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Mythbusters: The Flood of Noah's Day vs. "The Holy Hand Grenade" and other sci-fi stories 😁

John 12.24to28

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yeah … I remember Eddie. Always pretending he was not Eddie Haskell, from “Leave it to Beaver”.  When he grew up he became. LAPD cop, so he could still bully people around.

…. Just “rattling your chain” boyle, checking to see if you have a sense of humor ….

It’ simple math! 1.) if Eduardo = Edward, then 2.) Albert = Alfred, and  3.) Edward = Alfred, and therefore 4.) Alfred Einstein was the Batman’s Butler! Seeee ?

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… but the really sad part is at some level you know that all I have observed about you, Wally, is absolutely true.

It’s obvious that you are not stupid.

Why you waste your intelligence determined to denigrate others is beyond me.


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I never thought I would EVER see Scriptures so badly interpreted and applied as you have just done.

….. well, not since an old woman at the door said her dogs were going to heaven because Jesus said “… after I’m gone, wolves will enter in among the flock … “, and of course dogs are like wolves, so that means they are going to heaven…

Your intelligence has betrayed you.

You have with this last post proved yourself to all readers to be bat crap delusional.

And THAT is my carefully considered opinion, based on facts.

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1 hour ago, boyle said:

That's easy, James.

You can look at it in different ways.

1. Payback is___________________ ….


“…. Remember, in the past, I've been kind and thoughtful. That got some of us banned. Some of us were not argumentative, we got banned. In, one occasion, a person got banned for just downvoting.

Some of you downright insulted and rebuked some of us in a harsh way, we got banned, not you hypocrites. ….”

Do you not realize that in YOUR OWN WORDS you just acknowledged that you have Multiple Personality Disorder in a big, big way?

And the names you chose!

At least 4 were murderers!


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5 minutes ago, boyle said:

Read the fine print, James, it actually says "gone full pudgy!" lol! listen to the little devil on your left 😂

No it does not.

You are just digging yourself in deeper into desperate delusion. 

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Oh, by the way boyle, at least 20 times in the past when you have lied about me, and slandered me, based entirely on your jealous imagination, I called you out to PROVE the lies and slander … and you always choked and couldn’t do it.

So now I am calling you out once again to provide PROOF that I have EVER MISUSED A SCRIPTURE. … or stand convicted once again of malicious lying and slander against me.

Be a sport! 


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45 minutes ago, boyle said:

Spoken like a true conman. Did I say you misused scripture or is it the people you are so aggressively defending? Stop acting like a useless apostate, doggy!

However, I'll look up some of the scum things you said about my dead mother and brother like the lowlife that you are. And who defended your insane and belligerent and ugly replies, the other lowlifes in the close club. That was the original reason for being banned, by refusing to take from Truetom, Anna, Aruana, JWinsider, Thinking.

The same people that are bent on defending apostates just like you. You guys want to bully me, it's simple. I already told you. Change you hypocritical banner to EX-Jehovah's Witnesses open forum. The closed forum can have a good gimmick logo like the disgruntled Jehovahs witnesses closed forum. 

Yes, you tried to defend yourself by saying you did no such thing. All those arguments were deleted in your favor. I'm just grateful the Headquarters had a good sense to contact the overseer and have about 15 Elders stop me from boarding the flight to SC.

While I personally don't hate you as one of god's creation, I despise you as a lowlife person. There, it's out in the open again. It has nothing to do with your jealousy over a rifle.

Since I will certainly be banned after this post, I'll come back as someone else, or one of my team will.

There's no such thing as fair play. After "Anonymousbrother" it went to banning as an excuse to allow degenerates to continue. I will NOT be silenced or bullied by anyone here. I don't care for anyone's perception of me since you people's personal behavior trumps mind. At least I defend the Org, and the bible. What do you people do? complain!

Mainly I quoted you to have a record of your madness, so you cannot delete it.

it sounds like you are saying it took 15 Elders to stop you from coming to kill me.

You gonna use your fictitious .50 caliber BMG SNIPER RIFLE, as an assassin, or you want a fair fight at high noon in the street?

I ask the moderators specifically NOT to ban you, or delete these conversations, as they may become important evidence.


Thanks boyle, for being such a nutcase as to give me advance warning.

I had disregarded you as a mentally ill blustering bloviating blowhard.

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By the way, I use the Apple iPhone software “What3Words” which allows one to pick a 10’x10’ square anywhere on the Earth and describe it exactly with three words. And, it’s compass will point exactly to that square. It takes about 15 minutes to learn how to use.

It would be a good way to avoid collateral damage, should you decide you want to go Postal.

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