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The Fall Of Antony Morris III A Mystery?


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There is more information elsewhere, ironically a grounded community of which JWs and EXJWs who do not want to deal with apostates of the faith, who spoke of this concerning this religious leader. Fro

Below is a new video of a few minutes.   The Fall of Antony Morris III Remains a Mystery?   I can understand the JW and ex-JW who got stung have a hard time admittin

So …. What happened to Tony Morris? Can you give an executive summary in two paragraphs, with say, ten bullet points? Also in bold type so I can actually read it would be nice. You have no i

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So …. What happened to Tony Morris?

Can you give an executive summary in two paragraphs, with say, ten bullet points? Also in bold type so I can actually read it would be nice.

You have no idea how difficult this is on an Apple Watch.

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20 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

its not a suprise that the poster who started this topic starts with a direct attack on one religion only ,and as his posts reveal the fall or decent of someone he is talking about is the fall of himself into a conversational narcissist

the traits of the great opposer himself 

so down the rabbit hole ,think that is where they found sadam hussain

Hey its you guys who say you are the one and only true religion.

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There is more information elsewhere, ironically a grounded community of which JWs and EXJWs who do not want to deal with apostates of the faith, who spoke of this concerning this religious leader. From what I was able to gather thanks to someone there, although he is no longer of the body of religious leaders of Jehovah's Witnesses, he is most likely still among them. It should be noted that the person who uploaded the video was among the fold that took part in an attack against an Ex-bible student, child abuse survivor, so the person the uploader is affiliated with, need not worry much.

It was also mentioned by many, even Aubrey who now goes by the name @Dandelion Friend here that his videos were removed, this is false because as of recent, the sermons regarding this person can still be found even archived.

That being said, I always assumed the unaware folks are gullible outside of a faith, but it seems that anyone who takes the word of someone like the uploader, are just as gullible, when they, even the person in question, the apostate, has little to not information, and thrives off of speculation.


Exodus 23:1 - Do not spread false reports.

A verse that fly past the heads of many apparently. People make false reports and or speculative notions do so to gain support, recognition and listeners, not realizing they will cause more harm than good, be it the MSM or someone else.


On 6/12/2023 at 6:36 AM, Pudgy said:

So …. What happened to Tony Morris?

Next thing you know, probably some random disgruntled person will say that this religious leader roams NYC at night, fighting crime with the teenage mutant ninja turtles, and get this, people will believe it, at the same level as those who believe CNN to be trusted news.

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11 minutes ago, Matthew9969 said:

Such a life changing event for so many x-jw's. This is proof unfortunately soap operas will never truly dissappear.

Not all of them, remember, there are EXJWs who are 100% against Apostate EXJWs, hence the community in question which I alluded to a few minutes ago. The reason they are more isolated because they are often being attacked by disgruntled JWs over the years, such as the Rick Fearon types or by persons mentioned by @Witness here, like Marcus Vaughn. Although these EXJWs are no longer of the faith community, even gave legitimate reasons, even their expelling, they still retain moralistic views, which explains why they can speak, even converse with current JWs on a grounded level without a lot of the nonsense.

That being said, outside of the Morris thing, these JWs and EXJWs have been talking about a specific ally of the disgruntled JWs, which is resulting in people rising up against said ally. As for their thoughts on Morris, the majority noted he stepped down, some even now are speaking about what appears to be his son, who did something recently. It should be noted he is a Vietnam Vet, so health issues is also another factor.

The only reason you barely hear of this is because they are overshadowed by the disgruntled ones, same case with any Bible Student group or simply students of Scripture caught in the crossfire, such as Reslight, Simon Brown, and many more.

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4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

As for their thoughts on Morris, the majority noted he stepped down, some even now are speaking about what appears to be his son, who did something recently.

Wow! I’m certainly glad to get that breaking news!

Especially about some unknown persons at some unknown location speaking about what appears to be his son recently doing something!


Call out the Squad Cars!

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59 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

Especially about some unknown persons at some unknown location speaking about what appears to be his son recently doing something!

These persons are on a similar forum, such as this one, majority of them being Jehovah's Witnesses. Although similar, one can't join the forum via easy means, it is more strict to access because of what apostates did to them and former JWs a while back, so it is not easily found by some, granted, other places were hit and the prime targets were JWs or EXJWs that do not agree with disgruntled EXJWs.

The only reason I now know about this person's son [Jessie Morris], is because, from the information I got from my source, Sunrise Ezekiel, who goes to that forum (or use to go there as of recent), one of the JWs mentioned that the person in question is Anthony Morris' son from a recent post.


That being said, this is what Sunrise sent me -



Strict forums that are not easy to find isn't something uncanny, for instance, The Christian Stack Exchange, of which I am from, or the hyper restrictive community, The Truther Community I am also a part of, and the reason that one is far more strict and difficult for anyone to get into because often times a disgruntled person can expose someone and that results in legitimate harm done to someone directly or indirectly, mistaken action made against them, i.e. a member of the community saved someone, but was accidentally shot and killed by police, the MSM painted the not deceased person as bad guy, and he was only vindicated by the community, although the truth was drowned out. Another situation in another community I have seen, but not a part of, a woman of the community, 22 at the time, now she is 26, who was tracked down by a Gang Stalker who got into the community and tracked the woman down in an attempt to sexual assault her only to fail because the woman knows how to fight. As you can see, this is why some communities online are, in this case, isolated and whatever they do, they do as a group with trusted people, not random outsiders.

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11 hours ago, Pudgy said:

All that and not having to use smoke and mirrors!

What did you actually say about ANYTHING?


If the video, the goal is to create bias against someone you are against, which isn't uncommon by people like this, granted, the uploader was among the attackers of a man on YouTube who stopped part of a Warwick protest. All this hatred they have for not only JWs, but people like Anthony Morris, whom they mock, in one instance for begin against tight pants, but recently, create speculation and assumptions, to draw in viewers within the community. They did this with another JW leader, Stephen Lett, whom, it was mentioned elsewhere that he advocated for ending the lives on infants.... When in reality, the video was clipped and taken out of context. It is stuff like this why many groups, including Jehovah's Witnesses, take issue with Apostates.

For the forum, apparently they had more to say about Morris and his Son, but like I said, the forum is not that easy to access, especially the portion of the forums where it is exclusive to members only, similar to here where there is this club and a JW only club, and only those accepted by the mods can access the JW only club. I can ask Sunrise for more stuff, but the man doesn't really hang out too much on various platforms.

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