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Let's Talk About Evolution!

John 12.24to28

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1 hour ago, boyle said:

Since you already confused the definition of what agape love is, what makes you like you understood the 1990 watchtower article?

There is a difference in standard from worldly definitions and a biblical one. Care to try again?


Agape love is powerful. Tougher than diamonds. Stronger than steel. It might just save your life.


(That's the power of agape love.)


You can come back to the future with Jehovah. Praise Jehovah.🥰



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As you two are well aware, I disdain many words that flow into rivers of words, which are by nature with EVERYBODY, self hypnotic.

That’s how hypnosis is induced.

….. but in the totality of everything I have read and experienced, the following underlying axiom is true;



… those with agenda driven deliberate lack of reading comprehension perhaps will differ.

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40 minutes ago, boyle said:

Does this include a sexual component?

There are several ways to define "love". Do you think, in the real world, a man shoots and kills a child, everyone will come around to love him? Do you think that makes sense in your world of confusing love?

So, how would you justify what's in Romans 6? Do you want everyone to "love" a child killer? How about a baby killer?

What do you think about an adult woman that rapes a 12-year-old boy? Is your love available? 


How far are you willing to do with your kind of confusion?

Have you ever heard the saying, love the sinner, not the sin?

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I thought it was an excellent Watchtower article, that’s why I qualified my statement with “underlying axiom” to start with.

WDS Is an affliction that like a sword, cuts both ways, and affects those on the outside looking in … AND …. On the inside looking out.

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2 hours ago, boyle said:

Romans 12:9

Proverbs 6:16-19

Proverbs 8:13

Hebrews 10:26-31


Romans 12:9 in context: 


"...the one who shows mercy, let him do it cheerfully. Let your love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is wicked; cling to what is good.  In brotherly love have tender affection for one another..."


Proverbs 6:16-19:


"There are six things that Jehovah hates; 

Yes, seven things that he detests:  

Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 

A heart plotting wicked schemes, and feet that run quickly to evil, 

A false witness who lies with every breath, 

And anyone sowing contentions among brothers."


And yet Jehovah forgave Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Dan, Asher, Gad, Naphtali, Judah, Zebulun and Issachar, who were guilty of murder, immorality, bearing false witness, and extreme hatred of their own brother and their father as demonstrated by their willingness to lie to his face regarding Joseph and keep it a secret for years until it was Jehovah's time to reveal the matter. Jehovah forgave them and gave them an everlasting inheritance. Their names are the figurative foundation stones for Israel.


Proverbs chapter 8 is about Jesus. He is wisdom personified. He showed us what true wisdom is. Proverbs 8:13 says "The fear of Jehovah means the hating of bad. I hate self-exaltation and pride and the evil way and perverse speech," and yet Jesus ate with tax collectors and prostitutes, and many of the 12 apostles were fishermen. (Have you ever known any fishermen? Have you ever hung out with a fisherman?) Jesus is cool, and he knows how to have fun. He's not a Pharisee.


Hebrews 10:26-31:


"For if we practice sin willfully after having received the accurate knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice for sins left,  but there is a certain fearful expectation of judgment and a burning indignation that is going to consume those in opposition.  Anyone who has disregarded the Law of Moses dies without compassion on the testimony of two or three.  How much greater punishment do you think a person will deserve who has trampled on the Son of God and who has regarded as of ordinary value the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and who has outraged the spirit of undeserved kindness with contempt?  For we know the One who said: “Vengeance is mine; I will repay.” And again: “Jehovah will judge his people.”  It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."


The "judgment" is future. It hasn't happened yet. It won't happen until Jesus gets here to judge at the end of the 3 1/2 years of the great tribulation, way after Babylon the Great is destroyed. People still have time to change. It's not time to cut anybody off. It's time to let the light shine to all in the house. Jesus love is enough for them. There is still time to choose until the day for judgment arrives. We don't have to judge who is worthy of life. We just have to show love.


2 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

Have you ever heard the saying, love the sinner, not the sin?


Amen! 🥰

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2 hours ago, boyle said:

What part of this discussion is about evolution?



1. the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.

2. the gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex form."

(from Oxford Languages dictionary)


Love can "evolve" in the way of that second definition there.


"But speaking the truth, let us by love grow up in all things into him who is the head, Christ.  From him all the body is harmoniously joined together and made to cooperate through every joint that gives what is needed. When each respective member functions properly, this contributes to the growth of the body as it builds itself up in love."


"As newborn infants, form a longing for the unadulterated milk of the word, so that by means of it you may grow to salvation, provided you have tasted that the Lord is kind."


"For God is my witness of how I am longing for all of you with such tender affection as Christ Jesus has.  And this is what I continue praying, that your love may abound still more and more with accurate knowledge and full discernment;  that you may make sure of the more important things, so that you may be flawless and not stumbling others up to the day of Christ;  and that you may be filled with righteous fruit, which is through Jesus Christ, to God’s glory and praise."

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12 minutes ago, boyle said:

This is good. Now try to understand the definition. You'll find "love" doesn't evolve, it MATURES!

You all are confusing love in so many different mistaken ways it's not even funny. 😪


You must be a love expert.


Well, speaking of "mature", the Bible says even Jesus matured in His love...


"And Jesus went on progressing in wisdom and in physical growth and in favor with God and men."


That's just the way he was raised.


He's just like His Dad. "God is Love."



"Then he went on to say to all: “If anyone wants to come after me, let him disown himself and pick up his torture stake day after day and keep following me.""


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I am not "society" so I cannot answer those questions.


But I do know these things are true:


"...the wisdom from above is first of all pure..."


"Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things.  The things that you learned as well as accepted and heard and saw in connection with me, practice these, and the God of peace will be with you."

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58 minutes ago, boyle said:

Samson was self-confident and became a prisoner


We are all prisoners in this old world. Look around. We're all in the same prison. Not one person here is free of sin and death.


What do you think this means: "Let your brotherly love continue.  Do not forget hospitality, for through it some unknowingly entertained angels.  Keep in mind those in prison, as though you were imprisoned with them, and those being mistreated, since you yourselves also are in the body."


Prostitutes, murderers, homosexuals, Catholics, Jews, Witnesses, atheists - all humankind are prisoners in the same prison.


"Let your love be without hypocrisy." 


"Above all things, have intense love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins."


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