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For All the Lazarus-es (Luke 16:19-31; John 11:1-31)


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Faithful to God yet rejected by the organization?


Don't despair.


Things are changing quickly.


"...the scene of this world is changing."


Reports out of the east (Asia) and out of the north (Russia) disturbed Putin. He has gone out in a great rage to annihilate and devote many to destruction. He has planted his "tents" in the way of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia. Putin has come to his end, and there is no helper for him.


"But reports out of the east and out of the north will disturb him, and he will go out in a great rage to annihilate and to devote many to destruction.  And he will plant his royal tents between the grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration; and he will come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him."


There is also something going on in heaven.


"During that time Miʹcha·el will stand up, the great prince who is standing in behalf of your people. And there will occur a time of distress such as has not occurred since there came to be a nation until that time. And during that time your people will escape, everyone who is found written down in the book."


Jesus will ride furiously to accomplish Jehovah's will, just like Jehu did after he received the kingship.


"And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say with a voice like thunder: “Come!”  And I saw, and look! a white horse, and the one seated on it had a bow; and a crown was given him, and he went out conquering and to complete his conquest."


Jesus will throw Satan out of heaven. Satan will use the UN to attack religion, starting at the Bethels. 


""You should start from my sanctuary.” So they started with the elders who were in front of the house."


Things will change quickly, just like in Jesus' illustration of the rich man and Lazarus. The despised one will be shown to be close to Jehovah. Many of those "rich" in so-called "privileges" will be shown to be devoid of a relationship with the true God.


Are you "despised" yet faithful to God? Things can change quickly.


Things changed for Jephthah.


"They said to Jephʹthah: “Come and serve as our commander, so that we can fight against the Amʹmon·ites.”  But Jephʹthah said to the elders of Gilʹe·ad: “Was it not you who hated me so much that you drove me out of my father’s house? Why have you come to me now when you are in distress?”  At this the elders of Gilʹe·ad said to Jephʹthah: “That is why now we have returned to you. If you go with us and fight against the Amʹmon·ites, you will become our leader over all the inhabitants of Gilʹe·ad.”  So Jephʹthah said to the elders of Gilʹe·ad: “If you bring me back to fight against the Amʹmon·ites and Jehovah defeats them for me, then I will indeed become your leader!”  The elders of Gilʹe·ad said to Jephʹthah: “Let Jehovah be the witness between us if we do not do as you say.”  So Jephʹthah went with the elders of Gilʹe·ad, and the people made him their leader and commander. And Jephʹthah repeated all his words before Jehovah in Mizʹpah."


Things changed for Moses.


"This same Moses whom they had disowned, saying: ‘Who appointed you ruler and judge?’ is the very one God sent as both ruler and deliverer by means of the angel who appeared to him in the thornbush.  This man led them out, performing wonders and signs in Egypt and at the Red Sea and in the wilderness for 40 years."


Things changed for Joseph.


"Joseph was the man in authority over the land, and he was the one who sold grain to all the people of the earth. So Joseph’s brothers came and bowed low to him with their faces to the ground.  When Joseph saw his brothers, he immediately recognized them, but he concealed his identity from them. So he spoke harshly with them and said: “Where have you come from?” to which they said: “From the land of Caʹnaan to buy food.” Thus Joseph recognized his brothers, but they did not recognize him.  Joseph immediately remembered the dreams that he had dreamed about them."


Those faithful ones who are rejected by men are not rejected by Jehovah.


"Jesus said to them: “Did you never read in the Scriptures, ‘The stone that the builders rejected, this has become the chief cornerstone. This has come from Jehovah, and it is marvelous in our eyes’?  This is why I say to you, the Kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its fruits.  Also, the person falling on this stone will be shattered. As for anyone on whom it falls, it will crush him.”"


When the tables turned, Joseph did not treat his brothers harshly. Neither did Moses. Neither did Jephthah.


Dear despised faithful ones, things are changing quickly. When the hour arrives for your "exaltation" like Lazarus, it will be your privilege to show love to those who didn't show love to you. That is why you have come to this hour. To show love for the brothers, even the brothers who hated you. All of Jehovah's witnesses are cut of the same cloth as their Father.


Faithful despised ones, you are Jehovah's witnesses, children of Your Father in the Heavens. He Knows You.


"“May Jehovah bless you and safeguard you. 

