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Poems Published in "Studies in the Scriptures" Series


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Poems found in "Studies in the Scriptures" Series 6, "The New Creation"  [503,000 Edition, INTERNATIONAL BIBLE STUDENTS ASSOCIATION, Brooklyn, London, Melbourne, Capetown, Zurich, Geneva, Orebro, Copenhagen 1920]


page 58


"Deep in unfathomable mines

     Of never-failing skill,

He treasures up his bright designs,

     And works his sovereign will.


"His purposes will ripen fast,

     Unfolding every hour.

The bud may have a bitter taste,

     But sweet will be the flower.


"Blind unbelief is sure to err,

     And scan his work in vain.

God is his own interpreter,

     And he will make in plain."


page 144


"Content with beholding his face,

     My all to his pleasure resigned,

No changes of season or place

     Can make any change in my mind;

While blest with a sense of his love,

     A palace a toy would appear;

And prisons would palaces prove,

     If Jesus still dwelt with me there."


page 162


"O thou God of our salvation,

     Our Redeemer from all sin,

Thou hast called us to a station

     We could ne'er by merit win.

          O! we praise thee,

While we strive to enter in.


"In the footprints of our Savior,

     We will daily strive to walk;

And the alien world's disfavor

     Shall but send us to our Rock.

          How its waters

Do refresh thy weary flock!


"We, with him, shall bear the message

     Of our Heavenly Father's grace;

Show how he redeemed from bondage

     All our lost and ruined race.

          O! what mercy

Beams in his all-glorious face!"


pages 193-194



        -Jude 24-


"Faultless in his glory's presence!

     All the soul within me stirred,

All my heart reached up to heaven

     At the wonder of that word.


"Able to present me faultless?

     Lord, forgive my doubt, I cried;

Thou didst once, to loving doubt, show

     Hands and feet and riven side.


"O! for me build up some ladder,

     Bright with golden round on round,

That my hope this thought may compass,

     Reaching faith's high vantage-ground!


"Praying thus, behold, my ladder,

     Reaching unto perfect day,

Grew from out a simple story

     Dropped by some one in the way.


"Once a queen - so ran the story -

     Seeking far for something new,

Found it in a mill, where, strangely,

     Naught but rags repaid her view -


"Rags from out the very gutters,

     Rags of every shape and hue; -

While the squalid children, picking,

     Seemed but rags from hair to shoe.


"What then, rang her eager question,

     Can you do with things so vile?

Mould them into perfect whiteness,

     Said the master with a smile.


"Whiteness? quoth the queen, half doubting;

     But these reddest, crimson dyes -

Surely nought can ever whiten

     These to fitness to your eyes?


"Yes, he said, though these are colors

     Hardest to remove of all,

Still I have the power to make them

     Like the snow-flake in its fall.


"Through my heart the words so simple

     Throbbed with echo in and out:

Crimson - scarlet - white as snow-flake - 

     Can this man? and can God not?


"Now upon a day thereafter,

     (Thus the tale went on at will,)

To the queen there came a present

     From the master at the mill.


"Fold on fold of fairest texture

     Lay the paper, purest white;

On each sheet there gleamed the letters

     Of her name in golden light.


"Precious lesson, wrote the master,

     Hath my mill thus given me,

Showing how our Christ can gather

     Vilest hearts from land or sea;


"In some heavenly alembic,

     Snowy white from crimson bring;

Stamp his name on each, and bear them

     To the palace of the King.


          * * * *


"O what wondrous visions wrapped me!

     Heaven's gates seemed opened wide,

Even I stood clear and faultless,

     By my dear Redeemer's side.


"Faultless in his glory's presence!

     Faultless in that dazzling light!

Christ's own love, majestic, tender,

     Made my crimson snowy white!"


page 347


"E'en through harsh noises of our day,

A low, sweet prelude finds its way;

Through clouds of doubts and creeds of fear,

A light is breaking calm and clear.


"They needs must grope who cannot see,

The blade before the ear must be;

As ye are feeling I have felt,

And where ye dwell I too have dwelt."


page 348




"If I could only surely know

That all these things that tire me so

     Were noticed by my Lord -

The pang that cuts me like a knife,

The noise, the weariness, the strife,

And all the nameless ills of life -

What peace it would afford!


"I wonder if he really shares

In all these little human cares,

     This mighty King of kings! -

If he who guides through boundless space

Each radiant planet in its place,

Can have the condescending grace

To mind these petty things.


"It seems to me, if sure of this,

Blent with each ill would come such bliss

     That I might covet pain,

And deem whatever brought me

The blessed thought of Deity

And sense of Christ's sweet sympathy

Not loss, but richest gain.


"Dear Lord, my heart shall no more doubt

That thou dost compass me about

     With sympathy divine.

