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Christian Denominations Chart - Starting w/ the Commentary on JW's

The Librarian

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This Youtuber has Phd in Theological Studies and offers his personal opinions throughout. I thought it interesting to see how others view us....

It’s been my observation that Audrey has been completely forthright with everybody, every time, however those with extreme agenda driven reading comprehension problems, who don’t actually completely r

Man, if that's persecution then I've got it easy, lol!😂   (I've been through some forms of persecution...I wouldn't call this persecution - it's playtime, kind of like that Whac-A-Mole game

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3 minutes ago, MankeptforRacialsecretratters said:

Is this something we can rely on as imperfect humans? Or are you relating to your own personal experience?


John 16:15


"All the things that the Father has are mine."


John 17:9,10


"...concerning those whom you have given me, because they are yours;  and all my things are yours and yours are mine.."


Jehovah sets the pattern for us. He is the best Father. He shares with Jesus. Jesus shares with all of us.

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4 minutes ago, MankeptforRacialsecretratters said:

Then there is nothing further to add.

If you really think I'm careless and hateful, you could tell me more specifically what I could work on to not be so careless and hateful - I really don't think I was being either of those things, but if I needlessly offended you I don't beg off from working on something.

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1 hour ago, MankeptforRacialsecretratters said:

After all said and done. Your conclusion is with 1 new covenant for all. Just like everyone has been commenting on.


No, not 1 new covenant for all. 


This is just an illustration...


A man moves overseas to work. He becomes a citizen of the new land. He wants his fiancee to come live with him in the new land. The law in that land is that in order to get married, she must become a citizen first. They don't have any kids yet, so the kids don't have to become citizens.


When the couple does get married and have kids, the children are born in the new country, so they don't need to "become" citizens. They are born citizens of that country.


The 144,000 have to become a new creation in order to "marry" Jesus and live in heaven. The new covenant is a contract for them to become citizens of heaven. The other sheep will never live in heaven, so they don't need to be part of the new covenant like that. The other sheep don't need to become citizens of heaven because they will be living on earth.


Since Jesus replaces Adam, the "missing link" between God and men will be filled once again. At that point, Jesus will heal all the earthly "children". By the end of the 1000 years, they will be perfect and God will come to earth again just like He did when Adam and Eve were perfect.


The other sheep will always live here. They don't need to become part of a covenant in order to live here.


The new covenant isn't about who gets what blessing. The new covenant is just about changing from one creature into another creature. The 144,000 humans change into non-humans, because in order to work in the kingdom arrangement they can't be humans anymore. They have to give that up. No more sexual relations. They can visit but not procreate that way, it's off limits for them in the future. 


That's part of why the "wisdom from above" is "first of all chaste." The things the 144,000 are going to be trusted with demand that they keep proper respect for boundaries.

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3 hours ago, AudreyAnnaNana said:

The other sheep will always live here. They don't need to become part of a covenant in order to live here.

I agree with all you have said - only that the great crowd are also part of the Abrahamic covenant - the part that would be blessed by the SEED.  In what way are all humans blessed by the seed?  The opportunity to benefit from Christ's ransom sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins.

So I like the words - kingdom covenant - because that pertains to those who are the co-rulers and under priests  which do the jobs for which they were anointed.  People are anointed for a specific job as king-priests to work towards the restoration of Jehovah's purpose - to make the earth a paradise with perfect people.

After this they hand over the kingdom back to Jehovah and they may then go on to do another job in the heavenly realm. 

So Jesus's ransom is for all humankind and the kingdom covenant for those who will do a specific job.  For this they have to meet certain criteria. 

So the death of Jesus and the kingdom covenant took place on the same night but signify two  prongs of Jehovah's purpose.

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7 hours ago, MankeptforRacialsecretratters said:

You seem to show 2 new covenants.

Actually the new covenant was inaugurated by the death of Christ as mediator (Moses was mediator of a covenant with Israel as a dedicated nation and the Law were given to them - plus circumcision).  The new covenant are all those who  benefit by his sacrificial death which replaced the schedule of animal sacrifices at the temple.

The kingdom covenant is for those who are part of the secondary seed.

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8 hours ago, MankeptforRacialsecretratters said:

What are the papers they signed? Wa

What she is saying - use your imagination in this case - is that any contract needs two parties.  I one receives Holy spirit by Jehovah to become and anointed, one has to partake of the emblems to close the contract. Then it is a two-sided contract and not just from one side.

Similarly - Jesus died for all humans who ever lived - but if one does not use the ransom to get sins forgiven or do not believe in it - you are not in this arrangement.

It is like going to the bank when you have a lot of money deposited there and then refuse to draw the money to use it.  Jesus died for all but they have to show faith in the ransom otherwise it does not work for them.

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