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Upon Leaving the Organization


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Again with these narratives... The Watchtower was never a member of the United Nations whatsoever because no charter of registration EVER existed at all (such information is unfounded because it never

On a "daily basis" I am concerned about the people in the Wt. Thank you for your warning, but I'll be okay with whatever you're talking about. But your opinion is, among many opinions expressed

Correct, the only case they would have is if the JWs went the ECOSOC route, since EXJWs use ECOSOC notions and swapped it with the DPI one, in addition to that they would 100% have a charter registrat

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No… you just use that as an excuse to bully people and intimidate them, if you can. Your insulting attitude PROVES YOUR MOTIVE.

The only thing missing is spittle, and threats of being tortured forever in the fires of Hell !  …. unless of course I kowtow to your imagined superiority!

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"Certainly if anyone does not provide for those who are his own, and especially for those who are members of his household, he has disowned the faith and is worse than a person without faith."


@Pudgy, You are already serving as a shepherd, for your wife, your most precious sheep. Jehovah will just add to your fold at the appointed time. (There is everlasting life ahead - and lots to do in the thousand year reign.)


The many directives in the organization that led to husbands and wives being separated for so-called "theocratic" activities have dishonored God. It always makes me wince when I read those life stories where the wife and kids were basically sacrificed on the altar to "theocratic career" so the husband could go to "School" for months or to "Serve" supposedly "in Jehovah's name" when it wasn't really for Jehovah. Jehovah doesn't promote dividing families.


"They have built the high places of Toʹpheth, which is in the Valley of the Son of Hinʹnom, in order to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire, something that I had not commanded and that had never even come into my heart."


I know Jehovah has more work for you, @Pudgy, just like I know He has more work for all who love His Name and put His Ways ahead of the doctrines of man.


Courage is a requirement to be part of Jehovah's Family.


"Be·naiʹah the son of Je·hoiʹa·da was a courageous man who performed many exploits in Kabʹze·el. He struck down the two sons of Arʹi·el of Moʹab, and he descended into a waterpit on a snowy day and killed a lion.  He also struck down an Egyptian man of extraordinary size. Though the Egyptian had a spear in his hand, he went against him with a rod and snatched the spear away from the Egyptian’s hand and killed him with his own spear.  These things Be·naiʹah the son of Je·hoiʹa·da did, and he had a reputation like that of the three mighty warriors.  Although he was distinguished even more than the thirty, he did not attain to the rank of the three. However, David appointed him over his own bodyguard."


Not everybody would purposely join in on a discussion with a known bully while that bully is verbally abusing another person, knowing that if they joined in they'd also get verbally abused. But some people would join in and distract the bully.


"The one showing favor to the lowly is lending to Jehovah, 

And He will repay him for what he does."


"With someone loyal you act in loyalty."


I don't have "visions" or "special knowledge". But I can read God's Word.


"Have you seen a man skillful at his work? 

He will stand before kings; 

He will not stand before common men."


Jehovah's Word Always Comes True. Praise Jah.

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I never defend apostates, and I do defend heretics … only when they are right.

Do you still honestly believe you can vote on what is true and what is not, like the GB does when they come up with “new light”, like that silly, irrational, unscriptural, and absurd “Overlapping Generations” crap?

No Elder at the KH has been able to explain it, and were highly embarrassed when I asked them to.

Since you claim to be so smart (shiver ..), tell us please if you yourself believe it …and explain it so it makes any sense at all.

Have you actually studied Bro. Splane’s “Overlapping Generations” Chart?



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think @Moise said he understands Klingon? (He seemed to be mentioning that language earlier.) I don't think there is a translation available of that generation thing in Klingon yet.


As far as @Witness' original post here goes, here was a paragraph from the letter her friend wrote:


"I love my wonderful, loving and gracious Creator, our Almighty God with all my heart, and I love our King and Saviour Jesus Christ just as much.  I will never stop worshipping them with my whole mind, my whole body, and my whole soul.  I am not lost, but I have been found!  Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and through him we find salvation on the narrow road that leads to everlasting life, true peace and happiness.  It is my fervent wish that everyone comes to an accurate knowledge of the Bible and the amazing truth that it contains.  The blessings we will receive are far greater than we could ever imagine."


Soon Jesus will clean out the organization so that the little sheep can come home. That will be a happy day.


"Certainly, then, will not God cause justice to be done for his chosen ones who cry out to him day and night, while he is patient toward them?"


I'm gonna exit this thread for now since @Witness' letter seems to have been all examined out. I hope you guys have a restful evening.🙂See you later on another thread


"I raise my eyes to the mountains. 

From where will my help come? 

My help comes from Jehovah, 

The Maker of heaven and earth. 

He will never allow your foot to slip. 

The One guarding you will never be drowsy. 

Look! He will never be drowsy nor go to sleep, 

The One guarding Israel.  

Jehovah is guarding you. 

Jehovah is the shade at your right hand. 

By day the sun will not strike you, 

Nor the moon by night.  

Jehovah will guard you against all harm. 

He will guard your life. 

Jehovah will guard you in all you do 

From now on and forever."


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18 minutes ago, AnnaNana said:

think @Moise said he understands Klingon? (He seemed to be mentioning that language earlier.) I don't think there is a translation available of that generation thing in Klingon yet.

I understand many languages, even incoherent ones. However, when someone is writing in Klingon, they need to educate themselves first. 

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53 minutes ago, AnnaNana said:

@Pudgy, You are already serving as a shepherd, for your wife, your most precious sheep. Jehovah will just add to your fold at the appointed time. (There is everlasting life ahead - and lots to do in the thousand year reign.)

lol!! Stop it, stop it! 🤣🤣🤣


Klingon for dog.


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