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For All the Lazarus-es (Luke 16:19-31; John 11:1-31)


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A little more on the "three horns" in the Daniel image of chapter 7...


"After this I kept watching in the visions of the night, and I saw a fourth beast, fearsome and terrifying and unusually strong, and it had large iron teeth. It was devouring and crushing, and what was left it trampled down with its feet. It was different from all the other beasts that were prior to it, and it had ten horns. While I considered the horns, look! another horn, a small one, came up among them, and three of the first horns were plucked up from before it. And look! there were eyes like human eyes in this horn, and there was a mouth speaking arrogantly."


The fourth beast is Rome and the nations that descend from Rome. The US/UK descend from Rome. Revelation shows that the US/UK (depicted as the false prophet like a beast with lambs horns) are the ones who breathe life into the UN. Therefore the UN also descends from Rome. The beasts in Daniel show the same thing. Greece to Rome to UN. Greece to Rome to US/UK to UN. They are showing different aspects of the same progression.


Publications by the Watchtower currently hold that the "three horns plucked up" were the Dutch, French, and Spanish who were outmatched eventually by the British navy. But their explanation doesn't match the Bible.


The Anglo-American world power when spoken of in prophecy is acting together. The Anglo-American power humiliated the three kings of Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Italy in these days since the Bible Students/Jehovah's Witnesses have been around as the "holy ones". (Japan was not originally part of the Roman empire.)


After those three "kings" were humiliated, the UN has been given more power by the US/UK, but the UN still is not "standing" as a powerful enough entity to attack "the holy ones."


(When the US and UK persecuted the Bible Students during the time of WWI, it was not nearly the scope of what the persecution is going to be during the great tribulation. When Rutherford and the others were imprisoned they were playing tennis in prison and conducting a prison-organized Bible study class with other inmates. Their time in prison was not fulfilling the attack on the "holy ones" that will come when the great tribulation begins.)


It is not possible to know the day or the hour when the UN will have their complete power to attack, because that is tied in with when Jesus gets the throne in heaven. Jesus said we wouldn't know the day and hour for when he would start ruling in heaven. But we will know once we see that attack on Bethel.


Jehovah always tells the finale from the beginning. Praise Jehovah.

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That was NOT the explanation we give for this dream and you know it - or you are misleading information. Instead a heart of a BEAST was given to the king for seven periods - which indicate that b

Indeed, not only do apostates not demonstrate it, but many witnesses here don't demonstrate it, since they have the same inclination as apostates. Sad really, how people can't see the value history ha

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1 hour ago, AnnaNana said:

The UN is the horn with eyes and a mouth speaking arrogantly whose appearance is bigger than the others

I think you must correlate history a little more.  The Roman empire gave rise to the British empire, from which the Anglo-American world empire arose.  When the kingdom under Christ was born (1914) the Anglo-American empire came into being and started its rule over the earth. They also began to rule over a newly formed nation of god on earth.

The little horn is the British empire that bragged big things.  It did rule from China to the west when it was a world navy power and started many colonies (the sun never set on the British empire).  The league of nations only came into being after the first world war and went down in the abyss.  It arose after the second world war and is called the disgusting thing of destruction - the scarlet beast with seven heads and 10 horns. 

I agree with you that the UN will be the instrument that will rule for one hour and ten kings (new kings who had not ruled before), as a matter of fact the UN is at present (in this week negotiating for world government.  They will vote about this in May this year. So yes we are close.  I see in you an eagerness to study the final prophecies - which is great..... but be careful.... you are leaving out some very important steps.


I see you have the same problem as many people who analyze the scriptures - they throw a bunch of scriptures together which are not related and spin something out of it which is close - but not completely accurate because it lacks historical context.

Since I love history, I can assure you that God is a perfect time keeper and every milestone is clearly defined in the scriptures. Every small aspect of his prophecies will go into fulfillment.  One cannot bunch all of them together and make a narrative.  While the UN is now playing an important role - it definitely did not start as early as you are implying.


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15 minutes ago, AnnaNana said:

The US/UK descend from Rome.

