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Let's Talk About Evolution!

John 12.24to28

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1 hour ago, boyle said:

What happens if a dog breeds with a wolf? What happens if a Polar bear breeds with a brown bear? Is the offspring considered a dog or a wolf? The same with the polar bear. Will the offspring be classified as a polar bear or a brown bear? These are the questions intelligent people ask.


I can organize my closet in different ways. I can organize the clothes by color. Or I can organize them by type of clothing (blouses together, skirts together, etc.) Perhaps I might organize them by season, putting the winter clothes on one side and the summer clothes on the other side. There is more than one way to organize a closet.


If I were to look into my closet and say that since my blue skirt is next to my blue blouse, they must have originated from the same piece of cloth, well, that's not necessarily true just because they're both blue.


Carl Linnaeus organized creation in a list or chart in the way that made sense to him. It wasn't bad. But the list didn't mean that the creatures evolved into one another or had a "common ancestor". The list was just a tool to organize.


When Moses wrote down the first chapter of the Bible, he organized it in a way that made sense to him. He talked about creatures that can fly, creatures that swim, and creatures that crawl. It was just another way of organizing information. Moses didn't mean that one type evolved into another type, or that all swimming creatures are more closely related to each other just because he grouped them together. He was just listing the information in a way that made sense.


You can list bats with rodents if you want, because they look like rodents. But if you want you can list them with birds, because they also fly. You can make a different type of list and put them with other animals that are the same color if you want. Or you can make a list of animals that are approximately the same length and weight.


Evolutionary theorists get so bogged down on the tool that was initially designed to help organize information - the "tree" or "chart" or "list" - and they turned it into a god. They worship the god of lists. And now there is a whole cult of list-worshippers who have their own cult myths (Darwin's theories and many others, it's kind of like Hindu religion with innumerable acceptable ways you can believe evolution) and "priests" (the evolutionary "scientists" and other "experts") and media propagating the cult of evolution. If you don't believe in the god of lists, you will be shunned or ridiculed by the evolutionary community. 


Moses used the word we translate as "kinds." Different species of bears are still the same kind of animal. They are bears. The Bible is accurate and trustworthy. Praise Jehovah.

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3 hours ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

Regular, imperfect people who need to make money for a living write the articles for National Geographic and Smithsonian,

And the propaganda machine for the lies go on. .... And a good scientist finds blood vessels in dinosaur bones (which shows they are not millions of years old) and this is hidden from the public..... not talked about..... cancelled.... until reproduction of the same experiment proves the point.  Then they try to refute it in a silly way that cannot happen in nature .... and they go on with the propaganda and money-making machine. 

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5 hours ago, boyle said:

organization has nothing to do with evolution


You are right. The theory of evolution is completely unorganized. The "scientists" do not agree on one theory. Any of the theories, if followed to completion, would not lead to life, they lead to death and disorder and impossibleness. "Random mutations"? If every action in your life was decided randomly, you think that's going to lead anywhere? You really think the order in the natural world got here that way? "Natural selection"? Who is doing the selecting? Who put the mechanisms of life in place? "Survival of the fittest?" Seriously, who makes this stuff up? You know who? The dumb Devil: he's the chief "mutant" by choice, selecting to sell lies, pushing competition and warfare. His theories reflect his own wicked ideas. Many people who adopt his theories tend to reflect his attitudes on sex, competition, and greed. ("Survival of the fittest", "desire to promote the furtherance of their own genes to as many as possible", "Disregard for the lives of others because it's just part of the cycle" etc, etc, etc.)


The living cell is organized. Schools of fish swim in an organized manner. A Monarch butterfly knows how to get to Mexico with the brain smaller than a pinhead, because the order and organization of the Creator is reflected in His handiwork. Jehovah engineered these beautiful things.


The greed, war, suffering, disorder and competition in the world is not because of "evolution" - it is because the wicked resister has tried to throw a monkey wrench into the beautiful system designed by Jehovah. Jehovah allowed the Devil some time to try to prove his slander, but that time is coming to an end. All the Devil's lies will be exposed for what they are: frauds and ridiculous make-believe stories. Including the make-believe story about evolution.

