to whom has it been revealed?”  The reason why they were not able to believe is that again Isaiah said:  “He has blinded their eyes and has made their hearts hard, so that they would not see with their eyes and understand with their hearts and turn around and I heal them.”  Isaiah said these things because he saw his glory, and he spoke about him.  All the same, many even of the rulers actually put faith in him, but they would not acknowledge him because of the Pharisees, so that they would not be expelled from the synagogue;  for they loved the glory of men even more than the glory of God."


The reason Jesus said that "all these things will be held against this generation" is because there are some of this generation who would also treat the lowliest of Jesus' brothers the same way the Pharisees treated Jesus.


"However, Jesus called out and said: “Whoever puts faith in me puts faith not only in me but also in him who sent me; and whoever sees me sees also the One who sent me.  I have come as a light into the world, so that everyone putting faith in me may not remain in the darkness.  But if anyone hears my sayings and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I came, not to judge the world, but to save the world. Whoever disregards me and does not receive my sayings has one to judge him. The word that I have spoken is what will judge him on the last day.  For I have not spoken of my own initiative, but the Father who sent me has himself given me a commandment about what to say and what to speak.  And I know that his commandment means everlasting life. So whatever I speak, I speak just as the Father has told me."


I come in company with Christ in sight of God. Jesus said he would give us the words at the proper time. The words are from God's Word, the Bible. You don't have to listen to what Jesus taught if you don't want to, @Moise, or @Witness. But I think you would do better if you did listen to Christ. Which includes not encouraging others to leave the imperfect organization he is using and not verbally abusing other humans who are made in God's Image.


"But all things are from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of the reconciliation, namely, that God was by means of Christ reconciling a world to himself, not counting their offenses against them, and he entrusted to us the message of the reconciliation. Therefore, we are ambassadors substituting for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us. As substitutes for Christ, we beg: “Become reconciled to God.”  The one who did not know sin, he made to be sin for us, so that by means of him we might become God’s righteousness."


"Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God like a young child will by no means enter into it.”


"And the spirit and the bride keep on saying, “Come!” and let anyone hearing say, “Come!” and let anyone thirsting come; let anyone who wishes take life’s water free."

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10 minutes ago, AnnaNana said:

You don't have to listen to what Jesus taught if you don't want to, @Moise,

Coming from a person that is scripturally incompetent? I'll take the admonition of Christ and the word of God, over yours Audrey.  🥳🤓🧐

Say as you will, you have chosen your judgment. Once again, don't blame anyone but yourself. Let's make that abundantly clear.

Matt. 10:19 When they deliver you over, do not be anxious how you are to speak or what you are to say, for what you are to say will be given to you in that hour.
Matt. 10:20 For it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.
Matt. 10:21 Brother will deliver brother over to death, and the father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put to death,
Matt. 10:22 and you will be hated by all for my name’s sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.

That's what you are doing, Audrey. What is written in verse 21. I hope you are proud of yourself for being a good apostate.

Heb. 6:6 and then have fallen away, to restore them again to repentance, since they are crucifying once again the Son of God to their own harm and holding him up to contempt.

Every time you post Audrey, you are crucifying Christ all over again by holding him and God in contempt. Now do you understand why I have no sympathy for apostates? Who are you to place Christ in the torture stake once again?

Prov. 1:22 “How long, O simple ones, will you love being simple? How long will scoffers delight in their scoffing and fools hate knowledge?

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On 2/17/2023 at 7:03 PM, Witness said:

Did it ever occur to you than an individual who has suffered from CSA can help another person with CSA, on a personal level?

Yes, I mentioned examples many times before, this is why I am for giving solutions because outside such, be it personal or not, it DOES help people who are victims, as is would be victims evade dangers. I speak of CSA many times, and I understand where these solutions came from, after all, you cited IICSA, but never applied the solutions that is vital to help people out in this domain.

This is why when some EXJWs actually wake up and realize what can be done, they are branded by as enemies by the majority, even found on your dwelling, Reddit.

What is also crazy is in the past I did mention said solutions and asked you, perhaps you should reason with people who do listen to you and Pearl to actually make some progress... Sadly, at the time, you Butler and Secko disagreed while contradicting yourself by mentioning IICSA.

If the EXJWs back in 2017 didn't send those death threats, perhaps there could have been a level of grounded discussion concerning the matter between JWs and EXJWs, but a hellbent warpath ruined that. There is one community though, but as a promise to them, I keep them hidden.

On 2/17/2023 at 7:03 PM, Witness said:

It's not always necessary to join an organization to get something done.

No one said you have to join or not. It is the ability to take action, the initiative. People can help children and their guardians. Especially in a world where Normacly Bias and Bystander Syndrome. At the same time, we all need to be truthful concerning these things.

You yourself can literally do that, but you do not critical think, and or even fathom the idea of taking such action. Even when a legitimate abuser refuted you here, you still tried to spin things around, remember King's County? You told me you were serious about it, but never bothered read the documents which you linked, but I read it because I waned to know what was going on, and how that situation is, what are some ways to counter. Concerning CSA, and that King's County situation, I did take it seriously.

