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Christian Denominations Chart - Starting w/ the Commentary on JW's

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34 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

I find it important that in 8 hours and thousands of words later, no one here with WDS has refuted my post of 8 hours ago.



(I think the current WDS doctrine is maybe that apologizing is a form of apostasy from Pharisaical teaching and a disfellowshipping offense?)

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This Youtuber has Phd in Theological Studies and offers his personal opinions throughout. I thought it interesting to see how others view us....

It’s been my observation that Audrey has been completely forthright with everybody, every time, however those with extreme agenda driven reading comprehension problems, who don’t actually completely r

Man, if that's persecution then I've got it easy, lol!😂   (I've been through some forms of persecution...I wouldn't call this persecution - it's playtime, kind of like that Whac-A-Mole game

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3 hours ago, MankeptforRacialsecretratters said:

Is it satisfying to repeat this carelessness and hatred every chance you get without proving any of your words? Who are you again?


I can prove that the elders arrangement is not practiced according to scripture.


According to the verses we talked about in Hebrews 13:7,17, a true leader and shepherd will guard and protect the flock.


Let's just say you become aware of a situation in the congregation. The COBE invites a new (six months studying the Bible) 24 year old female Bible student move in with him and his wife because he tells her she needs a father figure, her mom is disfellowshipped and not good association. He tells her to take some drugs that make her sedated and she refuses, instead flushing them down the toilet. He says what she did was bad and she needs to be punished by stripping off the lower portion of her clothing so he can strike her repeatedly with a wooden paddle he has made for the purpose. He and his wife tell her not to tell others in the congregation because they won't understand, and she thinks he and his wife represent God's will because that's what they teach in the congregation "the elders are stars in Jesus' hands". The young woman submits to the ordeal and from that point on submissively takes the drugs and obeys whatever they tell her.


Years later, the woman tells on the guy, worried he might do something similar to others in the congregation, since she observes him doing other really sketchy things and he is serving as the COBE and HLC coordinator and has children in and out of his home.


When the woman tells the elders, they say "it was just a form of corporal punishment." The woman's baptized husband gets angry she told on the COBE, he gets drunk and then arrested for domestic assault. The elders don't think the husband's behavior is unacceptable behavior. He doesn't get in trouble with them, even though the state says the man cannot come home for a year because of what he did. When the woman sends videos of his abusive behavior to the elders they say  "I don't see anything wrong with that, you probably did something to upset him." When the baptized children offer their testimony, the elders say "we can't accept their testimony since they aren't old enough to testify." The elders, the service department, the COs, the GB, they all think abuse is acceptable behavior. They do not remove the COBE. They do not apologize. Instead when the woman warns the others in the congregation or chooses to not hang out with the COBE and his wife because of their active harassment (the COBE and his wife and the abusive husband team up and bear false witness to the DHHS in order to try to get custody of the children - unsuccessfully since the DHHS sees through the ruse), the woman is disfellowshipped. She is told it is a form of reviling to tell the truth, and it is causing divisions to warn others or ask for help and to protect her children by calling the police when attacked.


Does it sound to you that the elders and GB are "leaders" who really want to "protect the flock"? 








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4 hours ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

There was no first century "JW Broadcasting".


4 hours ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

to "imitate their faith"

JWTV viewers should ask themselves; Can and should one imitate the faith of a TV preacher? GB has found an excellent way to spread manipulation. They have criticized TV preachers in the past.


TV Evangelism—God’s Way?

If Jesus Christ were on earth today, asserted TV evangelist Jim Bakker, “he’d have to be on TV.” Why television? Because, according to Bakker, “that would be the only way he could reach the people he loves.” Like Bakker, an increasing number of fundamentalist preachers in the United States feel that television is the best medium for spreading the Word of God. Yet, a 1984 study showed that, for the most part, TV evangelists “reinforce people already committed to evangelical religion.”

Interestingly, in a letter to the editor of the magazine Ministry, one reader wrote: “You said they [television sets] are the church’s most powerful gospel seed-sowing tools, and yet God says the most essential work is house-to-house visitation—soul hunting. . . . Our Saviour loved to get away from the multitude, and then He went from house to house—soul hunting. The one-soul audience was His delight. . . . Can we not do the same?”

