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Regarding Some Common Questions About the Ransom

John 12.24to28

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52 minutes ago, boyle said:

Do you have any clue what the book of revelation is talking about?


"I need not be considered! God will speak concerning Pharoah's welfare."


When Joseph interpreted Pharoah's dreams, the 7 good stalks of grain and the 7 good cows were the same thing. The 7 bad stalks and 7 bad cows were the same thing. "The dream was given twice to Pharʹaoh because the matter has been firmly established by the true God, and the true God will soon carry it out."


When Daniel interpreted Nebuchadnezzar's dream image and then when Daniel had the visions of the march of world powers, he had insight into the same situation just presented in different ways.


Revelation presents 7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 bowls, 7 thunders, 7 plagues. The Bible shows they are the same thing presented in different ways.


"The matter has been firmly established by the true God, and the true God will soon carry it out."


Take, for instance, the sixth bowl of God's anger:


"The sixth one poured out his bowl on the great river Eu·phraʹtes, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the rising of the sun."


The river Euphrates was what protected Babylon from attack. The kings from the rising of the sun were the Medes and Persians, who were from east of Babylon. When it says "its water was dried up" it means that what is protecting religion will be removed.


Regarding the sixth trumpet it says: "The sixth angel blew his trumpet. And I heard one voice from the horns of the golden altar that is before God say to the sixth angel who had the trumpet: “Untie the four angels who are bound at the great river Eu·phraʹtes.”"


The angels are the ones holding back a restraint. They have been holding back the winds of destruction from Babylon the Great. 


(Paul also talked about the lawless one being done away with when that which exercises a restraint is removed.)


After the sixth seal is opened it says: "After this I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding tight the four winds of the earth, so that no wind could blow on the earth or on the sea or on any tree.  And I saw another angel ascending from the sunrise, having a seal of the living God; and he called with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea, saying: “Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees, until after we have sealed the slaves of our God in their foreheads."


The sixth seal, the sixth trumpet, the sixth bowl...these are all depicting in a slightly different manner the time when God allows the attack on Babylon the Great. The Bible shows it happens after the anointed are all sealed. Other Bible prophecies show it happens after the Devil is cast down from heaven, and that it is the UN who will be attacking religion.


Revelation also shows that the situation of "Armageddon" isn't just the final part of the great tribulation, it's actually the name of the situation of the entire great tribulation.


"...the Revealer of secrets has made known to you what is to happen. As for me, this secret was not revealed to me because I have greater wisdom than anyone living; rather, it was to make the interpretation known..."


"The dream was given twice to Pharʹaoh because the matter has been firmly established by the true God, and the true God will soon carry it out."


How much more so the things in Revelation will soon be carried out! Praise Jehovah.

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My question is: Who is your target audience for all the above? There is only about six people reading this blog, and they all know this stuff.

I think it would have to be about 65 or 70 years old to understand the “Rube Goldberg” concept of making things ludicrously complicated reference in the proper perspective …. IF YOU HAD BEEN A FAN OF

Why didn't Jehovah just forgive Adam and Eve?   Adam and Eve weren't little kids. They were adults. They had perfect adult minds. The Bible doesn't say how long they had lived when they sinn

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1 hour ago, boyle said:

stop trying to compare yourself to a perfect being. You're NOT Jesus, and never will be. He didn't suffer as an unrepentant soul. He didn't endure pain as an imperfect man. You cannot equate yourself with him.


I never said I was some kind of super person. "Superman" is make-believe. None of us are perfect. I am most definitely not perfect. I am very, very, very imperfect. Jesus was the only perfect person, and he didn't wear a red cape.



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1 hour ago, boyle said:

People like you the unrepentant


I have repented of many things. I used to live an immoral life and I abused alcohol. I repented of those things. I continue to repent of other things as I go about life. I sin every day, just like everyone else. I don't try to sin, but I am imperfect and thus I do sin and have to repent, just like everyone else.


