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United Nations and Watchtower plus 92nd class of Gilead

Srecko Sostar

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2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

Personally, I absolutely believe the WTS's explanation that it was all about access to the library. Any non-profit organization could already have standard access to the UN library, but the library was also a pre-Internet source of information about past, present and future UN backed seminars and reports, and therefore the advantages of becoming an NGO would have been seen as tempting. Those seminars are related to world health, world crime, religious persecution, holocaust memorials, etc., and are attended by writers, researchers, journalists and other religious and political organizations, too. In fact, the WTS still attends seminars that are backed by UN NGO's because it can help highlight the WTS's own involvement with some of these same issues. 

Paradox. The Israelites of old liked to occasionally seek help from Baal even though they primarily worshiped YHVH.
How can and should information from UN statistics become important for the theology and strengthening of the faith of followers and those who will become followers?

Yes, maybe there is nothing secret about being an NGO, but why was it hidden from the membership? Or to turn the question around; Why wasn't it proudly announced that WTJWorg was a member of the Library and that the supremacy of YHVH over Baal was thereby demonstrated?

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For some, I think it must be like the reason they tie C.T.Russell somehow to Freemasonry. There is absolutely no reason to think that CTR was a Freemason just because he was familiar with some of thei

If there are any “dots to connect”, an isolated tourist tour to the U.N. is not one of them.  I visited Disneyland once. That does not make me a Mousekateer.

I don't think I ever saw a Gilead tour letter for a U.N. tour. But the ones I have seen are very similar, and there is nothing in the writing or format of this one that looks odd. It's very much like

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The problem is, E.T., that there are people that will consider straight facts, such as the “Malawi Incidents”, accurately reported but which are an embarrassing strategic SNAFU of short sightedness, as a “distortion of the facts”.

There are others, such as myself, that believe that Jehovah’s Witnesses are the best bet Civilization and individuals can find, but recognize fully that the Leadership on Earth are as capable of colossal screw-ups and errors of judgement as individual people everywhere are capable of.  

“Jehovah of Armies” in the past knew that many strong, good and capable men would die in battle fighting for his interests, when he could have with a casual thought destroyed his enemies with no casualties on his side.

If you were in the United States Marines, and believed in the men an the mission, over time you would realize that many many men die and are forever wounded because of your Officer’s mistakes, bad judgement, personality quirks, greed and political pressure.

You may be justly or unjustly persecuted by these same Officers, perhaps even chastised onto death.…. that’s what the job entails.

Same thing with Jehovah’s People today.

That does NOT mean    you should pretend things that really happened, and bad policies never existed. Or do not exist now.

Reality is what it is.

Get used to it. 

The Universe is not impressed by many words, skillfully crafted.

Unfortunately …. the inexperienced are.

…… Pesky Humans!



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if you spasm “downvote” hard facts and straight common sense statements, I find it a “tell” to your agenda driven thought processes, absurd and comedic.

Why not instead pick something out, and challenge it on whatever basis you think is objectionable. It would certainly make it look like you were capable of rational thought, even if you are proved wrong.

Spasm downvoting just makes you look silly, irrational, and unable to defend your own agenda. It also makes you look petty, pouty, and motivated by a post hypnotic compulsion where you are “driven to the cliff”, and cannot turn away.

A hail of downvotes without a rational challenge to what you do not agree with does not advance your agenda or speak well for it.

It just makes you look whiney and petulant.


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FYI - I have ZERO resentment.  I went to the Elders and asked to be disfellowshipped so that the Brotherhood might not be associated with the accusations made against me. They were not inclined to do so.

As usual, your agenda driven thinking has betrayed you.

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…. anyone wishing to prove you wrong is a long task, but can do it simply.

Make a list of the actual facts presented that you have downvoted, and count the downvotes.

It’s a sad state when your being proved wrong so many times can be shown to be by your own hand. 


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