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Mythbusters: The Flood of Noah's Day vs. "The Holy Hand Grenade" and other sci-fi stories 😁

John 12.24to28

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For your convenience, boyle, should you decide to try and kill me, and actually succeed, I am attaching here a 3’-13” movie scroll of the last 10 hours of this thread’s conversation by everybody.

I would suggest you copy it to a thumb drive to prove to the jurors you are entitled to an insanity defense.


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yeah … I remember Eddie. Always pretending he was not Eddie Haskell, from “Leave it to Beaver”.  When he grew up he became. LAPD cop, so he could still bully people around.

…. Just “rattling your chain” boyle, checking to see if you have a sense of humor ….

It’ simple math! 1.) if Eduardo = Edward, then 2.) Albert = Alfred, and  3.) Edward = Alfred, and therefore 4.) Alfred Einstein was the Batman’s Butler! Seeee ?

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(Sample dialogue: Evidence based science vs Sci-fi myths)


JW: I'd like to share a message with you...


Householder: Are you one of those Jehovah's Witnesses?


JW: Yes.


Householder: Is it true you believe in demons? 


JW: I believe that they exist. 


Householder: That's ridiculous. How can you believe in something you can't see? When something unexplained happens, Jehovah's Witnesses always want to say it's demons. I think that's really dumb.


JW: Well, I can assure you that I don't think everything unexplained is "demons". I see you have a bumper sticker that says "Area 51." Do you believe in aliens?


Householder: Yes. Really smart people believe in aliens. I'm waiting for aliens to reach out to us with an important message someday. I think the government is hiding their existence. 


JW: Ah. You must have a lot of faith in the government. Have you ever seen an alien?


Householder: No, but other people have. When there are bright flashy lights, that means it's aliens. Or sometimes when there are flying things, it's aliens. And if something unexplained happens, it's aliens. Really smart people believe in aliens. I read about it on the internet. There are even people who have youtube videos about it, I can give you the link so you can see the youtube videos too.


JW: Hmm. You seem to get a lot of your information from other people's opinions on the internet. What do you personally think about aliens? 


Householder: I think there is intelligent life in the universe, I mean, we can't be the only intelligent life, right? The universe is a big place. 


JW: So if aliens could travel here, you must think they have advanced technology?


Householder: Yes.


JW: So if aliens are so advanced, do you think they can communicate?


Householder: Yes. 


JW: Think they are advanced enough to write a book?


Householder: I suppose.


JW: Are you aware of any books written by an alien?


Householder: No, not really. 


JW: Do you know any aliens by name? I mean, if they have advanced technology and can communicate, they must have told somebody their names?


Householder: No, I really don't know any aliens by name.


JW: Interesting. You know, I don't like to believe in things I can't see unless there is hard evidence of their existence. I call it the "window test." I have this book here. See it? God is invisible, but He used his invisible force to move His messengers to write down the things in this book. His name is in here too. His Name is Jehovah. See it? There are thousands of ancient copies of this book still in existence because Jehovah used his force to move His messengers to hand copy it, even though they got a lot of opposition. And today He has moved His messengers to use technology to make millions and millions of copies of it. See? He wants everyone to know His Name. His name means "He Causes To Become." In fact, He sent me to tell you these things. You can see me, right? Jehovah sent me by means of His invisible force. That's why I am called one of Jehovah's witnesses. Hard evidence. I am evidence that He exists and He wants you to know He is interested in you, in sharing a message with you. It's the message you've been waiting for, you were just looking in the wrong place. Can I share it with you?


Householder: I don't know...there are a lot of secret leaked government documents on alien encounters that I want to read - I have faith in that kind of thing - I've never really had faith in God. 


JW: I can see that. Well, we can start slow.




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Yeah, a lot of those alien youtube videographers are just like "Kai Opaka". And their "followers" are stuck in the "wormhole". Trading one "borg" for another "borg". Pity the figurative "Sisko's" can't just let go of the past and make peace with "Picard" so they can move on to the better part of the universe. Oh, well. Some people just like to stay in the same ol' dumpy space station forever, I guess, rather than go explore the stars.






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"Who put wisdom within the clouds 

Or gave understanding to the sky phenomenon?"



"Then Job said in reply to Jehovah: 

“Now I know that you are able to do all things 

And that nothing you have in mind to do is impossible for you. 

You said, ‘Who is this who is obscuring my counsel without knowledge?’ 

Therefore I spoke, but without understanding 

About things too wonderful for me, which I do not know.  

You said, ‘Please listen, and I will speak. 

I will question you, and you inform me.’ 

My ears have heard about you, 

But now I do see you with my eyes.  

That is why I take back what I said, 

And I repent in dust and ashes."


Praise Jehovah, the Maker of Heaven and Earth and the Sky Phenomenon, in Truth. 


(Job 38:36; 42:1-6)😁

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