May Jehovah make his face shine upon you, and may he favor you. 

May Jehovah lift up his face toward you and grant you peace.”’ 


"And they must place my name upon the people of Israel, that I may bless them."


Your name is not just a title. When the organization is attacked, you are still one of Jehovah's witnesses. May Jehovah bless you and keep you. Jehovah will be with you.


(Thank you for praising Jehovah.)💖

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That was NOT the explanation we give for this dream and you know it - or you are misleading information. Instead a heart of a BEAST was given to the king for seven periods - which indicate that b

Indeed, not only do apostates not demonstrate it, but many witnesses here don't demonstrate it, since they have the same inclination as apostates. Sad really, how people can't see the value history ha

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When Jehu was made king, the people living in Israel didn't know about it. Until Jehu got there and executed Jehoram and the arrow went through his heart in the tract of land of Naboth the Jezreelite.


When Jehu was made king, Jezebel didn't know about it. Until Jehu got to the palace and gave the command for the court officials to chuck her out the window.


When Jehu was made king, the 70 sons of Ahab in Samaria didn't know about it. Until Jehu sent word for the guardians of the sons of the king to decapitate them and bring their heads to Jezreel in baskets.


When Jehu was made king, the relatives of Ahab in Judah didn't know about it. Until Jehu met them on the road when they were coming to visit Jezreel and Jehu had all 42 of them struck down at the binding house.


Eventually every body in Israel and Judah knew that Jehu was king. But not until after he executed Jehovah's judgments that had been foretold by Jehovah's servant Elijah the prophet.


It will be the same with Jesus as king.


Jesus was not made king in 1914. Jesus is made king during the time that Daniel 11:44,45 is being fulfilled, which is now. We don't know the exact day or hour - the scriptures say "During that time, Michael will stand up." Once he takes the throne, he will go into action and cast out the Devil from heaven, as it says in Revelation. Things will happen fast.


We will not know that Jesus has been made king until we see the attack on religion, which will start by the UN attacking Bethel. Then we will know that Jesus has been made king.


"However, when you see Jerusalem surrounded by encamped armies, then know that the desolating of her has drawn near.  Then let those in Ju·deʹa begin fleeing to the mountains, let those in the midst of her leave, and let those in the countryside not enter into her,  because these are days for meting out justice in order that all the things written may be fulfilled.  Woe to the pregnant women and those nursing a baby in those days! For there will be great distress on the land and wrath against this people.  And they will fall by the edge of the sword and be led captive into all the nations; and Jerusalem will be trampled on by the nations until the appointed times of the nations are fulfilled."


The appointed times of the nations are 3 1/2 years. The great tribulation will last 3 1/2 years from the time the Bethels are attacked.


Jehu said: "Know, then, that not a single word of Jehovah’s that Jehovah has spoken against the house of Aʹhab will go unfulfilled, and Jehovah has done what he spoke through his servant E·liʹjah.”


It will be the same. Not a word that Jehovah has spoken about taking vengeance (against those in the organization who have reproached Jehovah's holy name) will go unfulfilled. They will all come true.


Praise Jehovah.

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2 hours ago, AnnaNana said:

Jesus was not made king in 1914. Jesus is made king during the time that Daniel 11:44,45 is being fulfilled, which is now. We don't know the exact day or hour - the scriptures say "During that time, Michael will stand up." Once he takes the throne, he will go into action and cast out the Devil from heaven, as it says in Revelation. Things will happen fast.

If this poster believes its own nonsense just like @Witness, why aren't we in the 1000-year reign process? Aside from being unwise, PROVE your impudence.

But keep preaching, false prophet.

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"Impudence" means disrespect. To be silent when Jehovah commands us to speak, that would be "impudence". 


"Furthermore, our human fathers used to discipline us, and we gave them respect. Should we not more readily submit ourselves to the Father of our spiritual life and live?"


I respect Jehovah's authority.


Israel of old was Jehovah's Name People. Jehovah warned them time and again that if they did what was bad in Jehovah's eyes, they would receive discipline.


"“Hear this word that Jehovah has spoken concerning you, O people of Israel, concerning the whole family that I brought up out of the land of Egypt: 


‘You alone I have known out of all the families of the earth. 

That is why I will call you to account for all your errors."


Is there any other people on earth who bear Jehovah's Holy Name? Today it is Jehovah's Witnesses who are known by Jehovah's Name. He is calling them to account for all their errors.


