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Again with these narratives... The Watchtower was never a member of the United Nations whatsoever because no charter of registration EVER existed at all (such information is unfounded because it never

On a "daily basis" I am concerned about the people in the Wt. Thank you for your warning, but I'll be okay with whatever you're talking about. But your opinion is, among many opinions expressed

Correct, the only case they would have is if the JWs went the ECOSOC route, since EXJWs use ECOSOC notions and swapped it with the DPI one, in addition to that they would 100% have a charter registrat

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On 2/19/2023 at 3:32 PM, Moise Racette said:

In any situation, regardless if its CSA or other, people need confirmation NOT hearsay evidence, facts before fiction. A solution the police implement before charging anyone with a crime. When they do make that charge, THEY don't blame society, all institutions, religions, etc. for it, just that individual.

Yes, in any situation, even any institution, people with bad intent should be rooted out without attacking the community itself, and or luring more people with bad intent into said community, i.e. Witness uses reddit, there are pedophiles on reddit (as is on YouTube, social media, etc.), and any community within those spaces; the EXJWs will say a community is a pedophile paradise, so to speak, it will lure them in. This results in people who do not do this to constantly look into and advise said communities of unknown and or potential threats, i.e. after the reddit podophile fiasco, people got together to see what can be done, in addition to a legitimate crackdown.

The aware will always do what they need to root out the bad and educate the people and or a community to help minimize issues, but the unaware will do ill action and see it as just, then go on a warpath, these people, only make things worse, and it forces people who can do some good, to run into some difficulties.

the fact that known people on here refuse to see and or take action on this, even stating they have their own Agenda, is concerning. It shows they do not want to deal with the problems, instead, seek to demonize and to literally eradicate a community, even (again) using political powers, some of them wild beast affiliates, in order to do so.

On 2/19/2023 at 3:37 PM, Moise Racette said:

What they refuse to see, the UN UPDATED its charter requirements without advising many NGOs of their changes in policy. The Watchtower was unaware of those changes until it was made known to them.

Often times, they do not read into the things they post. That same image Witness, Srekco and Jesus Defender used, and they missed it. Jesus Defender is an interesting one because, as I told Witness, there are some Trinitarians will use EXJWs as puppets in order to sway them and or get them to do their bidding, i.e. the idea of not believing Jesus to be God (denial of Deity as they say) deems one a Heretic and or a Cultist.

The only good thing is some people eventually break away form their senses, and begin to think and do the research over time, in this sense, getting back up after falling. But you'll find that there are some who go the totally different route and continue to go down a path of delusionary nonsense, they choose to not get back up, so to speak - Proverbs 24:16.


That being said, as you can see, another of Pearl's people, who agrees with a protest to destroy a community as a whole, and somehow believes the UN/NWO is connected to JWs... As a Truther who dwells on seeing the operations of a legitimate enemy, there is 0 connection with JWs with anything Agenda 21, NWO, etc.


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9 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Witness uses reddit, there are pedophiles on reddit (as is on YouTube, social media, etc.), and any community within those spaces; the EXJWs will say a community is a pedophile paradise, so to speak, it will lure them in.

Indeed, however, you don't see @Witness condemning Reddit or any other institution governed by ex-witnesses. In fact, hundreds if not thousands of cases of child abuse are committed by former members. But, you don't see hypocrites complaining and advocating against those cases.

The same can be said about any other institution. A shameful human condition the Watchtower has warned against for decades.

The Watchtower's child abuse policy begins by stating: "Child abuse is abhorrent to us. This is in harmony with the principle recorded at Romans 12:9. Even one abused child is one too many. For decades The Watchtower and Awake! have featured articles to educate both Witnesses and the public regarding the importance and the need to protect children from child abuse. Among others, there was the article "Let Us Abhor What Is Wicked!" published in the January 1, 1997, issue of The Watchtower ; "Help for the Victims of Incest" in the October 1, 1983, Watchtower, "Your Child Is in Danger!", "How Can We Protect Our Children?", and "Prevention in the Home", all in the October 8, 1993, Awake!, as well as "Child Molesting—Every Mother's Nightmare," in the January 22, 1985, Awake!"

