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"Who Really Is My Neighbor?" (brought to you by the Number Seven)

John 12.24to28

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6 minutes ago, boyle said:

That's the point. Jehovah does, but do we? We can only know if we expose those apostates for what they really are.


We know when Jehovah uses his holy spirit to make his Word clear to us. He does that  when we ask Him to. We only have to ask Him. You say in prayer, "Jehovah, I know Jesus is right here, and he knows what these verses mean. Please, Jehovah, will you let Jesus pour out your holy spirit so I can understand too?" It's not complicated. Even a kid can do it.


Jehovah is the one who is going to expose the apostates in the organization. When the great tribulation starts, everyone will know that the governing body didn't tell the truth about a lot of things.

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9 minutes ago, boyle said:

So, what makes you think, an unrepentant disfellowshiped witness and apostates will.


If you're talking about me (I know you like to call me unrepentant and disfellowshipped and apostate even though I don't agree with you on those labels) I can't save anybody. I can only beg a person, "please, become reconciled to God!" I can supplicate Jehovah for a person with tears. I can beg Jehovah to help them. But that person still has free will, and at the end of the day, they have to make the choice. (The "day" hasn't ended yet, thankfully...)🙂


"Please, become reconciled to God!"💖

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12 minutes ago, boyle said:
23 minutes ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

hope those doing unrighteousness at present wake up because they are beloved.

I hope so to. I hope those that are stubborn now will see the light again.


Or that they will see it for the first time.💖Unhindered and unencumbered by the false God-dishonoring traditions of the lawless ones who teach divisions as doctrines rather than teaching the unadulterated truth about the Love of God for His Children.

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3 minutes ago, boyle said:
6 minutes ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

Jehovah is the one who is going to expose the apostates in the organization. When the great tribulation starts, everyone will know that the governing body didn't tell the truth about a lot of things.

Then, what was the purpose of exposing apostates in bible time? Was it just to give the apostles writing material?


"For the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a thing Unless he has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets."

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10 minutes ago, boyle said:
18 minutes ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

Disfellowshipping is fruitless. Those men teaching such doctrines are about to be removed. We must show love in order to remain in the "vine".

Prove it. It's meant to correct someone that has fallen from God's favor. Time to reflect and repent for our bad deeds. That comes from the top, not the middle.


Look around you. You already know. The wolves are still in the congregations, many of them are the ones doing the disfellowshippings. When some get disfellowshipped, they don't want to go back because why would they after getting treated so badly? When a person is weak, we don't throw them away and say "save yourself!" We nurse them back to health. A lot of the people who get disfellowshipped are not wicked people, they are weak. Some who get disfellowshipped don't want to be servants of God anymore, and that's their prerogative, but disfellowshipping still isn't right. Jesus said to be kind to everybody, not to shun people. If someone wants to change, they will. 


The scripture about "not eating" with a brother who is an unrepentant sinner is talking about the Memorial meal.


The scripture about "not saying a greeting" to a brother who is an unrepentant sinner is talking about not wishing them "good job" in doing wrong. 


Jesus talked to sinners. Jesus talked to Judas and ate with him, even though Jesus knew Judas was a liar who was taking part in the planned murder of God's Son. Jesus is our exemplar. 

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7 minutes ago, boyle said:
11 minutes ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

f you're talking about me (I know you like to call me unrepentant and disfellowshipped and apostate even though I don't agree with you on those labels) I can't save anybody.

I use the terms loosely. Anyone fitting that description can apply it.


I'm not offended. I consider it a compliment.☺️ "Happy when people reproach you..."


10 minutes ago, boyle said:
14 minutes ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

I can't save anybody. I can only beg a person, "please, become reconciled to God!"

I don't see any benefit.


Well, of course you haven't if you tried it yet!



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8 hours ago, boyle said:

Enjoy your rest. God willing, we will have another debate later.


Thank you, my brother.☺️


"We will know, we will earnestly seek to know Jehovah. 

His going out is as certain as the dawn; 

He will come to us like a pouring rain, 

Like a spring rain that saturates the earth."


"Your dead will live. 

My corpses will rise up. 

Awake and shout joyfully, 

You residents in the dust!  

For your dew is as the dew of the morning, 

And the earth will let those powerless in death come to life."


"For the seed of peace will be sown; the vine will produce its fruit and the earth its yield, and the heavens will give their dew; and I will cause the remaining ones of this people to inherit all these things."


May you have a beautiful morning with Jehovah. "Love hopes all things."🌱🌿🌳


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8 hours ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:
9 hours ago, boyle said:
9 hours ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

I can't save anybody. I can only beg a person, "please, become reconciled to God!"

I don't see any benefit.


Well, of course you haven't if you tried it yet!

I told you I can't save anybody. It's Jehovah who does the saving. He's the One you have to talk to.🙂

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