Here again - the Horn with eyes was the one power which came out of Rome which ruled the seas and ruled over the earth from China to USA.  "Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves".   But they first had to overpower the other sea forces that ruled the world- the 3 nations which had colonies everywhere were France, Netherlands and Spain.  Britain had to beat these 3 powers at sea, to become the seafaring world power it became with USA as its colony.

This history is in the bible and should not be left out.  People are inclined to jump ahead to conclusions because they know part of the answer.


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2 hours ago, AnnaNana said:

The UN has not yet received its complete power to do battle with the Lamb.

True - as I wrote in my previous writing (above) the UN has only been in place since 1945...... but 2 years ago the WEF  with its BIG money gave it power.  They are at present negotiating to become the eighth king..... then really bad things will start

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I did not imply that the UN started at all in its time as the eighth king. I stated quite plainly that it hasn't begun in that role yet.


Jesus did not take the throne in 1914. That was a trick of the Devil, the ruler of the world, who also made the "frogs" and "water into blood" and "wonders" that Jannes and Jambres of old claimed to do. False prophets mislead by means of wonders because their father the Devil pretends to be an angel of light. 


Russell loved Jehovah, but Russell also got mixed up in numerology-type philosophies of the wicked one. The Devil used that to do a "sign" a "wonder" - the Devil "predicted" 1914!" and then made it happen. He made a snake talk once too.


What do you think it means, that Satan is the "ruler of the world"? He told Jesus that all the nations were in Satan's hands and he could give whatever he wanted to anybody. Don't you think he could give Russell the seeming "fulfillment" of his "1914" false prophecy since Russell did an act of worship to the Devil by using that pyramid-number stuff? Who do you think is behind all these wars and pestilences? The same wicked one who attacked Job.


Anyway, you can believe what you want, but when you see evidence of Jesus having cast the Devil out of heaven after the UN attacks all religious institutions starting at Bethel in the greatest trouble the world has ever seen, then you will know that it is Jehovah who sent me and I did not speak of my own initiative.


I like how one wise man put it...

On 2/15/2023 at 1:42 PM, Pudgy said:

I generally don’t reply to flame wars, but I Never said 1914 didn’t happen. Obviously it did. Also 1915, 1916, etc. to present day.

Was there a war in heaven that established God’s Kingdom AT THAT TIME? 

Could be …. Stranger things have occurred.

I use the “Window Test” for such things as invisible heavenly wars that took place 14.5 billion light years away with absolutely no evidence whatsoever. Yes there was a global world war, and 20 years later and even greater global world war using atomic bombs.

Invisible war? No evidence (like piles of dead angels and mountains of broken wings and feathers ….) 

I look out the window, and if I see NOT one scintilla of hard evidence of a ruling angelic King, nor any Great Tribulation, NOR Armageddon, I disregard the scenarios as unfounded, and ignore the deeply held beliefs of others as delusional fantasies.

That being said, it all may be true.….. but without ANY EVIDENCE, I get better odds from a lottery ticket.

The Bible is one harmonious book. The so-called "Faithful And Discreet Slave" has taken different pieces out of context and lumped them together to get to their notion that they will not be attacked when other religions are attacked. Jehovah has allowed them to make this error, just like He allowed the false prophets in Ahab's day to be deceived so that Ahab would go up and die at Ramoth-Gilead. It is the same today. Because those men taking the lead at Bethel have not listened to Jehovah, He is is allowing them to fall when they least expect it.


"Like a thief in the night."


They have not kept on the watch. They will fall with a swift pitch, just like the rest of the false religious institutions. 


The good parts of the organization, the wheat, will still be here.


Praise Jehovah.

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Satan's timeline is not the accurate one.


The Dutch, Spanish, and French navies were "humiliated" but it was years before the "holy ones" were identifiable on the scene. Russell wasn't even born yet, the Bible students weren't around.


The Austria-Hungary, Germany, Italy "humiliation" happened after the formation of the Anglo-American dual world power and after the League of Nations and before the UN had its stronger power. It fits the timeline in Jehovah's Word.