So, it doesn't matter how the Watchtower describes that condition, be it child molestation, child maltreatment, child abuse, etc. They have made society aware of it.

9 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

That being said, as you can see, another of Pearl's people, who agrees with a protest to destroy a community as a whole

We'll see what the US Supreme Court says about title 230, and how they can limit people's conduct over the internet. Once that's done, the US congress will have to revisit title 230 and restructure its language, to not give immunity to website owners and posters on any website.

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15 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

The aware will always do what they need to root out the bad and educate the people and or a community to help minimize issues, but the unaware will do ill action and see it as just, then go on a warpath, these people, only make things worse, and it forces people who can do some good, to run into some difficulties.

I thought about this and forgot about a Watchtower publication back in 1962. I believe someone else mentioned it here long ago. I researched it and found it.

*** w62 11/15 p. 693 par. 9 The Benefits of Subjection to Authorities ***

9 Worldly authorities render a judgment and punish persons, whether they are inside the congregation or outside, if they violate the laws of decency and good order. The violators have no right to complain at such punishment, as Paul showed by his words before Caesar’s judgment seat. (Acts 25:11) Hence the Christian congregation cannot protect any of its members if they steal, smuggle, commit bigamy, murder, libel, defraud, and so forth. The congregation must release such guilty members to punishment by worldly authorities. Since the guilty break the laws of the land and thus oppose the “authority,” they are taking a stand against God’s arrangement.

*** w62 11/15 p. 693 par. 10 The Benefits of Subjection to Authorities ***

10 The Christian congregation has no orders from God and has no right to protect such opposers and lawbreakers from the due punishment by the “authority” of the land. We cannot hinder, oppose or condemn the execution of the krima or judgment by aiding or shielding lawbreakers. To do so would put the Christian congregation also in opposition to God’s arrangement. Besides letting the krima or “judgment” take its course upon offending members who bring reproach upon God’s people, the congregation may disfellowship such lawbreakers. The congregation does not want to deserve a krima or “judgment” with the lawbreakers by siding or cooperating with them and opposing the worldly “authority.” It also wants no reproach.

The key phrase to look at is SO FORTH. Child Maltreatment, Child molestation, Child abuse has been mentioned by the Watchtower in various ways.

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On 2/21/2023 at 6:23 PM, Moise Racette said:

Indeed, however, you don't see @Witness condemning Reddit or any other institution governed by ex-witnesses. In fact, hundreds if not thousands of cases of child abuse are committed by former members. But, you don't see hypocrites complaining and advocating against those cases.

They don't and the fact they still do not do this, to this day, is mind boggling, even ignoring any notions of child abuse prevention provided. However, there are a small few, a very small number that do, but end up as enemies of the EXJW majority. In this faith community as is others, this tends to be the case because whenever you have someone who speaks with reason, they are deemed the bad guy and some how later mentioned as defending abusers, which is ridiculous. Another problem is weaponizing child abuse, the fact most EXJW proclaim the faith community is a pedophile paradise, only leads abusers, who are on places like reddit, YouTube, Facebook, etc. to look into said places to seek out more victims, this is what I talked about before, but the same suspects ignore this, Srecko, Witness, and Butler specifically because when the Facebook pedophile problem came up, he was deathly silent.

To add more fuel to the fire, some EXJWs are hypocrites, they'll shout from the rooftops about abuse, but will defend abusers themselves in other communities they care about and or outright ignore any abuse, even attacking the abused if their reasoning does not align with them.

In example, there is one who was found out to be affiliated with EXJWs via influence (Latino American) who reside in the Gaming Community in a specific genre, who defended the actions of a child groomer because the person in question was very attractive to him. I do not recall the name of the woman he defended, but in the truther community they have screenshots of the person, however they tend to blur or black out the eyes (the groomer, 24, is the one sitting behind the victim, 14, later seen walking with said victim). Other notes point to the fact she did this while in the process of being engaged to a person, who also fell victim to superficial attraction, this all took place around 2019-2020.



