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💖Special Talk 2023

John 12.24to28

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Weekend Meeting 2023-04-01 (Q720).mp4

Special Talk video link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1srRg70r-dUM0DpX_RQEC5jOpuUrI8Q1I/view?usp=share_link

(transcript from Special Talk)   Chairman Brother Morales: "So we'd like to welcome you all. Welcome to the Minnewaska Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. And we have a beautiful discourse

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(transcript from Special Talk)


Chairman Brother Morales: "So we'd like to welcome you all. Welcome to the Minnewaska Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. And we have a beautiful discourse waiting for you this morning. We're going to look forward to our special talk this weekend, that's being delivered this morning. And that will be delivered around the world virtually everywhere this weekend. And we're excited to hear that. And of course we look forward to our Watchtower study. 


"Our speaker this morning is going to be a local brother. We'll look forward Brother Sergio Rodriguez as he delivers the talk, (I'm about to say the song), You Can Face the Future With Confidence.


"So we'll look forward to him developing that, and of course, to start our meeting we'll look forward to singing a song together. Our song that has been chosen is song number eight, Jehovah Is Our Refuge. So if you can we welcome you to stand with us and sing song number eight, Jehovah Is Our Refuge."


"Song 8 Jehovah Is Our Refuge (Psalm 91)


Jehovah is our refuge,

Our God in whom we trust.

His shadow is our shelter;

Remain in it we must.

His faithful ones he will defend,

On this we know we can depend.

Jehovah is a stronghold,

Ever faithful, loyal, and just.


Though thousands will have fallen

And many at our side,

The righteous and the meek ones

Will never be denied.

So in our hearts we need not fear;

Calamity will not come near.

From danger he will shield us,

For beneath God’s wings we’ll reside.


He’ll keep us and protect us

From snares along our way,

From terrors in the nighttime,

And arrows by the day.

Yes, there will be no cause for dread,

No place where we will fear to tread.

Jehovah is our refuge,

Ever guarding us on our way.


(See also Ps. 97:10; 121:3, 5; Isa. 52:12.)" (from Sing Out Joyfully)"


Chairman Morales: "So now as we mentioned we'll look forward to our special talk. Once again the title is You Can Face the Future With Confidence. We'll look to Brother Rodriguez for that information."


Brother Sergio Rodriguez: "Fear or confidence. Which feeling do you prefer? Well, no doubt, you prefer confidence, but life isn't that simple is it? For example, if you just lost your job, or you're going through financial struggles, you might prefer to be confident about the future, but how do you feel inside? You feel nervous. You might feel scared. Or if you're going through health problems, you might prefer to be confident about your future, but how are you naturally inclined to feel? You're scared. You're nervous. Or you might prefer to be confident about where this world is headed, but what do you see? You see natural disaster, violence, sickness. So then, what do we naturally feel? Maybe fear.


What's the point? Well, the challenges we face as humans are overwhelming, and sometimes it feels like our confidence depends on our circumstances. But did you know the Bible shows us a way that you and I can face the future with confidence despite any challenges that we might face? I invite you to open to Psalm 46 as we consider verses one and two. And notice how this servant of God, despite facing challenges was able to face the future with confidence, how? Notice it says: "God is our refuge and strength. A help that is readily found in times of distress that is why we will not fear, though the earth undergoes change, though the mountains topple into the depths of the sea."


So did you notice verse two? What does he say? He says that is why we will not fear. Unstoppable confidence, how? Why? Was it money? Was it philosophy of men that gave him this confidence? No. Look at verse one. It says God is our refuge and strength. In other words, trusting in God was the key to confidence.


Now we've heard that phrase before, "trusting in God". Maybe for some that might sound like an old cliche, not effective. But you know sometimes older things or older methods are actually most effective. See, they're proven, they're reliable. For example, do you see in the verse where it says a help that is readily found in times of distress. When was the last time you needed help?


Well, for myself, it was a few months ago, I sprained my ankle. I couldn't walk. And I remember finding myself in my living room, around all this modern technology. See, I had a smart phone, and a computer. I had a TV. But let me ask you, do you think any of those pieces of technology helped me to walk? Well, of course not. But you know what did help me, I had some old wooden crutches in the basement, so I dusted those off, and guess what? They were still reliable. They were effective. Those old crutches were a real help in times of distress.


What's the point? Well this phrase "trust in God" it might seem old, but today in this talk we're going to dust it off, so-to-speak. And we're going to see that it is still reliable, the most effective way that you and I can face the future with confidence. So later in the talk we're going to discuss how we can trust in God, but first we're going to discuss how Jehovah helps us face the future with confidence when we do trust in him.