"Will two walk together unless they have agreed to meet?Will a lion roar in the forest when it has no prey? Will a young lion growl from its lair when it has caught nothing? Will a bird fall into a trap on the ground when there is no snare for it? Does a trap spring up from the ground when it has caught nothing? If a horn is blown in a city, do the people not tremble? If a calamity occurs in the city, is it not Jehovah who has acted? For the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a thing Unless he has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets.  The lion has roared! Who will not be afraid? The Sovereign Lord Jehovah has spoken! Who will not prophesy?"


Jehovah's Word is Clear. He will clear His Name of reproach. In order to clean His Name, He Must Clean His Name People. Those taking the lead in the organization have been warned, again and again and again, but they refuse to change. Jehovah is sending the nations as His instrument of wrath upon those who refuse to repent of the bad things going on in the organization.


"Proclaim it on the fortified towers of Ashʹdod And on the fortified towers in the land of Egypt.  Say: “Gather together against the mountains of Sa·marʹi·a; See the turmoil in her midst And the defrauding within her.  For they do not know how to do what is right,” declares Jehovah, “Those who are storing up violence and destruction in their fortified towers.”’  Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says, ‘An adversary will surround the land, He will strip you of your strength, And your fortified towers will be plundered.’"


Jehovah has not changed. Just like He sent the nations to execute and destroy in the days of old, He will allow the nations to do the same to the institutions of false religion in our day, beginning with those at His House, namely Bethel.


"This is what Jehovah says, ‘Just as the shepherd snatches away two legs or a piece of an ear from the mouth of the lion, That is how the people of Israel will be snatched away, Those now sitting in Sa·marʹi·a on splendid beds and on fine couches.’  ‘Hear and warn the house of Jacob,’ declares the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, the God of armies. ‘For in the day I call Israel to account for all his revolts, I will also call for an accounting against the altars of Bethʹel; The horns of the altar will be cut off and fall to the earth.  I will strike down the winter house along with the summer house.’ ‘The houses of ivory will perish, And the great houses will come to their end,’ declares Jehovah.”"


Why was Bethel of old a place that brought reproach on Jehovah? Because they worshipped a golden calf and said it was worship of Jehovah. There were priests installed that were not authorized by Jehovah.


Why is Bethel of today a place that brings reproach on Jehovah? Because they worship the governing body and say it's worship of Jehovah. There are "full-time special servants" (clergy class) supported by "volunteer donations" (tithes) that were not authorized by Jehovah.


The first-century Christians did not have a temple or a commune or a non-secular-working-governing-body. The first-century Christians paid taxes if required and weren't exempt for religious status. The first-century Christians didn't have a legal crush-sex-abuse-victims department or a hospital liaison blood-compromisers department or a public media whitewash-department. Jehovah did not give directions to set up an earthly kingdom-temple-place like Bethel. The earthly kings on the current governing body demand more slaves for the unending building projects. Jehovah did not say to build up church buildings like the nations. Jehovah said to teach and preach and take care of your families. He didn't say to separate families by sending your kids to Bethel to slave for some guys in fancy suits who don't want to get a secular job. The first century Christians didn't wear fancy suits. They wore what everybody else wore. And they didn't send their kids to slave for the apostles. 


"Come to Bethʹel and commit transgression, To Gilʹgal and transgress even more!  Bring your sacrifices in the morning, And your tithes on the third day."


At times in ancient Israel, some of the kings wanted to worship like the surrounding nations did. They had fancy altars, so the king of Israel built a fancy altar like the other nation had.


Those taking the lead in the organization saw that other religions had buildings to worship instead of homes and rented facilities. So they wanted buildings too. Those taking the lead in the organization saw that other religions had headquarters and clergy with special vows. So they wanted that too. It has happened gradually. Parts of the organization match Babylon now.


When Jesus is enthroned and Satan is cast down from heaven, he is going to be permitted to attack religious institutions. The people and parts of Jehovah's Witnesses that are Real, those parts will be protected. The parts that mimic Babylon the Great will be destroyed with Babylon the Great.


Bethel is not part of what Jesus started with the Christian congregation. "The Faithful And Discreet Slave" clergy class is not part of what Jesus started with the Christian congregation. Neither are so many other current traditions and some of the doctrines. They will be removed shortly.


They have been warned at Bethel again and again. Just like in days of old - the warning always goes out first.


