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Mythbusters: The Flood of Noah's Day vs. "The Holy Hand Grenade" and other sci-fi stories 😁

John 12.24to28

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yeah … I remember Eddie. Always pretending he was not Eddie Haskell, from “Leave it to Beaver”.  When he grew up he became. LAPD cop, so he could still bully people around.

…. Just “rattling your chain” boyle, checking to see if you have a sense of humor ….

It’ simple math! 1.) if Eduardo = Edward, then 2.) Albert = Alfred, and  3.) Edward = Alfred, and therefore 4.) Alfred Einstein was the Batman’s Butler! Seeee ?

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3 minutes ago, boyle said:

an imaginary world of make believe, lol!🤩


The Never-ending Story movie was an imaginary world of make believe.


Our lives don't have to end, and it's not make believe.


I do have to end chatting at present because I need to go to bed, storytelling time is over for me for now, but for fun here is a song that they say doesn't end...



And a goodbye song too...(He says, "see you another week" but I will talk to you when I talk to you...)



Goodnight! 🙂

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9 hours ago, boyle said:

Upon your return. Use your bible to explain this:

ESV  Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Rom. 6:23 ESV)

ESV  Hebrews 9:27 And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment, (Heb. 9:27 ESV)

With your imaginary, robot talk? Are you referring to this world or the next chapter of this world?


I used to drink in the sci-fi, but now I eat the reality.


"The reality belongs to the Christ."


I would say, "Answer my questions and I'll answer yours," but you refuse to take off your mask. 


I will play the game later - I have some things to get finished this morning first - but I look forward to more "Bible Trivia with @boyle" when I get my other stuff finished. 😃



Funny, I've been to the Sistine Chapel, and I don't remember it looking exactly like that photo you posted, @Pudgy...although there were some mythological creatures on it that didn't belong like the sibyls. Some people mix up their mythology with reality. I guess it's kind of like people who believe in sci-fi. 😬😆


While in Rome, I did see plenty of evidence of the historical realities described accurately in the Bible.


The gospel accounts do pass the "window test" successfully. 🫶☺️👍 


"For no one can lay any other foundation than what is laid, which is Jesus Christ."


It's always a good idea to build on a solid foundation based on real evidence, because that's True Science (instead of "sci-fi"). 😉




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It’s so hard to get a solid foundation without any smidgen of physical evidence.

Not a drop!

I guess that’s why they call it “faith”.

What with plate tectonic subduction and whatnot, this has always been a problem.


In the billions of years of life on Earth, all evidence could have been subducted and is now back as magma. 

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I'm not quite sure if I understand you correctly sometimes, @boyle - are you trying to imply with some of your comments that I'm not  "one of Jehovah's witnesses"? I do my best to bear witness to Jehovah's existence and praise Jehovah at every opportunity. It is in His strength that I do this. It is evidence of His existence. I am one of Jehovah's witnesses. I am a witness that He Exists.


You don't want me to say "Praise Jehovah" even more, do you? Is that what you are implying? You want me to sing Jehovah's praises more frequently? Very well ("be careful what you ask for" they say...)









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21 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

It’s so hard to get a solid foundation without any smidgen of physical evidence.

Not a drop!

I guess that’s why they call it “faith”.

What with plate tectonic subduction and whatnot, this has always been a problem.


In the billions of years of life on Earth, all evidence could have been subducted and is now back as magma. 


You don't consider the existence of the Bible to be evidence? You don't consider creation to be evidence? Have you ever tried to apply Jesus' advice in your life? I thought you were into the "window test" thing.




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36 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

It’s so hard to get a solid foundation without any smidgen of physical evidence.

Not a drop!

I guess that’s why they call it “faith”.


What am I, chopped liver?




How much more evidence do you need? Do you want Jehovah Himself to come down and open your eyes? Why do you think He sends witnesses? They are witnesses, evidence, of His Existence.


"Then I heard the voice of Jehovah saying: “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” 


And I said: “Here I am! Send me!” 


And he replied, “Go, and say to this people: 

‘You will hear again and again, 

But you will not understand; 

You will see again and again, 

But you will not get any knowledge.’  


Make the heart of this people unreceptive, 

Make their ears unresponsive, 

And paste their eyes together, 

So that they may not see with their eyes 

And hear with their ears, 

So that their heart may not understand 

And they may not turn back and be healed.”  


At this I said: “How long, O Jehovah?” 


Then he said: “Until the cities crash in ruins without an inhabitant 

And the houses are without people 

And the land is ruined and desolate; 

Until Jehovah removes men far away 

And the deserted condition of the land becomes very extensive.  


“But there will still be a tenth in it, and it will again be burned, like a big tree and like an oak, which after they are cut down leave a stump; a holy seed will be its stump.”


If your eyes are shut now, they will be opened when Jehovah allows the nations to destroy false religion shortly. When the UN attacks the Bethels first, you will know that it was Jehovah who sent me to talk to you, and I did not come of my own originality.


Then you will know that all the other things are true, too.


(I rejoice contemplating that day, my brother, when He opens your eyes, just like he opened Paul's eyes on the road to Damascus! Then we'll joke about all this crazy banter of yours.😃😌💞)

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Even “hard evidence”, depending on what it is, how it is evaluated, and who is doing the evaluation, and what their objectivity, unconscious agenda, and dozens of other factors is, is open to interpretation.

What is the Bible?

it depends on who you ask.

What is the Bible?

It is a compiled book, assembled by the Catholic Church from shorter books.

Any other qualifications are based entirely on your experience, and faith.

Consider this: 

Even the Bible says you must have faith in unseen, unprovable things … otherwise … it would not be faith!

Would it?


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Jesus resurrected Lazarus after four days. He can resurrect dead faith too.


"Martha then said to Jesus: “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.  Yet even now I know that whatever you ask God for, God will give you.”  Jesus said to her: “Your brother will rise.”  Martha said to him: “I know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day.” Jesus said to her: “I am the resurrection and the life."




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3 minutes ago, Pudgy said:



"Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen."


Gravity is real. You can feel it. You can measure it. You can't fight it without consequences. You can ignore it, but that would be unwise.


The sun will come up tomorrow. I am confident because I have seen evidence that the sun comes up every day. Even though I haven't seen the sun come up yet tomorrow, I am 100% confident it will come up tomorrow.


True Faith is not based on unrealities. It is based on realities that we have already experienced. True Faith is based on True Science.

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A lot of people write books about the so-called Ice Age. You know what? Those people weren't there. They didn't live through it. There are no witnesses to the Ice Age.


Noah lived through the Flood. He wrote about it. He measured the floodwaters going down by a method using a bird. He recorded the days it rained and the days the earth dried off. There is a record. He lived through it. He was a witness.


You can choose what you want to believe, but the evidence is there if you open your eyes and if you aren't prejudiced to the data source. A real scientist goes where the data leads, and doesn't let their bias blind them.

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