According to Jesus Christ, the purpose of the Christian ministry was not just to ‘spread the Word’ but to “make disciples.” (Matthew 28:19, 20) He directed his followers to go to people’s homes. (Matthew 10:7, 11-13) The apostle Paul accepted this preaching method and said regarding his ministry: “I did not hold back from telling you any of the things that were profitable nor from teaching you publicly and from house to house.” The personalized house-to-house ministry of the disciples reaped good results.—Acts 5:42; 20:20.

If Jesus laid such emphasis on this method of preaching in order to make disciples, why do many evangelists prefer TV as their medium? The Courier-Mail of Brisbane, Australia, notes that TV evangelists “make up to $120 million a year selling salvation. They appear in a blaze of electrified power and glory on 300 TV stations, and are worshipped like pop idols. . . . For all their tactics, these men who claim to manipulate even God, come down in the end to a straight business deal. Send them $10 and they will send you to heaven.” - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1986845?q=religion+on+tv&p=par  WATCHTOWER 1986


Religion on TV

● “Religious programming has proliferated enormously in the past decade,” reports The Plain Dealer. A two-week survey in 40 U.S. cities turned up 18,845 religious programs broadcast during that period. “These included everything from worship services to game shows, cartoons, variety shows and even soap operas with a religious theme,” says the paper. “Analysis of the programs found that characters were disproportionately male, white and middle-class. Characters who worked for the church were overwhelmingly male; so were the wealthy and the powerful.” Solicitations for money were also common. “During an average hour, viewers are asked to donate or buy products valued at $189.52,” the article states. “Programs featuring a preacher or a revival meeting plead the most; they ask for an average of $328.78 an hour.” - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/101984289 AWAKE 1984


One of the factors limiting attendance at church has been the invention of devices to carry entertainment into the home. Especially true is this of the newest device, television. Of 190 ministers surveyed in the Louisville, Kentucky, area late in 1952, “most agreed that video was serious competition for the church: In 50 congregations, attendance at evening services has dropped 10 per cent.” So, not to be outdone in this progressive age, religion has gone “on the air.”

Jumping at the first opportunity, they opened their “air-borne” assault in 1949, over the Du Mont television network, with the “Morning Chapel” program, featuring leaders of Protestant, Catholic and Jewish faiths. By November of 1953 interest in religious TV was so great that the Lutheran Church’s “This Is the Life” dramatization could lay claim to being “by far the most widely telecast program in the world,” broadcast by approximately 125 American TV stations, shown throughout Canada and regularly featured by the British Broadcasting Corporation. Later, on January 31, this year, Catholic Bishop Fulton J. Sheen’s “Life Is Worth Living” edged out the Lutheran program, tallying up over 169 stations, to gain first place on the networks. The Catholic Herald, of January 8, claimed over 15 million listeners for the bishop. Today, rather than religion’s being on the defensive against secular TV, the reverse is true. Milton Berle, Sid Caesar, Hopalong Cassidy and company have gained a most unusual competitor, the church. -https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1954805?q=religion+on+tv&p=par WATCHTOWER 1954

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3 hours ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

The organization claims that Russell and Rutherford and other past "leaders" are now immortal spirits in heaven, likely assisting the organization on earth.

Now I understand why WTJWorg has an increasingly confusing theology.., and it's only going to get worse if they all of them in heaven keep arguing over interpretations and who is smarter and greater among them.

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1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:


JWTV viewers should ask themselves; Can and should one imitate the faith of a TV preacher? GB has found an excellent way to spread manipulation. They have criticized TV preachers in the past.


TV Evangelism—God’s Way?

If Jesus Christ were on earth today, asserted TV evangelist Jim Bakker, “he’d have to be on TV.” Why television? Because, according to Bakker, “that would be the only way he could reach the people he loves.” Like Bakker, an increasing number of fundamentalist preachers in the United States feel that television is the best medium for spreading the Word of God. Yet, a 1984 study showed that, for the most part, TV evangelists “reinforce people already committed to evangelical religion.”

Interestingly, in a letter to the editor of the magazine Ministry, one reader wrote: “You said they [television sets] are the church’s most powerful gospel seed-sowing tools, and yet God says the most essential work is house-to-house visitation—soul hunting. . . . Our Saviour loved to get away from the multitude, and then He went from house to house—soul hunting. The one-soul audience was His delight. . . . Can we not do the same?”

