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Why did Jehovah create Jesus?


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It has to do with the loving personality of Jehovah.  Love is sharing - Jehovah is so high and even though we are imperfect, he stoops down to listen to us- like we listen to toddlers.  Jehovah is a g

Personal Preference …. All else is guesswork and projection.

SM and the GB? 🤔 🤣 I don't think any of the governing body members are debate oriented, confrontational millennials who takes issue with Christianity today to a high degree because of the Romans nor a

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8 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

I don't believe in evolution, that is a lie perpetrated by satan and quack scientist. If it were true, we'd actually be devolving:)

True, however, I was once asked by an atheist why God needed Michael to create. As I stated before, Jesus is part of creation, thus making him a "continuation" of that creation. There was no need for God to create the archangel, then stop, recreate the angels, stop, then recreate the heavens and earth. It was done all at once. Once Jesus was created, he was put to work because he was the first.

Now, you can ask if that's the case, then why didn't God use the other angels? Simple, just like when God created man from dust, he didn't need to recreate woman. He just used part of man to create woman. Since creation was a continuation, then God didn't need to substitute his master builder.

Heb. 1:3 He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,
Heb. 1:4, having become as much superior to angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs.

I've had this debate with bible scholars and a few Catholic Bishops that just couldn't get the jest of the argument. Anything else, it becomes more complex with hundreds of other points.

The atheist accepted the explanation, while he couldn't explain, if the big bang was the source of power for creation of the universe, and earth is the only inhabitant place where life exists, then, why doesn't science confirm the earth and its solar system is the center (Beginning) of that big bang.  This is a question I asked Degrasse. He refused to answer, lol!

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On 2/23/2023 at 8:00 PM, Matthew9969 said:

I get why jw's and other religions believe Jehovah created everything through Jesus, Jesus being His first creation, so my question is not directly asked of the jw's. And I get why you all interpret certain scriptures the way you do and translate the scriptures the way you do, different denominations interpret scripture differently, as you know it also happens in the so called christendom. 

The pre-existence belief is the obvious in Scriptures, for in several places in the Bible, mainly the Greek text, it teaches such. In addition to that, further evidence for this originates from the Christ, Jesus, himself due to his behavior as seen in Scriptures, such as the things he had said and done prior to and when he was given authority and power. The notion of that Jesus being the Firstborn of All Creation, as well as being the Firstborn out of the Dead is also another factor, for those two expressions, mentioned by Paul has context behind them despite regardless of how people try to counter that. This view is something held by the 1st century Christians evidently, but it was not really a view held by the New Christianity that came later by means of what was accepted in Asia Minor, and eventually, that became the norm compared to the original (the original view obviously held by some today).

On 2/23/2023 at 8:00 PM, Matthew9969 said:

But a thought occurred to me today in that if Jehovah created everything, why did He need to create Jesus to create everything through? He could have just done it Himself. Cut out the middle-man which could eliminate a ton of controversy thousands of years in the future.

Clearly the Master and his worker dynamic, which, in truth, is a Father and Son dynamic. The obvious being, since Jesus was indeed the Firstborn of All Creation, he was most likely there for some time prior to anything else being made.

In a simplest way, someone you are fond of, you tend to work best with them.

The Father takes delight in the Son, The Son rejoices at the works of the Father's hand.

On 2/23/2023 at 8:00 PM, Matthew9969 said:

You jw's here, (including SM who I still believe is a governing body member and not a unitarian), claim I am a stupid simpleton, so I'm throwing this question out for your opinions and scriptural support above all as well.

I doubt any leader of the JWs is an islander, a Truther, Debater, or a Grey Man. I am also far younger than them combined. And I do not think they live for debate.

I deem you as misguided often times, not stupid. This is regarding a subject you brought up when I debated 3 Trinitarians here, The Durbin pagan thing which you defended, cultural practices within a faith community, etc.

People of Mainstream Christianity, who has any body member tangled in it's branches, let alone any ties to movements and or affiliated support, small or great, I deem them as misguided, and the legitimate ones within it that are threats, like a Francis Chen type, is true opposition. Sadly, most, will fall victim of what is to come. Same case with the masses who blindly following falsehoods and mistruths in media, and do not seek truth.

That being said, I am called many things via one's assumption. You can ask Yvette Felarca, who's since been pacified by authority.

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15 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I do note that we have not yet heard from Space Merchant himself. Why don’t you and I spread the rumor that Bro Morris resigned to put more time into his SM persona and see how many yo-yos fall for it?

I was told I look like a cross between people named Rizza Islam, Jonni Shreve and investor Ron Yates. As for Morris, I remember saying to Srecko a while back, if any of the faith community's religious leaders, either steps down or passes, there will be ample speculation that will take place. I am guessing the fact you mention this, the rumors began.

That being said, I think the biggest accusation I ever got was from Yvette Felarca, who did this not only to bash the Bible, but to get people to attack me, but the irony is, some of her people assumed because of my skin tone, I was BLM and second guessed, another group I have disdain for.

22 hours ago, Equivocation said:

I don't think any of the governing body members are debate oriented, confrontational millennials who takes issue with Christianity today to a high degree because of the Romans nor any of them focused heavy on fighting misinformation/lies let alone has some knowledge of the Quran/Islam lol 🤭

I was called a Muslim for debating misconceptions about them also, so yes, I take issue with falsehoods and narratives spun in a way to demonize a person or a group. Those who spin lies often times do not expect people who are aware and speak truth of things, thus shattering the one sided narratives they profess.