The first way he helps us to face the future with confidence when we trust in him is by providing us with a wonderful hope for the future. Now, why does that give us confidence? Well, isn't it true as humans we do not like uncertainty. See, it's impossible for us to have confidence if we have uncertainty. For example, when was the last time you flew on an airplane? Well, before you get on an airplane there's a destination sign. And under the destination it says where the plane is supposed to land. But if you were about to get on an airplane and under destination it said "unknown" would you feel comfortable getting on that airplane with confidence? Of course not.


But what if under that destination sign it said "Honolulu, Hawaii". In fact you get on the airplane and the captain restates the destination and he states the conditions. He says, "when we land it's going to be 70 degrees, sunny, light winds." Now how do you feel? You feel confident. See, you know exactly what to expect. 


What's the point? Well, many humans today, when it comes to where this world is headed, it is unknown. The destination is unknown, so it's impossible for them to have confidence in the future. Now on the other hand, Jehovah God has given mankind a wonderful destination, and like that captain, he's even told us the conditions of that destination. What's the destination? A beautiful paradise earth. The conditions? No more sickness. No more death. No more suffering. No more violence. Complete peace.


In fact, billions who have died will be brought back to life to live in this paradise earth.  Nothing can prevent God's promises from being fulfilled. See, Jehovah, at Psalm 37:29, has said "the righteous will possess the earth and they will live forever on it." Why has Jehovah given us this wonderful destination, not just once in the scriptures, not just twice, but many times? Well, because He knows that we do not like uncertainty, it does not give us confidence. And He wants you and I to face the future with confidence, so He gives us that hope. 


Now a second way Jehovah helps us face the future with confidence is by helping us now. I invite you to open to Psalm chapter 73 and we're going to consider verse 23 and 24. And notice the psalmist. He's talking to God. Now God gave him a hope for the future but what else, what about now? The psalmist says, "but now I am continually with you." He's talking to God. He says, "you" God "have taken ahold of my right hand. You guide me with your advice and afterward you lead me to glory." So does Jehovah just give us a hope for the future? Well, notice, do you see the word "now" in that scriptures? And "continually"?


Can you think of somebody that has been with you continually in your life? Well, how about your mother. You know, many of us were blessed with a mother that helped us in so many different ways. In fact, if I asked you what is the role of a mother, how would you answer? Well, you'd probably have many different answers. See, sometimes a mother's a cook. Sometimes she's a nurse. Sometimes she's a teacher. There's a saying that goes "life doesn't come with a manual, it comes with a mother." Right? Because mothers are continually with us in many different aspects of our life, and Jehovah God is the same way. He can help us now in many different areas. For example, He can give us wisdom to successfully deal with challenges we face. 


Now, when I was a small child and I was going to cross a street with my mother, do you know what she would say to me every single time before we'd cross a street? I can still hear it in my head.  She would say, "make sure you always look both ways before you cross a street." See, why do mothers tell that to their children? Well, they want them to have wisdom to successfully cross a street in the future. Jehovah is the same way.


See, you and I face challenges. Maybe it's financial struggles. But Jehovah can give us wisdom to successfully get to the other side of those financial struggles. Maybe we are facing other problems in our life, maybe family problems. Did you know in God's Word the Bible He can give us advice and principles that will safely help us get to the other side of those family issues? See Jehovah gives us wisdom primarily through His Word, and like that mother, He wants us to deal with the challenges in the best way possible.


Another way Jehovah helps us now is by giving us strength and courage. When I was a child, as well, I also recall, besides telling me to look both ways, you know what else my mother usually did? She would reach out her hand. Why do parents hold the hand of their children before they cross a street? Well, it's largely to guide them, but also to give them strength and courage. And Jehovah is the same way, because sometimes it's not a matter of knowing what to do, having the wisdom. Sometimes we also need the strength and courage to act on that wisdom.


For example, perhaps we're trying to give up a habit that displeases God, but we feel like we don't have the strength and courage to do it. Did you know God promises to help us with that? So Jehovah will give us the strength and courage now to deal with the challenges that we face.


Another way He can help us now is by helping us to develop fine qualities. I used to work at a bank, and I recall that tellers would give candy to the children. And it was a common thing that would happen. And do you know what the parents would always remind the children to say when they received the candy? "Make sure you say thank you." See, why do parents remind their children to say thank you all the time? Well they want their children to develop fine qualities to have a successful life. And Jehovah's the same way. He can help you and I now to develop fine qualities such as faith and patience. 