I don't claim to be someone I'm not. I am lowly, like the gist of some of the words in this song. (I do not drink alcohol any more at all, except to partake at the Memorial; I don't care if others drink but I do not recommend that anyone overindulge, so those words are not the ones I'm talking about...) Jesus' ransom is enough for lowly ones who repent.



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1 hour ago, boyle said:

Do you understand intent, and context, dear?


(Hey, you know something really cool about Jehovah? Joseph was an exile when Jehovah let him understand some really cool stuff, Daniel was an exile when Jehovah let him understand some really cool stuff, and John was an exile when Jehovah let him  understand some really cool stuff...kinda cool how Jehovah does that, huh! Praise Jehovah, our impartial God who exalts the lowly! He is the Protector of the weak and broken ones; He loves all the little discarded ones...Praise Jah!)

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1 hour ago, boyle said:

So, "witness" couldn't give you an intelligent rebuttal. That's okay, she never could anyway.


(It doesn't bother me if you can see in the dark by whatever means you choose. I already know that route. I'm used to it. There is someone higher who can see everything anyway.)


"If you see any oppression of the poor and a violation of justice and righteousness in your district, do not be surprised about the matter. For that high official is being watched by one who is higher than he is, and there are others who are still higher than they are."


I wish you would repent, dear @boyle. I would like to gain my brother. There is so much cool stuff to do in the future - with Jehovah the sky's the limit...so much better than parlor games.

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35 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

I have been thinking of changing my screen name to Krypto, but the dry cleaners lost my red cape.


There's already a theme song for that name, "Krypto"...



"Krypto" does sound better than "Super Pudgy", but I think the name "Pudgy" is just right the way it is. 


(The only dog I ever knew who wore a cape was Underdog. But his cape was blue, not red. He had a different theme song.)



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1 hour ago, boyle said:



That was one of my first languages. Now I only use it when I meet someone from the old country who can understand. (Like you, @boyle.) I don't go to that planet anymore. (I never did learn Klingon, though, although I do believe you are proficient in the language.)



I am happy to now know more about a different language.


"For then I will change the language of the peoples to a pure language, 

So that all of them may call on the name of Jehovah, 

To serve him shoulder to shoulder."


But sometimes people think I am out of my mind when I speak. Oh, well. Jehovah knows what I am saying. He's the One who gives the words.


"For if we were out of our mind, it was for God; if we are sound in mind, it is for you.  For the love the Christ has compels us, because this is what we have concluded, that one man died for all; so, then, all had died.  And he died for all so that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for him who died for them and was raised up. So from now on we know no man from a fleshly viewpoint. Even if we once knew Christ according to the flesh, we certainly no longer know him in that way.  Therefore, if anyone is in union with Christ, he is a new creation; the old things passed away; look! new things have come into existence.  But all things are from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of the reconciliation,  namely, that God was by means of Christ reconciling a world to himself, not counting their offenses against them, and he entrusted to us the message of the reconciliation. Therefore, we are ambassadors substituting for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us. As substitutes for Christ, we beg: “Become reconciled to God.”  The one who did not know sin, he made to be sin for us, so that by means of him we might become God’s righteousness."

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"It is the blessing of Jehovah that makes one rich, 

And He adds no pain with it."


I've never blessed the rains down in Africa, but I do pray you will get the blessing of living forever, to be able to take some time to do the things you never have...Zion's waiting there for you.



"Who has ever heard of such a thing? 

Who has seen such things? 

Will a land be brought to birth in one day? 

Or will a nation be born all at once? 

Yet, as soon as Zion went into labor, she gave birth to her sons. 


“Will I bring it to the point of birth and then not bring it forth?” says Jehovah. 


“Or would I cause the birth and then shut the womb?” says your God. 

Rejoice with Jerusalem and be joyful with her, all you who love her. 

Exult greatly with her, all you who are in mourning over her, 

For you will nurse and be fully satisfied from her breast of consolation, 

And you will drink deeply and find delight in the abundance of her glory.  

For this is what Jehovah says: “Here I am extending to her peace just like a river 

And the glory of nations like a flooding torrent.  