"But you did not come back to me,’ declares Jehovah. 

So that is what I will do to you, O Israel. 

Because this is what I will do to you, 

Get ready to meet your God, O Israel.  

For look! he is the One who formed the mountains and created the wind; 

He tells man what His thoughts are, 

He turns the dawn into darkness, 

And he treads on earth’s high places; 

Jehovah the God of armies is his name."


Praise Jehovah.

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1 hour ago, AnnaNana said:

I respect Jehovah's authority.

If this was true, which it is not, the poster wouldn't be going against God's word. Ultimately, the poster is challenging God and Christ with the lack of bible understanding.

The poster keeps referring to 3 1/2 times. Try, learning the 42 months, and the mention of 1260. Educate, Educate! There are other numbers in scripture. Are all those false according to a false prophet?

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@AnnaNana Don't you get tired of being wrong every time you post, Audrey?

  • The 42 months of Revelation, also described as 3 1/2 years, and 1260 days, is the duration of the Great Tribulation, the last half of Daniel’s 70th week. It begins when the anti-Christ stands in the Temple and declares that he’s God (2 Thes. 2:4 ). It’s an event known as the Abomination of Desolation.

Now, who has a better understanding? True Christians, or false prophets?

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1. men (


<END GREEK>, NT:3376), connected with mene, "the moon," akin to a Sanskrit root ma—, "to measure" (the Sanskrit masa denotes both moon and month, cf, e.g., Lat. mensis, Eng., "moon" and "month," the moon being in early times the measure of the "month"). The interval between the 17 th day of the second "month" Gen 7:11 and the 17 th day of the seventh "month," is said to be 150 days 8:3,4, i.e., five months of 30 days each; hence the year would be 360 days (cf. Dan 7:25; 9:27; 12:7 with Rev 11:2-3; 12:6,14; 13:5; whence we conclude that 3 ½ years or 42 months 1260 days, i.e., one year 60 days); this was the length of the old Egyptian year; later, five days were added to correspond to the solar year. The Hebrew year was as nearly solar as was compatible with its commencement, coinciding with the new moon, or first day of the "month." This was a regular feast day, Num 10:10; 28:11-14; the Passover coincided with the full moon (the 14th of the month Abib:


Editor's Preface: Year-Day Principle

He regards the monarch as the mystical representative of the Assyrian empire, and Babylon, governed by him. "For my own part," says he, "considering the extraordinary nature of the judgment-the fact of its being so fully recorded by Daniel-the circumstance of Nebuchadnezzar being addressed on occasion of another prophecy as the representative of his nation (`thou art that head of gold'), and that of the symbolic tree, when cut down, being bound with a band of brass and iron, the metals significant of the Greek and Roman empires, which for ages held sway over the prostrate region of Babylon; all these considerations, united with that of the prediction that Assyria specifically is to recover in the latter day from its apostasy Isa 19:24-25, induce me to believe that Nebuchadnezzar's insanity and degradation typified that of his empire in its apostasy from God; and the seven times 360 days that passed over him in that state, the seven times 360, or 2520 years that would have to be completed, ere Assyria's recovery to a sound mind, at the termination of the times of the Gentiles." At the same time Mr. Elliott does not deny the application of the prediction to Nebuchadnezzar as an individual, and remarks, that it is not an uncommon circumstance "for an individual person to be made the subject of a prefigurative vision, and yet himself to prefigure in that very action or character something future." If, then, we admit the truth of this representation, and set aside Dan 10:2-3 as not a prediction at all, both the passages insisted on by Prof. Stuart are in this way removed from the list of exceptions.)

The question for bible scholars has been, when did the time of the gentiles end? The problem with apostates, and witnesses not in good standing, is they can’t disprove any of it.

The example above is just one way to examine facts.


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"Young children, it is the last hour, and just as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared, from which fact we know that it is the last hour.  They went out from us, but they were not of our sort; for if they had been of our sort, they would have remained with us. But they went out so that it might be shown that not all are of our sort.  And you have an anointing from the holy one, and all of you have knowledge.  I write you, not because you do not know the truth, but because you know it, and because no lie originates with the truth. Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son.  Everyone who denies the Son does not have the Father either. But whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also."