This same person later defended another of that community who was texting a minor, although the community grilled him prior to being reinstated, some, even this EXJW affiliate, defended him and said that it was something light. It was only found out he was an EXJW after people looked into his account, he subscribed to numerous EXJW channels, but after this exposure, he changed his name and picture on multiple media, even reddit. The irony is this was also mentioned to Butler, who brushed it off.

This is but 2 instances for this person. I can assure you there are some other ones that are often times bizarre and problematic compared to that example above. When you dwell in CSA prevention, you come to learn and read many things, some things very comfortable for the average reader or onlooker.

When these situations happened, the community began to turn to solutions, ideas, and practices to root out what they can, even going as far as to see if the allegations are true or not because they know, as with ALL institutions and even groups, abuse is a problem, they even noted that joking about abuse resulted in such abusers entering said communities, which can be comparable to EXJWs who joke about it also, in addition, they make it seem that religious people, even JWs, are all supporters of abuse, which is the total opposite. So, the fact that people can do these things, is actually beneficial for the community they are tied to, which contains underaged people, mainly when learning prevention, plays a key role, something of which many, even JWs know, hence the sourced quotations you mentioned.

On 2/21/2023 at 6:23 PM, Moise Racette said:

The same can be said about any other institution. A shameful human condition the Watchtower has warned against for decades.

Indeed, but the hard heads will not even consider that source or any of the one's you mention (the irony is ARC also noted these sources and articles, which EXJWs ignored), and will be against anyone who says otherwise, going as far as to send death threats. It is also the very reason why I was unable to get any video source of the guy who stopped the EXJWs in New York granted, like the 1975 video, they made sure that no one, even JWs can locate this information. The only relic of that history is from an Facebook link of the timeline itself of when it occurred. This is why them going to the US Capitol, will result in the same outcome, only this time, they'll be dealing with the political paradigm that uphold the constitution to a very high regard. when they fail, they'll blame the Watchtower.

On 2/21/2023 at 6:23 PM, Moise Racette said:

We'll see what the US Supreme Court says about title 230, and how they can limit people's conduct over the internet. Once that's done, the US congress will have to revisit title 230 and restructure its language, to not give immunity to website owners and posters on any website.

Yes, but as we speak we do see a censorship battle going on, of which some people are hit, myself included. Often times some folks do not realize that a warpath like mentality will not only cost them, but others in the process too, and they'll be looking to blame someone. This goes into the realm of religion, as some are already making attempts to censor Bible passages and verses, so in this sense, if they seek to go and take down a faith community, the laws would end up affecting them and will cost others who are not involved. This is why people should not mess around with the political paradigm if they do not know how to navigate and or combat it, only makes things worse.

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@Space Merchant Those images. The person in the picture, who at the time was 14, is Troy "Puppeh" Wells (now 21), the person sitting behind him, also walking out with him, is 24 at the time Cinnamon "Cinnapie" Dunson (now 31), let's just say a lot of disturbing stuff and a weird love drama stuff involving others who later found out about the grooming. It isn't a surprise if there were people defending her, even a former JW because there was a lot of dudes who were attracted to her and blame people for hating women. I remember that because one of my cousins use to partake in those competitions a while back he kept texting me about this when the Nintendo company took action against those events. Time flies too, this was a while back too. But a good comparable example. 

But yeah, often times some people can be hypocritical. They also play favorites, like with something bad happens in one group, they hate and attack, but for their's, they're silent. Problems in general, people should be trying to tackle issues instead of making it worse for some people. But it is good to see some people out there who are applying things the right way.