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I don't understand all the details of how a television remote control works. I don't currently have one in my house, but the times I did, I couldn't even find it half the time. When I could find it, I didn't know what all the buttons on it were for, and I didn't know how to use some of the settings. But my not knowing all the details didn't negate my belief that somebody created the thing. I have complete confidence that a real person designed that remote control, and they know better than I do how it works and why. You could tell me all day the reasons why that remote control "evolved", but I'd tell you've been deceived. 


A remote control is so much simpler than even the "simplest-seeming" living organism. Even the non-living things around us work together in an organized way, the systems that regulate air flow on earth, and the tides, the flow of water in the oceans - who in their right mind would think anything came about by accident?


I don't have to understand all the details about why things work in order to understand and accept that there is a Creator who designed the intricate and amazing things around me in the world. It's obvious. 


A meal doesn't "fix itself". Food has to be made. Work is part of life. The result of the work, the process of working, lead us to the obvious understanding that there must be a "Worker" to get the work done. God enjoys working, and He wanted us to enjoy it too. He built that into us.


The Bible is the only accurate source of information on where all these things around us have come from, who the first "Worker" was and His assistant.


"In the beginning, God created."


"My Father has kept working until now, and I keep working."


"Jehovah produced me as the beginning of his way, 

The earliest of his achievements of long ago.  

From ancient times I was installed, 

From the start, from times earlier than the earth.  

When there were no deep waters, I was brought forth, 

When there were no springs overflowing with water.  

Before the mountains were set in place, 

Before the hills, I was brought forth, 

When he had not yet made the earth and its fields 

Or the first clods of earth’s soil. 

When he prepared the heavens, I was there; 

When he marked out the horizon on the surface of the waters, When he established the clouds above, 

When he founded the fountains of the deep, 

When he set a decree for the sea 

That its waters should not pass beyond his order, 

When he established the foundations of the earth, 

Then I was beside him as a master worker.  

I was the one he was especially fond of day by day; 

I rejoiced before him all the time; 

I rejoiced over his habitable earth, 

And I was especially fond of the sons of men."


Jesus' advice works 100% of the time when applied. Who can say that about the teachings of any evolutionary theorist?


Why does Jesus' advice always work? Because he knows what he is talking about. He's been around long enough to know.


Jesus explained why there is trouble in the world, and he explained the solution. No evolutionary theorist even has a clue about the solution. They can't even figure out the problem! How could they? They are in the dark, leading others in the dark. They have rejected the light. Jesus is the light. Embracing him sheds light on our origins. He is the truth.



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8 hours ago, boyle said:

the lack of knowledge


Good morning.


What'd you eat for breakfast today?


Let's say somebody had a bowl of cereal with milk and a banana.


Where'd your breakfast come from? Did it evolve?


You got it from the store. You had to drive to the store (who made the car?) and you pushed around a cart (who made the cart?) and you put the food in your cart and went to the cashier (who made the register?) and bagger (who produced the bags?) and brought it home.


A stock clerk put the food on the shelves. A trucker drove the food to the store. A warehouse worker retrieved it at the warehouse. A picker ordered it. An itinerant worker harvested it. A farmer planted it.


Who made the sun that shined on the banana? Who designed the grasses that fed the cow that gave the milk? Who designed the people who did all the work so you could have the breakfast?


Did you ever meet the farmer? Did you ever meet the truck driver? Did you ever meet the itinerant worker? Did you ever meet the warehouse man? Did you ever meet the picker? 


It's not a bunch of random accidents. Just because you never met the Worker face to face doesn't mean He doesn't exist. 


Enjoy your breakfast.

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Atheists are the biggest promoters of the Disfellowshipping Doctrine.


They shun Jehovah. They won't talk to Him. Some atheists get mad if anyone else talks to Him or about Him. They try to erase Him from cultural references. They spread false rumors about Him. They twist what He said.