Praise Jehovah, the Revealer of Secrets.

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3 minutes ago, AnnaNana said:

ehovah has allowed them to make this error, just like He allowed the false prophets

As a body they are a bunch of false prophets and you are the only true prophet with divine powers?  ...... without understanding a drop of world history? 

Jehovah predicted all the things that would happen in the world..... so you need to fit what the bible says with what happens in reality.

So I leave it at that.  You obviously think you know better than anyone else.


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I only know what Jehovah let's me know through His holy spirit. He told the anointed to go forth and shine the light so everyone could hear. I am an ambassador from the Christ. Jehovah is the true God, and He has allowed His adopted kids who are of the 144,000 to be "taught" by means of the spirit that is poured out by Christ at the appointed time. I am nothing; this is according to Jehovah's will to use lowly ones. I know who I am and where I am going. You do not know the things God is revealing because they have been hidden from you at present. That is between you and Jehovah. I am a weak earthly vessel, but I will boast in my weaknesses that glory may go to God and not myself.


I am despised and lowly and imperfect but Jehovah is True. Praise Jehovah, who hides these things from wise and intellectual ones and reveals them to children.


Praise Jehovah.

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Just now, AnnaNana said:

The Austria-Hungary, Germany, Italy "humiliation" happened after the formation of the Anglo-American dual world power and after the League of Nations and before the UN had its stronger power. It fits the timeline in Jehovah's Word.

I see you speak of the Austria Hungary kings but I see you do not know about the first German Holy Roman Reich, the Second Reich and the third Reich.  You are talking about the second reich which brought WW! and the third Reich (WW2).


6 minutes ago, AnnaNana said:

the "holy ones" were identifiable on the scene.

If you tried to translate the bible under the first Reich you would have faced death like many  bible translators did.  It was only after the renaissance when people were allowed to challenge the church and think freely. It was only after this time that people started to investigate the bible and come to new conclusions about what the bible teaches.  A new nation could only come after this time. It is important to understand this. 


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5 minutes ago, AnnaNana said:

Praise Jehovah, who hides these things from wise and intellectual ones and reveals them to children.

You are making yourself great in projecting humility.   That is not true humility..... 

I have studied the bible.... and when one studies you start to understand things.  How do I know that the UN has almost started to rule as eighth king? ..... 

Can you answer that?

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I cannot read hearts or minds, @Arauna, so, no I cannot answer how you know that the UN has almost started to rule as an eighth king, but I do know that you are correct on that from what the Bible says. Jesus showed what would be going on in the world around that time, as recorded in the gospels.


"And when he got nearby, he viewed the city and wept over it,  saying: “If you, even you, had discerned on this day the things having to do with peace—but now they have been hidden from your eyes.  Because the days will come upon you when your enemies will build around you a fortification of pointed stakes and will encircle you and besiege you from every side.  They will dash you and your children within you to the ground, and they will not leave a stone upon a stone in you, because you did not discern the time of your being inspected."


Part of Jesus' prophecy about the last days dealt with the destruction of the city in Jerusalem in the first century. Part of it has a fulfillment for our day.


"Therefore, when you catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken about by Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place (let the reader use discernment)...for then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.  In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short."


This hasn't happened yet: "The greatest tribulation such as has not occurred since the world's beginning until now, no, nor will occur again."


But the time is near because with eyes of faith we see the UN poised to attack religious institutions. Jesus said in Revelation he'd throw the Devil down after Jesus is enthroned and that religion would be attacked by the UN. That will be the greatest tribulation since the world's beginning and it won't happen again. "In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short."


@Arauna, I understand that you are not expecting the Bethels to be attacked, so you will be surprised when it happens. Jehovah loves you, and He will comfort you in that hour, because He knows many sheep have been misled by those taking the lead in the organization. Jehovah will comfort you, and you will comfort others because Jehovah told you ahead of time it would happen.


"Praised be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort,  who comforts us in all our trials so that we may be able to comfort others in any sort of trial with the comfort that we receive from God."

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