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Mythbusters: The Flood of Noah's Day vs. "The Holy Hand Grenade" and other sci-fi stories 😁

John 12.24to28

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32 minutes ago, boyle said:

good debts...If you consider that good debts


Forms of "good debts":


"Cast your bread on the waters, for after many days you will find it again.  

Give a share to seven or even to eight, for you do not know what disaster will occur on the earth."


"Sow seed for yourselves in righteousness and reap loyal love. 

Plow for yourselves arable land 

While there is time to search for Jehovah

Until he comes and instructs you in righteousness."


"Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you; for everyone asking receives, and everyone seeking finds, and to everyone knocking, it will be opened."


"By faith Moses, when grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharʹaoh’s daughter,  choosing to be mistreated with the people of God rather than to have the temporary enjoyment of sin,  because he considered the reproach of the Christ to be riches greater than the treasures of Egypt, for he looked intently toward the payment of the reward."


"By faith Noah, after receiving divine warning of things not yet seen, showed godly fear and constructed an ark for the saving of his household; and through this faith he condemned the world, and he became an heir of the righteousness that results from faith."


"The one who sows righteousness receives a true reward."


Jehovah always pays back His debts.


"The one showing favor to the lowly is lending to Jehovah,

And He will repay him for what he does."


"Let us hold firmly the public declaration of our hope without wavering, for the one who promised is faithful."


"It is Jehovah who will repay each one for his own righteousness and his own faithfulness, for today Jehovah gave you into my hand, but I was unwilling to lift my hand against the anointed of Jehovah.  Look! Just as your life was precious to me this day, so may my life be precious in the eyes of Jehovah, and may he rescue me out of all distress."


"May Jehovah reward you for what you have done, and may there be a perfect wage for you from Jehovah the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to seek refuge."



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yeah … I remember Eddie. Always pretending he was not Eddie Haskell, from “Leave it to Beaver”.  When he grew up he became. LAPD cop, so he could still bully people around.

…. Just “rattling your chain” boyle, checking to see if you have a sense of humor ….

It’ simple math! 1.) if Eduardo = Edward, then 2.) Albert = Alfred, and  3.) Edward = Alfred, and therefore 4.) Alfred Einstein was the Batman’s Butler! Seeee ?

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56 minutes ago, boyle said:

You mean like, the words you and pudgy have expressed that are yucky?


When did we use any "yucky" words?


If I recall correctly, the only time I've seen @Pudgy use a "yucky" word was when he was quoting you to prove a point.


I can't think of a time I used a "yucky" word, unless you're talking about "BS", which can have more than one meaning I suppose. 😎


"The Bachelor of Arts (BA) and the Bachelor of Science (BS) are undergraduate degrees you can earn to help elevate your career and develop relevant job skills." (from coursera.org)

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2 minutes ago, boyle said:

What does BS stand for?




You can see how much these really accurate "science" theories are really helping the planet. 🙄 (At least they are helping some pocket books...)

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30 minutes ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

Some BS will get you a job working at nothin' all day...

Years ago, I got a call to go to San Francisco for an engineering job that was supposed to take six months at Parsons Brinckerhoff.

With my trusty HP41CX calculator I finished it in about six weeks. The boss that hired me went to Denver and forgot about me.

Meanwhile, the project was winding down and people were being laid off. I used to be the first one in the office (..and therefore had to make the coffee …), and when others arrived my desks were filled with plans, sketches, calc sheets and curly paper strips from my calculator’s printer.

I was always busy doing calcs and sketches. Nobody knew what I was working on, but it looked important!

People would ask for help, and I said sorry, I’m trying to make a deadline here …

One fellow asked me how long I was going to be here, as every Friday the office lost people. I replied “Well, they promised me six months, but I’m hoping it will be longer than that!”. (Actually, nobody promised me anything …). So, for about 5 months I worked on my own stuff, and taught myself Structural Engineering, being paid very well as a “Consultant”.

I felt I was in a Dilbert Cartoon!

Well, with only about 15 people left, six months rolled by and to the day, I also got laid off, and drove back to Virginia.

Sometimes, doing nothing works out well!



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Yeah, like most crazy people I shudder and cringe at a string of asterisks ….

Which reminds me of the time I tied a block of ham on the end of a long string, and one at a time, fed it to some ducks

(… Ducks cannot digest ham, so you just rinse it off and feed it to the next duck …)

After you get six ducks on the string, tie the ends together and run ‘em in a circle, quacking with a lisp.

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20 minutes ago, Mankeptforunnaturalporpoises said:

Positively Wildean or something. 


(Speaking of Wildean, how important it is to be earnest when resolutely claiming to have knowledge that God doesn't exist - since He is eventually going to show up at the appointed time and blow that "doesn't exist" theory out of the water...)



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15 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

Yeah, like most crazy people I shudder and cringe at a string of asterisks ….

Which reminds me of the time I tied a block of ham on the end of a long string, and one at a time, fed it to some ducks

(… Ducks cannot digest ham, so you just rinse it off and feed it to the next duck …)

After you get six ducks on the string, tie the ends together and run ‘em in a circle, quacking with a lisp.


Hey, you've used that one already with that thing in the attic story! (I hope you used a different string...I don't know how well duck string and alien string go well together, must be some new string theory I haven't heard of yet...)

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35 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

Years ago, I got a call to go to San Francisco for an engineering job that was supposed to take six months at Parsons Brinckerhoff.

With my trusty HP41CX calculator I finished it in about six weeks. The boss that hired me went to Denver and forgot about me.

Meanwhile, the project was winding down and people were being laid off. I used to be the first one in the office (..and therefore had to make the coffee …), and when others arrived my desks were filled with plans, sketches, calc sheets and curly paper strips from my calculator’s printer.

I was always busy doing calcs and sketches. Nobody knew what I was working on, but it looked important!

People would ask for help, and I said sorry, I’m trying to make a deadline here …

One fellow asked me how long I was going to be here, as every Friday the office lost people. I replied “Well, they promised me six months, but I’m hoping it will be longer than that!”. (Actually, nobody promised me anything …). So, for about 5 months I worked on my own stuff, and taught myself Structural Engineering, being paid very well as a “Consultant”.

I felt I was in a Dilbert Cartoon!

Well, with only about 15 people left, six months rolled by and to the day, I also got laid off, and drove back to Virginia.

Sometimes, doing nothing works out well!




I am sure you are a very good engineer. I know there are good scientists who are honest and care about people. I wish they were all that way.


It's kind of like the JW GB teaches some things that are true. They also teach some things that aren't in harmony with Bible truth. Make-Believe based on their own creativity.


Similarly, the Evolutionary Theory Cult GB teaches some things that are true according to real scientific observation and study. They also teach some things that aren't in harmony with real scientific observation and study. Make-Believe based on their own creativity.


It's not "all or nothing." The average bear still has to double check the "facts" before swallowing the sandwich. (There might be strings attached...)



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There are a lot of really nice, good-hearted people earthwide who believe 1914 is when the kingdom came only because that's what they were told by people who they thought knew better than them. They were indoctrinated. It's in the videos and it's in the books. More than 8 million people who are willing to believe something that's not true just because the guys on the GB wear suits and have a certain title.


There are a lot of really nice, good-hearted people earthwide who believe science disproves the Bible account of the Flood or some other ridiculous outlandish theories only because that's what they were told by people who they thought knew better than them. They were indoctrinated. It's in the videos and it's in the books. Millions of people who are willing to believe something that's not true just because the guys on the Evolutionary Theory Cult GB wear white lab coats or something and have letters after their name.


It's the same trick in a different package.

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