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Upon Leaving the Organization


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@Witness I will give you this example, there are articles, media, letters, etc about people who refuse the vaccine, they are called Anti-Vaxxers. If I recall, you yourself did not take it. So people making videos, letters, and the like, who address such people, like yourself, is against life, a death worshipers, killer of children and the elderly, all the names in the book, even MAGA. Often times, misinformation runs deep in order to brand someone or something as opposition.

Does that make their statement true about you? Assuming @Moise Racette or @AnnaNana did not take it, myself included, does that make all of us against Life itself and or death worshipers for not taking the jab?

If you are wondering why I am giving this example, it is in connection to the UN statement you made.

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Again with these narratives... The Watchtower was never a member of the United Nations whatsoever because no charter of registration EVER existed at all (such information is unfounded because it never

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On 2/17/2023 at 7:03 PM, Nobody You Know said:

I don’t often post - but as an outsider- I find it hard to tell who is actually a JW

some - like AnnaNana-  initially sounded like they were- but still seem to have issues

This area is somewhat of a free for all space, sometimes JWs appear here, but they mostly are within the JW only club.

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On 2/17/2023 at 4:08 PM, Moise Racette said:

Because they have a leg to stand on to begin with. However, the Watchtower did answer the critics as stated. When the UN updated its charter requirements, the Watchtower withdrew.


Now, the Watchtower doesn't need access to the UN library in order to get news across the world that they might use for the Awake! articles, which was the original intent. We have the entire internet.

When there is a concern within the Org, its members will be diligently notified. However, I do appreciate your thought of concern.

She posted this before I remember, but never answered the Charter question. But of course, she and others who believe the UN narrative will spin it. Even though the UN's own website makes the distinction between which NGOS support them or not.


@AnnaNana The practice of Disfellowshiping originates from Excommunication, an ability given to the early Church by means of Christ. Although some churches practice it, there are 3 variations, only one of them is to be practiced, the originally one.

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The early church practiced many Pharisaical traditions that crept in after the death of the apostles.


Some of what is written in the Didache is very similar to the two publications known as "Organized to do Jehovah's Will" and "Shepherd the Flock of God", publications that disobey Christ by going beyond what is written in the Bible. It seems that many early Christians who were formerly Pharisees and scribes tried to blend some of their traditions and Greek-inspired philosophies into the new congregation arrangement. 


Some of the early Christians from the post-apostolic era, like Ignatius, Polycarp, and Irenaeus, were so zealous for God, but they were also imperfect and, just like Russell, Rutherford, and other Christians, were influenced by the false doctrines and traditions of their era. 


It is written that Irenaeus believed "The Shepherd of Hermas" to be canonical, but the contents of that document include beliefs and teachings about angels and visions that are contrary to what God's Word teaches. Just like Pearl Doxsey is in a trap because of claiming to have "visions" and yet those visions are going the wrong way, it is clear that the author of "The Shepherd" also was misled by the wicked one who was posing as an angel of light. The apostles warned of this very thing.


Those early Christians had so much against them, and they were willing to die for their faith. Jehovah is proud of them. But they were not immune to false teachings, just like the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses today. It wasn't the time for Jesus to clean the congregation back then, so it is not surprising that such false doctrines on disfellowshipping crept into the early congregation.


The Didache has directions about baptism, fasting, and prayers, among other things. These directions echo the traditions that were familiar and comfortable to the Pharisees. Many of these traditions were made by imperfect men, and Jesus came to free his disciples from such laborious and unnecessary traditions.


It is not wrong to fast, but it is not necessary to be a Christian. By the time of the Didache, such a tradition had crept into the congregation. It is not wrong to be circumcised (Paul covered that info in his letters) but it is not necessary to be a Christian. 


The tradition of disfellowshipping (excommunication/shunning) was a Pharisaical tradition, and not part of the true Christian congregation arrangement set up by the Christ.


How refreshing it will be so soon when Jesus sends out his angels to truly restore and refresh, by removing from his organization all teachings causing a stumbling and all people doing wickedness!


Jehovah's Name Will Be Sanctified. Praise Jehovah.

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@Nobody You Know, As far as "witnesses of Jehovah" goes, it seems there are many Jehovah's witnesses on this side of the forum, if the expression is used in truth and not just as a label.