Now how does that help us now with our challenges. Well, let's say, for example, we're dealing with health challenges. And those challenges aren't going away. But let's say Jehovah helps us to develop patience. Now with that fine quality of patience, even though that problem isn't going away, we can endure day to day because we have that quality of patience. Or perhaps He helps us in that same scenario to develop the quality of faith. And on those really hard days, because we've developed that quality, we look to our hope in the future, and it helps us to get to that next day. See, in ways like this, Jehovah will help us to develop fine qualities that will help us with our problems now.


But sometimes we have the wisdom to deal with a problem, sometimes we have the strength and courage, sometimes we have the fine qualities, but then sometimes we just have a bad day. And on those really bad days, sometimes we might feel like giving up. But Jehovah can help us even then. I invite you to open to Philippians chapter four, and we're going to consider verse six and seven. Notice what we're encouraged to do here. It says, "do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known to God and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus."


So on those really bad days we're encouraged to pray to Jehovah. And what does He promise to give us? What does verse seven say? It says, "the peace of God." Now what does that mean? Well simply put, it's an inner calm that only God can provide.


When you were a small child, and you would fall and hurt yourself, who would you run to likely first? Many would run to their mother. Now let me ask you, if there was a doctor next to your mother, and you fell and hurt yourself, who would you have ran to, the doctor or your mother? You would still have ran to your mother. Why? Well because even though that doctor is medically trained, he's a professional, you knew there was nobody who could give you the inner calm that your mother could give you. It's the same with Jehovah. And those really bad days, only Jehovah can give us a certain inner calm that can take that edge off, that can help us to not make a foolish decision in life.


See, in ways like this Jehovah will help us now. Jehovah doesn't just give us a hope for the future. He's continually with us now. And that also helps us to face the future with confidence.


Now a third way Jehovah helps us to face the future with confidence is by giving us a worldwide brotherhood that supports us. I invite you to open your Bibles to first Thessalonians chapter five verse eleven. Because Jehovah's Witnesses are encouraged to support one another, notice how that's brought out in this scripture. It says, "therefore, keep encouraging one another and building one another up just as you are in fact doing. " So notice it uses that word "encouraging". Now what does that word mean? Well, by some definitions it means to support and to give confidence. 


Now why is it important for us as humans? Well, as humans, when we are doing something hard, we need support, otherwise we might give up. To illustrate, when was the last time you were on a diet? Maybe you were trying to eat healthy. Now how did you feel at the beginning of that diet? Well, you did your research. You knew  exactly what foods not to eat, which foods to eat. You're confident. Until you go out to dinner with some of your friends. See, because then they start to order all the things that you're not supposed to eat, and they're so nice, they start to offer it to you. Now what's happening to your confidence? It's starting to go lower. In fact, you're about to give up. You're going to eat some of that chocolate cake that your friend is offering you. But then what happens? You look across the table and who do you see? Your friend who is on the same diet. Your diet buddy. See, this person is on the same diet, and how does it help you? Well you see him resisting the temptation, now what happens to your confidence? You're like, "I can do it too." Right. 


See that support is essential. What's the point? Well if we're doing things that are hard, support goes such a long way for our confidence as humans. And guess what, Jehovah doesn't give us just one "diet buddy", he's given us a worldwide brotherhood of persons who are resisting temptation. In fact, these persons that support us don't just do so by word but by love in action. For example in this picture here, perhaps these servants of God needed food and water. What did their brothers and sisters do? They came to their aid. Because Jehovah helped them now by means of a worldwide brotherhood.


So we learned how Jehovah gives us a hope for the future. He helps us now and He gives us support by means of a worldwide brotherhood. We understand it fundamentally, but would you like to see it in real life? Well at this time we invite you to watch a three minute video showing two of Jehovah's Witnesses who have a confident view of the future."


Video - Sister Sheila Cabral, Brazil: "Alishandre and I married in June of 2007. At that point, his health was relatively good, but as time went on, he became more and more incapacitated. Now he needs help using the bathroom, buttoning his shirts, shaving, and with his physical therapy treatments. There were times I felt just so alone. But I'm not alone. Really, I never was, and I have the brothers to thank for that. Many brothers would come over to the house to do practical things for us, like maintenance on the house, maintenance on the wheelchair. They really, they were so helpful to us. Beyond the help from the brothers, it's the hope for the future from Jehovah that gives me a better perspective and makes those difficult moments not seem so overwhelming. So for me, when I look at the future, I can really see the new world. I can see Alishandre up and out of his wheelchair. It's like Paul said, all the trials we face today are momentary and light. But the blessings from Jehovah, they're everlasting, and that's what we need to focus on."