The Love for me once crucified

Is not the love to leave my side,

But waiteth ever to divide

Each smallest care of mine."


page 420



"- 2 Peter, ii.9. -"


""I will trust, and not be afraid." - Isa. xii. 21"

"The storm-clouds are rolling across the horizon,

And peal upon peal of the thunder is heard:

The flashes of lightening are vivid and awful:

Yet never a fear in this bosom is stirred,

For is it not written, and everywhere shown,

'The Lord knoweth how to deliver His own!'


"The gleam of the sword can be seen in the distance,

The moans of the wounded and dying we hear;

And warfare and bloodshed are growing more rampant:

But none of these things can awaken a fear,

For is it not written and everywhere shown,

'The Lord knoweth how to deliver His own!'


"The foe we contend with is artful and cunning,

And many, indeed, are the snares he has laid:

We are not unmindful of Satan's devices,

Though of his temptations we are not afraid;

For is it not written, and everywhere shown,

'The Lord knoweth how to deliver His own!'


"'The Lord knoweth how,' though we often are puzzled,

And to our conceptions no pathway is clear;

But since we are guided by Infinite Wisdom,

The word He hath spoken forbids every fear;

For is it not written, and everywhere shown,

'The Lord knoweth how to deliver His own!'


"'The Lord knoweth how,' is our strength in our weakness,

The promise of sunshine, though storm-clouds appear;

A peaceful assurance amid every battle,

The way of escape from each trial and fear;

For is it not written, and everywhere shown,

'The Lord knoweth how to deliver His own!'"


page 518




"He knows the way I take, -

          What matter then if dark it be,

     Or rough, or hedged about, -

          His staff shall comfort me.


"And should His love withhold

          What seems so near, so dear, so sweet,

I'll humbly take this thing

          And lay it at His feet.


"How sweet to know He knows,

          And cares, and holds me by the hand, -

Will safely guide until

          I reach the Heavenly Land!"


page 692




"My life flows on in endless song;

          Above earth's lamentation,

I catch the sweet, not far-off hymn,

          That hails a New Creation.

Through all the tumult and the strife,

          I hear the music ringing;

It finds an echo in my soul -

          How can I keep from singing?


"What though my joys and comfort die!

          The Lord my Savior liveth;

What though the darkness gather round!

          Songs in the night he giveth.

No storm can shake my inmost calm,

          While to that refuge clinging;

Since Christ is Lord of heaven and earth,

          How can I keep from singing?


"I lift mine eyes; the cloud grows thin;

          I see the blue above it;

And day by day this pathway smooths,

          Since first I learned to love it.

The peace of Christ makes fresh my heart,

          A fountain ever springing;

All things are mine since I am his -

          How can I keep from singing?"


page 730




"As pants the hart for water brooks,

          So pants my soul for Thee.

Oh, when shall I behold Thy face,

          When wilt Thou call for me?


"How oft at night I turn mine eyes

          Towards my heavenly home,

And long for that blest time when Thou,

          My Lord, shalt bid me, "Come!"


"And yet I know that only those

          Thy blessed face shall see,

Whose hearts from every stain of sin

          Are purified and free.


"And oh, my Master and my Lord,

          I know I'm far from meet

With all Thy blessed saints in light

          To hold communion sweet.


"I know that those who share Thy throne

          Must in Thy likeness be,

And all the Spirit's precious fruits

          In them the Father see.


"Lord, grant me grace more patiently

          To strive with my poor heart,

And bide Thy time to be with Thee

          And see Thee as Thou art!

                                                     - G. W. S."

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It is safe to say that no other collection of poems has accomplished as much good as the book of Psalms. Its
sentiments seem to touch the soul at every turn--in joy, in sorrow. R5653:3 David's thought in writing the Psalms may have been merely to their use in song; but the Lord's object was to give prophecy to assist his people of a later period.

R2345:4 Many of David's prophetic words relate more particularly to The Christ than to himself and many were written from this standpoint, as speaking for Messiah. R3609

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Poems found in "Studies in the Scriptures" Series 5, "At-one-ment Between God and Man"  [526,000 Edition, INTERNATIONAL BIBLE STUDENTS ASSOCIATION, Brooklyn, London, Melbourne, Capetown, Zurich, Geneva, Orebro, Copenhagen 1920]


page 148


"We seek not, Lord, for tongues of flame,

     Or healing virtue's mystic aid;

But power thy Gospel to proclaim -

     The balm for wounds that sin has made.


"Breathe on us, Lord; thy radiance pour

     On all the wonders of the page

Where hidden lies the heavenly lore

     That blessed our youth and guides our age.


"Grant skill each sacred theme to trace,

     With loving voice and glowing tongue,

As when upon thy words of grace

     The wondering crowds enraptured hung.


"Grant faith that treads the stormy deep

     If but thy voice shall bid it come;

And zeal, that climbs the mountain steep,

     To seek and bring the wanderer home.