According to Jesus Christ, the purpose of the Christian ministry was not just to ‘spread the Word’ but to “make disciples.” (Matthew 28:19, 20) He directed his followers to go to people’s homes. (Matthew 10:7, 11-13) The apostle Paul accepted this preaching method and said regarding his ministry: “I did not hold back from telling you any of the things that were profitable nor from teaching you publicly and from house to house.” The personalized house-to-house ministry of the disciples reaped good results.—Acts 5:42; 20:20.

If Jesus laid such emphasis on this method of preaching in order to make disciples, why do many evangelists prefer TV as their medium? The Courier-Mail of Brisbane, Australia, notes that TV evangelists “make up to $120 million a year selling salvation. They appear in a blaze of electrified power and glory on 300 TV stations, and are worshipped like pop idols. . . . For all their tactics, these men who claim to manipulate even God, come down in the end to a straight business deal. Send them $10 and they will send you to heaven.” - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1986845?q=religion+on+tv&p=par  WATCHTOWER 1986


Religion on TV

● “Religious programming has proliferated enormously in the past decade,” reports The Plain Dealer. A two-week survey in 40 U.S. cities turned up 18,845 religious programs broadcast during that period. “These included everything from worship services to game shows, cartoons, variety shows and even soap operas with a religious theme,” says the paper. “Analysis of the programs found that characters were disproportionately male, white and middle-class. Characters who worked for the church were overwhelmingly male; so were the wealthy and the powerful.” Solicitations for money were also common. “During an average hour, viewers are asked to donate or buy products valued at $189.52,” the article states. “Programs featuring a preacher or a revival meeting plead the most; they ask for an average of $328.78 an hour.” - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/101984289 AWAKE 1984


One of the factors limiting attendance at church has been the invention of devices to carry entertainment into the home. Especially true is this of the newest device, television. Of 190 ministers surveyed in the Louisville, Kentucky, area late in 1952, “most agreed that video was serious competition for the church: In 50 congregations, attendance at evening services has dropped 10 per cent.” So, not to be outdone in this progressive age, religion has gone “on the air.”

Jumping at the first opportunity, they opened their “air-borne” assault in 1949, over the Du Mont television network, with the “Morning Chapel” program, featuring leaders of Protestant, Catholic and Jewish faiths. By November of 1953 interest in religious TV was so great that the Lutheran Church’s “This Is the Life” dramatization could lay claim to being “by far the most widely telecast program in the world,” broadcast by approximately 125 American TV stations, shown throughout Canada and regularly featured by the British Broadcasting Corporation. Later, on January 31, this year, Catholic Bishop Fulton J. Sheen’s “Life Is Worth Living” edged out the Lutheran program, tallying up over 169 stations, to gain first place on the networks. The Catholic Herald, of January 8, claimed over 15 million listeners for the bishop. Today, rather than religion’s being on the defensive against secular TV, the reverse is true. Milton Berle, Sid Caesar, Hopalong Cassidy and company have gained a most unusual competitor, the church. -https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1954805?q=religion+on+tv&p=par WATCHTOWER 1954


Jesus said the leaven would ferment the whole lump, and that the wheat and the weeds would grow together. While there are some very good and useful parts of the videos, there are also some weeds and leaven that are spread along with them. My family has benefited very much from the jw.org videos, but we have also been hurt by them.


Now that our eyes are opened to the fact that not everything in those videos programs are true, it's easier to disregard the false teachings in them and recognize the parts that are Biblically based.


(But it makes me sick watching people gulp them down whole as if everything in them was "the gospel truth"! I used to do the same thing, so I understand why it happens. I'll be glad when Jesus comes and removes all the weeds/leaven.)

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1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:
5 hours ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

The organization claims that Russell and Rutherford and other past "leaders" are now immortal spirits in heaven, likely assisting the organization on earth.

Now I understand why WTJWorg has an increasingly confusing theology.., and it's only going to get worse if they all of them in heaven keep arguing over interpretations and who is smarter and greater among them.


"But reject empty speeches that violate what is holy, for they will lead to more and more ungodliness,  and their word will spread like gangrene. Hy·me·naeʹus and Phi·leʹtus are among them.  These men have deviated from the truth, saying that the resurrection has already occurred, and they are subverting the faith of some."