Video - Sister Liubov Anismova: "I was born and raised in Mariupol, Ukraine. I loved my city. It was so beautiful and green. Life there got completely turned upside down. Local authorities would talk about what one side was doing and what the other side was doing. And when you see all the destruction, when you see what's happening in your city, you wonder, "Now what? What should I do?" So then you pray, and you realize what you need to do. I knew I had to get out of there, but I didn't know where to go. The brothers helped every step of the way. We were so grateful. They provided us with everything: food, water, electricity. There are no words to describe that kind of love. Prayer is the thing that gets you through. It gives you inner calm. The holy spirit gives you the confidence you need and it strengthens your hope. If you trust in Jehovah, He will never abandon you. There is no point in being afraid of the future when Jehovah is with you, there is no point."


Brother Sergio Rodriguez: "So did you notice, did the problems of these two Jehovah's Witnesses disappear? No, they didn't. But they trusted in Jehovah, and Jehovah was able to make their fear disappear. They were able to continue with confidence in the future. What was the key for them? It was trusting in Jehovah.


So what's the question? The question is, how do you and I trust in Jehovah? Well that's what we're going to discuss at this time. The first way we can trust in Jehovah is through a study of the Bible, by getting to know Jehovah as a loving heavenly father. That's how we can make Him our refuge and strength, trust in Him. Now when you think of that word "refuge" what does that mean? Well maybe we think of shelter and protection. And perhaps that might remind us of a father, because a father's role largely is to provide shelter and protection for his family. 


But let me ask you, if I showed you a picture of a man, would you be able to tell me if that man in the picture is a good father by looking at that picture? Of course not. Why? Well, because you don't know him. But what if I introduced you to the man in the picture? Let's say you had a conversation with him and he said, he started describing to you how he likes to raise his family. He likes to teach them good moral values, right from wrong. He loves to spend quality time with them. And then his kids come into the room. And what's the look on their face? They're beaming. They're happy. They go hug their father. You can tell, these children love their father. And then you ask around town about this man's reputation, and you know what everybody says? "This man is an excellent father." Now do you trust that this man in the picture is a good father? Yes. The difference? You got to know him. 


What's the point? Many of mankind today only has an idea, just a picture of who God is. So it's impossible for them to trust Him fully. What's the key? Get to know Jehovah through a study of the Bible. In fact, Jehovah's Witnesses offer free interactive Bible courses. By doing so, we can learn to know Jehovah's ways, how His servants viewed Him, His children, how they trusted in Him, how happy they were when they served Him. We get to know Jehovah God's reputation through thousands of years of mankind. See, that is going to really help us trust in God.


A second way we can trust in God, make God our refuge and strength, is by throwing our anxiety on Him. I invite you to open your Bibles to first Peter chapter five, verses six and seven. Now notice this scripture, it says "humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, so that He may exalt you in due time, while you throw all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." Now do you notice there's a footnote next to that word "anxiety"? What does the footnote say? It says "or cares or worries". 


Now what cares or worries do you have in your life? Is it health related? Is it family related? Is it world conditions that we see? You know, all of us have cares, isn't it true? We all have worries in our life. And you know what happens when we carry those day after day? What happens when you carry physical weight for a long time? You start to tire out. That's why Jehovah invites us to throw those worries on Him. And if we trust in Him, we'll do just that.


To illustrate, I want you to imagine a child who goes to school, a small child with a little backpack. Day after day he carries that backpack, and at the end of the day, that backpack starts to feel a little heavier than it felt in the morning. But then a loving father comes to pick up that child, and what does he offer to do? He carries the backpack. He carries it all the way home. And then the next day, the father goes to pick up the child, and you know what he does? He carries the backpack. And then the next day, you know what the child does? You guessed it. He hands over the backpack. See, does the father make the backpack disappear. No, but he will carry that weight to make it lighter so the child doesn't tire out. Because the father cares. 


What's the point? Well, all the cares and worries that you and I carry, Jehovah invites us to hand it over to Him. And we can do that primarily through prayer. See, that child trusts that the father is much stronger, so it gladly hands over that backpack every day. Let's trust that Jehovah is much stronger than us. Each day, let's pray to Jehovah. Let's get specific about the worries that weigh on us. What the worry is, why it's a worry, how it makes us feel. And Jehovah, because we're trusting in Him, He's not going to make the trial disappear, but He's going to give us the strength and wisdom so that we can successfully deal with that anxiety and not make any foolish decisions or do anything rash. We can ask Him for His holy spirit and He really will help us.