"Give strength, blest Savior, in thy might;

     Illuminate our hearts, and we,

Transformed into thine image bright,

     Shall teach, and love, and live, like thee."


page 162


"The heav'ns declare thy glory, Lord;

     Through all the realms of boundless space

The soaring mind may roam abroad,

     And there thy power and wisdom trace.


"Author of nature's wondrous laws,

     Preserver of its glorious grace,

We hail thee as the great First Cause,

     And here delight thy ways to trace.


"By faith we see thy glory now,

     We read thy wisdom, love and grace;

In praise and adoration bow,

     And long to see thy glorious face.


"In Christ, when all things are complete -

     The things in earth and things in heav'n -

The heav'ns and earth shall be replete

     With thy high praises, ever given."


page 238


"...We are to have the faith expressed by the poet's words: - "


"I would rather walk in the dark with God,

Than go with the throng in the light."


page 241


"...The poet expresses the correct thought, saying: - "


"When darkness seems to vail his face

I rest in his unchanging grace.

His oath, his covenant, his blood,

Support me in the whelming flood.

When all around my soul gives way,

He then is all my hope and stay."


page 300




"Majestic sweetness sits enthroned

     Upon the Savior's brow;

His head with radiant glories crowned,

     His lips with grace o'erflow.


"None other could with him compare

     Among the sons of men;

He's fairer too than all the fair

     Who fill the heavenly train.


"He saw men plunged in deep distress,

     And flew to their relief;

For us he bore the shameful cross,

     And carried all our grief.


"God's promises, exceeding great,

     He makes to us secure;

Yea, on this rock our faith may rest,

     Immovable, secure.


"O! the rich depths of love divine,

     Of grace a boundless store!

Dear Savior, since I'm owned as thine,

     I cannot wish for more."


page 382




"'Twas but a little light she bore,

While standing at the open door;

A little light, a feeble spark,

And yet it shone out through the dark

With cheerful ray, and gleamed afar

As brightly as the polar star.


"A little light, a gentle hint,

That falls upon the page of print,

May clear the vision, and reveal

The precious treasures doubts conceal.

And guide men to an open door,

Where they new regions may explore.


"A little light dispels the gloom

That gathers in the shadowed room,

Where want and sickness find their prey,

And night seems longer than the day,

And hearts with many troubles cope

And feebler glows the spark of hope.


"O, sore the need that some must know

While journeying through this vale of woe!

Dismayed, disheartened gone astray,

Caught in the thickets by the way,

For lack of just a little light

To guide their wandering steps aright.


"It may be little we can do

To help another, it is true;

But better is a little spark

Of kindness, when the way is dark,

Than one should walk in paths forbidden,

For lack of light we might have given."


page 16 (from the questions section at the end of the book)




"Sun of my soul, my Father dear,

I know no night when Thou art near.

O! may no earth-born cloud arise

To hide Thee from Thy servant's eyes.


"Shield of my soul, though tempests rage,

And 'gainst me hosts of foes engage,

My Refuge and my Fortress Thou,

Before Thee every foe must bow.


"Thy grace and glory Thou dost give

To those who near Thee ever live;

And no good thing dost Thou withhold

From sheep which stray not from Thy fold.


"Thy choicest treasure, e'en Thy Son,

Thy well-beloved and only One,

Freely Thou gavest once for me,

From sin and death to set me free.


"Yea, Thou who sparedst not Thy Son,

Whose sacrifice our ransom won,

Shalt, with Him, all things freely give;

He lives, a pledge that we shall live."


page 20 (from the questions section at the end of the book)




"That sinless One, who, hanging on a tree,

Bore all earth's sins, to set the prisoners free;

That Righteous One, that perfect Lamb of God,

Who for the world gave His most precious blood,


"Our blessed Lord, with those whom He loved best,

On that last night, sat down to keep the feast.

"With great desire," He told His chosen few,

"Have I desired to eat this feast with you."


"My heart is grieved; for I betrayed shall be

By one of you, My chosen company."

"Lord, is it I?" each asked in trembling tone,

"Nay, Lord, we'll die with Thee!" cried every one.


"But in great sorrow, still our Lord did say,

"One shall deny; another shall betray;

All be offended, and flee unto their own -

But for My Father, I should be alone."


"After the feast, He took the Cup, and said

"Drink ye of it; for you My blood was shed,

I drink no more, until I drink with you,

In that glad day, when we shall drink it new."


"Then blessed the bread, and as each one did take,

"This is My body, broken for your sake.

Oft as ye drink this wine, and eat this bread

Ye do show forth the suffering of your Head."


"Bearing the whole world's load of guilt and shame,

Knowing His own would soon deny His name;

Knowing, by God, He would forsaken be,

Thus our Lord went to His Gethsemane.