For instance, @Space Merchant reflects Jehovah's love for truth and dedication to honesty. @Space Merchant is a witness of Jehovah.


@Witness reflects Jehovah's love for justice and empathy for those who have been hurt by false doctrine. @Witness is a witness of Jehovah.


@Moise reflects Jehovah's stick-to-it-of-ness and ability to cling to something. @Moise is a witness of Jehovah.


@Pudgy reflects Jehovah's practical wisdom and common sense and love of righteousness. @Pudgy is a witness of Jehovah.


The organization of Jehovah's Witnesses may have a written list of what Jehovah's Witnesses believe and don't believe, but their list will pass away. God's Word will never pass away, and He is the One who says "You are my witnesses, and I am God."


Abel, Abraham, and Moses were all witnesses of Jehovah, and they were never baptized with a Christian baptism. Being "one of Jehovah's witnesses" is not a title bestowed by a committee of men or taken away by a committee of men. Being "one of Jehovah's witnesses" is evidenced by Love for the true God.


"God is Love." 

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Jesus commissioned his followers to go and tell the good news, teaching and baptizing those who wanted to request a good conscience. 


"Baptism, which corresponds to this, is also now saving you (not by the removing of the filth of the flesh, but by the request to God for a good conscience), through the resurrection of Jesus Christ."


In ancient times, the Jews were required to be circumcised in order to be God's friends. But the Egyptians and others who accompanied the Hebrews out of Egypt were not part of the Abrahamic covenant as evidenced by circumcision. (The Egyptians did practice circumcision, but not for the purpose of showing obedience to the Abrahamic covenant.)  Yet Jehovah saved them. Jehovah saved them through the Red Sea. Jehovah protected them from Pharoah and his armies. Jehovah fed and comforted them for 40 years in the wilderness and Jehovah gave them a home in the promised land.


Jehovah has not changed.


There will be some who do not have time to be dedicated and baptized as Jehovah's Witnesses before the great tribulation comes. They may not have the opportunity to during the great tribulation. But that does not mean Jehovah will not save them, and that they will not have the opportunity later to get baptized.


"All the people who left Egypt were circumcised, but all the people born in the wilderness on the journey after they left Egypt were not circumcised.  The Israelites had walked for 40 years in the wilderness until the entire nation had died off, that is, the men of war who left Egypt who did not obey the voice of Jehovah. Jehovah swore to them that he would never let them see the land that Jehovah had sworn to their forefathers to give to us, a land flowing with milk and honey. So he raised up their sons instead of them. These Joshua circumcised; they were uncircumcised because they had not circumcised them during the journey. When they finished circumcising the entire nation, they remained where they were in the camp until they recovered. Then Jehovah said to Joshua: “Today I have rolled away from you the reproach of Egypt.” So that place has been called Gilʹgal until this day."


Why were these non-Israelites saved? Because they said, "We will go with you people, because we have heard that God is with you people."


Jehovah's name is what identifies Him. People who are not titled "Jehovah's Witnesses" bear witness to Jehovah's spirit being with them when they respond to Jehovah's Name and What It Stands For. The Egyptians and others who responded to Jehovah's Name were moved by Jehovah's spirit too, because Jehovah is Not Partial.


"You must not oppress a foreign resident. You know how it feels to be a foreigner, because you were foreign residents in the land of Egypt."


There will be unbaptized ones who are saved by Jehovah through the coming tribulation. Jehovah has not changed. Jehovah's organization has Jehovah as Its Head. Jehovah Will Do What He Chooses To Do. Jehovah Will Gather His Witnesses. 


Praise Jehovah.

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6 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

I speak of CSA many times, and I understand where these solutions came from, after all, you cited IICSA, but never applied the solutions that is vital to help people out in this domain.

In any situation, regardless if its CSA or other, people need confirmation NOT hearsay evidence, facts before fiction. A solution the police implement before charging anyone with a crime. When they do make that charge, THEY don't blame society, all institutions, religions, etc. for it, just that individual.


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6 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

She posted this before I remember, but never answered the Charter question. But of course, she and others who believe the UN narrative will spin it. Even though the UN's own website makes the distinction between which NGOS support them or not.

What they refuse to see, the UN UPDATED its charter requirements without advising many NGOs of their changes in policy. The Watchtower was unaware of those changes until it was made known to them.