Now, a third way we can trust in Jehovah is by becoming part of His worldwide family of Jehovah's Witnesses, because fellow believers can strengthen us and help us to build our trust in Jehovah. You know, one time I was living in an apartment and it was badly damaged because of a snowstorm. And so overnight I had to move out of that apartment, but thankfully a loving family invited me into their home so I could stay with them until I found a new place to live. And you know, I felt very comfortable moving in with that family, do you know why? Because I trusted them. And guess what, when I moved in with them, you know what happened to my trust in that family? It grew even more. 


What's the point? Jehovah God is inviting you to take shelter with His family of Jehovah's Witnesses. And if we trust in Him, we will regularly associate with His fellow believers, and in fact when we do so our trust in God is going to grow even to the next level, because we're going to be surrounded by friends who support one another in times of distress. Because it's when we're with each other that we receive that handshake or that hug that we need. Or that scripture here at the Kingdom Hall that touches our heart, or that experience. Sometimes we might run into a fellow believer that says they're having a bad day, and in a weird way that encourages us. And it's not because we like to see them have a bad day, but it's because maybe we're having a bad day too, and they're not giving up. They're continuing to struggle, and that encourages us. See, let's be here. Let's trust in Jehovah. Let's be with each other as much as we can, and Jehovah will really help us.


In fact, the next opportunity we have to be together is on April 4th, to commemorate Jesus' death and to learn how it opens the way for us to enjoy friendship with God and future blessings. So we invite all to go ahead and do that, and if you would like more information, please see any one of Jehovah's Witnesses here today as you are warmly welcome.


So at the beginning of this talk we talked about those old dusty crutches. This phrase "trust in God" we dusted it off in this talk, so-to-speak. We realized it's not an old cliche. It is an effective, reliable, it's practical, it's a realistic way for you and I to face the future with confidence. We asked the question "confidence or fear, which do you prefer?" Jehovah wants you, He prefers for you to have confidence. Many of us have problems. We all have problems, personal struggles, family issues, financial struggles, world conditions that cause anxiety for us. But Jehovah wants us to have confidence. And in this talk He's reached out His hand and He's reminded us that if we trust in Him, He can help us. And how did we learn to trust in Him? By coming to know Him as a loving heavenly Father by a study of His Word the Bible, by relying on Him through prayer, giving Him all our anxieties, and by becoming a part of His worldwide family of Jehovah's Witnesses.


So let's do that. Let's take His hand. Let's trust in God. Because if we do, no matter what problems you and I face, if you trust in Jehovah you can face the future with confidence."


Chairman Brother Morales: "All right. Thank you so much Brother Rodriguez for delivering that talk. We certainly see how trusting in Jehovah is not only possible, it's realistic and it's practical. We can do it. Thank you.


Well, to the audience, we'd like to thank you for arranging your affairs and being here, whether you're sitting here or whether you're tied in through the videoconference. Thank you for joining us this morning. We have an announcement that we'd like to read to you. It says: "We are very happy that all of you could attend this special talk that is being presented worldwide in over 117,000 congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses. The annual observance of the Memorial of Christ's Death will be held on Tuesday April 4th 2023. We invite you to join us." For us, it will be at the Wallkill Auditorium this Tuesday at 7 pm. 


If you would like someone to contact you to demonstrate a free personal Bible study, please speak to one of Jehovah's Witnesses. In addition, we invite you to visit our website, jw.org. Bible based content is available there in over 1000 languages. It discusses topics that appeal to married couples, parents, single ones, teenagers, young children, and all who want to learn about the Bible."


So again, thank you for coming and being here for this special talk. We also have another announcement, April 4th, the morning of the Memorial, there is a special morning worship video, it's about 26 minutes long, and you can access that through jw.org or through jw library, so you can see that in advance of the Memorial."


Watchtower Conductor, Brother John Layman.


One comment from the Watchtower study - Brother John Layman: "1 John 4:4 is a powerful point too. In the prison study last night at the Wallkill correctional facility, this really struck home to one of the inmates." Brother Turner: "So Jesus basically says there's two sides. We know later in 1 John 5:19 he said the ruler of the world is Satan. He's well aware of Satan's power, but he is absolutely confident Jehovah is far superior. And he calls them "little children" so we're attached to Jesus. That means Jehovah's going to protect us, and he's far stronger than Satan." Brother Layman: "For sure. And this man last night said "I'm never alone." Even though he's isolated, he's never alone because Jehovah's there."


(Praise Jehovah🥰)








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