(2 Timothy 2:16-18)


The GB teaching that Russell and Rutherford and Peter and Paul and the others are already in heaven is a false teaching. The resurrection hasn't happened yet. Those dead guys can't fight about anything for now. 


"...there is no work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the Grave..."


(Ecclesiastes 9:10)


Soon Jesus will take the throne and remove the weeds.😃


"When the wicked sprout like weeds

And all the wrongdoers flourish,

It is that they may be annihilated forever."


(Psalm 92:7)


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5 hours ago, MankeptforRacialsecretratters said:
5 hours ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

Jesus is coming to remove all false teachings and those who will not repent of practicing them. Jesus did not start ruling in 1914. When gets in power in the kingdom, everyone will know, because he'll throw Satan out of heaven, the UN will attack religion, the UN will be the world power for 3 1/2 years (it's the toe part of the Daniel dream image. That part hasn't happened yet. We're not in "the last of the last of the last days"...) There are still over 3 1/2 years to go in this system.

Is it satisfying to repeat this carelessness and hatred every chance you get without proving any of your words? Who are you again?


"And he will plant his royal tents between the grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration; and he will come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him."


(Daniel 11:45)


The verse at Daniel 11:45 is in the process of taking place. The King of the North has not come all the way to his end yet, but almost.


"During that time Miʹcha·el will stand up, the great prince who is standing in behalf of your people. And there will occur a time of distress such as has not occurred since there came to be a nation until that time."


(Daniel 12:1)


Michael (Jesus) didn't take the kingdom in 1914. It's not until the time that the King of the North has come all way to his end that Jesus takes the throne. Putin is the King of the North. He's about to lose his throne, the Bible prophecies it. He will lose. Then the UN will rule as king for the end of the Daniel dream image.


"And war broke out in heaven: Miʹcha·el and his angels battled with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels battled but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them any longer in heaven. So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him.  I heard a loud voice in heaven say: “Now have come to pass the salvation and the power and the Kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ, because the accuser of our brothers has been hurled down, who accuses them day and night before our God!"


(Revelation 12:7-10)


Revelation and Daniel both show that when the Devil is cast down, the UN takes power and destroys religion. It will be for a time, times, and half a time that the nations rule as the UN (3 1/2 years).

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1 minute ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

Then the UN will rule as king for the end of the Daniel dream image.


"And just as you saw the feet and the toes to be partly of clay of a potter and partly of iron, the kingdom will be divided, but some of the hardness of iron will be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with soft clay.  And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom will be partly strong and partly fragile.  Just as you saw iron mixed with soft clay, they will be mixed with the people; but they will not stick together, one to the other, just as iron does not mix with clay."


(Daniel 2:41-43)


The toes are not "the politically divided world in the time of the end" as the Watchtower/GB says. The toes of the image are the UN when they are given more power after Satan is cast out of heaven.


We are not "at the end of the toenails" yet. We are not "at the end of the end of the end of the last days". We aren't even at the toes yet.


The good news is that when we do reach the toes, it's only for 3 1/2 years.

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5 hours ago, MankeptforRacialsecretratters said:

Is it satisfying to repeat this carelessness and hatred every chance you get without proving any of your words? Who are you again?


I am not anybody special, but I know who I am and where I am going. Who are you?🤭


"I write you these things about those who are trying to mislead you.  And as for you, the anointing that you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to be teaching you; but the anointing from him is teaching you about all things and is true and is no lie. Just as it has taught you, remain in union with him."


(1 John 2:26,27)


"And they sing a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, for you were slaughtered and with your blood you bought people for God out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation,  and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth.”"


(Revelation 5:9,10)


"And they are singing what seems to be a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders, and no one was able to master that song except the 144,000, who have been bought from the earth.  These are the ones who did not defile themselves with women; in fact, they are virgins. These are the ones who keep following the Lamb no matter where he goes. These were bought from among mankind as firstfruits to God and to the Lamb, and no deceit was found in their mouths; they are without blemish."


(Revelation 14,3-5)


"Adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever, therefore, wants to be a friend of the world is making himself an enemy of God."


(James 4:4)


Faithful members of the 144,000 will not go to bed with the world by means of compromising Christ's teachings in order to gain some kind of prominence or fleshly benefit for themselves.


The GB says that only they are "the Faithful and Discreet Slave" a channel from God and then they teach a mixture of true/false to the flock.


