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Let's Talk About Evolution!

John 12.24to28

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8 minutes ago, Pudgy said:




Satan's been having a field day in the congregations, especially at Bethel. Jesus said he'd fix all those problems in the congregation after he takes the throne. (That's why it's so ridiculous when the FDS says Jesus took the throne in 1914. If he took the throne then, there wouldn't be all these problems in the congregations today. It's so obvious that 1914 thing is a hoax.) Revelation 2,3 as well as the gospels show Jesus will remove the false teachings and the fake "leaders" as soon as he takes the throne. Happy day!


Then so many "ex-jw's" will return, just like in King Saul's day...


"So Saul and all the people with him assembled and went into the battle, where they found that the Phi·lisʹtines had turned their swords against one another, and the confusion was very great.  Also, the Hebrews who had previously sided with the Phi·lisʹtines and who had come up with them into the camp were going over to Israel under Saul and Jonʹa·than.  All the men of Israel who had hidden in the mountainous region of Eʹphra·im heard that the Phi·lisʹtines had fled, and they too joined in pursuing them in the battle."


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27 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

The composite humorless, agenda driven Wally McNastys of the organization drive many (unknown number) away.


"If anyone does not remain in union with me, he is thrown out like a branch and dries up. And men gather those branches and throw them into the fire, and they are burned."


This verse takes place after Jesus takes the throne:


"The harvest is a conclusion of a system of things, and the reapers are angels.  Therefore, just as the weeds are collected and burned with fire, so it will be in the conclusion of the system of things.  The Son of man will send his angels, and they will collect out from his Kingdom all things that cause stumbling and people who practice lawlessness,  and they will pitch them into the fiery furnace. There is where their weeping and the gnashing of their teeth will be.  At that time the righteous ones will shine as brightly as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father. Let the one who has ears listen."


The "Wally McNasty's" of the organization will be removed. They are not removed yet. They are still in power. But they will be removed. It'll be as clear as day who is a "righteous" one and who is not, because the fakers will be removed. No human could do it, but the Bible shows it's the angels who will do it. One angel took down 185,000 Assyrians in a night. It's no big deal for them to remove the fakers from the organization and bring back the faithful ones who left, and gather the innocent ones who don't know anything about Jehovah yet.


Things are going to change very quickly once Jesus takes the throne.


As far as that foolish FDS "overlapping generations" business...


"“Now learn this illustration from the fig tree: Just as soon as its young branch grows tender and sprouts its leaves, you know that summer is near.  Likewise also you, when you see these things happening, know that he is near at the doors.  Truly I say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things happen.  Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will by no means pass away."


All that Jesus meant is that when you start to see religion attacked, don't worry. It's going to be really bad and scary, but don't worry. Not everybody will die. It's going to seem like a lot of people will die once the Devil is cast out of heaven, because the Devil is the ultimate "Wally McNasty" but Jesus said people will survive. That's what "this generation will by no means pass away" means. Don't give up once the tribulation starts. Three and a half years might seem like a long time under such tribulation. But just like Jehovah kept the Israelites alive in the wilderness for 40 years, He can take care of us during the 3 1/2 years without a Bethel/borg. He's Jehovah. 


“Concerning that day or the hour nobody knows, neither the angels in heaven nor the Son, but the Father.  Keep looking, keep awake, for you do not know when the appointed time is.  It is like a man traveling abroad who left his house and gave the authority to his slaves, to each one his work, and commanded the doorkeeper to keep on the watch.  Keep on the watch, therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming, whether late in the day or at midnight or before dawn or early in the morning,  in order that when he comes suddenly, he does not find you sleeping.  But what I say to you, I say to all: Keep on the watch."


We don't know when Jesus will take the throne, but we know it's soon. The FDS are asleep. They're looking in the wrong place for that "peace and security" cry thing that they made up. They are the ones saying "peace and security" in the congregation, when there is no peace. The hour for such lawless ones to be removed is soon to come. They are asleep, it will hit them like a thief in the night.


(Speaking of sleep, I have to get some. Hope you have a good rest of your evening!)



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May I give you a practical piece of advice, Audrey?

You sound like, from my observations, a very theocratically inclined, zealous, courageous person that carrys  the scars an inch deep of your experiences.

1.) The facts are that nothing you can say or do will EVER change anything .. not one iota. 

2.) Jehovah’s people used to be the Jews, and he ALLOWED monstrous error until it was his time to change things.

3.) Jehovah’s people today are Jehovah’s Witnesses, and he ALLOWS monstrous error until it is his time to change things. 

4.) Otherwise … he would have to kill almost EVERYBODY.

Suck it up, take the hit, go back to the congregation, smile, and keep your mouth shut.


With the very BEST of intentions, you disrupted the congregation, which is very serious. You thought you could make a difference and reform.

You we’re wrong. 
Take the ostracism and unwarranted abuse for three years more, without comment or complaint.

That way it will be SOMEONE ELSE who stumbles the “Little Ones”.




