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Mythbusters: The Flood of Noah's Day vs. "The Holy Hand Grenade" and other sci-fi stories 😁

John 12.24to28

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The "Jehovah Factor" is when you are completely exhausted or outnumbered by ghastly odds or there is absolutely no possible way you can survive a situation so you pray to God to help you get through - and then Jehovah intervenes in an amazing way that is beyond what you ever could have imagined and you know it was Him who did it.


You can read about the "Jehovah Factor" in the Bible in situations like the Israelites at the Red Sea, Jonathan and his armor bearing taking on all those Philistines, Gideon and his 300 men versus the Midianites, etc. 


Some people think those accounts are just "myths", but once you have experienced the "Jehovah Factor" in your life, you know the truth. It's not just a matter "faith" - it is evidence that comes after putting faith in Jehovah. It is rock solid, and the more of those types of experiences you have, the more your faith in Jehovah increases. But it all starts with being in between a rock and a hard place and being willing to pray to Jehovah, not for material things, but to keep integrity in a difficult situation. Also, being willing to die in order to keep integrity is a prerequisite - knowing that "if Jehovah doesn't rescue me, I am still going to keep my integrity to the death anyway." 


For example, being willing to defend your kids even if you lose everything else, because that's keeping integrity to Jehovah, protecting the little ones, that's what He would want us to do. And then begging Jehovah to help you when you can't see the way out and the wolves are closing in, but telling Him you are willing to die protecting those kids. And then, He does this amazing thing and not only are you all safe and together, but He totally blew the opposition out of the water and made them look foolish on top of it! That's an example of the "Jehovah Factor". 


After years of seeing the "Jehovah Factor" in action you start to see Him every day, more clearly than you can see anyone else. He is there every day for you. Even on the really hard, down days.


It is the "Jehovah Factor" that will ensure the organization is cleaned.


Bad guys may seem to come and go and get away with stuff for awhile, but Jehovah the Good God is Eternal. Those bad guys will dry up and be blown away like chaff. The little sheep will be regathered. It's guaranteed. The Jehovah Factor.


"You will safeguard those who fully lean on you;

You will give them continuous peace,

Because it is in you that they trust.

Trust in Jehovah forever,

For Jah Jehovah is the eternal Rock."


(Isaiah 26:3,4)

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yeah … I remember Eddie. Always pretending he was not Eddie Haskell, from “Leave it to Beaver”.  When he grew up he became. LAPD cop, so he could still bully people around.

…. Just “rattling your chain” boyle, checking to see if you have a sense of humor ….

It’ simple math! 1.) if Eduardo = Edward, then 2.) Albert = Alfred, and  3.) Edward = Alfred, and therefore 4.) Alfred Einstein was the Batman’s Butler! Seeee ?

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14 minutes ago, boyle said:

I would think this involves God's approval. What do you think? do you believe former members can get such approval?




How do you think I am still alive? I know I have Jehovah's approval. He's the Only reason my kids and I have survived what we have survived. I have no doubt we have Jehovah's approval and affection. What is a "disfellowshipping" label? Nothing. It is nothing to Jehovah.


"Who will separate us from the love of the Christ? Will tribulation or distress or persecution or hunger or nakedness or danger or sword?  Just as it is written: “For your sake we are being put to death all day long; we have been accounted as sheep for slaughtering.”  On the contrary, in all these things we are coming off completely victorious through the one who loved us.  For I am convinced that neither death nor life nor angels nor governments nor things now here nor things to come nor powers  nor height nor depth nor any other creation will be able to separate us from God’s love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."


(Romans 8:35-39)



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23 minutes ago, boyle said:

So, you disagree with Abraham? Can you explain why?


I understand what Abraham went through. Abraham knew he would get Isaac back. I have been through a similar experience in a different way. I understand what Abraham went through. Abraham learned the "Jehovah Factor" and he and Isaac were together.


Jehovah was willing to go through with the sacrifice all the way. Jehovah took the lead in making the sacrifice in order to get it back - to get all of the family back, including Jesus. Jehovah is the Head, the Leader, and He leads in everything.


Abraham's example with Isaac showed us in an illustrative way what Jehovah went through so we could understand better how much Jehovah loves us, what He is willing to sacrifice to gain us. He wants us to know, so we don't give up. He will always come for us. He couldn't die for us or He would have. He's God, He can't die. But it was as if He died, the pain of Jesus' death hurt Him so bad. It would have been less painful to die than to go through what He did. But just like childbirth pains, He was willing to go through with it to gain all the children.


Childbirth pains help us understand Jehovah too. When the pain is over, you don't really remember it anymore because of the joy of the child in your arms. Jehovah has been willing to go through the pain of watching all of this because He will gain all His children.

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25 minutes ago, boyle said:

God does this everyday in the lives of true and honest Christians by removing those afflicted by the devil's will. The point would be to have a stronger will than Satan.


Sometimes He removes wicked ones, but other times during a trial He gives us the strength to endure extended harassment by wicked ones. When we know we aren't strong, when we are worn out and outnumbered and outmatched, and we call on Jehovah begging Him to help us endure it, to endure the pain or the fear or the stress - when Jehovah does those things for us and we Knew there was No Way we did it in our own strength, well those situations also help us See Jehovah, that He was there the Whole Time.

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2 minutes ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

Sometimes He removes wicked ones, but other times during a trial He gives us the strength to endure extended harassment by wicked ones.


"However, we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the power beyond what is normal may be God’s and not from us.  We are hard-pressed in every way, but not cramped beyond movement; we are perplexed, but not absolutely with no way out;  we are persecuted, but not abandoned; we are knocked down, but not destroyed.  Always we endure in our body the death-dealing treatment that Jesus suffered, that the life of Jesus may also be made manifest in our body.  For we who live are ever being brought face-to-face with death for Jesus’ sake, so that the life of Jesus may also be made manifest in our mortal flesh."


(2 Corinthians 4:7-11)

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11 minutes ago, boyle said:

We all have different opinions. Some say harassment, some say Jehovah's justice. The point is, who is supposed to be believed if a panel did everything according to the facts, and based themselves on bible principles. I'd rather believe that truth, not a truth from a one-sided view.


I'm not talking about a panel or a judicial committee or anything like that. I'm talking about situations "where the pedal meets the metal". Everyday life. Having to endure situations in everyday life where there is no relief in sight this side of Armageddon. 


In those types of situations, only Jehovah can help you endure, and it doesn't matter anymore about labels and hearings.

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34 minutes ago, boyle said:
42 minutes ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

Who will separate us from the love of the Christ? Will tribulation or distress or persecution or hunger or nakedness or danger or sword?

Look around. The devil is doing a descent job of it. 😅


Naw, the wicked one is a loser! I am closer to Jehovah than I've ever been in my life. He is here all the time. Jesus is here all the time. I am more aware of them then ever before. I am thankful that God allowed the trials I've been through, because it's given me the opportunity to see Jehovah do things for me that I never would have experienced otherwise. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I'm never alone. Of this I am confident.

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I have to get some rest now, @boyle - I hope you have a good evening. Thank you that we could chat, it was a pleasure! Thank you for making me laugh, too! 😊 It was fun.


"I will call aloud to Jehovah,

And he will answer me from his holy mountain.

I will lie down and sleep;

And I will wake up in safety,

For Jehovah continues to support me.

I am not afraid of the tens of thousands

Lined up against me on every side."


Talk to you later, Jehovah willing!🙂 Good night, my brother!🌷


(Psalm 3:4-6)



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