God's Word says anointed ones understand truth by means of God's holy spirit poured out through Christ Jesus.


The GB is standing as gods in the House of God. They are asleep and do not realize the judgment that is swiftly approaching them by means of the UN, the instrument of God's wrath against false religions, including those who teach false doctrines among God's Name People.


When God anoints a person with holy spirit, that person is under obligation to bear witness to the truth, sharing the truth with others. An anointed person is not supposed to set themselves up to be served and ministered to by slaves who will clean their room and serve them food and send them voluntary donations.


"For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the wholesome teaching, but according to their own desires, they will surround themselves with teachers to have their ears tickled.  They will turn away from listening to the truth and give attention to false stories.  You, though, keep your senses in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelizer, fully accomplish your ministry."


(2 Timothy 4:3-5)

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1 minute ago, MankeptforRacialsecretratters said:

Am I correct you are disfellowshiped under God's law?


No, you are not correct. Jehovah's holy spirit is evidence that I still have fellowship with Him by means of His Son.


"I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever remains in union with me and I in union with him, this one bears much fruit; for apart from me you can do nothing at all."


(John 15:5)


"For all who are led by God’s spirit are indeed God’s sons.  For you did not receive a spirit of slavery causing fear again, but you received a spirit of adoption as sons, by which spirit we cry out: “Abba, Father!”  The spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are God’s children."


(Romans 8:13-16)


"I am telling the truth in Christ; I am not lying, as my conscience bears witness with me in holy spirit..."


(Romans 9:1)


6 minutes ago, MankeptforRacialsecretratters said:

If I'm correct, then this would apply to you as a deceiver of the truth. 


The Pharisees used to accuse others of the things the Pharisees were actually guilty of. I wonder why they did that?


8 minutes ago, MankeptforRacialsecretratters said:
3 hours ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

Faithful members of the 144,000 will not go to bed with the world by means of compromising Christ's teachings in order to gain some kind of prominence or fleshly benefit for themselves.

By this statement, you are charging the apostles and those Jesus commissioned with false worship. Can you provide proof other than your words?


I thought that's what you were doing - charging honest people with false worship. What "commission" are you talking about specifically? Here is what the scriptures say about false shepherds in the congregation...


"...certain men have slipped in among you who were long ago appointed to this judgment by the Scriptures; they are ungodly men who turn the undeserved kindness of our God into an excuse for brazen conduct and who prove false to our only owner and Lord, Jesus Christ."


(Jude 4)


"Too bad for them, for they have followed the path of Cain and have rushed into the erroneous course of Baʹlaam for reward, and they have perished in the rebellious talk of Korʹah!  These are the rocks hidden below water at your love feasts while they feast with you, shepherds who feed themselves without fear; waterless clouds carried here and there by the wind; fruitless trees in late autumn, having died twice and having been uprooted;  wild waves of the sea that cast up the foam of their own shame; stars with no set course, for which the blackest darkness stands reserved forever."


(Jude 11-13)


12 minutes ago, MankeptforRacialsecretratters said:

Since it appears your allegations stem from a false presentation, can you prove the GB are being worshiped as Gods?


(It's so funny how you keep describing your character with every line! "False presentation"😆 I think @Pudgy said we'd get an award or something...I think it's a reward to play this game, it's fun😃)


The Bible says we must be thankful to Jehovah and obey God as ruler rather than man when men tell us something that is not in harmony with God's will. Here is what the publications say...



(There were more, but I got bored...)


22 minutes ago, MankeptforRacialsecretratters said:

Then, you, disapprove of Judas Iscariot carrying the money bag, and having people wash the feet of the apostles, feed and house them? Do you believe those people didn't voluntarily gave, of themselves?


I believe what is written in God's Word:


"Now we are giving you instructions, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to withdraw from every brother who is walking disorderly and not according to the tradition that you received from us.  For you yourselves know how you should imitate us, because we did not behave in a disorderly way among you,  nor did we eat anyone’s food free. On the contrary, by labor and toil we were working night and day so as not to impose an expensive burden on any one of you.  Not that we do not have authority, but we wanted to offer ourselves as an example for you to imitate.  In fact, when we were with you, we used to give you this order: “If anyone does not want to work, neither let him eat.”  For we hear that some are walking disorderly among you, not working at all, but meddling with what does not concern them.  To such people we give the order and exhortation in the Lord Jesus Christ that they should work quietly and eat food they themselves earn. For your part, brothers, do not give up in doing good.  But if anyone is not obedient to our word through this letter, keep this one marked and stop associating with him, so that he may become ashamed.  And yet do not consider him an enemy, but continue admonishing him as a brother."