"And still that sacred feast down through the years,

Thy saints commemorate with holy tears,

Keeping the words of Him, who said, "This do

In mem'ry of My dying love for you."


"R. F. D."


page 24 (from the questions section at the end of the book)




"Lord, let me talk with Thee of all I do,

All that I care for, all I wish for, too.

Lord, let me prove Thy sympathy, Thy Power,

Thy loving oversight from hour to hour!

When I need counsel, let me ask of Thee:

Whatever my perplexity may be,

It cannot be too trivial to bring,

To one who marks the sparrow's drooping wing.

Nor too terrestrial since Thou has said

The very hairs are numbered on our head.

'Tis through such loop-holes that the foe takes aim,

And sparks unheeded burst into a flame.

Do money troubles press? Thou canst resolve

The doubts and dangers such concerns involve.

Are those I love the cause of anxious care?

Thou canst unbind the burdens they may bear.

Before the mysteries of Thy Word or will,

Thy voice can gently bid my heart be still.

Since all that now is hard to understand

Shall be unraveled in yon heavenly land.

Or do I mourn the oft-besetting sin,

The tempter's wiles that mar the peace within?

Present Thyself, Lord, as the absolving Priest,

To whom confessing, I go forth released.

Do weakness, weariness, disease invade

This earthly house, which Thou, Thyself, hast made?

Thou, only, Lord, canst touch the hidden spring

Of mischief, and attune the jarring string.

Would I be taught what Thou wouldst have me give,

The needs of those less favored to relieve?

Thou canst so guide my hand that I shall be

A liberal, 'cheerful giver,' Lord, like Thee.

Of my life's mission do I stand in doubt?

Thou knowest and canst clearly point it out.

And choose the friends and servants at my side.

The books I read, I would submit to Thee,

Let them refresh, instruct and solace me.

I would converse with Thee from day to day

With heart intent on what Thou hast to say;

Consult with Thee, O Lord, about it all.

Since Thou art willing thus to condescend

To be my intimate, familiar Friend,

O, let me to the great occasion rise,

And count Thy friendship life's most glorious prize!"


page 33 (from the questions section at the end of the book)




"In Christ all fulness dwells; from Him proceeds

All that fall'n man, poor, wretched, guilty needs.

In Him the contrite, bruised in spirit find

Whate'er can heal the sorrows of the mind - 

Forgiving love, that saves from blank despair,

Rich grace, that banishes each anxious care,

Soft pity, that relieves the bursting sigh,

And truth, revealing joys that never die.

Thrice happy they, who to His Word attend,

His favor seek, and on His strength depend.

'Tis theirs to know His heart-consoling voice,

To share His smile, and in His name rejoice.

To them, reclaimed in mercy from the fall

And heav'nward marching, Christ is All in All:

In want their treasure - in distress, their stay -

In gloom, their day-spring - vigor, in decay -

'Mid foes their guard - in solitude, their guest -

In storms their hiding place - in toils, their rest -

In bonds, their freedom - their relief, in pain -

In life, their glory - and in all things gain."


page 34 (from the questions section at the end of the book)




"Tell me about the Master!

     I am weary and worn tonight;

The day lies behind me in shadow,

     And only the evening is light!

Light with a radiant glory

     That lingers about the west.

My poor heart is aweary, aweary,

     And longs, like a child, for rest.


"Tell me about the Master!

     Of the hills He in loneliness trod,

When the tears and blood of His anguish

     Dropped down on Judea's sod.

For to me life's seventy mile-stones

     But a sorrowful journey mark;

Rough lies the hill country before me,

     The mountains behind me are dark.


"Tell me about the Master!

     Of the wrongs He freely forgave;

Of His love and tender compassion,

     Of His love that is mighty to save;

For my heart is aweary, aweary,

     Of the woes and temptations of life,

Of the error that stalks in the noonday,

     Of falsehood and malice and strife.


"Yet I know that whatever of sorrow

     Or pain or temptation befall,

The Infinite Master hath suffered,

     And knoweth and pitieth all.

So tell me the sweet old story,

     That falls on each wound like a balm,

And my heart that is bruised and broken

     Shall grow patient and strong and calm."


page 40 (from the questions section at the end of the book)




"As pants the heart for water brooks,

     So pants my soul for Thee!

O, when shall I behold Thy face,

     When wilt Thou call for me?


"How oft at night I turn my eyes

     Toward my heavenly home,

And long for that blest time when Thou,

     My Lord, shalt bid me, "Come!"


"And yet I know that only those

     Thy blessed face shall see,

Whose hearts from every stain of sin

     Are purified and free.


"And O, my Master and my Lord,

     I know I'm far from meet

With all Thy blessed saints in the light

     To hold communion sweet.


"I know that those who share Thy throne

     Must in Thy likeness be,

And all the Spirit's precious fruits

     In them the Father see.