On 2/17/2023 at 7:03 PM, Witness said:

I have five friends who have come out of the Wt, and have suffered from CSA either as a result of being a JW or victimized as a child in other circumstances.

I have known people of child sex abuse, domestic abuse, industrial abuse whereas they end up selling their bodies due to a lie that was given to them, my issues with the UN, peacekeepers, whereas they gave women and girls food but only under the condition of partaking in sex rings, legitimate ones, not made up ones like Marcus attested to. A friend of mind in my youth, who gave into suicide because people paraded a false story and victims of her when she was manipulated, took her own life. Since this is JW focus, I did see some who are abused, but there are some among them who are NOT on a warpath, and they do not like the idea of some EXJWs weaponizing CSA for an agenda driven goal.

As mention, CSA is indeed brazen, a sin, but you have to tackle the issue itself by means of solutions. Often times, even laws can work against you in some cases, i.e. there is a law that allows abusers to marry the abused, so solutions would have to work against such things and prevention.

Mose cases of CSA is incest, in majority of cases, so that in of itself is another issue, whereas solutions can be dealt with.

Sadly people back then did not have such solutions, such as in the 50s, 60s, 70s, but present day, things can be done to mitigate CSA. Although it is impossible to stop it, we can try, we can make the effort to minimize.

If I can do it, so can you. If a Disabled woman in the Truther community can do it, so can you. Nothing is stopping you or any disgruntled EXJWs from going down that route, but instead, you choose the warpath.

On 2/17/2023 at 7:03 PM, Witness said:

That makes six of us who support one another without blowing our own horn. 

So where are the solutions of which you profess granted you coined IICSA before? every post here, even on reddit, I haven't seen any so far.

On 2/17/2023 at 7:03 PM, Witness said:

You've made an opinion about myself and Srecko, without considering all aspects of "support". Matt 6:3

Yet you still cannot find where I made an opinion. The only one I made about you thus far is on this thread, never elsewhere nor for Srecko, because if that was the case, you'd quote me. Others assume i made opinions, like Dmitar for example until he realized I only use facts, and I only use factual information, and Biblical notions for everything. Even here, which I am strictly using 1 John 4:1 regarding you when attesting to fact.

Also you may want to check Matthew 6:3 again. The saying is a figure of speech denoting the secrecy. I do not dwell in secrecy, nor do I hide truth. This verse, however, can be directed back to you because, you often speak of hypocrisy, yet you do not realizing where you get your information. For example, we can go back to the Atheists who mocked God by equating him to a homosexual, you shared this website with us, not realizing what was said in said website, which was only discovered when [A] the website is viewed and [B] found out that the guy affiliated with the website originated from reddit and not only speaks ill of JWs, but the Bible, about God, and Christ he speaks negatively about. You defended this up until it was revealed to you want is said by such a person, and you did admit to mistake and you had been forgiven. But even later.... You do the same thing. So that reveals to everyone you do not really think and or understand some of the information you address, let alone, say something of your own accord, essentially, Pearl does the talking for you. You need to learn to speak for yourself.

On 2/17/2023 at 7:03 PM, Witness said:

What I believe is "truth" concerning the fulfillment of the end, is far different than what you believe. 

I believe the same thing, but I do not twist information about it. This does not excuse you for some of the falsehoods mentioned here regarding of what is addressed.

On 2/17/2023 at 7:03 PM, Witness said:

I know that the signs of tribulation and Armageddon pertain to God's holy anointed people. 

So tell me this, how does Pearl's Feminism assertions somehow shifts this? and your what you said to be concerning about the 1,000 reign in which @Kosonen had to correct you?

Pearl's alluded to that somehow the Watchtower is the big bad, Babylon itself, which makes no sense. Babylon's actions, especially in 2016, we saw who was present and who was connected. Seeing the UN is mentioned in this thread, from the 90s into the 00s, we saw who was at the summits and who was affiliated. Regarding the proxy war, somehow Pearl is linking the WT into this, and shifted on the KON notion.

Then you have the teachings of miraculous gifts somehow survived AFTER the completion of the Scriptures and John... of which you and Pearl attest to having, even surpassing the students of the apostles who did not.

You really have to be careful here.

On 2/17/2023 at 7:03 PM, Witness said:

Whatever Satan devises in the world of politics and religion is a diversion of the spiritual reality.  Luke 17:30-21

Understood, but it still does not excuse you for accepting lies as a truth. You can have your disagreements with Jehovah's Witnesses, but to brand lies as a truth and to preach them, that will get legitimate Christians to refute you.

If you are of Christ do better.

That being said, you have an agenda, as you coined. You do not need that, the only thing that should concern you, of which you reject, is the Commission, and what we are commanded to do via the Lord himself, through God.

If you do not finally decided to change, you'll end up like those of Babylon back in the 00s, 2016 and today with what both her and the beast are doing.

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