There isn't just one "antichrist". There are many. "Anti-Christ" means "Against Christ". It's not some kind of title, just like "The Faithful And Discreet Slave" isn't a title. It's a phrase that is part of a longer sentence. The sentence is the context. Taking the phrase out of context leads to confusion.


John said that there would be some who followed Christ initially but then stopped following him. "They were from us" means they were Christians. "They went out from us" means they are not following Christ as Head. It means they are not showing love, the kingly law of love.


All who follow Christ as Head are part of the his organization, his body. John was talking to anointed ones specifically. Some of the anointed ones stopped obeying Jesus' direction. They stop showing love. They attempt to cut others off but they end up cutting themselves off from Christ and the holy spirit. They are empty.


The men taking the lead in the organization at present are empty. They make high-sounding statements that are empty. Jude and Peter and John prophesied about such ones. Paul said they are the "lawless one" who seats himself in the temple of God claiming to be a god. The members of the current governing body do not follow the kingly law of love, even though they claim to be anointed. They are not what they claim to be.


The lawless one has been sitting in the temple of God claiming to be a god for quite a while now. They are claiming peace and security, that they will have peace and security during the time that religion is attacked and that the anointed currently have peace and security in the congregations since 1919. Their claim of peace and security is a lie, as will soon be shown.


The 3 1/2 years is the same as the 42 months. The 1150 days, 1260 days, 1290 days, and 1335 days spoken of in Daniel and Revelation all have specific events linked with them during the great tribulation. (The 70 weeks of Daniel is an entirely different prophecy that already happened back when Jesus was on the earth as a man.)


Jehovah did not give us the times and seasons of when Jesus would take the throne, but he did tell the Israelites they'd be in the wilderness 40 years, He did tell the time Israel would spend in Egypt, and He did tell the time the Israelites would be in exile in Babylon. The great tribulation is bigger. Jehovah is kindly telling us some of the times as markers for the duration of the tribulation so we don't give out, also so we know we have more work to do. Jehovah's angels will be with us. Jehovah and Jesus will be with us. We do not need to be afraid.


Praise Jehovah for His undeserved loving-kindness and loyal love.

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37 minutes ago, AnnaNana said:

he 3 1/2 years is the same as the 42 months. The 1150 days, 1260 days, 1290 days, and 1335 days spoken of in Daniel and Revelation all have specific events linked with them during the great tribulation. (The 70 weeks of Daniel is an entirely different prophecy that already happened back when Jesus was on the earth as a man.)

Then why even try to figure it out Audrey, if you don't understand any of it. Apparently, reading skills aren't your best suit.

Once again, if that's the case, why isn't humanity in the 1000-year process? Others can understand simple logic with math. I know you can't answer simple questions, but at least give it a shot! 😏


"42 months" (11:2), which is the same as "1,260 days" (11:3), refers to the second half of the Tribulation, when the Antichrist will unleash his full fury against believers (see Dan 9:27; Matt 24:15; 2 Thess 2:4). This time period is also called "a time, times and half a time" (12:14; see 12:6; 13:5; Dan 7:25; 12:7). Jesus also predicted this "age of the Gentiles" (Luke 21:24; see 11:2).

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18 hours ago, AnnaNana said:

Satan will use the UN to attack religion, starting at the Bethels. 


When is the UN coming to power according to Revelation - do you know?

 "And the wild beast that was but is not, it is also an eighth king, but it springs from the seven, and it goes off into destruction.12  “The ten horns that you saw mean ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings for one hour with the wild beast. 13  These have one thought, so they give their power and authority to the wild beast. 14  These will battle with the Lamb,"


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"So the angel said to me: “Why is it that you were amazed? I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the wild beast that is carrying her and that has the seven heads and the ten horns:  The wild beast that you saw was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss, and it is to go off into destruction. And the inhabitants of the earth—those whose names have not been written in the scroll of life from the founding of the world—will be amazed when they see how the wild beast was, but is not, and yet will be present."


The Bible explains that this particular "wild beast" or government "was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss" - which fits the League of Nations and then the United Nations. 


The UN has not yet received its complete power to do battle with the Lamb. Daniel's visions of the march of world powers show that the UN comes to power to battle with the "holy ones".