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7 hours ago, Pudgy said:

Suck it up, take the hit, go back to the congregation, smile, and keep your mouth shut.


With the very BEST of intentions, you disrupted the congregation, which is very serious. You thought you could make a difference and reform.

You we’re wrong. 
Take the ostracism and unwarranted abuse for three years more, without comment or complaint.

That way it will be SOMEONE ELSE who stumbles the “Little Ones”.



@Pudgy, when the elders were "culling" me from the flock, I still believed every single thing the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" taught. I believed the 1914 thing. I believed the Governing Body was the "Faithful and Discreet Slave". I believed in the disfellowshipping doctrine. You are mistaken. I didn't get removed for disobeying their rules that are in the publications. I got removed because they were disobeying their own rules.


I did what the publications say to do when another member of the congregation is actively hurting other members of the flock in a way that is clearly against both Bible commands and what is written in the Watchtower. There is no way I could not report what was going on. There is no way I could not tell the other members of the congregation. I love them too much to watch them get hurt.


It wasn't until after they "culled" me that I realized all the ways I had been lied to and started researching and opened my eyes to both what was going on at Bethel and to what the Bible really teaches on many things.


I have not stumbled ANY little sheep. You have it backwards. I would gladly go back to any congregation to support my brothers and sisters, but I will not disobey Jesus by refusing to talk to my family members when I am there. That would be like supporting an abuser while they are abusing someone. I cannot do such a thing.


If I were to go to another congregation, the elders there would just have to refer their authority back to the original elders who did the judicial hearing. There's no way those guys will ever reinstate me of their own accord. And now that I know more accurately what the Bible teaches on things like 1914, FDS, etc, there is no way I will "pretend" not to know those things. How could I keep my integrity if I were to be a party to a lie?


I never thought I could reform anybody at the congregation. I didn't try to reform anybody. I don't have an "agenda" other than as a housewife and homeschooling mom, to sweep the floor and do the dishes and teach math class, etc. But I love Jehovah, and I love talking about Him. I hate when people tell lies about Him. It makes me angry. He's my Dad. I hate when people say they represent Him but then make Him out to be something horrid, like when they say He's going to kill babies at Armageddon or something. Where does it say that in the Bible? I love people, and I am not afraid anymore to tell the truth. I don't care if people don't believe it. I'm not trying to win followers or be something I'm not in order to have more friends. I'm not a faker. I am a real friend.


When I wrote to Bethel, it was out of love. I love those people. I'm not trying to "reform" anybody. I don't want to see them get hurt. I know what the Bible says is coming and I know it's true because Jehovah doesn't lie. 


I know many people in the congregation now are afraid to be seen talking to me because the elders told them lies about me. It's ridiculous. And yet I also know very soon those same people are going to be woken up because of what's going to happen on the world scene. And they will know that I told them the truth, and then they'll talk to me again. I'm patient. I know 100% that they will talk to me again. Some of them still do talk to me secretly, but they have family members in the organization and they have to be careful or they'll get "culled" too. I understand.


I know Jehovah can take care of Himself. But I'm not leaving His side just to go stand beside some false doctrines so I can have more friends temporarily who aren't really behaving like friends. I am their friend because I am doing what I am doing out of love. They are doing what they are doing out of fear. Someday they won't be so afraid. I used to be afraid of telling the truth. I'm not anymore. I love Jehovah. He's the one who gives me the strength. Love is Strength.


(I do appreciate that you are willing to give me advice though, @Pudgy. I highly value what you have to say, even if I don't always agree with it. You have helped me many times by things you have said currently or written in the past - sometimes when I just needed a laugh, and sometimes when I felt really alone and like nobody on earth understood certain things - you had a way of encapsulating it in a few words, something that is obviously not my gift. And you were willing to talk to me when no one else was. I will always appreciate that. I know we don't agree on everything, and that's okay with me. I still view you as my older brother, and I always will. We have the same Father, the God of Truth, even if you can't see Him the same way yet.)

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38 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

I am glad you were not offended by my butting into “your business”.  As stated, it was intended as “practical advice”., and of course, if it blew up it would be you to pay any consequences, not me.


I wasn't offended. I was touched that you would think enough of me to offer advice, and thankful.


I know I come across in an awkward kind of way - I don't quite "fit" in. 


The only thing I can relate it to is not a perfect fit for an illustration, but I read the book with my kids "Facing the Lion" about Simone Liebster's experience. She was removed from her family for a few years during Nazi times and forbidden to talk to others, treated harshly, etc. When she came back home at the end of the war, her parents returned from the concentration camps as well. Some other local girls who had not been through the same types of experiences were together with her for a social event. She didn't fit in with them anymore. It was difficult for her to just "shoot the breeze" so-to-speak and to talk in a "normal" way. She noticed it, but couldn't really do much about it. (It's not a perfect illustration for my experience, but it might help.)