You will nurse and be carried on the hip, 

And you will be bounced on the knees.  

As a mother comforts her son, 

So I will keep comforting you; 

And over Jerusalem you will be comforted.  

You will see this, and your heart will rejoice, 

Your bones will flourish just like new grass.  

And the hand of Jehovah will become known to his servants, 

But he will denounce his enemies.”  


“For Jehovah will come as a fire, 

And his chariots are like a storm wind, 

To repay in furious anger, 

To rebuke with flames of fire.  

For with fire Jehovah will execute judgment, 

Yes, with his sword, against all flesh; 

And the slain of Jehovah will be many."


I hope you choose the blessing rather than the malediction, dear beloved ones.💖


On 4/24/2023 at 12:28 AM, Pudgy said:

There is only about six people reading this blog, and they all know this stuff.


Since all six of you already know all this stuff, I will take my leave from this thread now. It was fun! Au revoir! Auf Wiedersehen!😘



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41 minutes ago, boyle said:

Does that mean you're closing down this thread from further comments?


Nah, it's not the end of the thread as we know it. (Just the end of the world as we know it...) But I feel fine, how about you?



41 minutes ago, boyle said:

Looking forward to your next one!


(I always say, "I'm done" but then Jehovah always fools me...)


"You have fooled me, O Jehovah, and I was fooled.

You used your strength against me, and you prevailed.

I have become a laughingstock all day long; Everyone ridicules me.  

For whenever I speak, I must cry out and proclaim, “Violence and destruction!”  

For me the word of Jehovah has been the cause of insults and jeering all day long.

So I said: “I am not going to make mention of him,

And I will speak no more in his name.”  

But in my heart it became like a burning fire shut up in my bones,

And I was tired of holding it in; I could no longer endure it.  

For I heard many evil rumors;

Terror surrounded me.  

“Denounce him; let us denounce him!”

Every man wishing me peace was watching for my downfall:

“Perhaps he will make a foolish mistake,

And we can prevail and take our revenge against him.”  

But Jehovah was with me like a fearsome warrior."


"Will two walk together unless they have agreed to meet?

Will a lion roar in the forest when it has no prey?

Will a young lion growl from its lair when it has caught nothing?

Will a bird fall into a trap on the ground when there is no snare for it?

Does a trap spring up from the ground when it has caught nothing?

If a horn is blown in a city, do the people not tremble?

If a calamity occurs in the city, is it not Jehovah who has acted?

For the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a thing

Unless he has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets.  

The lion has roared!

Who will not be afraid?

The Sovereign Lord Jehovah has spoken!

Who will not prophesy?"


"Come, now, you who say: “Today or tomorrow we will travel to this city and will spend a year there, and we will do business and make some profit,”  whereas you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. For you are a mist that appears for a little while and then disappears.  Instead, you should say: “If Jehovah wills, we will live and do this or that.”


(We will speak again, @boyle@Pudgyet al., Jehovah willing.)


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"It is because of Jehovah’s loyal love that we have not come to our finish, 

For his mercies never end.  

They are new each morning; your faithfulness is abundant. 

“Jehovah is my share,” I have said, 

“that is why I will show a waiting attitude for him."


"So we have the prophetic word made more sure, and you are doing well in paying attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place (until day dawns and a daystar rises) in your hearts.  For you know this first, that no prophecy of Scripture springs from any private interpretation.  For prophecy was at no time brought by man’s will, but men spoke from God as they were moved by holy spirit."


"Come, and let us return to Jehovah, 

For he has torn us to pieces, but he will heal us.  

He struck us, but he will bind our wounds. 

He will revive us after two days. 

On the third day he will raise us up, 

And we will live before him.  

We will know, we will earnestly seek to know Jehovah. 

His going out is as certain as the dawn; 

He will come to us like a pouring rain, 

Like a spring rain that saturates the earth.”


(Good night, you guys. May you rejoice in the sweet light of Jehovah's new day in the Morning.😌🌷)


🥰Praise Jehovah!💖

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