"Lord, grant me grace more patiently

     To strive with my poor heart,

And bide Thy time to be with Thee,

     And see Thee as Thou art!


"- G. W. S. "


page 46 (from the questions section at the end of the book)




"We shall be like Him. O, how rich the promise!

     What greater could our Father's love prepare?

Few are the words, and softly are they spoken,

     But who shall tell the glories hidden there?


"We shall be like Him, for we'll have His nature,

     He'll lift us up and with His glory bless;

He took our sin, O, wondrous condescension!

     That He might clothe us in His righteousness.


"He bore our sickness, fainted with our weakness,

     That He might give us perfect strength and health;

He walked with us in poverty and hunger,

     To make us sharers of His boundless wealth.


"We shall be like Him, raised above all weakness,

     Forever past all weariness and pain;

Even death itself shall have no power to touch us,

     When like our risen Lord with Him we reign.


"While now in gracious love He calls us brethren,

     And we His spotless robe with gladness wear,

Faith grasps the promise of the glorious future -

     We shall be like Him when He shall appear.


"O, what has earth our thirsting souls to offer,

     Compared with that abundant life to come?

How poor its pleasures and how dim its splendor,

     Beside the glory of the promised throne!"


page 50 (from the questions section at the end of the book)




"Unto him that hath Thou givest

     Ever "more abundantly."

Lord, I live because Thou livest,

     Therefore give more life to me;

Therefore speed me in the race;

Therefore let me grow in grace.


"Deepen all Thy work, O Master,

     Strengthen every downward root,

Only do Thou ripen faster

     More and more Thy pleasant fruit.

Purge me, prune me, self abase,

Only let me grow in grace.


"Father, grace for grace outpouring,

     Show me ever greater things;

Raise me higher, sunward soaring,

     Mounting as on eagle's wings.

By the brightness of Thy face,

Father, let me grow in grace.


"Let me grow by sun or shower;

     Every moment water me;

Make me really hour by hour

     More and more conformed to Thee,

That Thy loving eye may trace,

Day by day, my growth in grace.


"Let me, then, be always growing,

     Never, never standing still;

Listening, learning, better knowing

     Thee and Thy most blessed will;

Lighted in Thy holy place,

Daily let me grow in grace.


" - F. R. H. "


page 56 (from the questions section at the end of the book)




          "Through pastures fair,

And sea-girt paths all wild with rock and foam,

O'er velvet sward, and desert stern and bare,

          The flock comes home.


          "A weary way,

Now smooth, then rugged with a thousand snares;

Now dim with rain, then sweet with blossoms gay,

          And summer airs.


          "Through life's dark ways,

Through flowery paths where evil angels roam,

Through restless nights, and long, heart-wasting days,

          Christ's "flock" comes home.


          "Yet, safe at last,

Within the fold they gather, and are still;

Sheltered from driving shower and stormy blast,

          They fear no ill.


          "Safe to the fold,

The blessed fold, where fears are never known,

Love-guarded, fenced about with walls of gold,

          He leads His own.


          "O Shepherd King,

With loving hands, whose lightest touch is blest!

Thine is the Kingdom, Thine the power, to bring

          Thy "flock" to rest!"


page 68 (from the questions section at the end of the book)




"Eternal God, celestial King,

          Exalted be Thy glorious name;

     While hosts in heaven Thy praises sing,

          Let saints on earth Thy love proclaim.


"My heart is fixed on Thee, my God;

          I rest my hope on Thee alone;

     I'll spread Thy sacred truths abroad,

          And to mankind Thy love make known.


"Awake, my tongue; awake, my lyre;

          With morning's earliest dawn arise;

     To songs of joy my soul inspire,

          And swell your music to the skies.


"With those who in Thy grace abound,

          To Thee I'll raise my thankful voice;

     May every land, the earth around,

          Yet hear, and in Thy name rejoice."


page 76 (from the questions section at the end of the book)




"The world is old with centuries,

     But not for these she bows her head;

Close to her heart the sorrow lies;

     She holds so many dead!

Sad discords mingle in her song,

     Tears fall upon her with the dew,

The whole creation groans - How long

     Ere all shall be made new?


"Yet brightly on her smiles the sun,

     A bounteous heaven delights to bless;

O! what shall be that fairer one,

     Wherein dwells righteousness?

O happy world! O holy time!

     When wrong shall die, and strife shall cease,

And all the bells of heaven chime

     With melodies of peace.


"No place shall be in that new earth

     For all that blights this universe;

No evil taint the second birth -

     There shall be no more curse.

Ye broken-hearted, cease your moan;

     The day of promise dawns for you;

For He who sits upon the Throne

     Says, 'I make all things new.'"