Evolutionary doctrine is just one more way atheists shun Jehovah.


What they don't realize is that He's still there. He still has Emotions. He still has Eyes and Ears. He still has Love and Humor and Pain. And Power.


Just like any disfellowshipped person, Jehovah Still Exists. The "shunning" doesn't negate His existence. 


Jehovah didn't do anything wrong for which to be Disfellowshipped. He's tolerated abuse of His Name for thousands of years. People lie about Him, blame Him for stuff He didn't do, trash His reputation all day long. But that doesn't change Who He Really Is.


Jehovah knows what it's like to be disfellowshipped. He's the One who gives the strength to bear up under it, to keep going despite being maligned and ignored. He still has joy, and He's the source of our joy. 


There is a reason why He has allowed this time to go by. He will explain it at the appointed time. 


We are Jehovah's witnesses. Praise Jehovah.

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20 minutes ago, boyle said:

Actually, you haven't yet just like you haven't given out your absolute proof about other things. 


(Absolut is only 80% proof.)


Here is some evidence that is 100% true:


"Be stunned and amazed; 

Blind yourselves and be blinded.  

They are drunk, but not with wine; 

They are staggering, but not from alcohol.  

For Jehovah has poured a spirit of deep sleep on you; 

He has closed your eyes, the prophets, 

And he has covered your heads, the visionaries.  

Every vision becomes for you like the words of a sealed book."


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"Jehovah said to him: “Who made a mouth for man, or who makes them speechless, deaf, clear-sighted, or blind? Is it not I, Jehovah?"


"Although he had performed so many signs before them, they were not putting faith in him,  so that the word of Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, who said: “Jehovah, who has put faith in the thing heard from us? And as for the arm of Jehovah, to whom has it been revealed?”  The reason why they were not able to believe is that again Isaiah said:  “He has blinded their eyes and has made their hearts hard, so that they would not see with their eyes and understand with their hearts and turn around and I heal them.”"


"Those of the Pharisees who were with him heard these things, and they said to him: “We are not blind also, are we?”  Jesus said to them: “If you were blind, you would have no sin. But now you say, ‘We see.’ Your sin remains.”"


Teachers of evolutionary doctrine are just another form of scribes and Pharisees. Those who follow them are blind.

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The wicked scribes and Pharisees shunned Jesus. They ignored him. They disfellowshipped him. They didn't believe what he taught and they killed him. When he was resurrected, they continued to tell lies about him and they made up stuff to explain away his resurrection. Even though there were hundreds of witnesses that he'd been resurrected, the wicked scribes and Pharisees continued to perpetuate their lies about Jesus.


It's the same exact thing going on today. Jesus said that the wicked scribes and Pharisees were sons of their father the Devil who is the Chief Resister and the Primary Slanderer. The tactics of that wicked one haven't changed. The way he treats the Son of God is the same way he treats God. The Devil wants people to disfellowship Jehovah, to ignore Him, to treat Him as if He's dead, nonexistent, never been there, erased. 


Evolutionary teaching is the same old same old the Devil's been doing to slander Jehovah, just in a different package.


"Is it really so that you were created?" Instead of a snake puppet, it's a professor puppet. The professor must know what he's talking about, right? Since someone is paying him and he's got a few letters after his name...


Wrong. The snake was a puppet. So is the evolutionary professor.


Adam and Eve chose to disfellowship Jehovah when they left Him. They chose to ignore Him. How'd that work out for them? Look where we are today. That's not "evolution". That's the result of people disfellowshipping Jehovah. The Devil introduced the idea, and most people listen to the Devil and shun Jehovah in their lives.


Mercifully, Jehovah has made a way out. He has an appointed time to fix things. This time has shown that disfellowshipping Jehovah is a bad idea. His appointed time that He has restrained himself and permitted humans to disfellowship Him is coming to an end. When He stands up, Everyone Will Have To Know That He Is Jehovah and He Heard All of What Everybody Said about Him.


He has sent His witnesses ahead of time to get the people ready. He Is Coming.


"“Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them.  And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”"

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