@Moise Racette  Agreed, but if you think about it, some people don't really listen when others do. If you tell a crowd of a hundred people to do something very critical and you give warning, 50 will do it, the other 50 will not, anything the people who fail to listen do in a negative way causes problems. I dunno why some people firmly believe some institutions do not have warnings for some things when they do, even going as far as to take things out of context. 🤷🏾‍♂️

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28 minutes ago, Equivocation said:

Agreed, but if you think about it, some people don't really listen when others do. If you tell a crowd of a hundred people to do something very critical and you give warning, 50 will do it, the other 50 will not, anything the people who fail to listen do in a negative way causes problems. I dunno why some people firmly believe some institutions do not have warnings for some things when they do, even going as far as to take things out of context.

Indeed! It's called one track mind, no pun intended. In everyday life, societies need to make choices they fail to heed to. When people get warned ahead of time about a hurricane, some people decide to stay put. Others can't leave. That's where a cop's assessment is crucial. Who is lying, just like the first responders have to. Someone might say, I had no means to leave that's why I was forced to stay, yet it could be a criminal mind at work in order to loot.

Before the UN CSA campaign began, the Watchtower was already ahead of the issue. I knew many elders that had NO problem turning over a person that committed a crime. That was the right thing to do under Caesars law. They would also disfellowship a person once an incident was confirmed. That's God's law. Another problem back then as it is today is confidentiality. That's why Elders normally tell the victim to contact the police. If they don't want to, back then it was harder if the matter was a misdemeanor case, a felony case was easier. In today's world environment, laws have changed where civil action can't be used against an institution for DISCLOSEURE. But in many states in the US as well as in many countries, the clergy clause is applied. NOT for the sack of ONE institution but for all in general. That means, the Watchtower can't sidestep those laws that are in place just because uneducated and ignorant of man's laws by disgruntled people want to.

The simple problem with former members is, they not just want to regulate God's laws, but they want to do it under the perception of human emotion. The problem with that is, they are forgetting a simple truth. A person is innocent until proven guilty in man's law. The other is blame. If we blame an institution, then we need to blame humanity.

That's why the Catholic Cardinal George Pell conviction was overturned by the Supreme Court.

  • Australia's highest court has overturned the conviction of Cardinal George Pell, the most senior Catholic cleric ever to be convicted of child sex abuse. He was sentenced to six years in prison in March 2019, but Monday's ruling will free him.
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@Equivocation I see, it seems even to this day, like the EXJW, the groomer still has supporters because of how she looked. It reminds me of a Bible inspired parable, with a bit of inspiration from the Lady and the Tiger story, it was about a man who warned his two sons to be careful while walking at night because the area is not only not safe, but the influences were there, the family however, was poor and could not move so they had to make the money to leave. Long story short, both of them walked back and forth from the home/work passing the house of a prostitute, one son listened to his father and ignored the woman as a bad influence, the other, night by night grew interested in the prostitute because of how she looked, the way she was adorned, and eventually, one night he went to the house of the prostitute, and only went home the next day, but the ending was left to ambiguous speculation. Just like the lady and the tiger, the reader would assume what happen next, I made a note that perhaps his father scolded him, others made note that the son was poor, and this resulted in the prostitute hiring thugs in the street to bother the family, others had their endings also.

Besides that, although many situations are similar, it is unwise for people to weaponize CSA, it is unwise for people to weaponize misinformation. Going back to the UN, clearly a DPI and an ECOSOC are vastly different, the fact Witness and many believe this today still, something that people like Robert King pushed, is ridiculous, so much so to people who watch the UN operating intently, let alone work on ways to combat CSA the correct way.

There are some darker aspects to CSA that isn't talked about as much also, and such dark elements usually start in the home, in most cases.

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1 hour ago, Space Merchant said:

Besides that, although many situations are similar, it is unwise for people to weaponize CSA, it is unwise for people to weaponize misinformation.

Realisticlly, this is Satan's environment for divisions throughout humanity. That's predicated on scripture. No different from, in the last days, apostasy would rise. So, former members are playing right into the devil's hands, intentionally.

It's just like politics now, every incident has become political.

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