(2 Thessalonians 3:6-15)


I don't know about those other people today who claimed to be commissioned, but the Bible shows that Jesus directly commissioned Paul.


Paul said those doing the work should earn their own keep. If they didn't, they were to be marked as disorderly and withdrawn from. The whole "marking" business wasn't the way it is in the congregation today - "marking" meant noticing somebody who wanted to be catered to at the expense of the congregation, like the circuit overseers and Bethelites and GB today. We should keep admonishing those ones as brothers to get a job and stop mooching off others.






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15 minutes ago, MankeptforRacialsecretratters said:

Since this doesn't prove what I was stating, what is the purpose of it?



17 minutes ago, MankeptforRacialsecretratters said:
4 hours ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

Michael (Jesus) didn't take the kingdom in 1914. It's not until the time that the King of the North has come all way to his end that Jesus takes the throne. Putin is the King of the North. He's about to lose his throne, the Bible prophecies it. He will lose. Then the UN will rule as king for the end of the Daniel dream image.

I have not heard of an apostate disproving it. Can you?


Read Daniel chapter 4. There is not one thing in there about a modern fulfillment. There is not one thing in there about weeks of years or some kind of crazy cutting off of Israelite rulership with the Messiah coming in a mysterious numerology puzzle.


Jesus said his kingdom was no part of this world, if it was the Jews would have fought that he not be delivered up. Why would the line of mostly corrupt Jewish kings stand for the heavenly government? The "rulership interrupted" theory that the Watchtower teaches is flawed. Jesus said his kingdom was not of the Jewish line. 


Putin is the King of the North. He wasn't born yet in 1914. Daniel chapters 11 and 12 show us that Jesus would get the throne in heaven around the time the King of the North was coming to his end, so obviously it wasn't in 1914 or even in the 1950s or at any point from 1900-1999 because Putin didn't become a leader until the 2000s, and not until recently does he seem to have no helper but he still hasn't come to his end yet.


24 minutes ago, MankeptforRacialsecretratters said:

Keep in mind, Satan has loyal subjects that have succumbed to his influence on earth. It is believed that the devil has his agents on earth who spread false information and deceive the followers of God. These representatives of evil aim to corrupt the hearts of those who are loyal to God by spreading lies and manipulation. It is crucial to remain vigilant and rooted in faith to avoid falling prey to their schemes. That is the purpose of the devil just like it was done in the garden.


I wouldn't call any of Satan's subjects "loyal"...they are selfish and get something out of sticking with him, but it's not out of loyalty that they do it.


"But the lawless one’s presence is by the operation of Satan with every powerful work and lying signs and wonders and every unrighteous deception for those who are perishing, as a retribution because they did not accept the love of the truth in order that they might be saved. That is why God lets a deceptive influence mislead them so that they may come to believe the lie, in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness."


(2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)


The Bible shows there would be some taking the lead in the congregation who deceived others by means of the operation of Satan. Satan, the ruler of the world, is the one who was behind the war in 1914. He was also the one behind the false prophecies about 1914, which is obvious, since it was based on pyramidology (duh - talk about demonic 🙄)


"For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself keeps disguising himself as an angel of light.  It is therefore nothing extraordinary if his ministers also keep disguising themselves as ministers of righteousness. But their end will be according to their works."


(2 Corinthians 11:13-15)

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By saying that the kingdom started in 1914 (even though it didn't) and by claiming to be representatives of that "invisible" kingdom, "stars in Jesus' hand", those taking the lead in the organization accumulated a mass of power and control over the lives of millions, and claimed to do it in the name of God.


(How do you think Jehovah feels about that?)


True, there has been good accomplished by the organization, just like there was good accomplished in Israel even though polygamy was tolerated and slavery was regulated and animals were sacrificed, but when Jesus gets here he's going to set things straight and a lot of what the congregations think is "normal" is going to be completely thrown out the window.


Praise Jehovah.😁

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