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Let's Talk About Evolution!

John 12.24to28

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Just read up about the Cambrian explosion and you will not believe in evolution.  This cambrian "explosion" is never talked about by evolutionists  because all animals suddenly appeared in one layer /

And did you know that over eons Fozzie Bear evolved into Yoda? (… albeit in a galaxy, far, far away ….) Proof? Listen to their voices! Look at the hair in Yoda’s ears! They BOTH sound

How evolutionary theory evolves...an illustrative short story:   So you've got a bunch of guys in khaki shorts running around with a few tiny pieces of what they think might be old human bon

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23 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

I think I’m more important question is how did the Platypusses (Platypi ?) of Eastern Australia make the transition from live births to laying eggs?

I mean …. Uh…. If it took two thousand years to switch over ….. how did the special survive?


Where did you hear it took 2,000 years? I don't know any human who's lived that long on earth who could have kept track.



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1 hour ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

Where did you hear it took 2,000 years? I don't know any human who's lived that long on earth who could have kept track.


I just made up the 2,000 years. 

The point I was trying to make is it’s more important than worrying about people that died 100 or so years ago, which to me has no importance whatsoever.

If the “Truth” that is important comes from Donald Duck, and results in better people, I am inclined to ignore he struts around with no pants.

Besides, a Duckbill Platypus looks like they sewed pieces of a duck, and a beaver together.

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Besides, with ANY group of people, interactions will always produce innocent casualties via collateral damage.

Get used to it. 

It’s the nature of the beast.

Of course, Archery has less appeal if while contemplating it, you look down and it’s YOUR chest with the arrow.

…..been there …. done that …. from BOTH sides of the bow.

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I wish I had spent my time reading more practical magazines like MAD magazine. My dad was an electrical engineer at Varian and other companies. Engineering is a practical field. My mom was an English major. It's useful to know how to write well. My whole life everybody said "go to college" so I did. I went to school for anthropology and ended up reading many books and articles on the theory of evolution. (Evolution is all make-believe, just like the 1914 doctrine.) Oh, well. At least I know how to tell good stories about mythological monkey-creatures.

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I have an "official" degree in make-believe, lol! I can tell you all the fakeness about evolution you want to know, lol! It's just as fake as the FDS title. None of the evolutionary scientists agree on anything really, is what I learned. There are so many different theories and not any real evidence to support them. It's a "publish or perish" environment in college where if you invent a new topic then you're able to write a new thesis paper or get something in the anthropology convention bookroom for sale. Professors can have their students buy whatever books they write, so there is a financial advantage for evolutionary "scientists" to make up new theories. Book sales. 




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I think it's funny how the platypus has proven to be a "monkey wrench" for all the taxonomy "scientists" - they can't really figure out where in the "tree/bush" the creature goes! (That's because there isn't really an evolutionary "tree/bush" but they haven't figured that out yet.)

Jehovah is an engineer. He doesn't have to follow a man-made flowchart. 



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As far as dating techniques go, I learned from my field work and lab experiences that if you get a radioactive date that doesn't fit your theory, you might not put that information in your report. Also, if you want to get government funding from the state, you have to have an attractive presentation. One way to have an attractive presentation is for the professors to select attractive young college students to bring along for the after-hours party with the government officials. That way only the most important projects get funding. (Did I say "most important"? I meant, the most popular with the grant-bestowing officials.) And when working for an official anthropological firm like Panamerican Consultants Inc or Archaeological Consultants Inc, just cut-and-paste the predetermined, accepted baloney about the "ice age" to the beginning of every report, because that is what is currently considered popular. Nobody at the firms really care if it's true, as long as it goes along with popular culture. Because that's what the people are paying for. They just want to get their archaeological survey done to satisfy the government requirements so they can build their Walmart or cell tower or new swimming pool near the old reservation or whatever.



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On 4/13/2023 at 12:07 PM, Pudgy said:

…. Straight answer eh?



You know what's funny? "Scientists" say tigers and gators and animals with a certain "style" of teeth were "evolved" to eat meat. And yet vultures and eagles currently eat meat, and they don't even have any teeth! Mosquitos and ticks pierce animal hides without even having any bones at all! 


"Together they will lie down in the dust, 

And maggots will cover both of them."


"Window test" conclusion: Teeth didn't "evolve" for "meat-eating".

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9 minutes ago, boyle said:
53 minutes ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

It's just as fake as the FDS title.

I guess you don't believe what you personally read in Matthew 24:45.


Jesus gave the illustration about the faithful and discreet slave as an illustration for all Christians about keeping on the watch. In context, he said "keep on the watch!" and then he gave a bunch of illustrations about keeping on the watch. The illustration about the faithful and discreet slave is just one in a set of illustrations for all Christians about keeping on the watch.


The Watchtower "evolved" that illustration. Evolution is a false teaching, just as the evolution of the "FDS" title is a false teaching. 

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