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13 hours ago, AnnaNana said:

Poems found in "Studies in the Scriptures" Series 6, "The New Creation"  [503,000 Edition, INTERNATIONAL BIBLE STUDENTS ASSOCIATION, Brooklyn, London, Melbourne, Capetown, Zurich, Geneva, Orebro, Copenhagen 1920]


So, what does all of this do for us?  Are we to appreciate the writer of these poems who also wrote of



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Poems found in "Studies in the Scriptures" Series 7, "The Finished Mystery"  [308,000 Edition, INTERNATIONAL BIBLE STUDENTS ASSOCIATION, Brooklyn, London, Melbourne, Barmen, Elberfeld, Orebro, Christiania 1917]


page 96


"Sun of my soul, my Father dear,

I know no night when Thou are near.

O! may no earth-born cloud arise

To hide Thee from thy servant's eyes.


"Shield of my soul, though tempests rage,

And 'gainst me hosts of foes engage,

My refuge and my fortress Thou,

Before Thee every foe must bow.


"Thy grace and glory Thou dost give

To those who near Thee ever live;

And no good thing dost Thou withhold

From sheep which stray not from Thy fold."


page 154


"Ye curious minds, who roam abroad,

     And trace creation's wonders o'er,

Confess the footsteps of your God,

     And bow before Him, and adore."


page 216




""Count Me the swords that have come."

          "Lord, thousands on thousands are ready."

"Lo! these are too many, and with them are some

     Whose hearts and whose hands are not steady.

          He whose soul does not burn,

          Let him take up his tent and return.


""Count Me the swords that remain."

          "Lord, hundreds on hundreds are daring."

"These yet are too many for Me to attain

     To the victory I am preparing.

          Lead them down to the brink

          Of the waters of Marah to drink."


""Lord those who remain are but few,

          And the hosts of the foe are appalling,

And what can a handful such as we do?"

     "When ye hear from beyond, My Voice calling,

          Sound the trump! Hold the light!

          Great Midian will melt in your sight!"


page 272


"Whene'er the storms come down on thee,

And days of peace all seem to flee;

This thought thy peace again shall bring,

Why should I fear? - the Lord is King.


"E'en when the tempest rages high,

And darkest clouds are drawing nigh,

With hands of faith to this, O! cling -

Why should I fear? - the Lord is King.


"Amid the stormy waves of life,

Above the tumult and the strife,

The chimes of hope still sweetly ring, -

Be not afraid - the Lord is King."


page 314


"A thousand years, earth's coming glory,

'Tis the glad Day so long foretold;

'Tis the bright Morn of Zion's glory

Prophets foresaw in times of old.


"What if the clouds do for a moment

Hide the blue sky where Morn appears?

Soon the glad Sun of Promise given

Rises to shine a thousand years!"


page 338


"The sweet persuasion of His voice

     Respects thy sanctity of will,

He giveth day; thou hast thy choice

     To walk in darkness still."

                        " - Whittier."


page 366




"That He is mine and I am His, Oh! wondrous thought.

I am so poor, so weak, so lowly, can there aught

Of worthiness in me be found, that He should love

And seek me for His Bride? I hear His voice, "My Dove,

Thou art all fair, My Spouse, there is no spot in thee;

Thy speech is comely, better is thy love to Me

Than wine! Thine eyes as Heshbon's fish-pools, and like flocks

Upon Mount Gilead are thy spiced and flower-decked locks.

The winter's past, My Dove, come, come with Me away,

Far spent the night, make ready for thy nuptial day!"

My heart responds, "Throughout the many-centuried night

I've longed for Thee. I've waited for the dawning light;

And I have laid Thee like sweet myrrh upon my breast.

Thine arm beneath my weary head hath brought me rest.

Thou whom  my soul doth love, Thy countenance is fair

To see within the secret places of the stair;

Thy head is like fine gold, how beautiful Thy feet!

Thine eyes as doves' eyes, and Thy lips with honey sweet.

I rise, my Lord, I leave my father's house, behold

My Robe of Righteousness, my raiment of wrought gold!

Oh! wealth of love divine , that claims me for Thine own,

Oh! miracle of grace, to seat me on Thy Throne.

Oh! glorious future hopes, Oh! bliss beyond compare,

Through all eternity Thy love and work to share!"

" - G. W. S. June 25, 1917."


page 408


"O thou of little faith, who dost thou fear?

     The tempest hath no power when I am near;

Will not the angry waves be still at My command?