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3 hours ago, AnnaNana said:

@Witness reflects Jehovah's love for justice and empathy for those who have been hurt by false doctrine. @Witness is a witness of Jehovah.

This would be incorrect to assume. What false doctrine? The ones apostates made up? Stop preaching to the choir! 🙄

3 hours ago, AnnaNana said:

@Moise reflects Jehovah's stick-to-it-of-ness and ability to cling to something. @Moise is a witness of Jehovah.

My constitution is to defend scripture from uneducated people, that misinterpret, misapply, misrepresent, and manipulate. Don't think for a minute, you know me, Audrey! 🧐

3 hours ago, AnnaNana said:

@Pudgy reflects Jehovah's practical wisdom and common sense and love of righteousness. @Pudgy is a witness of Jehovah.

Don't say stuff like this when I am drinking coffee, you made me spill it with laughter! 🤣

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2 hours ago, AnnaNana said:

People who are not titled "Jehovah's Witnesses" bear witness to Jehovah's spirit being with them when they respond to Jehovah's Name and What It Stands For.

Since it's obvious by your actions, you're not a witness in good standing for the Watchtower, why doesn't the poster find a church that bears the name of God as well, and join it? 


After all, what's behind a name if the truth cannot be found.

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On 2/16/2023 at 1:11 PM, Pudgy said:

Space Merchant:

To directly answer your question.

I am 76 years old (in “people years”) and have a great deal of experience dealing with, and enduring “superfine mensatype theocratic bullies”. Moise is, and always has been a bully, and he cannot STAND it that I know …. as he also has enough experience and insight to know that I know.

…., viewed through the “Leave it to Beaver” Eddie Haskell lens … I find his ad homonym attacks, from whatever hydra head by whatever name he pops up from the whack-a-mole hole to insult, bully, and attempt to libel and demean others to be consistently and pathetically funny.… and he knows this.

That is why I am the prime target of his ire.

But hey …. That’s Entertainment!


("According to the well-known "rule of paw," one dog year is equivalent of seven years.")


I am lowly (as in "better to be a live dog than a dead lion") and just a "kid", 6.42 years old (in "dog years" which interestingly enough could also be described as "weeks of years") and have had more experience than I would like to have had dealing with bullies. @Pudgy is wise in how he deals with bullies. I also like thinking about how Jesus is going to deal with some bullies.


There was a man in Jesus' day who could also be described as one prone to making "ad homonym attacks, from whatever hydra head by whatever name he pops up from the whack-a-mole hole to insult, bully, and attempt to libel and demean others". The man was called "Legion". Once Jesus dispelled the demons, the man was nice and even became a follower of the Lord. When Jesus comes in the Paradise, he will help all those afflicted with that "hydra-head" problem.


Viewed through the "ransom sacrifice" lens, we can see us all healed, a family, God's children, and hanging out together years from now, being entertained when we look back on these crazy days and sharing how Jehovah got us all through. 


Nothing is impossible for Jehovah. He is Our Father.


Joseph's crazy brothers threw him in the hole, but in the end they repented and they were still family. Esau planned on murdering Jacob, but in the end Esau changed and they were still family. "Legion" turned out to be a nice guy once his demons were gone. People can change. (The weeks of years prophecy already was fulfilled, Jesus already came and paid the ransom price. His blood is enough for us.) Jehovah is patient. Even those apostate Israelites in Elijah's day who were limping on two different opinions, when they saw the fire come down from heaven, they had to say:


"Jehovah is the true God! Jehovah is the true God!"


Jehovah is gathering all kinds, He is not partial. The ransom is really big. Jehovah will be Praised. All creation will praise Jehovah. 😊Praise Jehovah.

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 What MIGHT happen in a specific case in the future does not negate what is happening now.

I have never claimed to be anything but a barbarian trying to be a JW, sometimes good at it, sometimes  not.

But before I swore allegiance to God and Christ, years before, I swore, like Thomas Jefferson, “… upon the alter of God eternal hostility toward every form of tyranny over the mind of man.”

Fortunately I have no temper whatsoever, and an outrageous sense of humor, which means I don’t have to hide any bodies.

I find the on-line blustering of bullies pathetically funny. 

In person …. not so much.

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