Sometimes there are trials we go through that change us. It doesn't mean we're better or worse necessarily - that depends upon how we meet those trials - but we are changed nonetheless. Even before I was "culled" from the congregation, I had been through two unique experiences that kind of changed my ability to "fit" in like before. I do my best to compensate to the degree I can and try not to totally blow off the social norms and what is "expected" as far as "appropriate accepted" rules of society. But I learned, when the dung hits the fan, so-to-speak, none of those "expected" rules of society matter anymore. Love matters. Trust in Jehovah matters. Faith and hope matter. It is what got me through that hell time.


I am completely convinced that everything Jehovah says will come true. I cannot tell you the details of why I know because it would take many many posts to share everything that Jehovah has gotten me through and much of the material would be not proper content for a public forum. There is no way I could have survived if it wasn't for Jehovah and His Word. I have "seen" His hand so many times, in so many ways, He is more real to me than any person on earth made of dust. It's like gravity. You can't "see" gravity, but if you think about it you are aware of it every moment of your life looking back. The earth is heavy. Jehovah is heavier.


38 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

Hope it works out well for you.


Thank you. I said earlier "I love @boyle" (I think there's a saying somewhere probably that "@boyle has a way of growing on you")...how much more so I can say "I love @Pudgy". I am not afraid of showing love. Life is too short in this world not to express love at every opportunity, and we don't know all the details of what today or tomorrow will bring.

I hope everything works out well for you too, my brother.🌷

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(Just one of the many cool things Jehovah did...before I was disfellowshipped but during the time I was "soft shunned", a sister who didn't know me invited me and the kids through another sister to an online homeschool event. During the pandemic, Simone Liebster did online interviews where children could ask her questions about her experiences during WWII. The children write in ahead of time, she selects which questions to answer, and then on the Zoom call talks to the individual children whose questions she is answering. Even though my kids and I were being "soft shunned" by all the "friends" in the local congregation, Simone selected both of my kids to answer their questions. I thought there'd only be like 20 people on the Zoom call, but there were a few hundred, from all over the country and a lot of Bethelites and elders. There was an elder and his wife there from my KH, we saw them on one of the Zoom screens. I think they were surprised that both of my kids came on the screen during the interview and got to talk to Simone. It was Jehovah who did that. Only Jehovah knew how much her experience had helped us. I had learned about her before, years ago, and also when we went to Bethel for visits, I saw the little Bible on display that she had hidden under the bed of the mean nun in the reform school, and whenever she'd clean that mean lady's room, she'd take a long time under the bed to read God's Word, and that kept her strong. Her example always gave me courage. Only Jehovah could bring us together like that. Anyway, Jehovah has done so many cool things like that, just little things, personal things, that He knew made a difference to me and the children. I just have to praise Jehovah for the things He's done.)




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22 hours ago, boyle said:
23 hours ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

Like this: I love you @boyle. But I need not be considered. My love for you is just a pale reflection of Jehovah's love for you.

So, you welcome all the unrepentant because that's what you think god wants? Unrepentant souls.


I know you are unrepentant right now about some things. You've made that clear.


22 hours ago, boyle said:

Do you have the power to forgive someone's sin by absolving them?


"Truly I say to you, whatever things you may bind on earth will be things already bound in heaven, and whatever things you may loosen on earth will be things already loosened in heaven."


Jehovah's holy spirit is a witness and I am a witness of His love for you, even though you are unrepentant.


I don't have the power that Jesus has, but I do have authority from Jesus to forgive those who have sinned against me. I have authority to love of my own free will.


"If anyone catches sight of his brother committing a sin that does not incur death, he will ask, and God will give life to him, yes, to those not committing sin that incurs death. There is a sin that does incur death. It is concerning that sin that I do not tell him to make request.  All unrighteousness is sin, and yet there is a sin that does not incur death."


We all sin many times. I have been forgiven for some hideous things that I don't care to talk about at present. Jehovah was still kind to me even before I repented. He was patient with me until I came to that point to realize those things were displeasing to Him and until I got to the point to truly hate those bad things. How could I not show love for others when I have had so much love and mercy and undeserved kindness extended to me by God?


I will keep making request for you, because I love you. I don't have to know all the details of what you have been through to see how hurt you are, to see how much hate you have and anger. I can see you are in a lot of pain. I am sorry for that. I can't change it. But I can make supplication for you, that you can endure the pain until the solution comes. And I can do my best to show you love in the hopes that you will realize it is really Jehovah who loves you, He is the Source of love, and maybe you will come back to Him in time. There is still time. That's why during the 3 1/2 years of the tribulation we'll still be preaching the same thing: "Repent! The Kingdom of the Heavens is drawing near!"


Jehovah doesn't want to lose any of His children. He doesn't want to lose you, @boyle. He knows all the work you've done your whole life, and what motivated it. He loves you, even though you're mad at Him. It wasn't His fault. You'll see that in time. He's been by your side this whole time helping you endure it, despite all the wild talk.


"Jehovah's Loyal Love Endures Forever💖"

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