     Step out, I'll hold thy hand,

Then, wherefore dost thou fear?"


page 416


"In the world despised, neglected,

Deemed its refuse and its dross,

She whose Lord the earth rejected

Shares His sorrow, bears His loss."


page 420


"Faithful when with tears thine eyes were dim,

     Faithful when joys' cup o'erflowed its brim;

Faithful when God seemed to veil His face,

     Faithful when He crowned thy work with grace,

Faithful till was fled life's fleeting breath,

     Eager hands were folded still in death."


page 431


"Sometime, when all life's lessons have been learned,

     And sun and stars forevermore have set,

The things which our weak judgment here has spurned -

     The things o'er which we grieved with lashes wet - 

Will flash before us out of life's dark night,

     As stars shine most in deeper tints of blue;

And we shall see how all God's plans were right,

     And how what seemed unkind was love most true."


page 463


"There are great truths that pitch their shining tents

Outside our walls, and though but dimly seen

In the gray dawn, they will be manifest

When the light widens into perfect day."


page 469


"Beautiful hands are they that do

The work of the noble, good and true,

Busy for them the long day through;

Beautiful faces - they that wear

The light of a pleasing spirit there,

It matters little if dark or fair;

And truly beautiful in God's sight,

Are the precious souls who love the right."


page 485


"Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul,

          As the swift seasons roll!

          Leave thy low vaulted past!

Let each new temple, nobler than the last,

Shut thee from heaven with a dome more vast,

          Till thou at length art free.

Leaving thine outgrown shell by life's unresting sea."


page 499


"O bliss of the purified! bliss of the free!

I plunge in the crimson tide opened for me;

O'er sin and uncleanness exulting I stand,

And point to the print of the nails in His hand.


"O bliss of the purified! Jesus is mine;

No longer in dread condemnation I pine;

In conscious salvation, I sing of His grace,

Who lifteth upon me the light of His face.


O Jesus, the crucified! thee will I sing,

My blessed Redeemer, my God and my King;

My soul filled with rapture shall shout o'er the grave,

And triumph o'er death in the "Mighty to save.""


page 510


"Mine eyes can see the glory of the presence of the Lord;

He is trampling out the winepress where his grapes of wrath are stored;

I see the flaming tempest of His swift descending Sword:

          Our King is marching on.


"I can see His coming judgments, as they circle all the earth,

The signs and groanings promised, to precede a second birth;

I read His righteous sentence, in the crumbling thrones of earth:

          Our King is marching on."


page 532


"Master, speak! Thy servant heareth,

Longing for Thy gracious Word,

Longing for Thy voice that cheereth;

Master, let it now be heard. 

I am listening, Lord, for Thee;

What hast Thou to say to me?"


page 550


"Hail to the brightness of Zion's glad morning!

     Joy to the lands that in darkness have lain!

Hushed be the accents of sorrow and mourning!

     Zion, in triumph, begins her glad reign.


"See the dead risen from land and from ocean;

     Praise to Jehovah ascending on High'

Fall'n are the engines of war and commotion;

     Shouts of salvation are rending the sky."


page 568




"Great truths are dearly bought. The common truth,

     Such as men give and take from day to day,

Comes in the common walk of easy life,

     Blown by the careless wind across our way.


"Great truths are dearly won; not found by chance,

     Nor wafted on the breath of summer dream;

But grasped in the great struggle of the soul,

     Hard buffeting with adverse wind and stream.


"Not in the general clash of human creeds,

     Nor in the merchandise 'twixt church and world,

Is truth's fair treasure found, 'mongst tares and weeds;

     Nor her fair banner in their midst unfurled.


"Truth springs like harvest from the well-ploughed fields,

     Rewarding patient toil, and faith, and zeal.

To those thus seeking her, she ever yields

     Her richest treasures for their lasting weal."


page 592


"Come all ye saints to Pisgah's mountain,

     Come view our Home beyond the tide:

Millennial Canaan is before us,

     Soon we'll sing on the other side.

O there see the 'white Throne of glory,'

     And crowns which the saints then shall gain;

And all who shall love Christ's appearing,

     Shall be blessed by His glorious reign.


"Thence springs of life will e'er be flowing,

     Robing the earth in living green.

Visions of beauty rise before us

     When the King and the saints shall reign.

Soon our conflicts and toils will be ended;

     We'll be tried and tempted no more,

And mankind of all Ages and nations

     Shall be blessed in that triumphant hour.


"Faith now beholds salvation's River,

     Gliding from underneath the Throne,

Bearing its life to whomsoever

     Will return to his Father's Home.

They will walk 'mid the trees by the rivers,

     With the friends they have loved by their side;

They will sing the glad songs of salvation,

     And be ready to follow their Guide.

O! the prospect! it is so transporting,

     Reapers, hasten the gath'ring, we pray;

We rejoice in the glory that's promised,

     And the dawn of Millennial Day."

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"In view of this strong Bible evidence, concerning the Times of the Gentiles, we consider it an established truth that the final end of the kingdoms of this world, and the full establishment of the Kingdom of God, will be accomplished by the end of A.D. 1914"  Studies in the Scriptures - The time is at Hand. p. 99

I can hear Russell's followers bringing this message to the doors.  "This is established truth!  God's Kingdom will arrive in 1914!"