Not all millennials are proactive, so to speak, most of them tend to complain about things and are often times not aware, them, and some Gen Zers are supporting things they shouldn't be supporting, let alone, some things they take action for. Which in this case, will be problematic for many, even you and your faith. Not sure if you heard what they plan on doing with God, or trying to make Jehovah out to be. Since Matthew brought up the notion of Jesus pre-existing, you'd be surprise of what they already say about Jesus. So the fact your community is preaching the gospel, you are bound to run into such folks as I have.

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@Matthew9969 said: "...why did He need to create Jesus to create everything through? He could have just done it Himself...."


Love. Sharing love, like @Arauna said.


Jesus is a part of Jehovah, just like illustratively a seed from a father comes together with a mother "and they become one flesh" - that seed grows into a new person but that person came out from the first one. It is love that brings them together, ideally, and that child is an expression of their love and wanting to share that love. Jesus came out from the deepest part of Jehovah, but he is not Jehovah. Only Jehovah is the Creator/Father, all of the rest of us come out of him through Jesus. As long as we are in union with Jesus via the adoption/ransom then we are also connected to Jehovah too. Connected to His Love, through Love.


We are all Jehovah's kids if we hang on to Jesus. That's what love is, "He loved us first" and "therefore we are under obligation to love one another." If we are in union with Him, then we will love.


"The wisdom from above is first of all chaste." Jehovah's love is clean, not obscene. It's easier to see without the muck in our eyes. Satan keeps throwing muck, but we have to keep wiping it off, rinsing our minds in the Clean Word. "Let sexual immorality and every sort of uncleanness or greediness not even be mentioned among you, just as is proper for holy people;  neither shameful conduct nor foolish talking nor obscene jesting—things that are not befitting—but rather the giving of thanks.  For you know this, recognizing it for yourselves, that no sexually immoral person or unclean person or greedy person, which means being an idolater, has any inheritance in the Kingdom of the Christ and of God." Jesus blood makes us like innocent kids in His eyes, we just have to keep holding on to him through this dark time.


Do others call us "simpleton" or "stupid"? That's fine. It praises Jehovah, who chooses the simple ones to understand first, that Jehovah may be glorified. Jehovah loves the little ones. (Jehovah loves all His kids, but when He lets the little ones understand first, He is showing He loves All Without Partiality, to Prove Satan A Liar - Satan is the one who said Jehovah only loves /rewards those who are really "smart", that's why Eve ate the fruit.)


simpleton: a foolish person

stupid: having a great lack of intelligence


@MatticaGoodHeart, you've already climbed many mountains with Jesus at your side. "The Lord stood near me and infused power into me." He taught you already it's not bad to be a foolish thing in the eyes of the fancy ones. "Let the young children come to me, for the Kingdom of God belongs to suchlike ones."


"Has not God made the wisdom of the world foolish?...Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God.  Because a foolish thing of God is wiser than men, and a weak thing of God is stronger than men...God chose the foolish things of the world to put the wise men to shame; and God chose the weak things of the world to put the strong things to shame; and God chose the insignificant things of the world and the things looked down on, the things that are not, to bring to nothing the things that are, so that no one might boast in the sight of God...“The one who boasts, let him boast in Jehovah.”"


Praise Jehovah.💖

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Jehovah teaches us through patterns and illustrations. He says his faithful heavenly organization of angels is like a "wife" to Him. They are also like a "mother" to us.


Jesus is the primary part of that "wife". He came down here to explain Jehovah to us, like how a mother would teach her kids. Then he went back, and since he was faithful, Jehovah saw fit to give him his own "bride", a faithful organization in heaven to be the head of, and to share love and bear fruit, kids.


A husband is to love and protect and teach his wife. She bears fruit for his glory and praise. The faithful angels are protected by Jehovah and they help Him and praise Him. Jesus also, as Michael the archangel, takes the lead in praising Jehovah and bearing fruit for His glory, which included bearing fruit of all creation "all things are through him and for him". Just like a husband shares everything with his wife, Jehovah shares everything with Jesus. It is an illustration, a pattern.


The children bring joy to both parents. Jehovah's kids all bring Him praise. They also bring Jesus delight. "Rejoice with those who rejoice." They also bring delight to each other, all the children take delight in each other, as members of the "body" or the "family" with Jehovah as Head.


How do the angels feel about Jehovah's faithful kids here on earth? This song shows how they feel about us: https://www.jw.org/en/library/music-songs/become-jehovahs-friend-children-original-songs/little-one/ When the tribulation starts, Revelation shows the angels are already close to us. We are not alone. They will help us, even if there are no physical "elders" or "congregations" nearby. They will help us, even if we are little or despised by others. "See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I tell you that their angels in heaven always look upon the face of my Father who is in heaven."


Jehovah is not partial. He let the biggest, closest person to Him come down here to teach us, to get us ready, to get the family ready to be brought back to Jehovah. All things are possible for Jehovah. "He Causes To Become". Through Jesus. That is real "theocratic order", the True Family order.


"For God “subjected all things under his feet.” But when he says that ‘all things have been subjected,’ it is evident that this does not include the One who subjected all things to him.  But when all things will have been subjected to him, then the Son himself will also subject himself to the One who subjected all things to him, that God may be all things to everyone."


Jesus is bringing us back home to Jehovah's arms, the whole family of faithful ones. God is not partial. The anointed become part of Christ's bride because the "mother" comes first, then the kids. It's through the "bride" in union with Christ that the other kids will be made perfect, and then all the kids will see Jehovah. Jehovah did all of this for the kids, that what is low may be made high. Jehovah is bringing the kids "home". All the sheep will see their shepherd. Jehovah God is Your Shepherd. You will see Him too. All things are possible with God. It is possible through Jesus. His blood is enough for us.


Praise Jehovah.💖

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