"Then I wanted to know more about the fourth beast, which was different from all the others; it was extraordinarily fearsome, with iron teeth and copper claws, and it was devouring and crushing, and trampling down what was left with its feet;  and about the ten horns on its head, and the other horn that came up and before which three fell, the horn that had eyes and a mouth speaking arrogantly and whose appearance was bigger than that of the others. “I kept watching as that horn made war on the holy ones, and it was prevailing against them,  until the Ancient of Days came and judgment was rendered in favor of the holy ones of the Supreme One, and the appointed time arrived for the holy ones to take possession of the kingdom."


The US/UK is the main backer for the UN. This vision of Daniel portrays that. The UN is the horn with eyes and a mouth speaking arrogantly whose appearance is bigger than the others and makes war on the holy ones during the great tribulation.


Here further what the angel said: "As for the ten horns, ten kings will rise up out of that kingdom; and still another one will rise up after them, and he will be different from the first ones, and he will humiliate three kings.  He will speak words against the Most High, and he will continually harass the holy ones of the Supreme One. He will intend to change times and law, and they will be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time."


3 1/2 times, that's how long the UN will be given to harass the holy ones. The UN will be a powerful king for 3 1/2 years during the great tribulation.


That group of scriptures was from Daniel chapter 7. Here is another group of scriptures from Daniel chapter 8.


"Out of one of them came another horn, a small one, and it grew very great toward the south and toward the east and toward the Decoration.  It grew so great that it reached all the way to the army of the heavens, and it caused some of the army and some of the stars to fall to the earth, and it trampled them down.  It exalted itself even against the Prince of the army, and from him the constant feature was taken away, and the established place of his sanctuary was thrown down.  And an army was given over, together with the constant feature, because of transgression; and it kept throwing truth to the earth, and it acted and had success."


This is another depiction of the UN. It will exalt itself against "the Prince of the army" Jesus, during the great tribulation when it attacks Jehovah's Witnesses, starting at Bethel.


"And I heard a holy one speaking, and another holy one said to the one speaking: “How long will the vision of the constant feature and of the transgression causing desolation continue, to make both the holy place and the army things to trample on?”  So he said to me: “Until 2,300 evenings and mornings; and the holy place will certainly be restored to its right condition.”"


One day = 1/2 day plus 1/2 day. A morning is 1/2 day. An evening is 1/2 day. 2,300 mornings and evenings is the same as 1,150 days.


From the start of the great tribulation, it will be 1,150 days before the organization is refined.


"He said to me: “Understand, O son of man, that the vision is for the time of the end.”  But while he was speaking with me, I fell fast asleep with my face to the ground. So he touched me and made me stand up where I had been standing.  Then he said: “Here I am causing you to know what will happen in the final part of the denunciation, because it is for the appointed time of the end."


The angel summed it up for Daniel:


"And in the final part of their kingdom, as the transgressors act to a completion, a fierce-looking king who understands ambiguous sayings will stand up.  His power will become great, but not through his own power. He will bring ruin in an extraordinary way, and he will be successful and act effectively. He will bring mighty ones to ruin, also the people made up of the holy ones.  And by his cunning he will use deception to succeed; and in his heart he will exalt himself; and during a time of security he will bring many to ruin. He will even stand up against the Prince of princes, but he will be broken without human hand. What was said in the vision about the evenings and the mornings is true, but you must keep the vision secret, for it refers to a time many days from now."


The leader of the UN will "stand up" and his power will become great, "but not through his own power." He is going to bring ruin in an extraordinary way when he attacks religious institutions, "also the people made up of the holy ones." He is cunning and uses deception. He will even stand up against Jesus, but will be broken at Armageddon. 


Here is what the angel said in Daniel chapter 12:


"How long will it be to the end of these marvelous things?”  Then I heard the man clothed in linen, who was up above the waters of the stream, as he raised his right hand and his left hand to the heavens and swore by the One who is alive forever: “It will be for an appointed time, appointed times, and half a time. As soon as the dashing to pieces of the power of the holy people comes to an end, all these things will come to their finish.”"


As soon as Jehovah's Witnesses are attacked by the UN, there will be 3 1/2 years.


"And from the time that the constant feature has been removed and the disgusting thing that causes desolation has been put in place, there will be 1,290 days. Happy is the one who keeps in expectation and who arrives at the 1,335 days!"


Between Daniel and Revelation, we see that there will be specific events going on at certain points during the 3 1/2 years of the great tribulation, namely, at 1,150 days, 1,260 days, 1,290 days, and 1,335 days.


Jehovah's Word Always Comes True. Praise Jehovah.

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