"...Make yourself an example of good works with integrity and dignity in your teaching. 8 Your message is to be sound beyond reproach, so that any opponent will be ashamed, because he doesn’t have anything bad to say about us."  Titus 2:6b-8

"Established truth" - the established foundation of the teachings of the Watchtower organization.  

"But the prophet who presumes to speak a message in My name that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other godsthat prophet must die.’ 21 You may say to yourself, ‘How can we recognize a message the Lord has not spoken?’ 22 When a prophet speaks in the Lord’s name, and the message does not come true or is not fulfilled, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him." Deut 18

Russell and those leaders after him, were "presumptuous" in proclaiming their many failed prophecies, establishing their own words as TRUTH. There is only one established Truth, that is from Jesus Christ.  Therefore, Russell is stating his truth was issued from Christ, from the Almighty Father.  He established God's timeline that failed.  He created a foundation for a religion on shifting sand; always moving, always eroding, always needing repair work.  And when that happens, the foundation finally fails, bringing the whole organization with it.   

“Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain fell, the rivers rose, and the winds blew and pounded that house. Yet it didn’t collapse, because its foundation was on the rock. 26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and doesn’t act on them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. 27 The rain fell, the rivers rose, the winds blew and pounded that house, and it collapsed. It collapsed with a great crash.” Matt 7:24-27







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From some lovely prose and poetry about flowers was posted by @Moise Racette: "Some deem that little love streams have just a little worth, although they are the life-gleams of this sin-endarkened earth."


@Witness, if you see a beautiful flower growing up through the cracks in the pavement, do you purposely step on it? Do you trod it down and crush it? Do you give it a couple extra stomps just for "good measure"?


Where the flower blooms - whether in a finely manicured flower bed or near the gutter by an alley in the city - where the flower blooms does not make it "not a flower".


Humans are made in God's image. 


"And God went on to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them."


Jesus came to redeem mankind. 


"He is the image of the invisible God."


These imperfect children, they have been purchased by God. Russell, Rutherford, all of them. They were not perfect. They are asleep in death right now, the resurrection hasn't happened yet. Jehovah is their Father. "He is the God of the living, for they are all living to him." Jehovah is going to resurrect them.


@Witness, these men are our brothers.


Russell and Rutherford and the others made many mistakes, just like David did and Jehu and some in the first century and some in ancient times. Jesus' ransom is enough for them.


Russell is my brother. Rutherford is my brother. I don't agree with everything the did and said, but I really don't like when you talk so bad about them, as if they are not redeemable. Jesus paid for them. The are also Jehovah's kids.


If Russell was resurrected today, surely he would say "I'm sorry" about the pyramid-business. You know he would. He wasn't a dumb guy. He is our brother, and he made his share of bad decisions. But who of us hasn't made mistakes and bad decisions? 


I don't know what you are trying to accomplish by bashing the dead. Yes, there are false doctrines in the organization. I don't think anybody today believes in the pyramid thing. The 1914 teaching will be removed soon. Jesus said he is coming to fix it. Throw out the bad teaching, not the imperfect people who made mistakes. Let's move on to the more important things, like love.


"Love fills the soul with sweetness, sympathy and cheer, imparting joyous fragrance that quells foreboding fear, and while life is in its springtime, the angels gladly bring tidings of the goodness and the glory of the King!" - quoted from @Moise Racette's post.


A flower is a flower. All the flowers praise Jehovah. (How much more is a man worth than a flower! Who would dare trample on the precious blood of our Lord?)


Praise Jehovah's beautiful name. Jesus blood is enough for us. It is also enough for them. He came to redeem an entire family. Our Father Jehovah Loves His Family. (So should we.)


"If anyone says, “I love God,” and yet is hating his brother, he is a liar. For the one who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen.  And we have this commandment from him, that whoever loves God must also love his brother."


🌷🌻💐🌸Praise Jehovah💖

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3 hours ago, Witness said:


You mean how some bible students used the pyramid to calculate the steps to confirm the gentile times among other things? I thought that was pretty innovative, even if obtuse apostates or ignorant witnesses don't understand it.

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1 hour ago, Witness said:

I can hear Russell's followers bringing this message to the doors.  "This is established truth!  God's Kingdom will arrive in 1914!"

With Christ's enthronement in 1914, it sure did. The heavenly kingdom was established with Christ as the Head of the Congregation. 

Pick an argument you can prove? PROVE Christ was NOT enthroned in 1914? Remember, don't turn it around, you, obtuse apostates, need to finally take responsibility for your actions in talks.

The Date of the Fall of Adam
The distance at the platform level, is shortened .897 inches from its original length. These two figures add up to 1.897 inches. If we subtract this figure from the date of creation, marked by the pyramid calculations, we get 4128.0263 -1.897 or 4126.13 BC.

By your argument of misrepresenting the pyramid scheme, I would say, get educated. There's nothing wrong with comparing notes. You do it all the time, when you visit Pearl Doxseys website. What foolishness

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